[10] Pataco_95 : Drawn To You [H]

Dear Diary [One shot shop CLOSE!]

Title: Drawn to you

AFF Username: Pataco_95

Story by: mauilovesjinki

Poster by: soom_breathe

Genre: romance, comedy, fluff,

Pairings: Kang YeonUn

Lee Byunghun L.Joe of Teen Top

Minzy, Amber, Luna - YeonUn's friends


 Kang YeonUn's POV


I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. It irritates me every morning that just want to throw it outside my window. But since, I'm a good girl I won't do that. I might hurt someone. Anyways, my mom pushed open the door as I lazily turn off the alarm clock. 

"Honey!! time for school..." she opened my windows as the morning sunshine welcomed me. 

"Yes, umma..I know.." I said "But just give me five more minutes~ " I covered myself with the blanket 

I was happy that she didn't complain about my request...but suddenly, I felt her pull my feet. 

"Get up you lazy girl!!" She was pulling me so hard that it felt like my feet were gonna fall off. She pulled me even harder when I kicked her hands but my mother was strong, that she pulled me off of bed and I fell on the floor.  


"Come down after you're done, it’s your first day in KyunWoon. So hurry up!" she said and left me on the floor in pain...Oh gosh, my mom. 


"Bye umma! Bye appa!" I waved goodbye as they drove off. 

 I sighed as I looked at my new school. It was big and nice...but I really didn't feel happy vibe of it. 

Tss..who cares! I can make friends easy anyways~  

I walked around the school, it felt warm inside and the people were....okay. I found my classroom and sat on an empty seat and fixed my bag.  

"YeonUn? Kang YeonUn?!" I heard someone call my name. 

I turned around and saw someone familiar. 

"Luna!!!" I stood up and went to her.  

"Omo! it really is you!! how've you been?!" she hugged me 

"I've been okay, we just transfered here in Seoul a month ago..how about you?? How's Minzy and Amber??"  

"Oh really? I've been fine too. Oh! you won't believe this! Amber and Minzy's here too!!" she said, her voice getting high.  

"Really!? where are they?" 

"They're on the other classroom, we'll meet them in lunch" she smiled 

"Oh sure! gosh, Luna, I'm so happy that you guys are here!! I missed you!!"  

"Me too!!"   

Luna and I talked for a couple of minutes until the teacher came in and made me come up front. 

 L.Joe's POV

This is such a boring day, I don't even know why I came to school today, when I can just play arcade nor do something else other than studying in this crap school. Damn it. I sat down my seat and plugged on my earphones. I popped a bubblegum in my mouth and looked outside the window.  

"I'm so sorry but I love you da geotjitmal~ " I quietly sang to Big Bang's Lies. I love this song~ 

Suddenly, I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Niel . I removed my earphones.. 


"Are you done with my Fast 5 DVD?" he sat on the desk next to mine. 

"Oh..damn, i forgot!"  

"Dude, you've had that DVD for almost a week now, I haven't even watched it yet.." he complained 

"hehehe..Fine, I'll watch it tonight." 

"You better do..."  

 He left me once the teacher came in. Everyone settled in their seats. I threw my bag on the floor and comfortably settled on my seat.  

"Okay, class..you'll be having a new classmate today. Where is Kang YeonUn?" Ms. Bae said while she looked at her clipboard. 

"Here..." I followed the voice and turned my head. I really can't see her face, her hair covered it.

She walked up front and smiled.  

WHOOOOAAAAAA~ I felt my whole damn world collapse from her bright smile. 

"Annyeong Haseyo, name's Kang YeonUn. I hope to be friends with everyone" she said then flipped her bangs. She seemed cool and pretty! 

She walked back to her seat, my eyes followed her. I kept staring; man...she was so beautiful. Her hair was so long, it would've been better if she removed her ponytail. Through my years here in high school, it was my first time to see a girl as beautiful as her...I almost thought I was gay, since there was a time that I almost fell for Ricky. 

Phew!! It freaked me out, but now that she's here...I'm cleared.  


 Lunch came, and I was excited to get out of the classroom. I looked at the back of the classroom, she was still there talking to Luna, she must be friends with her already. I felt my feet follow them.

"Yo Byunghun.." Niel grabbed my arm. "Where are you going?"  

"uhh...just..to the library!" I quickly said then ran to follow YeonUn 

"What? Library..?? Hey!!" He shouted but I didnt look back. 

I found them in the cafeteria. I stared at her, I felt weird because I haven't done this to someone yet. She was the first...it was like Love at first sight. It sounds gay and retarded but who cares, she was so beautiful! 

 I sat on an empty seat a couple of meters away from them. 


 YeonUn's POV

"It’s really nice that we're complete again!!" Minzy said as she drank from her can. 

