
If You Were Not A Dream

A/n: First & foremost, I am deeply apologizing for this super late update ;____;


Ae Ra could not take her eyes off Jiyong’s intent look. She was rooted there, under his unfazed stare and silently watched him taking steady steps towards her.


How long was it? How many years had passed? 3 years? 4 years? She didn’t know anymore. But it was just like yesterday, when Jiyong held her in his arms, smiling down at her, pecked her cheeks affectionately. Sometimes she wondered if she fooled herself, that those moments Jiyong was with her were just an imagination, a dream. They were real, but at the same time they felt so vague, so unreal.


“Hi….” Hearing his tentative greet when he was about a metre away from her, Ae Ra almost chuckled.


“Hi.” She just smiled back.


“Do we...know each other?” He asked her in English with a genuinely confused face


“I know you.” She replied him calmly, and she could see the way his eyes sparkled upon hearing her speaking back to him in Korean. “G-Dragon-ssi.”


“But I felt like I met you somewhere.” He said.


Sooner or later, he would know who she was. But right at this moment, Ae Ra didn’t wanna unveil all of herself to him, G-Dragon. Right now standing in front of her was G-Dragon, not her Jiyong.


“Is this a pick-up line?” She just asked back easily. “For me, I surely saw you many times before.”


Jiyong was taken aback by Ae Ra’s response, but he hid his surprise well. “No. I was honest. Don’t misunderstand this for anything else.” He replied her smoothly, taking a deep breath and straightened himself. “


“Don’t be mad.” She grinned. “I was disguising my bewilderment with you talked to me by joking.” She looked down and fiddling with her feet, trying not to act all shy and awkward. “But it seems you didn’t get it.” She murmured under her breath.


“What are you doing here anyway?” After a long silence with Ae Ra still took more interested in her feet more than Jiyong in flesh in front of her, she heard Jiyong asked. Looking up, she saw his face. That infamous poker face of G-Dragon. Crap. She ruined her very first reunion meeting with him.


But she could not just jump into his arms and saying nonstop to him that “I’ve missed you.”


“Just wandering.” She said simply, looking around. “It’s a nice day.” She turned back to him only to find he still gazed at her intensely. “You?”


“I don’t know.” He shrugged. He continued looking at her for a while, trying to comprehend what just happened, why suddenly things turned out unexpectedly like this. “I’ve….gotta go.”


“Alright.” Ae Ra smiled sadly and stepped aside. “It was nice seeing you here, G-Dragon-ssi.”


Jiyong nodded. And after several seconds bargained with himself, he walked away, passed her, without saying a word.


Like how he walked passed by his fans.


When Jiyong was out of her sight, a strong pain attacked Ae Ra’s heart, making her hard to breathe. She clutched on her chest, the other hand grab onto the metal banister to steady herself. Tears were flooding in her eyes, and she sat down on her feet, already crying.






Kwon Jiyong never felt like that in front of a girl.


No. G-Dragon never felt like that in front of a girl.




He was embarrassed.


That girl was weird. When he looked at her, she gave her this feeling that she knew exactly what was going on with him, but she just didn’t wanna admit it, whatever it was. She knew, yet she didn’t tell him. She enjoyed seeing him confused and lost.


Or she was just trying to impress him.


Sighing, Jiyong kicked the door shut behind his back a little bit forcefully. When he walked further into the hotel room, Youngbae was sitting comfortably on the sofa and looking up from the magazine he was reading.


“Where have you been?” Youngbae noticed right away Jiyong’s sulky mood. “What’s wrong?”


“I don’t know.” Jiyong grumbled. “When we have to go?” He tossed his phone and rings carelessly on the sofa, making them landed dramatically next to Youngbae.

“A few more hours, don’t worry.” Youngbae check his watch. “It’s still very early to party.” He chuckled.


“I’ll shower then.” Jiyong grunted and dragged himself towards the bathroom, not forgot to yell before closing the door. “Call Seungri and asked if he settled things with Nara yet. I’ll murder him if when we come back they’re still not talking.”


Youngbae just could rolled his eyes. He never and already gave up on the effort of understanding Jiyong’s protective demeanor towards Nara. Being Jiyong’s best friend, he knew from the start that it’s not any romantic feeling, more like how an oppa should treat his sister, but that’s even weirder. They could have tons of male friends, but only very fews of female. If girls weren’t for dating, or just a casual fling, then they would keep a distance to girls in general, being polite just enough. Girls weren’t for friends. Unless, like, if she was one of their friends’ girlfriend, like, Nara being Seungri’s, they would become friend.


