Live High

Hold you close


When Baekhyun made his way to their towels he saw that there was a new face next to his best friend. “Hello.” He said as he gave the last glass to Sehun, who thanked him with a small nod. “Hey there.” The male said as he extended his hand. “Name’s Jongin, nice to meet you.” “Pleasure’s mine Jongin, Baekhyun.” He said to the tanned male. “I noticed that you already met one of my friends?” Jongin spoke as the smaller male sat down on the towel. Baekhyun blinked a few times before Jongin chuckled and pointed behind him “The bartender over there.” He said. “Oh the tall one with the deep voice?” Baekhyun said. “Yeah, that one. We work here for the summer; it pays well enough to stay until the end of it.” Jongin said. “Hey, we’re all free tomorrow, how about we all meet up here and hang out?”

“Euh, sure?” Kyungsoo said bluntly. “Yeah, sounds like a plan, we need someone to show us around anyway. “Okay, see you tomorrow then, how about 12 pm?” Jongin stood up and dusted his clothes off before staring at Kyungsoo who was staring up at him as well. “ Sure!” They all said in unison.


As they returned to the hotel room a few hours later, they cleaned themselves and ate a quick dinner before calling it an early night.  Everyone was tired from the flight and Sehun was beginning to get really moody so Tao took him back to their room, followed by Joonmyun and Yixing. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun stayed down in the lobby until their glasses were empty. “What did you think about that Jongin guy, soo?” Baekhyun suddenly asked. “Why?” “Well, you were eye-balling him as if he was some kind of new candy” “Oh, but he surely was a piece of candy. Have you seen those arms?” Kyungsoo laughed. “I have muscles like that as well!” Baekhyun exclaimed and flexed his biceps. “Nice try buddy. Nice try.” Kyungsoo stood up and stretched himself. “Let’s call it a night, shall we?”


That night, when he was sure Kyungsoo was asleep, Baekhyun sneaked out to the balcony and opened his journal, writing about where he was, who he met today and what they were planning on doing tomorrow. He apologized beforehand for not being able to write every night, even though he was sure that his parents wouldn’t mind if he didn’t, they wanted him to live his life to the fullest, so they would wait until he wrote something the following morning or evening.

I remember when dad said that we could go to Australia when I got older. I guess he kept his promise; it’s just that you’re not here and that pains me. I miss you guys so much, but this is what it is and right now, life if great for me. I’m lucky to have such great friends and I hope that this vacation will be the best every, aside from the road trip we went on before mom her accident. You guys should see the view from up here. It’s breath taking. Literally.” Baekhyun picked up his bag where he kept his journal and a view other things, included one of his dad’s old Polaroid cameras. He snapped a picture of the view and the camera printed it immediately. As soon as the picture was visible, he took a small piece of tape and attached the picture to the page he just wrote on. After that he closed the journal and hid it in his bag again, hiding the bag in the closet before crawling back underneath the covers.




Chanyeol raised his glass high as the whole crowd cheered for the band that had just performed. “CHANYEOL!” Jongin yelled in his ear, making him flinch slightly. “Wassup?” He said, Barely making himself audible above the loud music. “We’re leaving!” Jongin said, a little louder. “What? Why?” Chanyeol said as he was pulled away from the dancing crowd that surrounded them. “We’re meeting up with that group that arrived yesterday morning around 12 pm, can’t have you over sleeping. Chanyeol stared at him for a moment until a picture of Baekhyun’s smile flashed into his mind. “You mean Baekhyun and his friends?” “Yeah, I mean them, now let’s go Park Do-bi.” Chanyeol shook his head at the nickname and wondered why he even let his friends call him that. As soon as they arrived at Kris’s car, they got in and Kris dropped each of them off at their own apartment for the summer. “Sleep well, guys.” Chanyeol said when he got out of the car, being the first to be dropped off. He opened the door to his small beach house, which used to belong to his parents and walked inside, kicking his shoes off and shuffling into the living room. He took the remote of his stereo and turned it on, playing one of his favourite songs; Live high From Jason Mraz. He took a drink from the fridge and opened the terrace doors, sitting himself down on one of the chairs as he admires the nightly view of the ocean.


Chanyeol was born into a rich family; His dad owned one of the most successful companies in Seoul and had everything a boy of his age could wish for. But as everyone else, Chanyeol had his dreams and he didn’t want to have his future planned out for him. His parents, thankfully, understood this.

When Chanyeol was 11 years old, his opinion about love was simple; he just had to look at his parents. This all changed when he came home one day and heard a couple of weird noises coming from upstairs. When he came closer to the source of the sound he noticed that he was in front of his parent’s bedroom door. He opened it and found his father, with another woman that was definitely not his mother. He stared at them and they stared back in their state of being. “You told me no one was going to be home for hours!” the woman hissed. That’s when he recognized the voice. She was his father’s assistant. He took a step backward and ran. Chanyeol ran as fast as he could. When he arrived at his destination; the company his dad owned and his mother worked at, he opened the doors and was greeted by several familiar faces. He made his way up to his mom’s office and told her everything.