"Yeah!! I thought that YeonUn won't ever transfer to Seoul~ " Amber said 

"HAHA!! Yeah me too. But I miss Busan don't you?"  

"Of course, HyungHee High was the best girls' school.." Luna said 

"Yeah, but YeonUn didnt change at all!" Amber exclaimed 

"Ne, she's still the same boyish girl we know..."  

"Haha!! What will I do?? You guys left me~"  

We ate and laughed off the memories, we talked and talked.  

"Hey...YeonUn.." Minzy said 

"Yeah?" I looked at Minzy as I bit my sandwich 

"I think ByungHun's looking at you..."  

"Huh? Who's that???" I said and turned around, so did Luna and Amber. 

"uhh...that guy..the one with the light brown hair..." Minzy pointed 

I looked at him, He was looking at me, but then he looked away. He pretended to read the contents of the bottle he was holding. 

                "He's our classmate~ " Luna said


"Yeah~ I think he likes you..." she poked my cheek. 

"Tsss...I don't really care…” I smiled 

                "Ohhkaaayy~ "  


 L.Joe's POV

 Now, I have a REASON to go to school! It was because of YeonUn, well I knew you figured it out but still, I'm proud of it. I happily waited for her. I felt tingly; man...I think I'm going gay over this girl. I even researched on her last night. Luckily, SHE DOESN'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND. Bwahaha...Oh, L.Joe, you're so awesome. I already added her in cyworld~ hope she accepts the request. She finally came in, with a bright smile on her face, she greeted everyone a nice morning. I just looked at her and i felt my chest thumping fast. I wasn't like this before...Oh my god, I'm gay. I stared at her, too mesmerized by her captivating appearance. I just wanted her already... 

I gathered all of my courage. I stood up and went to her. She wasn't talking to anybody so I grabbed the chance. 

"Hey, YeonUn.." I said and sat on the chair next to her. 

"Oh, Hey~ " she said and smiled 

"Uhhh..so, I'm Lee Byunghun!you can call me L.joe if you want.." I smiled and offered a hand. 

"Oh~ Hi!" she said and shook my hand. 

"So...you new?" Damn L.Joe what question was that?! 

"Uh..I guess??" she chuckled, I felt really awkward and I didnt know what to say next. 

"Ohh, right right. Hehe..I'll go now~" I said and went back to my seat. That was a stupid move. I stomped on my desk and buried my face on it. 


 YeonUn's POV

I felt awkward when L.Joe approached me. He was staring at me yesterday and it was just sudden that hecame to me now. Well, I would've done that sooner or later anyways...I wanted to be friends with everyone. I knew he was awkward too...because he didn't know what to say to me. I found it cute in a way, and when he ran back to his chair.  

At lunch, he approached me again. He was nice and I invited him for Lunch, he was awkward at first around Luna, Minzy and Amber but he adjusted well. He was pretty funny too. He made me and my friends laugh even if he didn't say any jokes at all. 


L.joe's POV

I felt so happy when YeonUn invited me to lunch, i didn't know that she was like that. I thought that it'll be hard to talk to her since she was so gorgeous. Her overall perosonality was 100!! SHE WAS PERFECT. My heart beats so fast whenever she slaps my thighs when she laughs. It was painful, I must admit. I didn’t do anything funny but they keep laughing...well, whatever. Her laughter was so soft in the ears...it may seem strange but I don't know why I'm so attracted to her laugh. Anyways, at Dismissal, I secretly followed her home. I wanted her to be safe because I heard that she walks home alone. I felt like a stalker but who cares?! I need my dream girl to be safe. Her house was big and beautiful...I stayed behind a post until she gets inside her house. When she did, I walked off happily. 

"Goodnight, YeonUn~" I smiled and went home. 


YeonUn's POV

After a few weeks, L.joe and I got closer. He still follows around, I already know that he follows me around school. I kept telling him that I'm okay with it if he hung out with me, since we were friends now but he insists.  

"Byunghun..." I stopped at my tracks.I turned around. I was right, he was following me now...I don't know if I'll feel irritated or what, but I was okay with it. I found it CUTE. 

"Eep." He hurriedly covered his face with the big leaf when I caught him behind a plant. 

"Byunghun I know it’s you!" I said and went to him. 

"No its not~" he pretended and changed his voice.  

"Oh, Byunghun~ come on man…" I said trying to remove the leaf on his face. 

"Fine..." he said and removed it. He didnt look at me. 

"Why do you keep following me? You’re freaking out my friends. I told you, we can just hang out if you want to~" I smiled 

"Uhh..you never know, there are some rapists around here~ I'm just looking" he said and did some ninja moves. 

"Dude, I can handle myself okay?? And we're at school so how will there be rapists?" I chuckled at his actions. 