But Jiyong to Nara, it’s always something more affectionate. Even Seungri thought Jiyong preferred Nara to him.


“Seungri yah, what are you doing?” Youngbae asked when the other line picked up. “Yah, are you drunk? Again?” He frowned when he heard grumbles responded.


“Hyung….” Seungri hiccupped. “Take Jiyong hyung to somewhere, or stay in Paris forever, don’t come back to Korea anymore.” He slurred in a drunk voice. “Don’t let him near me...He’ll kill me for sure.”


“What’s wrong? Did you do something wrong? Again?” He added, hoping to lightened the maknae.


“I hurt his precious princess.” He laughed bitterly. “Hyung always favors her anyway….”


“I already told you maknae.” Youngbae sighed. “Nothing is too late, you still can make it right. Just apologize.” He said understandingly. “We were wrong, but if she’s Nara’s sister, she won’t hold this against us. Isn’t Nara so?”


“Hyung….” Youngbae frowned when he heard a cries. “Tell Jiyong hyung I’m sorry…” The kid cried louder. “I really am. I just….I don’t know what to do anymore.”


“Calm down...hey, are you still there?” But Seungri already ended the call, maybe too drunk to even hold his phone.


Youngbae tiredly set his phone aside, his mind drifted back to the conversation they had before he and Jiyong left for Paris.


“Just apologize, then move on, it’s nothing cannot be solved maknae.” He patted Seungri’s shoulders, which was slumped defeatedly.


“She hasn’t talked to me without shouting or crying for the past 2 weeks.” Seungri said quietly. “I’m tired hyung. Our love is, too.”


“Stupid.” He scolded. “I may not know what is serious relationship yet, but I do know what is right. This is not about you and Nara’s sister, this is about you and Nara herself. Don’t let our past with her sister change our relationship with her.”


“It’s not that…” Seungri said furiously. “I….I think about how they’re sisters and….I cannot accept that fact….yet.”


“What?” Youngbae widened his eyes at Seungri as if he was in shock. “What are you talking about? Don’t you love Nara?”


“I do!” Seungri immediately defended himself. “But….you know how things were back to then with her sister. We were wrong, yes, but that doesn’t mean we can be comfortable around her now. How am I gonna supposed to… not let this affect my relationship?”


“You’re crazy…” Youngbae shook his head. “Stupidly crazy….Is that why you haven’t apologized to her sister yet?”


“I also need to think through….” Seungri said in a small voice, as if he himself was also ashamed at his own words. “If my love for Nara is strong enough to overcome this obstacle.”




Youngbae had exclaimed disapprovingly like that before leaving Seungri alone in his room and stormed to catch his flight to Paris with Jiyong.


For Youngbae, he also thought about this unexpected twist for the past weeks. Actually, ever since Jiyong woke up and slowly recovered fully, he gradually realized how harsh he and Seungri were to that girl, Shin Ae Ra. Maybe it was because of her completed disappearance after Jiyong’s waking up. It was just like she...vanished. They didn’t heard anything about “the other driver in G-Dragon’s accident”, until now. And the reality that she was Nara’s sister was just….a shock.


But, if they really paid attention closely to everything, they might realize that long before.


Back to then, when Seungri and Nara was just being official, they got to know more about Nara, and found out that she was managing a company established by her sister. Her sister just handed over the company for her and went exploring the world, just giving her advices when needed, that’s what Nara told them.


If they knew what Shin Ae Ra did back then when she was in Korea, maybe they got to realize the hints.


Youngbae had always wanted to apologize. Maybe it was when someone really left, and you realized they did nothing to affect you, that they weren’t so bad as you thought, you felt guilty. That’s what he felt, and wanna fix. He just didn’t know karma was really such a like this.


“What’s up? What did he say?” Youngbae looked up to see Jiyong got out of the shower, still busying drying his wet hair.


“He said I should just keep you from coming back to Korea for good.” Youngbae replied with a joking manner, but telling the truth anyway. Whatever it was, they should find out when they came back. “He’s scared of you, Jiyong. You always side with Nara.”


“Not you too.” Jiyong rolled his eyes and walked towards the bedroom to retrieve his clothes. “I am her favorite oppa, you guys should stop being jealous and accept that fact.”




“Happy birthday noona!” Youngbae smiled sweetly and pecked the gorgeous model’s cheek. “Thanks for inviting us.”


“Happy birthday noona.” Jiyong also smiled charmingly and playfully lifted the birthday girl’s hand to kiss it. “You’re the most beautiful Korean model out there.”


