I want to see him~

When we met~


“Daniel-ah, wake up. We have to go!” yelled someone and slammed the door. Niel slowly opened his eyes. A bright light that was coming from the windows hit him. He felts dizzy for a while but later stood up and went towards the bathroom to wash up. After the  shower he went downstairs to talk to his mother. Niel already forgot why he’s up so early and where are they going. It was 8 am when he got downstairs. His mother was in the living room. *Why am I up..? I know she told me something last night, but I don’t remember* he scratched his neck and went in the room where his mother was.

“Finally you’re up Daniel” his mother said.

“Sorry umma… but where are we going?” he asked confused.

“Ah you already forgot Daniel-ah?” his umma shook her head. “We’re going to visit your grandma in the hospital… she’s sick”

“Oh… yeah” replied Niel.

“If you’re ready then we should go…” said his mother.



Youngmin was sleeping peacefully in his room when suddenly something hit his forehead. He quickly opened his eyes and saw a hand over his head. He was confused for a second until he moved his head to his right and saw a person next to him. It was Kwangmin, of course.

“YAH! What are you doing here?” yelled Youngmin.  

“What..?” said Kwangmin half asleep. “Just sleep” he said and faced the other way.

“Huh? Wake up!” Youngmin shook his twin roughly. “Aish! What are you doing in my bed?” he yelled again.

“Don’t yell you pabo!” said Kwangmin and sat up. “I’m up!” he rolled his eyes.

“You’re gonna answer the question or not?” Youngmin raised a brow.

“I don’t know… oh wait! I remember” said Kwangmin. “I had a nightmare”

“Just that?” Youngmin rolled his eyes. “Don’t ever come in my room again for that!” he said and got up. Youngmin went towards the bathroom but stopped when Kwangmin started talking.

“In my nightmare you… “ started Kwangmin and looked at his twin. Youngmin turned around to face him. “You died…”

“Again with that nightmare?” asked Youngmin.

“Mhm.” Nodded the younger twin.

Kwangmin has been having that nightmare since he was little and he would always go in Youngmin’s room to sleep next to him. He stopped having that nightmare a year ago but it appeared again. He himself doesn’t know why he’s having such a nightmare.

Youngmin just looked at his brother worriedly and then left the room. Kwangmin stayed in the room for a while and then he went out too. Kwangmin went in his room and grabbed his phone. He dialed Niel’s number and called him but Niel wasn’t picking up. Kwangmin bit his lip and sighed. He left his phone in his room and went out.

After the twins ate breakfast their mother told them to go and buy some groceries. They took the list and went out. On their way out they saw Chunji going home from work.

“Hii Chunji hyung” said Kwangmin and hugged Chunji.

*A hug… really?* thought Youngmin and rolled his eyes.

“Hey Kwangminnie” greeted Chunji and ruffled Kwangmin’s hair. “Youngmin.” Said Chunji and looked at the older twin.

“Hi” said Youngmin coldly.

“You’re going home hyung?” smiled Kwangmin.

“Yeah, finally” chuckled Chunji. “I’m glad I ran into you guys, I’m having a birthday party tonight you should come” he smiled.

“Okay, we’ll be there” smiled Kwangmin. “Oh hyung… where do you live?” he asked.

“Youngmin knows where” Chunji looked at Youngmin, smiled and with that he left.

“You know where he lives?” Kwangmin looked at his brother.

“Yeah” sighed Youngmin and continued walking.

“You’ve been to his house?” smiled Kwangmin.




“He kissed you there?” Kwangmin got excited.

“Yes” replied Youngmin. He wasn’t actually paying attention to the question. “Wait.. WHAT?” he yelled. “Don’t talk a bout that”

“Why not?~” pouted Kwangmin.

“Cause… Aish just don’t!”

“But you like him” Kwangmin poked his brother’s cheek.


“Yes! Aw look you’re already  blushing” chuckled Kwangmin.

“I am not!” said Youngmin blushing and entered the store.

After they bought all the groceries the twins went back home.

“So… are we going tonight?” Kwangmin nudged Youngmin.


“Why not?” whined Kwangmin.

“Aish you’re so annoying! What’s up with you this day?” asked Youngmin annoyed.

“… Nothing” said Kwangmin and went in his room.

Youngmin felt bad for yelling at his brother. He sighed and knocked on Kwangmin’s room. There was no reply.

