
If You Were Not A Dream

Jiyong found himself standing in front of YG building. Forcing himself out of Ae Ra’s life, he didn’t wanna go back to his hospital room immediately. He knew that would be the first place she came to find him, so he just avoided that place first and foremost. He spent the first day just wandering around the city, ended up secretly followed Ae Ra as usual. But now, he missed his brothers.

He missed this place. It was his second home since he was barely 13 years old. He spent all his youth here, and still was. This was where he got loves, hates, critics, observants, friendships, care and all. He sincerely loved this place, with all his heart.

Stopping in front of the studio on 4th floor - his studio, Jiyong inhaled a deep breath. He missed this room, so much.

Stepping inside, he noticed voices were filled the quiet room.

“ rude, Seungri.” Daesung said in a stern voice. “She’s older than you, she’s your noona. At least have the decency to respect her.”

“Why I have to?” Seungri scoffed, threw himself towards the sofa. “I am tired enough with everything, don’t nag at me, hyung. Not everyone can be an angel like you, sorry.” He closed his eyes and rested his arm over it.

“Why do you defend her like that, Daesung?” Jiyong heard Youngbae asked in a serious tone, spinning his chair around to face the maknaes. “I agree that we should not be rude, but you cannot deny that we feel annoyed with her.”

“It’s uneasy, not annoyed.” Daesung grunted. “And, I don’t wanna bring this up, but there are things, there are feelings, only those who involved in severe accidents can understand, hyung.”

There was a long silence after those words of Daesung. Finally, Youngbae broke the quietness. “I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s not your fault.” Daesung dismissed his saying. “Just….I don’t want us to regret anything later.”

“I heard she was attacked by reporters last night.” Seunghyun’s deep voice sprang through the room. He was sitting next to Seungri, arms folding. “They even surrounded her apartment, the news said so.”

“This is insane.” Daesung mumbled.

“I warned her.” Youngbae also mumbled under his breath.

“You met her yesterday, hyung?” Daesung asked surprisingly.

“Yes.” Youngbae nodded. “I just….advised her not to appear by Jiyong’s side too often from now. But I think she thought we hated her now.”

“Do we?” Seungri grunted, still closed his eyes.

“Just shut up, you.” Seunghyun kicked his leg, said in an annoyed tone. “Don’t make all of us look like bastards.”

“I still don’t get her reason for keeping visiting Jiyong often even if she woke up and healthy from the accident already.” Youngbae sighed. “I hate the way my mind works, but it can only think of one option, and you already know what it is.”

“Can we not talk about that stranger?” Seungri shouted, sprang up and furiously threw words to his hyungs’ face. “Can we talk about how helpless we feel lately, when Jiyong hyung shows no improvement?”

“Seungri….” Daesung tried to soothe him but he just angered more.

“No! I need to let it out!” He roared. “I miss Jiyong hyung! I miss him so much! Why hasn’t he come back with us yet? We need him! We’re falling apart, don’t you see? And I don’t want that to happen!”

Daesung went and hugged the crying maknae in his arms. “Calm down, little bro.”

“I….” He croaked. “I’m scared hyung.” He said in between sobs. “What if he doesn’t wake up anymore? What if…..”

“Ssshhhhhh….” Daesung patted the kid’s shoulders, murmuring encouraging words to his ears. “He’s strong, he will get through it. Don’t give up on him yet.”

Jiyong saw how broken Seungri was. He saw how upset Daesung was, yet he was still trying to be the strong one for maknae to lean on and cry. He saw how Youngbae and Seunghyun exchanged looks, unspoken words were spoken between the two eldest left, which only Jiyong could understand, since he was close to both of them. It was like saying to each other, that it was alright, everything would eventually be fine, and kept faith in him.

“Kiko visited Jiyong yesterday too.” Youngbae spoke up once the emotional moment passed.

“Huh?” Seungri looked up from Daesung’s arms, quietly swept his tearing face. “Who?”

“She’s in Korea now?” Daesung asked surprisingly. “I thought she was still in Japan with her husband?”

“She came here for a photoshoot, or whatever, I’m not sure.” Youngbae replied.

“She still visited Jiyong these days?” Seunghyun asked without looking up from his phone.

Youngbae nodded. “They were very close, you know.”

“Close friends.” Seungri scoffed. “Just the blind ones didn’t see how Jiyong hyung was all head-over-heels to her.”

“What’s your problem now?” Daesung asked disapprovingly.

