[3] minka_ichigo911211: Twist Of Fate [H]

Dear Diary [One shot shop CLOSE!]

Title: Twist of Fate

AFF Username: minka_ichigo911211

Story by: Sadistic Angel

Poster by: SweetPoison

Genre: romance, and comedy

(Eunchae’s POV)

Here I am sitting on the old rusty swing set of the playground in front of our house. I remember my childhood days running around in this area. I remember them perfectly.

I went out every afternoon to play in the swing. Its paint was still bright and it still looked new. Every time I played there my life felt perfect. It was like my very own paradise until another kid comes along and ruins it for me. Ah, yes, I remembered those tormenting moments too. I began to reminisce the day I hated the most.

“Hey!!” A young boy’s voice yelled. I turned to see that it was my next door neighbor Seulong. He was 5 years older than me. I was 7 and he was 12, I guess he overpowers me because of the age difference but I tried defending myself from time to time. “Get out of my seat.”

“Seulong?! Not you again!” I shouted at him. “This is my seat FYI!”

“No, that’s my seat! You shouldn’t be here, this is my territory!” he smirked.

“I’m not leaving!” I pouted.

“Then I’ll drag you out of this playground myself!” he shouted at me.

“I won’t let you! You can’t control me!” I glowered at him.

“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it? You’re just a baby! A tiny, fragile crybaby!” He laughed.

“I-I’m not a baby! I’m a big girl now! My mommy said so! Hmph!” I pouted.

“Well, I guess you’re mom’s right, you are a big girl. You’re fat!” He burst out in to laughter.

“N-No I’m not! You’re lying!” I grunted.

“Eunchae’s fat and ugly! She’s gonna cry now!” He chanted in an annoying way. He kept on repeating the chant until I couldn’t hold my temper anymore.

“That’s it! Why you, you crazy annoying kid! I’m gonna get you! ” I yelled as I stood up and started chasing him.

“Catch me if you can!” he laughed even louder as he ran.

I chased him for minutes until I felt my little legs becoming weaker. I forced my legs to run even faster but they gave in and I fell on the ground. I felt pain and I saw blood on my right knee. I started crying like any little girl would do.

“Hey, Eunchae are you alright?” Seulong asked.

“No!” I sobbed. “This is your fault! I hate you!”

“Oh stop crying, you’re such a baby.” he groaned. He walked towards me and carried me in his arms.

“W-What are you doing?! Where are you taking me?!” I yelled.

He didn’t answer. He carried me back to their house and laid me on their couch. Seulong went to another room and came back with a first aid kit.

“Boy, you sure weighed a ton.” He kidded.

“You’re such a jerk!” I grunted.

“Does it hurt?” He asked as he dubbed the cotton with betadine on my wound.

“A little.” I squeaked.

“Sorry.” He said in a soft voice.

“Wow! Whose drawings are those?” I said in awe when I noticed the perfectly detailed drawings of houses on the coffee table.

“T-Those are mine.” He stuttered.

“Really? Wow, you’re good!” I praised him.

“T-Thanks.” He replied. “Do you wanna draw?”

“Sure!” I smiled. He gave me a crayon and a piece of paper and I started drawing. After a few minutes I showed him my drawing.

“What’s that?” he raised one eyebrow.

“That’s you riding on your bike, that’s me riding on a pony and we’re headed to our castle!” I said as I pointed on the paper.

“O-Our castle? W-Why would we have a castle together?! Besides your drawing looks horrible!” he smirked. He crumpled the piece of paper and threw it to the other side of the room.

Well, yeah it wasn’t that bad since he did cure my wound. Seulong and I started getting along after that day. He seemed like an older brother to me. Unfortunately, his parents decided to move to another town. No worries, we still kept in touch through the net and through phone. He calls sometimes to check up on me like a big brother does.

Seulong graduated and became a highly recommended architect. He became busier than ever since many companies needed his service. He’s probably swimming in a pool of money right now. I on the other hand, am still studying in a university. I still live in the same house and I’m stuck with my folks. I envy Seulong, he’s as free as a bird and I have to suffer from my parents’ house rules and curfew. I’m 19 for Christ’s sake; shouldn’t they at least remove my curfew?

I stared down on the ground as I thought these things to myself. I sat on the swing for a couple more minutes until it finally broke. I fell on the ground, my hurt.

“I see you’ve gained weight” a familiar voice teased.

“S-Seulong?!” I was shocked to see him.

“The one and only.” He smirked and helped me stand up.

“T-Thanks. W-What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Oh, nothing. Just thought I’d visit the old town. Gee, you’re a whole lot shorter than I imagined you’d be.” He laughed.

“You still haven’t changed, have you? You’re still a big jerk” I replied.

“No, I’m a lot worse.” He grinned.

“So, what now? You can’t possibly stay here for the rest of the day, right? You better get going.” I said.

“Why are you in such a hurry to ditch me?” he laughed again. “I’m staying here for the night.”

“Y-You are?!” I replied.

“Yeah, I’m staying at your house. I already talked to your parents, I’m gonna stay in the guest room.” he smiled. “Why? Is there something wrong?”

“Nahh, are you sure you didn’t drive all the way here because you wanted to see me?” I teased.

“H-Huh? N-No!” he yelled.

“I’m just kidding! Chill!” I laughed.

That night Seulong and I watched movies in the living room until we fell asleep leaning on each other.  We woke up and found out that my parents left early. He cooked breakfast for the two of us.

“Hey, your parents left a note. It says they’re going on some business trip and they won’t be home for a couple of weeks.” Seulong said.

“What?! But they’ve never left me alone. I’m not sure if I could maintain this house in proper condition.” I complained.

