Why? (Part 2, Chanyeol's POV)

Hold you close

Chanyeol awakens by the sound of the soft rustling of the curtains. He stretches himself and rolls over to cuddle with Baekhyun, only to find the spot empty and cold. He frowns and sits up in his bed, spotting Baekhyun’s backpack still on the desk chair in his room. “Baekhyun?” he calls out, flinching at the sound of falling pans and silver ware in the kitchen. Chanyeol throws the covers off of him and dresses himself in his underwear and a pair of sweats, exiting the room he’s greeted with the smell of fresh baked eggs and bacon.

He turns the corner in the hallway and smiles at the kitchen, not quite seeing his boyfriend inside of it yet. “Baekhyun? You didn’t have to make us breakfast you kn-“His breath catches in his throat as he takes notice of the person in the kitchen.


“” he curses under his breath. , , ! I did it again, great job Chanyeol, great ing job. The tall male thinks. “Good morning.” The girl in the kitchen chirps with a smile on her face. “I- I’m sorry, but would you mind telling me who you are and what happened?” “You don’t remember?”She asks and Chanyeol just shakes his head. “Maybe you should sit down for a moment.” He nods again and takes place at the kitchen table as she places a mug of coffee in front of him. She sits across from him and smiles shyly. “I guess it’s pretty obvious what we did last night, but I’ll tell you what happened.” He looks up at her and chuckles. “Yeah, we obviously had .” She nods and twirls her head around her finger. “You were calling out someone’s name all night long; you said it when you walked into the kitchen as well.”


He stares at her for a moment and sighs, stretching his arms in an attempt to loosen them up. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember anything, I was-“ “You were drunk and I took advantage of that, I should be the one apologizing, I’m sorry.” She shoved her chair back and walked past the table until Chanyeol grabbed her arm. “Where are you going?” “To my hotel.” She smiles at him and he loosens the grip onto her arm. “The bathroom is across my bedroom, take a shower and freshen up if you want to. Oh and I’ll save some breakfast for you to take with you, okay?” he says, he can punch himself into the face and drown himself into the ocean, but he stays a gentleman. “Thank you.” She whispers.


True to his word, Chanyeol places some of the freshly made breakfast on a plate and covers it with aluminium to keep it warm. When the girl retreats from his bedroom, fresh and clean he hands her the plate and shows her out of the door, a cab already waiting to pick her up. “Sorry, again.” “Don’t worry about it, I’ll fix this.”  

As soon as he closes the door behind him, he dashes into his bathroom to take a nice and refreshing shower. He knows that Baekhyun knows, otherwise he would have called or something.


Chanyeol leans against the tiles in the shower and turns the water from the nice warm temperature to an ice cold one, splashing it into his face a few times before shampooing his hair. He wants to fix this, when he saw the girl in his kitchen this morning, something felt out of place and he didn’t like it. He closes his eyes, an image of Baekhyun smiling flashing in front of his eyes, which makes the tall male smile as well. When he exits his bathroom and walks into the living room as he tries to pull his shirt over his head, he hears the front door open and being slammed shut again. “Baek? Is that you?” Chanyeol walks over to the hallway and is met with a fist slamming onto his jaw, he falls to the floor and groans in pain. “Knock knock motherer.”


He stares at the tanned male in front of him before Jongin grabs his collar and slams him into the wall, knocking off a few things from the bookshelf next to it. “What the , Jongin!” He growls, attempting to push the younger one back. Before he can even lift his hands, he receives another blow against his cheek and he falls to the ground, head slamming against the floor when he lands. “I think he gets it, Jongin.” Chanyeol wipes the small trail of blood from his chin and glares at the two males in front of him.


Jongin is glaring right back at him, panting and chest heaving. Kyungsoo however, is as calm as ever and offers his hand to Chanyeol. “Now, let’s patch you up and have a nice chat about how you betrayed my best friend by having with someone else.” The younger states as he pushes Chanyeol onto a kitchen chair. “I smell breakfast, did she make breakfast for you?” Jongin growls. “Shut the up Jongin.” The older growls back. “I’m not the one having trouble keeping my inside of my pants, park mothering Chanyeol!” “Yeah right, like you didn’t have a different girl in your bed every ing night.” “Yes, I acknowledge that. But I do not, I REPEAT, DO NOT! Take Kyungsoo for granted. You however, mothering , forget that someone who fell in love with you and, last time I checked, you fell in love with as well, was supposed to go home with you last night. But instead, he went back to his hotel room last night and we found him there this morning in the worst state you could possibly think of.”

