Chapter thirteen - Princess of control

The Special Class
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"-and then I out." I finished explaining what happened to the principal whom just popped up in front of me asking for my side of the story on what happened a day ago.


Like literally.


His ability's probably Teleportation, like Kai.


My class just finished listening to the 2 hours long lecture by Mrs Goo's teacher and it was bOring as hell. I was sleepy until the principal decided it was a good idea to give me a scare.


"Ms Bak is still missing from the incident and her parent's are uncontactable for some reason. Her two friends have already submitted a brief explanation on the incident. You are now let off the hook for you were acting in your defense while Chohee has to serve the punishment for abusing her ability and Jinah as an accomplice of the act. Thank you for the cooperation, Ms Kim Please proceed to your Training programme now," He said like a robot, scary..


So apparently the two queenkas came to my defense. 


Hm, at least they regret it. Now I just have to find out the hell is Filia De Imperium. Maybe the specials would know...



Speaking of the specials.


I spot Xiumin and Tao scrambling towards me while the rest walked behind, some looking amused, some looking irritated (Sehun) and some just smiling, I was then suffocated with a bear hug knocking all the air out of my lungs by the two old and young.

"YOU'RE OKAY!" Tao beamed before Kris pulled the two men off me. 

"Of course I'm okay, how can the only girl special die." I said jokingly but remembered my question and continued,

"By the way, you guys know the meaning of Filia De Imperium by any chance?"


They all froze, Kris reacted first looking very much panicked.

"Where..where did you hear that phrase from?" I contemplated into telling him the truth, they looked anxious.

"Uhh... well... I had a dream..." All twelve pairs of eyes burned into me.

"A-and?" Kris stammered a little.

I hesitated before spilling everything about the dream and regretted after when all colour drained for their faces.

The twelve specials looked away.

"Uh h-haha, Kris you tell her, we'll be going to the p-programme first." Lay dragged the rest away after, I glanced at Kris only to see his panic-stricken face.

I've never seen the leader so not calm.<

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Omg I found this awesome story called predator turned prey and the lead female of that story's name is Bak Hanmi. Like holy shat that's friggin awesome XD


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fayepopper #1
Chapter 66: Wahhhhhhhh I'm so excited for the end....... although it's already 2017
Chapter 66: i don't get it.. how did that happen? I thought Chen died or sth..??????
Chapter 31: my little heart is shattering
avisdawn #4
Chapter 66: I'm still patiently waiting ^^ just don't give up this story
SairoKate #5
Chapter 55: Is it just me (I think so) but when I keep reading this fanfic it kinda reminds me of Fairytail the anime cuz
First was Filia like HeartFilia but yep
Second was when Hanmi turned into a bird form like Lisanna
Third I think its because Im a fan of the anime xD
Chapter 66: Yayayayyaya update soon please
Sugardreamx #7
Chapter 66: Wait. what? Why is there xiumin? I'm confused
Sugardreamx #8

*off to continue read the story*
Amandaling #9
Chapter 41: Omg.. it's like hunger games???
Amandaling #10
Chapter 22: Omomonomomomomomom!!!! Feeeeellllssss