
When we met~


Niel sat on top of his bed. His hair rumpled and his face tear stained. Just staring at nothing. It seemed that nothing mattered to him. The thoughts of pain, hurt, and regret running laps in his mind. Sure the time at Ricky’s had helped. Some how his friend managed to get his mind off of Kwangmin and Youngmin. A shiver ran up his spine as he thought of the sobbing Youngmin and then the hurt Kwangmin.
Why can’t Youngmin just be happy for Kwangmin? Why must it go to the point that the two twins were going to give up on him. Why was it his fault? Grasping onto the sheets he screamed as his hands tightened. He had to do something to get the anger and utter shock out of his system. 
His head whipped to the side to see Chunji. “H-how’d you get in here?”
“The door was unlocked. “
He stood in the door way watching Niel. “This isn’t good for you.”
“Holding everything in.” He sat at the edge of Niel’s bed. “You know that you could’ve called me. I don’t really appreciate getting a frantic call from Ricky telling me to check up on you if I’m in the neighbourhood”  
Niel straightened himself out under Chunji’s gaze. “You have to face them sooner or later Niel.”
“I’d rather later . .” 
Chunji sighed and slung an arm over Niel’s shoulder. Without really thinking about it Niel buried his face in Chunji’s shoulder. Inhaling his scent. Something about it helped relax his tense body. “Go get cleaned up Niel.”
“Just do it. Araso?”
With shaking hands Niel nodded and scrambled towards the bathroom. As Niel got ready Chunji walked down to the kitchen. He leaned against the counter thinking over the plan that Ricky had quickly told him. Bring Niel down to the cake shop. *This better work Ricky. * 
Niel stumbled down the stairs. Chunji forced a smile onto his face. “Lets go.”
The two walked out of Niel’s apartment. Chunji glanced down at Niel.. He looked so vulnerable and so breakable at the moment. “You really did love him didn’t you?”
“What kind of question is that?” Niel’s eyes widened as he listened to what Chunji was saying. He shook his head. “Of course I loved him . .I still do!” His voice raising in volume. 
A little twitch at the corners of Chunji’s mouth was the only reaction. The door to the apartment across the hall opened. Kwangmin stood there leaning against the frame. 
He knew that he had made a mistake. But he wasn’t sure how much of one he made. First with Youngmin. Then letting Niel go.

The boy stood behind Chunji his hand on his friend’s shoulder. It was like he had decided to use Chunji as a shield. “Ne?”
“Can I talk to you . .alone?” Kwangmin didn’t have a problem seeing Niel behind Chunji. Really Chunji had positioned himself so that Niel had a hard time hiding behind him.
“Yeah Chunji hyung?”
“Go talk to him.”

Niel bit his lip but then he nodded. Kwangmin let a small smile on his lips.. “Niel . .I’ll wait right here araso?”
“Okay hyung.”
Niel dragged his feet as he walked into the twins’ apartment. “W-what did you want to talk about?”
Kwangmin shut the door and stared at Niel. He looked so hurt. “Well . .about what happened the other day.”
“Oh that .. look I’m serious. I didn’t mean anything by it . .it was a mistake. Youngmin looked so hurt and he just kissed me .. .and I just . .his lips just felt so . .familiar. . .that I just . .kissed him back . .I didn’t mean too. Kwang you have to believe me!” Everything came out in a rushed sentence. 
Niel nervously fiddled with his jacket zipper. A hand tilted his head up to look into his eyes. “I know. “
“No you don’t. I don’t want to come between you and Youngmin. I don’t, you’re both my friends. But Kwangmin you are my boyfriend . .or well you were. . . until that accident happened. I’m serious Kwang . .I don’t love him the way I love you.” Niel’s eyes started to water. Hastily he wiped his eyes. 
Kwangmin stood there looking down at him. “Look we both made mistakes. But . .lets try to make them right again?”
Niel’s eyes widened. “Y-you mean it?”
Slowly Kwangmin nodded. A smile tugged at Niel’s lips and he threw his arms around the taller boy. “Kamsahnamnida Kwangmin!”
Kwangmin chuckled before wrapping his arms around Niel and hugging him back.. “You’re welcome.”
“Well isn’t this just a tear jerker.” Youngmin mumbled as he pushed past the two of them. He roller his eyes and left the apartment.

“Oh Youngmin” said Chunji who was still waiting for Niel.
“Hyung.. what are you doing here?” asked Youngmin. He was surprise to see Chunji there.
“I came to see Niel” he smiled.
“Oh… okay” replied Youngmin and was about to leave but Chunji stopped him.
“And you” he grabbed his hand. Youngmin turned around to face him and a small smile appeared on his face.

He always feels better when he’s with Chunji. When he’s with him all his pain and problems go away.

“You… wanna get some cake? It’s my treat” chuckled Chunji.
“Sure” smiled Youngmin.

Chunji grabbed his hand and led him to the cake-shop. 






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Chapter 19: I want a poster like this!!! Do you know how to contact Pabo♥Creations?
kissme21 #2
omo omo omo omo omo omo omo omo~
youre writing SECRETS??????

i just started reading that and almost cried!!!!
mello_marshmallow #5
u and love triangles man<br />
but its really good
jojo0330 #6
this story is so damn cute!!!
Gosh the wy that ended lolol . It made me laugh. XD. But me loved that story, I found it sooo long ago and now it's just over and I feel empty T__T
It ended?<br />
But I'm starting to read right now :D<br />
lov4ever #9
:)(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