“Jongin, sit down.” Kyungsoo says from the other side of the kitchen, noticing that the youngest had grabbed Chanyeol by the collar of his shirt again.


Eventually, Kyungsoo gets Jongin to calm down and sits down himself, he hands Chanyeol an ice package and tells him to press it against his face. “Tell me what he told you.” Chanyeol mumbles against the ice-pack, Kyungsoo nods and takes a deep breath.


When Kyungsoo finishes the story, Chanyeol has his face against the table, tears escaping his closed eyes and falling to the ground. “You have to fix this, Chanyeol. Baekhyun is very sensitive when it comes to trusting people, especially since his father died.” “I’m going to fix this, I’m not going to let him go, ever.” Chanyeol sobs before he stands up and grabs his keys. “We’ll wait for you to come back.” Jongin says as he leans back in his chair.


The brunette rushes out of the door and towards his car, as he gets in, he tosses Baekhyun’s backpack in the back and starts the engine, heading straight for the older male’s hotel. Kyungsoo had given him the spare key card to the room just in case he would need it. When he parks his car in front of the lobby doors, kills the engine and steps out, he feels slightly nauseous, grabbing the backpack from the backseat he locks his car and walks inside, greeting the doorman with a polite smile.

6th floor, door 365. Make sure to knock first and when he doesn’t answer or refuses to open the door, use the card. Kyungsoo’s voice echoes in his head. Chanyeol closes his eyes and thinks of a way to convince Baekhyun to forgive him for this stupid mistake. He chuckles to himself. Why would he? He should just kick him in the nuts and leave him behind, find someone who’s better for him.


He drags his feet across the hallway, his eyes scanning the numbers on the door absent minded, until he reaches Baekhyun and Kyungsoo’s room. “Here goes nothing.” He whispers. Chanyeol hopes for Baekhyun to forgive him, of course he does, he wants Baekhyun to talk to him, kick him on his shins and kiss it better. Can’t get my hopes up. Knock. Knock Knock.

He waits, knocks again and waits again. After 5 minutes of waiting, he reaches into the pocket of his jeans and fishes the key card out, swiping it across the small device on the door without hesitation. He finds the room completely empty. The tall male blinks a few times and walks into the room, placing the backpack onto the small desk. “Baek?” No reply. “What the hell” he whispers.


Scanning around the room, Chanyeol spots a small note onto Baekhyun’s pillow.

Taking a walk, usual place.




WHEEPS, This will be a double update! :) 

Thank you for sticking with the story up untill here and Please leave a comment so that I can improve my writing!

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SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG, I'm really busy and I can't find the time to write or finish chapters. please bear with me T_T


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SquishieMochi #1
Chapter 20: I just read this fanfic and the way you made them not just fall in love and live happily ever after, but adding conflict between the two and then making them realise they need each other makes me so happy, and I hope this fic will get a update someday ^^

Btw I really love Kyungsoo in this fic. He really is just looking out for his best friend, and thats really sweet :)

Thank you for this fic, Author-nim!
Chapter 20: Why chanbaek is always cute????
I can't handle my breath omggggg
I love this lovey dovey hehehe
Chapter 20: Double updateee o(*^▽^*)oヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Im happy! So cuteeeeeee
Chapter 19: omg wow! glad that yeol's uality was accepted easily by his dad, well, baek's the son of the dad so.

And lol at the ending hahaha aaaay
Chapter 18: Auhhh welcome back ~ I missed you so much, authornimmm

You skip the time from the last chapter?
hellokitty99 #7
Chapter 18: I missed you soooooooo much I'm so happy that you updated!!!! This is absolutely amazeballs thanks for updating!
Chapter 18: aigoo❤
soo, just please let baek follow his heart. just guide him oh god o<-<
Chapter 17: new reader here!
i subscribed to this a long time ago but only got around to read it when you last update~

wow i absolutely love this fic so much baekyeol feeeelssss i kennot!
Chapter 17: WUHUUUUUUU YOURE BACKKK !! Welcome back authornim ~
I really love this chap ~~~~