That night was hell for the eleven year old Chanyeol. He heard his mom yelling and crying, glasses breaking and doors slamming. When she came into his room, with one of his sport bags, she threw half of his clothes into it and told him to come with her. “Where are we going?” Chanyeol said. “We’re going to stay with grandma and grandpa for a while okay? Don’t worry Chanyeol, take your guitar with you.” His mom pointed at his guitar in the corner and he walked over to pick it up. When he walked next to her, down the stairs of their mansion, she patted his hair and opened the front door, Chanyeol didn’t dare to look into the living room, not being able to handle the damage, not only done to the room, but to his normal life as well.

His parents divorced several weeks later and after a lot of talking and deal making, His mom got the Guardianship over Chanyeol. Chanyeol’s dad might have cheated on his mom and he hated him for it, but the man certainly wasn’t an . He bought a decent house just out of the city and made sure it was liveable.


Chanyeol swallowed hard and leaned back in his chair. He remembered when he asked his mom about love and her answer wasn’t exactly what he hoped to hear. “For some people, Love is a beautiful thing. For others it’s just a fairytale with a horrible ending. You can only be truly happy with the one that’s truly destined to be with you.”  He believed her, every word. He soon changed his mind when he his girlfriend, whom he had been together with for 2 years, cheated on him with one of his high-school best friends. That was the moment that Chanyeol decided that there was no such thing as love. Love was pain and he had enough of it.

When he glanced over at the clock, he noticed that it was already late and decided that it was time for some sleep. He was totally getting into that Baekhyun guy’s pants and no one was going stop him from doing so.




Kyungsoo dressed into his favourite swim trunks and waited for Baekhyun to get out of the bathroom so they could finally get a move on. It was 11 am and they didn’t have breakfast yet. “Baek, hurry up!” he said, right in that moment, Baekhyun walked out of the bathroom and raised an eyebrow. “Calm down soo, we have all the time in the world to have breakfast and if we don’t we’ll have it on the beach.” Baekhyun said as he stuffed towel and a few other items in a backpack and walked over to the door.

When they walked towards the elevator, they noticed that they were missing the two youngest. “Where are Tao and Sehun?” Kyungsoo asked. “They will be down with us in a few minutes, let’s move ahead of them” Yixing said, with a smile as he pressed the button in order to let the elevator come up to their floor.

Tao and Sehun joined the group at the table a few minutes after they sat down and they got their meals served in a short amount of time after that. Laughing and talking during the whole event. Around 11;45 am, the boys made their way out of the door and towards the beach. When they arrived, they spotted the other group of boys in the distance. There were a couple of new faces. A really tall, short black hair and hard faced male that leaned against one of the trees, a small, child like looking blonde with a perfectly cute face and a guy with brown hair and a expression that screamed ‘’. Of course, Jongin and the guy that tried to hit on Baekhyun the day before were there to. They introduced themselves and It turns out, the guys in order of description were names; Kris, Luhan and Chen. Baekhyun smiled as he got the last hand extended. “Chanyeol.” The tall bartender said. “Ah, the guy that tried to flirt with me yesterday.” Baekhyun said, a smug smirk on his face. “Yeah, the guy has a name though.” “Nice to meet you Chanyeol.” Baekhyun shook his hand and with that done, they all made their way closer to the sea, placing their towels in the sand as Kris and Chanyeol went to rent some surfboards.


After watching Chanyeol, Kris and Chen surfing, Baekhyun lifted himself up and walked over to Chanyeol, who just came out of the sea, his hair a mess and a dorky smile on his face. ‘Handsome.’ Baekhyun thought as he stopped in front of him. “Hello,” Chanyeol said, pricking his board into the sand. “Hey, can you...” Baekhyun pointed towards the board. , “Teach me that?” Chanyeol shifted his gaze from the board towards the boy in front of him. “Sure.” Was the only thing the taller one said, shoving Baekhyun towards the sea and leaving his board behind. “But I want a break first.” He pulled Baekhyun along with him and when the sea was deep enough to reach his navel and that’s when Chanyeol tugged him under water with him, they came up, laughing and splashing each other with water. They talked for a while and told each other about their lives. Baekhyun left the death of his parents out and Chanyeol left the part of his life out where he was only interested in Baekhyun for his pretty face and his . But besides that, they had an amazing time, Chanyeol tried to teach Baekhyun how to surf and when they were both sitting on the board, Baekhyun whining about how he will never get it, Chanyeol scooted closer and whispered in a soft tone; “You can do anything if you keep trying.” It made Baekhyun smile a small smile. Suddenly, He noticed that Chanyeol’s face was a little close for his comfort and he pulled back, clearing his throat and blinking a few times. “Did you just try to kiss me?” “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- are you even interested in bo-“ “I’m bi-ual, and you met me yesterday, take it slow cowboy.” Baekhyun flicked his forehead and let out a laugh.