“Don’t dare to say the world because Kiko is the most beautiful Japanese model, am I right, player boy?” Park Soo Joo snorted, smirking and kissed Youngbae’s cheek back, but only glared at Jiyong.


“Noona, you know I was already over Kiko!” He mumbled sulkily. “But you’re right, I still think she’s the most….”


“Alright alright, stop. It’s my birthday, I will let you rant about her beauty in another party.” She led them further into her party. “Actually I invited Kiko too but she could not go.”


“Why?” Youngbae asked concernedly. “She hasn’t been active much as a model lately, has she?”


“Jiyong, don’t cry.” Soo Joo glanced at Jiyong malicely. “She got pregnant!” She whispered enough for the two to hear.


Jiyong expected a pang of hurt to appear on his chest, but there was none. He grinned, widely instead. “Really? That’s so great to hear!”

“Yes, that’s why her husband was bringing her to Bali for relax.” Soo Joo motioned and soon there were two champagnes were put into Jiyong and Youngbae’s hand. “You’re okay for real, Kwon kid?” She asked with honest concern.


“Of course, I’m happy for her.” Jiyong said happily. “Let’s cheer for her baby!”


They toasted, and Soo Joo once again grunted. “Again, it’s my birthday. Kiko Mizuhara, I’m so gonna kill you for stealing my spot.”


Youngbae laughed. “You just don’t know noona. We all got surprised with how completely Jiyong was over to her, really.” He eyed his best friend meaningfully.


“Heard you are having a girlfriend now? How is it?”


“Nothing too serious yet.” Jiyong shrugged.


Someone came to Soo Joo’s side and whispered something to her ear. Her face lit up and she stood up from where she was sitting with them. “I need to go for a while. Enjoy yourself.”


This was Park Soo Joo’s birthday party. She was one of those very rare Korean models made her name known in Paris - the capital of fashion. Jiyong and Youngbae were invited to some fashion shows due to the yearly Paris Fashion Show, and it just happened that Park Soo Joo’s birthday was in the middle of their visit. They were friends since Jiyong and Youngbae were still trainees, and Soo Joo herself was just a debuted model in Korea. Now, more than 10 years later, they were all almost worldwide known names, archived their dream and getting more and more popular.


Jiyong was talking enthusiastically with Youngbae about the show they just attended when Soo Joo was back with them. But the presence of someone she also dragged along and pushed to sit down with her made them stop whatever they were discussing and gasped in shock, for different reasons.


“Unnie…” Ae Ra embarrassedly protested and tried to stood up. “I already said I’d just drop by…”


“Bull.” Soo Joo scolded and pushed her to sit down on the soft sofa again. “It’s been 2 years since the last time I saw you, there’s no way I’ll let you go anywhere tonight. You came all the way to Paris for my birthday, didn’t you?” She flopped down, making herself sitting between Ae Ra and Jiyong. “Get to know each other, kids. Jiyong, Youngbae, my lovely sister-like, Shin Ae Ra. She’s also from Korea. Ae Ra, my good brothers back then when I was still staying in Korea, Kwon Jiyong and Dong Youngbae, but maybe you know them more as G-Dragon and Taeyang.” Soo Joo smiled satisfyingly, like a proud big sisters. “She’s alone here so I hope you guys can accompany her.”


“What...what did you just say?” Jiyong asked after recovering from his shock. “What is her name?”


“Shin Ae Ra.” Soo Joo repeated with a frown. “Why?”


“Unnie I really have to go.” Ae Ra said in a small voice and again tried to stand up, but Jiyong already cut her in.


“You’re Nara’s sister?”


Ae Ra glanced briefly at him, even darted her eyes towards Youngbae’s shock face and quickly turned away.


“Nara? You know her sister too, Jiyong?” Soo Joo asked confusedly.


But Ae Ra phone vibrated furiously in her hand, and Nara’s name flashed on the screen, making her momentarily forgot everything going around her right now. Even the fact that she, again, in a close distance to Jiyong, and even Youngbae, could not shake her from immediately picked up the call. She’s been calling for Nara for a day but got no reply. That worried her a lot.


“Yah why didn’t you….” She started scolding already but Nara’s cry stopped her.


“Unnie….” Nara sobbed loudly over the phone. “Seungri broke up with me. He….he called off our engagement too…...I…..I don’t know what to do anymore….”