"There will be...its so stupid that this school has such short skirts...dammit.." he murmured something and looked down.


"Oh, nothing, I'll just get going...Niel might be looking for me.." He smiled and walked off. 

"Okay, bye...”  

"Take care, watch out~" he furrowed his eyes and ran off like a kid.

I watched him ran off. Come to think of it, Lee ByungHun was really cute. He may look like some mischievous kid (he is...) but there was innocence to him. He was nice and funny~ I don't know but he makes me feel so protected even if he follows me around like some stalker~ I think...I..like him? I don't know. 

"Hey~" I felt arms on my shoulder 

"Oh..Minzy~" I turned around 

"What are you doing here??" 

"Ohhh..." I realized I was in front of the janitor's closet. 

"uhm, I don't really know~ I was waling awhile ago when I felt Byunghun following me."  

"Where is he?"  

"Oh, he went back to class..." 

"Why the heck are you blushing...??" she said and touched my face 

"I'm not~ Hahaha…why'd you think that?" I said touching my face. 

"Ohohoho...you like L.Joe huh?" Minzy grinned at me. 

"Uhhh...I'm gonna go bye!" I ran back to my classroom. 


Whooo~ I panted when I reached my classroom. Everyone was already on their seats. I ran to my chair and settled down. Wait, why did I run off like that?!  

"Psst..." I looked beside me and looked at Luna who was staring at me. 

"What happened to you?" she whispered. 

"Uhh...nothing~ " I smiled 

"Okay...you sure?" I nodded. 

It was time for ART CLASS, and Mr. Sung announced that there will be a project, and it'll require partners. I instantly looked at Luna as she gave me a nod and smile, meaning we're partners. Until... 

"I'll be assigning your partners for you...we will be following a boy-girl system." 

"Ohh fudge.." Luna and I sighed. 

I was okay with everyone but I hope I get a good partner. I suddenly looked at L.joe who was smiling at me, his smile was so adorable...I hope he's my partner. 

"Niel and SooNa...ChangJo and Yumi....Byunghun and Luna~" 

Huh? Why did I just feel my heart sink? Wait, no...What? 

"Uhh sir?" L.Joe said 


"Which Byunghun??" he asked 

"Oh..uhh...Im Byunghun." Mr. Sung smiled "Lee Byunghun is with...uhm...Kang YeonUn" 

WHAT?! L.joe and Me?yey~ 

"Oh! Thank you sir..." he smiled then looked at me. 

Mr. Sung finished the rundown of the pairs and started discussing about the project. He asked us to go sit with our partners.  

"Hey partner!" L.joe said and we knuckle-touched. 

"Hey~" I suddenly felt awkward around him. 


L.Joe's POV

I really don't care about the project, I'm just so happy that I got paired up with YeonUn.  

"So, when will we do this?" I said pointing at the canvas. 

"Uhmm, since the deadline is tomorrow, let's finish it early? what do you think?" she said kinda blushing, I didn't know why though but she was so cute! 

"Ohh, okay~ are you sure?"  

"Uhhm, since my parents had a vacation, I think its okay. Let's do it in my house, I've got materials...” she smiled 

"Oh okay..."  

OH DAMN, I just felt my heeart thump so fast! I'll be seeing her house tonight and we were alone!! I felt happy and nervous at the same time. 


Dismissal came and I waited for her to finish packing her things and say goodbye to her friends. 

"Yah, Byunghun Don't so anything stupid to YeonUn!" Amber shouted 

"Ne!" I said and smiled at them. 

"Okay...?? Come on, Byunghun" then she pushed me by the back. 

We walked quietly until we reached her house. She entered a code on the door and she opened it.  

"Wow...” her house was so clean and big. She just chuckled. 

"Nice house~” 

"Thank you...come, let's go to my room. Let's finish it early; I don't want you to go home late."  She smiled as she pushed me up the stairs. 

We entered and her room and started making our project, I started drawing our assigned picture (The Scream) while she gathered all of the materials. She removed her blazer and sat down next to me. 

"So...we have to do exactly like The Scream huh?" I said 

"Well...I guess so~" 

"Oh...damn..." I scratched my head as I erased the part where I made a mistake. 

"You're a really good drawer L.joe~” she said leaning near me. I felt her warm skin. I gulped down a lump in my throat. 

"Ah…thanks..." Whoo~ L.joe. 

After I finished the drawing, she started painting it. She rolled the sleeves of her shirt and fixed her ponytail. I looked at her as she painted. She was so beautiful...Her milky skin was so flawless, the drops of sweat forming on her neck was glistening. 

"It’s hot, isn't it?" she suddenly spoke 

"Ohh..yeah.." I fanned myself. 