“Relax, I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” He smiled.

“I don’t wanna stay here all alone” I worried.

“Then why don’t you stay at my place until your parents get home?” He asked.

“Really?” I replied.

“Yeah, sure.” He smiled again.

We headed off to Seulong’s condo after having breakfast. I was surprised to see that the place was clean and organized. I spent 2 weeks at his place having laughs and doing crazy stuff together. He spent the whole 2 weeks with me and never left the house without me. I never really wanted to leave but my parents were home already.

“Eunchae, we have something to tell you.” My father said as he sat down on the couch beside me.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Honey, you don’t have a boyfriend do you?” My mom asked.

“N-No! Why would you think that?” I answered.

“That’s not it, you see, your mother and I decided that you should get married with this fine young man we know” my dad explained. “We think that you two would get along and you shouldn’t waste your time on pathetic boys out there.”

“What?! An arranged marriage?! No!” I complained.

“Eunchae, he would be very helpful to our business too” My dad explained further.

“That’s just it isn’t it? It’s about the business! It’s always been about the business!” I huffed as I stood up.

“Listen young lady, you will marry him.” My dad said firmly.

“No! I won’t marry a guy that I don’t even love!” I ran upstairs to my bedroom. I locked the door and laid on my bed crying.

I called Seulong that night and asked him if I could stay at his place for another while. He said yes and I immediately packed my stuff. I went out through the window when he arrived. He didn’t bring me to his house immediately. Instead he brought me to an open field where it was silent and peaceful.

“Why do they always do this to me? They always tell me what to do as if I can’t decide for myself” I cried in his car.

“Hey, it’s alright. You don’t have to marry that guy if you don’t want to” he comforted as he held my face and wiped my tears.

He leaned closer and kissed my lips roughly. I unconsciously kissed back. I wanted to stop but I just couldn’t. He kisses so smoothly it makes me want more and more. He my lips asking for entrance. I didn’t respond so he raised his hand and touched my chest. I was shocked and I accidentally opened my mouth. He slipped his tongue inside and held me even tighter.

We decided to continue this at his condo. We directly went to the bed kissing each other relentlessly. He moved his lips down my neck.  We took off our clothes and started making love. I kept on , I couldn’t help it even though I wanted to stop. He every inch of me, it was awkward but I enjoyed it the whole time.

The next morning he woke me up with his kisses. He caressed my shoulder and hugged me tightly.

“That was the best night of my life.” he whispered.

“Mine too.” I replied.

“You know Eunchae, I’ve liked you for a long time” he confessed. “I just never had the courage to tell you.”

“Really? That’s alright, I’ve always had a crush on you back then and until now” I smiled.

It was official, I loved Seulong and he loved me back. We were together, happy and peaceful. But then after a few weeks of my stay Seulong said that I should visit my parents because they might be worried about me. I refused at first but he convinced me to go anyway.

“Dad,” I said as my dad opened the front door.

“Eunchae, we looked everywhere for you.” he said “It’s a good thing you’re safe.”

“Yeah. I’m sorry if I worried you guys.” I replied.

“Eunchae, this is the young man we were talking abou.t” he said as he pointed to Seulong.

I was shocked, all this time Seulong was the guy whom they wanted me to marry. I slapped Seulong in the face and ran away crying.

“Eunchae, Eunchae! Wait, let me explain.” he panted as he caught up with me.

“You never loved me, did you? You just wanted me to fall for you and marry you so you can take part of my dad’s business!” I yelled.

“No, Eunchae. I love you, so much” he explained “It’s never been about the business for me, it’s always been about you.”

“How can I be sure about that?” I doubted. I wanted to believe him but I was scared he might be taking advantage of my emotions.

“I’ll forget about the arrangement. We could treat this relationship normally. You could break up with me once you feel that you don’t love me anymore” he reasoned. “Please, just believe me. I really love you.”

“R-Really? You’re not taking advantage of me?” I asked.

“No, I love you because of what you really are. Not because of that business your dad owns.”

“Well,” I hesitated.

“Look me in the eye and tell me that you can let me go, that you can stop loving me” he said in a hoarse voice.

“I can’t” I looked down

“Let’s work this out ok? I’ll prove that you’re all I need” he held my face again.

“Ok.” I said in a soft voice.

He kissed my lips passionately again. I could feel that he loves me too. Maybe I was just overreacting the whole time.

Seulong proved that he wanted me not the business after a few years. We got married after I graduated and had a happy marriage. We both became busy but we still found time for each other. Seulong never let me down, he was always there for me and I was always there for him. This was a love that had no strings attached, a love that would last till the end of time.

Thanks for reading! We hope you’d come back and request for more.

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geekymermaid318 #1
ooohh. Yangmei's writing my story. *u* <3
awww...i wish i could apply again...but alas its closed..but i guess i could wait til it is re-opened again soon...lol
I requested again =DDD <3
i sent my request- "my fateful birthday"~ <br />
i'll be looking forward for it! ^^
OMG, I loved the one-shot~~ xDD *keeps squealing* Thank you so much for writing my one-shot!! >3<
Yay!! Thank you!!!~~<br />
I LOVED IT!!!<br />
I can't tell you how thankful I am!! :D<br />
Omo, yay!!!!!! thank you~~ I loved it! No kidding <3 thank you~ the last question very though to answer though. It's hard being in a love triangle xDDDDD thank you once again <3
I've applied as a writer/staffer. If theres anything wrong with the application please let me know. Feel free to pm my wall. Love the shots BTW!
missinvisible #9
SweetPoison, thank you so much!! I'm squealing like mad right now!! Love it so much <3 Thank you again xD<br />
Dear Diary staffs hwaiting~ ^^