“YAH! Kwangmin, open the door!” yelled Youngmin but there was still no reply. “Aish.. I’m coming in!” he said and walked in the room. There he saw  Kwangmin on the phone, but he wasn’t talking. Kwangmin placed his phone in his pocket and sighed.

“Who were you talking to?” asked Youngmin.

“No one” he sighed again. “Niel won’t pick up his phone”

“Well… um go over at his place”

“I can’t, maybe he’s sleeping” Kwangmin sat down on his bed.

“It’s 11 am”, he’s up”

“Nah I don’t want to bother him” said Kwangmin. “So why are you in my room?” he smiled.

“I um… I was wondering if you can… um find me some clothes… to wear um.. for  tonight” he blushed.

“I thought we’re not going”


Kwangmin chuckled at his brother and followed him to his room.



The twins were suppose to go at the birthday party at 9 pm. Youngmin’s day went very slow. He couldn’t wait to see Chunji hyung again. Even though he acts like he doesn’t like him or he doesn’t care, Kwangmin still know the truth.
It was 8:34 pm and they both were getting dressed for the party. Kwangmin was checking his phone every other second for a phone call from Niel. They haven’t seen each other all day. Kwangmin was getting worried and sad because Niel won’t pick up his phone. He thought that his boyfriend is avoiding him or something. Kwangmin doesn’t know that Niel was at the hospital all day.

At 9:10 pm the twins were already at Chunji’s house. When they entered there were a lot of people there. *How am I going to find Chunji hyung now?* he sighed and started to walk but someone grabbed him by his hand. Youngmin stopped and quickly turned his head to see who it was. *Chunji hyung* he thought and smiled.

“Hey” said Chunji and pulled Youngmin closer by his waist.

“H-hey” said Youngmin and blushed because of how close they were. Chunji chuckled and leaned in closer.

“CHUNJI HYUNG HAPPY BIRTHDAY” yelled Kwangmin and came in between them.

After Chunji and Kwangmin talked for a while and Youngmin just standing there awkwardly the older twin finally pulled his brother to talk to him.

“Seriously Kwangmin?” Youngmin raised a brow. “You did that cause I interrupted your make out session with Niel hyung, right?”


“Then why?”

“Cause … I thought that Chunji hyung was kissing someone else. Well was about to kiss…” Kwangmin laughed awkwardly.

“AISH! “ yelled Youngmin and left his brother. “I can’t believe him! Aish I hate him right now” sighed Youngmin. “Wait.. why am I even so angry about this?” he rolled his eyes and went out on the balcony.



“Chunji hyung!” Kwangmin nudged him. Chunji turned around.


“Is Niel hyung coming?” he asked. Kwangmin was looking kinda depressed.

“Yeah, he’s already here” replied Chunji.

“Where is he?”

“Um… I saw him over there a minute ago” said Chunji and pointed at the place he saw Niel.

“Thanks” said Kwangmin and left to look for Niel.

Kwangmin looked for him for 10 minutes and he couldn’t find him anywhere. Finally he found him talking and laughing with some guys. *He’s smiling… but why do I feel so depressed about it?* thought Kwangmin and sighed. He was standing so close to Niel, but Niel still didn’t see him. Kwangmin sighed again and left to get some drink. He wanted to see Niel all day but when he saw him now he just wanted to leave. He didn’t go over to say ‘hi’ because he thought he’ll bother his boyfriend. Niel  looked very happy while he was with his friends. He had never smiled or laughed like that in front of Kwangmin and that just made Kwangmin sad.



Youngmin was still at the balcony, staring at the stars. *Chunji hyung…* he smiled at that thought.

“Kwangmin?” said someone. But obviously he was wrong.

“I’m not Kwangmin!” Youngmin rolled his eyes and yelled. He turned around to see who was calling for his brother.

“What are you doing here?” Youngmin’s eyes were wide open in shock.



Who do you think called 'Kwangmin' (real Youngmin)? XDD 


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Chapter 19: I want a poster like this!!! Do you know how to contact Pabo♥Creations?
kissme21 #2
omo omo omo omo omo omo omo omo~
youre writing SECRETS??????

i just started reading that and almost cried!!!!
mello_marshmallow #5
u and love triangles man<br />
but its really good
jojo0330 #6
this story is so damn cute!!!
Gosh the wy that ended lolol . It made me laugh. XD. But me loved that story, I found it sooo long ago and now it's just over and I feel empty T__T
It ended?<br />
But I'm starting to read right now :D<br />
lov4ever #9
:)(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