“I just think, based on the fact that she was the one last talking to Jiyong hyung on the phone just minutes before the accident happened, and just one month later she suddenly and unexpectedly getting married, she has her part in taking responsibility for hyung’s accident, too.” Seungri sniffed with a tissue.

Jiyong frowned. He always knew Seungri’s smart was amazing.

“You’re so mean, seriously.” Daesung scolded. “And it’s Jiyong hyung’s life, don’t be nosy.”

“I guessed they had an argument that day, and you know how affected hyung got when he’s troubled by love.” Seungri continued to talk, ignored Daesung. “Everytime I saw her when she visited hyung, she always had this guilty face.”

“But they didn’t date, never.” Youngbae said annoyingly. “It’s just one-side love from Jiyong.”

“That is the point hyung.” Seungri laughed quietly. “Our romantic leader must have been through a heartbreak. I bet she was informing him about the wedding that day.”

Jiyong had to clap for maknae’s deduction. That’s Seungri’s ability, making his hyungs in awe with his intelligence and sharpness.

“Don’t assump. What are you doing these days?” Youngbae asked pointedly to Seungri, attempted to change the topic about Jiyong and girls around him. “Aside visiting Jiyong and nagging Ae Ra-ssi?” He smiled lazily at the maknae’s scowl.

Seungri sighed at Youngbae’s mocking. “I don’t know. We’re thinking about expanding our activities in Japan.”

“We?” Youngbae raised an eyebrow.

“Us.” Daesung spoke up. “Let’s try record something later.” He said to Seungri. “I have some songs for you to try.” He lifted himself off the spot and went out of the room. “I gotta do something now.”

“You, hyung?” Youngbae nudged Seunghyun, who was still busy playing with his phone.

“Nothing. But I might do a new drama soon.” Seunghyun spoke up nonchalantly in that signature deep voice. “Still considering.”

“How about you, hyung?” Seungri asked with a yawn. “Beside being a er?”

“Now Jiyong isn’t here, you seem so daring, huh?” Youngbae narrowed his eyes. “Nothing. I’m trying to decide what I should do next.” He sighed. “I will visit Jiyong’s apartment and house later. Be there for Gaho, Jolie and his family.”

“Thank you, Youngbae.” Jiyong smiled. Leave it to Youngbae to be his most trusted person in this world of his. He understood why Youngbae had that conversation with Ae Ra last night. Eventually, it was still because Youngbae was hurt because of all these things.

And Jiyong he could somehow tell Youngbae not to worry about him. Maybe.


“The girl in Jiyong’s accident was attacked by his fans and reporters lately, have you heard?”

Jiyong sighed when he stepped in Yang Hyun Suk’s office. Why everywhere he went, people talked about Ae Ra?

“I was just noticed.” Hyun Suk replied to Sean in a grim voice. “The press is making a big fuss about this. It is nearly a scandal. We’d tried so hard to hide her identity because of this. I always knew something ugly like this might happen.” The CEO chuckled darkly. “That kid, still managed to create a scandal even when being unconscious.”

“Everything around Jiyong is complicated.” Sean commented. “Do you think we should take part in solving this mess?” He asked seriously.

“I’m thinking about it too.” Hyun Suk said, tiredly rub his face. “But that will just add to the fire. They will say maybe there was really something between her and our Jiyong.”

“So what?” Sean countered back. “It’s better letting someone like her face all this chaos alone.” Being the kind man he was, Sean said in a concerned voice. “I saw the segment last night, when they shoved the camera to her face and shooting questions, she looked really scared. Being thrown into a place like our world, it might be too much for one to take at once.”

Jiyong silently thanked Sean for being so understanding.

“I’ll see what I can do.” Hyun Suk said after a moment of thinking. “I’m more worried on BIGBANG’s future.”

, not again. It was like those were all people talked about these days. The girl in G-Dragon’s accident and BIGBANG’s future.

“What if he doesn’t wake up anymore?”

Please, can people stop asking that scary question? Jiyong screamed

“Don’t.” Sean said in a grim voice. “Don’t lose hope on him. I believe miracle will happen. Jiyong is a nice kid, a kind man, a good boy. God won’t abandon him. Keep faith on him.”

Hyun Suk looked at Sean’s torn face with an expressionless face. “I hope.” He said after a long silence, sighing and ruffled his hair to a mess.

There was a ringing sound, making Hyun Suk frown. He picked up the call. “Yes, what’s the matter?” He frowned deeper. “What’s going on?....Ok I’ll check it.”

Wordlessly, he ended the call and grabbed for the TV controller, pushed the start button.

“What’s wrong?” Sean asked.