“WHAT?” Ae Ra instantly stood up, anger already rose within her chest. “How dare he...I’ll kill him.” She mumbled angrily. “Hey, unnie gonna go back to you now, don’t do anything stupid okay?” She cooed and quickly hung up the phone.


“Unnie,” She turned to Soo Joo. “I am really sorry, but I really have to go now. I’ll see you later.” She hastily walked away before Soo Joo could protest.


“Yah!” Soo Joo shouted. “What’s wrong? Why...” She got more confused when Jiyong walked past her and chased Ae Ra’s sight.




“ the next available flight is in 8 more hours. That won’t do. Nara might do something stupid. Let me use your private jet oppa.” Jiyong caught his breath when he was able to see that girl’s back. “Alright, I’ll be there in 2 more hours. Thank you so much oppa, this means a lot.”


“Wait!” He called out when Ae Ra was about to catch a taxi. She saw her widened her eyes surprisingly, and she seemed to….flinch a bit. “Can we talk for a minute, Ae Ra-ssi?”


“I can’t.” She shook her head, already signalized for a taxi to pull over. “I really don’t have time right now.”


“If you are Nara’s sister… “ Jiyong still tried. “Can you talk to Nara? They’re silly, really. Besides, this is your past with Seungri, and I apologize for him.” Nara’s newest call pulled Ae Ra’s mind out of anything even within her earshots. All she was able to think about right this moment was how fast she could make it to go back to Korea. “Hey….Miss Shin, I am talking to you.” He grabbed her arm, a little bit forcefully and said with an annoyed voice when he saw she was about to step into the taxi.


“I need to go back to my sister, because that stupid Seungri just broke up with her and called off their engagement. Is that ok now?” She shrugged his hand off her arm and glared at him.


“W-what?” Jiyong stammered, unsteadily stepped back.


Ae Ra started tearing up again. She could just glance at him once again with her now teary eyes before leaving off with the taxi, to their cousin’s private jet so that she could go back to Korea as soon as possible.


She didn’t know her first day meeting Jiyong again would be full of pains like this.





“Why now you come to find me?” She shouted angrily, landing her palm on his cheek strongly. “She hasn’t eaten anything for 3 days, do you know?”



“Your presence dangered their relationship, don’t you see?”

“Before he also said my existence was unacceptable to people around you. Now you’re saying my existence poisons my own sister’s life, aren’t you?”





At first I was busy, then I got stuck with ideas. I mean, the ideas kept getting conflicted with the later parts of the story I already written out, so I need to readjust many things. then bamn! today i got the idea what i should do to harmony this and what I always wanted to show you guys lmao do you know it took me 5 different drafts for this chapters xD 

i know i should be punished for letting you guys wait too long /holding my arms up/ but can i still get comments :( please :( i need to know if this story still attracts you guys /sobs thank you for supporting me and still staying here with me /sobs louder/

I'll try to update sooner, since the story is getting at what i want it to become now /smirks

ahhhhh /screams they're in SG now -___-

such a cutie pie

 (by kwonzz)

Goodnight lovelies <3 


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i'm writing the (maybe) last chapter though, hopefully i can update tmr or Wed :) pls be patient


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Chapter 1: BEST GD AND OTC FIC EVER !!!!!
roranda #2
What a beautiful story! I hope that in the future I'll be a le to read a new one from you!
dysphority #3
Chapter 32: Tbh, I just wanted you to let her die. Lol.

I'm so...
dysphority #4
I was really searching for GD angst fics on the archive of AFF when I found this. Tbh, I haven't read any of the chapters but got some reason, just from the Foreword and your title... What made me think of was It's Cold by Lee Hi ft. Epik High. I don't know what's with me but as I've checked out the first flew paragraphs... The song does fit. I'm excited to check your story out! Thank you in advance because I think I will love this. :)
Chapter 30: Woww. Authorniim your words, just, wow. This scene : "Or are you those crazy fans of mine who kept fantasizing a love story with me?" Really hit me hard. Its the first time ive ever think about what will he think about his fans? Maybe like 'that'? Hahahha it hurts like hell hihihi thinking about im one of those crazy fans hihi but whatever it is, its totally a great story, really love the angsty thing in here, good job authorniim
ainunlutfiyanti #6
This is really a nice story
i just finished reading these stories . and i love it sooo much . :) and ur stories even make me cry so hard tho . T.T btw this stories totally daebak !
DeeDimond #8
Chapter 35: Second time reading this.. And I think I'll this again in the future. It's too beautiful ^^
jessicabyun #9
Chapter 35: Awesomeness!! I really love it!!...❤❤