
Hold you close

-24 hours prior-


“Hey, don’t you want to join us? We’re going to watch a movie.” Jongdae leans against the doorpost of Baekhyun’s bedroom, showing one of his polite smiles for the other.

Baekhyun turns into his chair and smiles back at the other while shaking his head. “No thanks.”


He turns back to his laptop and starts typing again, only to stop again when he hears the door close behind him and footsteps towards his desk, so he turns around again to see that Jongdae’s smile had changed into a concerned frown. “Baekhyun, be honest with me here. Do you still miss him?”

The elder sighs and leans back into his chair. “Who?” Jongdae chuckles and walks over to the corner of Baekhyun’s room to sit down onto his bed.


“You know who I mean, Baekhyun. The others may try to protect you by refraining of saying his name, but I’m not that kind of person, especially since you’re suffering so much.”

“I have no idea what you-“ “I saw you’re face when you got the card, don’t play dumb with me.” Jongdae frown deepened, crossing his arms and leaning them onto his knees. “Let me repeat my question in a different manner and be honest. Do you, or do you not, still miss park Chanyeol.”


The elder just sighs and averts his gaze towards the ground. “Yes, I still miss him.”

The room falls silent except for the sound of their breathing and eventually the sound of socks shuffling across the carpet. When Baekhyun looks up, Jongdae is holding another envelope. “What’s this?” he whispers. “You guys weren’t technically dating, how about you give the guy another chance.” He hands Baekhyun the envelope and walks back towards the door of his room. “Meet me at the front door around 3 am.” Click. The door closes and Baekhyun is left behind it, confused as ever.


He stares at the envelope in his hand and carefully opens it. He glances inside of it and frowns, looking back up and towards the door again with the confused expression still in place.

With delicate fingers, he takes the thin package out of the envelope and holds it in front of his face.

“Give him another chance hm?”


-Present time-


“Hello Baekhyun.”

“Hello Chanyeol.”

. Maybe he wasn’t ready after all. “Ah, Mr. Park, I’ll leave you two to talk.”

“Thank you.” Mr. Park? What is this all about? Isn’t he just an employee here? I’m so confused...


“What a nice surprise to see you here.” Chanyeol leans over the counter and takes Baekhyun’s empty glass to set it aside. Baekhyun just nods as he bites his lower lip, folding his hands onto the counter to stare at them, anything but looking Chanyeol into the eye. “I understand if you don’t want to speak or see me, so I’ll leave you be. Have a nice holiday Baek.”


The younger straightens himself to leave, but before he can remove his hand from the counter, long fingers wrap around his waist. He notices Baekhyun’s hand around his wrist and smiles a little to himself. “We need to talk, properly, without all the hysteria of two years ago.” The smaller glances up through his bangs and Chanyeol feels himself smile. “I’ve got to help out here, Meet me here at 8 okay?” Baekhyun nods and let’s go of the younger’s wrist.


Chanyeol turns around to serve another customer, but not before turning his face and grinning. “By the way, you look great.” All Baekhyun can do is blush like a teenage girl before hopping from his chair to take a walk across the beach.

Around 5 am, the next shift of the day showed off and Chanyeol gave them the instructions before hopping over the counter again. He made his way towards the storage behind the building where he dressed himself into his swim trunks and neatly folded his clothes; he shoves them inside a small locker before picking up his surfboard. “I have 3 hours to spare, no need to be all neat and classy around Baek anyway.” He mumbled to himself as he crossed the beach.


Wave after wave after wave came to him and Chanyeol noticed that the sun was setting. “.” He peddled back towards the coast, noticing a familiar figure in the sand when he got closer.


Baekhyun played with the sand between his toes as he watched Chanyeol surf. He had always admired the younger for his skills and he still at it. It was 8;10 and Baekhyun had found himself onto the sand 15 minutes before they were supposed to meet up.


When Chanyeol emerged from the water, combing his wet hair backwards with his fingers and placing his surfboard next to Baekhyun he smiled. “How late am I?” He asked as he sat down beside the other. “Only 10 minutes, it’s okay. I like watching you surf.”  “I’m still sorry.”


They sit in a somewhat awkward, but at the same time comfortable silence until Baekhyun suddenly speaks up. “Why didn’t you come along with the guys, Chanyeol?” The name felt familiar on Baekhyun’s tongue, but at the same time it felt so foreign to pronounce it.


“I figured that you wouldn’t want me there.” It was an honest answer, and the man next to him smiled down at him. The smile was sad but at the same time it was sincere. “Congratulations on graduating, by the way.” “Thank you.”

Again. Silence.