“Nam Gook said KBS is showing a rubbish news about Ae Ra-ssi. Let’s see.” Hyun Suk said with a scoff.

Jiyong worriedly watched the program with the 2 men.

We investigated further on Shin Ae Ra’s profile. There is nothing much to say about this girl, except that she might be a businesswoman, but just a normal one. She is known to no one in the field, and also have a poor social circle, since it seems noone really knows who is Shin Ae Ra.

“What are they getting at?” Sean asked confusedly.

“They’re reporters, they can say anything they want.” Hyun Suk said annoyingly.

We waited for her at her rumored-to-be apartment in Cheongdamdong. But she didn’t come back home last night. There are also rumors that she was spotted at Grand Hyatt hotel this morning, doing the checking out process. We wonder what made a young woman like her sleep somewhere else not her own place? let alone in a hotel? A 5 stars? Maybe, some hidden relationship?

Jiyong scoffed, while Sean just tsked. Hyun Suk kept that glare on his face.

Oh wait, it seems she is back!

And there she was, getting off a taxi. She had a pair of sunglasses on her face, and Jiyong noticed she gripped her bag tighter. She walked as quickly as possible into the building, even though she was nearly swallowed by the group of cameras and flashes and people around her.

“Miss Shin, where were you last night?”

“Miss Shin, you haven’t answered our questions like night.”

“Miss Shin….”

And, in a flash, Ae Ra spun around abruptly. Even though it was shadowed by her glasses, Jiyong could see there was a glare under that glasses.

“Stop.” Ae Ra said the word in English in a clear voice. “Don’t you all know what is politeness? Don’t make me call for the police.” She turned to leave but was blocked by another nosy reporter.

“Then what is your say about sticking by G-Dragon’s side? “ He asked with a smile, a fake one.

“I have no say. And that is none of your business.” Ae Ra retorted with an icy voice. “Now excuse me, please.”

“It seems you don’t know how Korea works, Miss Shin.” That reporter still refused to move. “You have to treat us reporters right to be able to do big things here.”

Jiyong frowned. That was true, but saying that in public like this was just…..shameless and kinda rude.

“Please take a look at yourself first.” Ae Ra scoffed. It was easy to see that she was pissed. “I know what I do.”

And Jiyong saw it, there were about 4-5 big men who he instantly recognized were his bodyguards - or YG’s bodyguards, those who usually went to protect the artists, suddenly appeared. They quickly blocked the crowd from Ae Ra and escorted her inside the building.

Hyun Suk turned off the TV with another scoff. “That reporter was rude.” He tossed the controller on the sofa. “But the girl at least knew how to retort.” He chuckled.

“Aren’t they BIGBANG’s bodyguards?” Sean frowned. “You sent them?”

“No. And that is what i am about to find out.” Hyun Suk dialed BIGBANG’s manager number. “It’s me. Yah, who sent those bodyguards of ours?” He frowned hearing the other line’s answer. “Daesung? Who gave him the right?”

Jiyong frowned too. Just now Daesung excused himself out of their studio, that was for this?

Hyun Suk laughed. “No, I’m okay with that. Tell him not to be scared for punishment. I was about to do the same thing anyway. I’m just amazed our shy Daesung can be demanding.” He chuckled. “He begged you? Why didn’t ask me? It would be easier….. Ok, for now keep an eye on her. She needs to be protected from those nosy reporters for a while. Call me if anything happens.”

“Daesung?” Sean frowned his eyes again.

“Yeah, Nam Gook said he was worried since last night, so he begged him to sent some people to her building, right in time what we just watched happened.” Hyun Suk was scrolling his phone again.


“Nam Gook said he felt sympathy for Ae Ra-ssi since he used to involve in a severe car accident.” Hyun Suk waited for the other line to pick up. “Daesung ah, it’s me…..No I won’t yell at you, don’t worry.” He chuckled. “I just wonder if you know Ae Ra-ssi contact?”

Jiyong frowned again. Why Yang Hyun Suk wanna meet Ae Ra?

“Nothing, I just wanna have a few words to her.” Will he wanna say the same thing to her like how Youngbae did? If that was the case Jiyong didn’t wanna see Ae Ra upset again. “Ok, if you can personally tell her that, it would be less uncomfortable I guess. Tell her to come to meet me anytime she wishes, just notice me one hour before hand.”

“What do you wanna talk with Ms. Shin?” Sean asked.

“Just a small talk.”


“Daesung-ssi, thank you.” Ae Ra said in a tiring voice. She flopped herself on the bed. “Really.”