When the pair got back at the shore, Chanyeol placed his surfboard against a tree and sat down on his towel. They were met with one of jongin’s wonderful ideas. “Let’s meet up here tonight again.” He said, a smirk on his face. “Why?” Kris said when he arrived at the towels, Chen following close behind him. “We could meet up at the campfire over there” Jongin pointed towards a couple of dunes. “It’s behind those dunes, no one’s there today so we can have it all for ourselves.” “Sounds like a plan to me, we’re free tomorrow anyway. So let’s just go there since there is no party anywhere nearby.” Chen said, nudging Kris in the side. “Fine.” He grumbled. Baekhyun could feel Tao’s eye-roll behind him, knowing he didn’t stand those types of guys.

“Are you guys in as well?” Jongin asked Kyungsoo. “Euh,” Kyungsoo glanced over to Baekhyun with his hopeful, big eyes. “We’ll be there.” Baekhyun answered and Kyungsoo gave him a smile of gratitude.

They stayed at the beach, ate lunch and Chanyeol tried to teach Baekhyun how to surf until the sun was setting and they went back to their places to get ready for the night. When Baekhyun walked out off the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, he spotted Kyungsoo at the mirror, styling his hair in one of his favourite ones. “Whatcha doing~” Baekhyun squeaked, making Kyunsgoo jump. “Jesus, don’t sneak up on me like that.” He said. “Sorry,” Baekhyun smirked and dressed himself in a simple skinny-jeans and one of his favourite shirts.


The walk to the dunes was taking a little longer than planned since Sehun and Yixing stopped by a couple of shops, they even had to drag Tao out of them a couple of times before he would spend all his money on clothes and other stuff that he certainly did not need.

When they arrived, the other group was already there and another face was added. His name was Xiumin and he seemed like the nice type of guy. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo sat down on one of the logs. Baekhyun smiled at Chanyeol next to him, who offered him a marshmallow. “Thanks.” Baekhyun said, taking a bite of the sticky candy.

They sat like that for a while, listening to the stories everyone told as they got to know each other better.”Park Do-bi, did you bring your guitar.” The nickname ripped an annoyed groan from Chanyeol’s throat and he nods into jongin’s direction. “Play something then.” Jongin demanded as he snuck an arm around Kyungsoo, who leaned into the touch almost immediately. “You play guitar?” Baekhyun asked as Chanyeol reached behind him to get the instrument out of its case. “Yes, I do. Do you by any change, Sing?” Chanyeol asked, a smirk forming on his face. “No I don’t” “Yes he does!” Sehun exclaimed. “Shut up!” “He’s a great singer!” Joonmyun and Kyungsoo said at the same time. “Great, do you know this song then?” Chanyeol played a tune and Baekhyun nodded. Yes, he knew this song all too well. “Please sing for us.” Chanyeol said, a charming smile shining on his face. “Okay fine.” Baekhyun said after a deep sigh. Chanyeol started playing again and Baekhyun sang along, Kyungsoo joining him along the way. When the song ended, Chanyeol pulled him closer and hugged him. Baekhyun felt his face heat up a little and smiled at him. “That was great, we should do that more often.” The taller male spoke. “I’m sorry, but this was your once in a lifetime Byun Baekhyun concert.

All of them laughed and Chanyeol shook his head. “We’ll see about that.” He said.





Sorry for taking so long on the update, i'm in the middle of my finals right now and URGHHH I got so much inspiration while i was studying. I'm gonna fail so hard because of this sobs.

anywaysssss Enjoy this new chapter and I hope it's not TOO HORRIBLE 

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SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG, I'm really busy and I can't find the time to write or finish chapters. please bear with me T_T


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SquishieMochi #1
Chapter 20: I just read this fanfic and the way you made them not just fall in love and live happily ever after, but adding conflict between the two and then making them realise they need each other makes me so happy, and I hope this fic will get a update someday ^^

Btw I really love Kyungsoo in this fic. He really is just looking out for his best friend, and thats really sweet :)

Thank you for this fic, Author-nim!
Chapter 20: Why chanbaek is always cute????
I can't handle my breath omggggg
I love this lovey dovey hehehe
Chapter 20: Double updateee o(*^▽^*)oヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Im happy! So cuteeeeeee
Chapter 19: omg wow! glad that yeol's uality was accepted easily by his dad, well, baek's the son of the dad so.

And lol at the ending hahaha aaaay
Chapter 18: Auhhh welcome back ~ I missed you so much, authornimmm

You skip the time from the last chapter?
hellokitty99 #7
Chapter 18: I missed you soooooooo much I'm so happy that you updated!!!! This is absolutely amazeballs thanks for updating!
Chapter 18: aigoo❤
soo, just please let baek follow his heart. just guide him oh god o<-<
Chapter 17: new reader here!
i subscribed to this a long time ago but only got around to read it when you last update~

wow i absolutely love this fic so much baekyeol feeeelssss i kennot!
Chapter 17: WUHUUUUUUU YOURE BACKKK !! Welcome back authornim ~
I really love this chap ~~~~