“Baek, I wanted to apologize again, for the stunt I pulled you- I- I was drunk and I still regret what I’ve done, every single day.” “I know, I’m sorry for telling you to off, I’m sorry for leaving, for yelling, for being absolutely stupid.” “I’m the one that screwed up, Baekhyun, that was me. Not you. You had every single right to be pissed at me.” Chanyeol turns into the sand so that he is facing Baekhyun. “Will you forgive me?” Baekhyun looks up and into the younger’s eyes, they’re pleading and begging him to forgive him. He just sighs and smiles at the other.


“We weren’t technically dating, back then.” He says. Chanyeol’s expression chances into a confused one. “What do you mean?” Baekhyun chuckles. “You never asked me, so I wasn’t your official boyfriend. You were allowed to do whatever you want.” “Did you talk to Jongdae?” “I did, and it makes perfect sense.”


Chanyeol sighs and shakes his head. “No, Baek, I loved you. I betrayed you. I don’t even get why I’m asking for-“ “Loved? In like- You don’t love me anymore?” Chanyeol opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out so he closed it again.


“Do you still love me?” the younger asks when they stay silent for some time. “I tried to forget about you, deleted your number from my phone, gave my camera to Kyungsoo, I didn’t want to remember. But a few months ago, when I thought I could finally move on, I reached the last page of my dairy.” Chanyeol’s head, which was previously hanging loosely to stare at the ground, shot up and his eyes went wide. “I found your entry. I wanted to as you; when did you write it?”


“Remember when we went to the lake? The water, the fun, the talks, and the food we brought with us-“ “The .” “Yeah, the . You kind of passed out after that, I remember searching for something in your bag and I found your journal or dairy, I don’t know. I read a few things and it kind of just happened. It was right before I made, I can safely say, the biggest mistake in my life.” He smiled sadly.


“I already forgave you. I thought it was really sweet. However, after I found it, I took my camera back from Kyungsoo and for the first time in months I saw the pictures we had taken throughout the vacation. That was the moment when I realized that I was missing something. I realized that I was missing you.” He bit his lip and pulled his knees up against his chest.


“I’ve missed you to, Baek, I missed you a ing lot and I never forgave myself for what I did, How can you even-“ He was cut off when Baekhyun suddenly shot up and pushed his lips against his own.

Eyes wide and with his breath stuck in his throat, Chanyeol slowly registered what was happening before kissing the elder back.


It was soft and delicate, no rush, no lust or want, just the two of them. In that moment. Together after a long time.

Chanyeol placed his hands onto the elder’s hips and lightly pushed him back into the sand as he leaned himself over him before breaking away. “I love you.” “I love you to.” “That’s way better than ‘ off’” They laughed.


Baekhyun lifts his hand and slowly brings it up to the younger’s face, caressing his cheeks with the back of his hand. “Don’t ever do something like that to me again.” He whispers. Chanyeol shakes his head and pecks the older’s lips. “Never, because you are mine now. “ “I’ve been wanting to hear those words for years now.”




Are you guys happy now?

I mean- I didn't want baekhyun to suffer more than he did already.

I wanted them to be together again

so that I can write lovey dovey stuff

I need a relationship...

And a life,,.

And more baekyeol

Please leave a comment for feedback and I will use it to improve my writing! 



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SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG, I'm really busy and I can't find the time to write or finish chapters. please bear with me T_T


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SquishieMochi #1
Chapter 20: I just read this fanfic and the way you made them not just fall in love and live happily ever after, but adding conflict between the two and then making them realise they need each other makes me so happy, and I hope this fic will get a update someday ^^

Btw I really love Kyungsoo in this fic. He really is just looking out for his best friend, and thats really sweet :)

Thank you for this fic, Author-nim!
Chapter 20: Why chanbaek is always cute????
I can't handle my breath omggggg
I love this lovey dovey hehehe
Chapter 20: Double updateee o(*^▽^*)oヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Im happy! So cuteeeeeee
Chapter 19: omg wow! glad that yeol's uality was accepted easily by his dad, well, baek's the son of the dad so.

And lol at the ending hahaha aaaay
Chapter 18: Auhhh welcome back ~ I missed you so much, authornimmm

You skip the time from the last chapter?
hellokitty99 #7
Chapter 18: I missed you soooooooo much I'm so happy that you updated!!!! This is absolutely amazeballs thanks for updating!
Chapter 18: aigoo❤
soo, just please let baek follow his heart. just guide him oh god o<-<
Chapter 17: new reader here!
i subscribed to this a long time ago but only got around to read it when you last update~

wow i absolutely love this fic so much baekyeol feeeelssss i kennot!
Chapter 17: WUHUUUUUUU YOURE BACKKK !! Welcome back authornim ~
I really love this chap ~~~~