“What are you talking about?” Daesung acted innocently, asked in a confusing voice.

“I heard Nam Gook-ssi. If it’s not you I might be killed by those reporters already.” She mumbled.

“Aish don’t mention it.” Daesung brushed off with an awkward laugh. “It was our responsibility for you to be in this situation. We’re sorry.”

“Not you too.” Ae Ra muttered in a low voice, remembered how Jiyong kept apologizing for being a celebrity. “Anyway, can I ask for one more favor?” She asked hopefully.

“Yes, of course.” Daesung sounded surprised.

“Uhm….I hope you won’t take this wrongly, but, can you tell me where is Jiyong’s apartment?” She bit her lips nervously. She thought about it last night. If Jiyong wanna hide from her, there must be places she never went to with him. So his hospital room and parents’ house would be excluded. She would try with his apartment first, then, she didn’t know how yet, but maybe the YG building. If he also wasn’t at those 2 places, she would need to think of somewhere else.

“Why?” Daesung sounded guarded visibly.

“Forget it.” Ae Ra closed her eyes, cursing herself for being like this to Daesung - the only one left who didn’t think she stayed by Jiyong because she wanted fame or attention. “I’m sorry. I’m tired. Let’s talk later.”

She was about to end the call but Daesung called. “Hey, wait!”

“Yes?” she rubbed her eyes tiredly. She didn’t get any proper sleep last night, just a few hours dozing off.

“Our sajang-nim wants to meet you. Can you see him soon?”

“Who?” Ae Ra frowned.

“Our boss, Yang Hyung Suk sajang-nim.”

“Why he would want to meet me?” Ae Ra sighed. “I already met Youngbae-ssi last night, and I got what he meant.” But I won’t follow that. She made a mental note to visit Jiyong later at late night. She promised she would visit him everyday, no matter how busy she was or whatever happened.

“I don’t know. Just pay a visit, will you?” Daesung said in an honest voice.

“Ok.” Ae Ra thought about the chance to enter the YG building to find Jiyong. “Please tell him I’ll be there in the evening. Around 7.” She needed to come to the office, then try to find where Jiyong’s apartment was.


She just had to find where that lost soul was wandering. She would find him, and bring him back.


You cannot hide from me forever, Jiyong. She thought with a scowl.







Actually, this chapter was finished last week, but I just kept it in my laptop, each day i opened it to read and re-read, and I feel like I have to fix something, change some parts, but I don't know how or where -___- I feel very displeased with this chapter for some reason ARGH


*sigh* I'm sorry for this lame chapter T___T I'll try to make it up for you guys in future


Thank you guys so much for those thoughtful and encourage comments, i read every single word :) it's a bless and it's my honor to have readers for my story :") Thank you guys so much :*


I'll update sooner, I promise. Next chap is on the way ;)


p/s: ah, I just realize my story is now more believable, since The Master's Sun also has a story of unconscious woman who suffering from a coma yet her soul still wandering around and Tae Gong Sil can see her. Do you watch that drama? oh God i love it so much LMAO



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i'm writing the (maybe) last chapter though, hopefully i can update tmr or Wed :) pls be patient


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Chapter 1: BEST GD AND OTC FIC EVER !!!!!
roranda #2
What a beautiful story! I hope that in the future I'll be a le to read a new one from you!
dysphority #3
Chapter 32: Tbh, I just wanted you to let her die. Lol.

I'm so...
dysphority #4
I was really searching for GD angst fics on the archive of AFF when I found this. Tbh, I haven't read any of the chapters but got some reason, just from the Foreword and your title... What made me think of was It's Cold by Lee Hi ft. Epik High. I don't know what's with me but as I've checked out the first flew paragraphs... The song does fit. I'm excited to check your story out! Thank you in advance because I think I will love this. :)
Chapter 30: Woww. Authorniim your words, just, wow. This scene : "Or are you those crazy fans of mine who kept fantasizing a love story with me?" Really hit me hard. Its the first time ive ever think about what will he think about his fans? Maybe like 'that'? Hahahha it hurts like hell hihihi thinking about im one of those crazy fans hihi but whatever it is, its totally a great story, really love the angsty thing in here, good job authorniim
ainunlutfiyanti #6
This is really a nice story
i just finished reading these stories . and i love it sooo much . :) and ur stories even make me cry so hard tho . T.T btw this stories totally daebak !
DeeDimond #8
Chapter 35: Second time reading this.. And I think I'll this again in the future. It's too beautiful ^^
jessicabyun #9
Chapter 35: Awesomeness!! I really love it!!...❤❤