She wiped off her sweat and ed her shirt by 2 buttons. WHOA~ I felt uncomfortable. Then, she continued to paint quietly. I just stared at her, I was so mesmerized...Everything about her was perfect, she even smelled nice even if she was sweating...YeonUn I think...I... 

YeonUn's POV

I can't say anything to L.Joe now, I felt awkward, so I kept quiet. I just painted but I tried to feel all of his movements. Suddenly, his hand went up my hair.  

"You have pretty hair YeonUn..." he whispered 

"Ahh...komawo..." I said, not looking at him. Then he pulled my scrunchie off...then he ruffled my hair. 

"But you're prettier without this..." he looked at me and showed me the scrunchie. I felt myself blush after that, I ran my hand down my hair and continued painting. He continued playing with my hair, twirling them and smiling at them. 

"You really like my hair huh??" I looked at him and chuckled. 

"Yes, it so long and pretty and it smells so nice..." he smiled his boyish smile 

"Oh Byunghun...." I chuckled then dipped the paintbrush on water. 

"Uhhh...YeonUn-sshi.." he said touching the back of his neck. 


"Uhh...I..I like you..."  He said then looked away. I felt heat on my cheeks. 


"I like you. Okay?"  He said then touched my face. 

"Uhh, Byunghun....I...” the paintbrush fell from my hand, when he started leaning towards me.  

"I love you, Kang YeonUn..." he whispered before he matched his lips with mine. He kissed me while his hand went to my waist. I was surprised but I fell for his sweet lips. I kissed him back...his other hand went to my legs, he made me sit on his lap. I broke off the kiss... 

"Byunghun...I like you too..." I blushed. He smirked then continued to kiss me. 


He slowly carried me, wrapping my legs around his waist. He laid me on my bed and he removed his shirt. He crawled to me and kissed me again. On my lips, cheeks, neck...collarbone, shoulders...and chest. I moaned to his touch, it was like he knew where my sensitive parts were. 

"Byunghun..." I moaned as I held onto his hair as he kissed my chest and neck. He also finished removing my shirt and bra. 

"Didn't know you were this y, YeonUn ah.." he said against my skin. 

"Uhhh..." I moaned as he d my chest slowly. My hand slowly went to his belt, I was feeling his bulge and it for some reasons. I wanted to remove his belt but I was having a hard time, especially while he was kissing my chests, neck and lips. He was exploring my body. 

"Oppa, mind helping me here...??" My voice turned into a seductive one, it was new to me. it was BYUNGHUN's fault. 

"Sure babe.." then he removed them with his boxers. 

His 'friend' kept , that I just want to finish it already. I felt myself wet when he removed my underwear. 

"I'm gentle, I promise..." he touched my face. 

"Oppa, don't hurt me please..." I said innocently. 

"I won't baby..." he smiled 

"My skirt..."  

"Don't worry about it; it adds more fun...” he smirked then inserted his thing in me. 

"Oppa~! It hurts!!"  I screamed as I held onto his shoulder 

"Its okay baby, it'll get better..." then he kissed me to distract me from the pain which slowly turned into pleasure. 

"Byunghun oppa...Uhh..uhh.." I moaned while he DID me.  



I woke up feeling a sting on my lower half. DAMN, THE HELL IT HURT. I woke up covered by the blanket and was in Byunghun's arms. I felt warm. I sat up, I felt him waking up.  

"Goodmorning..." I smiled at him while holding the blanket on my chest. 

"Ohh, G'morning.." he smiled then gave me a peck on the lips. 


"Hahaha....I'm sorry YeonUn, I just can't help it anymore...I've wanted you since then..." He sat up 


"Haha! Don’t feel awkward YeonUn, so, are you my girlfriend now?" he smiled, he looked cute, definitely different fomr the L.Joe last night. 

"I guess so....you already touched me...” I pouted. 

"REALLY?! WHOOHOO!!" Then he hugged me and kissed my cheeks. 

"Byunghun~!" I whined, he hugged me so tight. 

"Oh, and you look cute in your morning hair! " he said and ruffled my hair. 

"Yah!.." I slightly hit him then pouted. 

"That's what I love about you~ " then he kissed my forehead while I hugged him. 

"I love you Byunghun~..." 

"I love you too baby..." 

"Wait...I feel like we forgot about someting~ " I said 


We thought for awhile until we saw the unfinished painting on the floor. 

"OH DAMN!!" we both said and looked at each other. 

"The deadline's today!!" I panicked 

"Damn it! It’s your fault for being so y!!" he shouted while he started painting just in his boxers. 

"My fault?" 

"Yes you little cute devil!" 

"I LOVE YOU!!" I shouted at him while I started painting myself too, with the blanket around me. 

"I LOVE YOU TOO!! Damn it!"  Then he kissed my cheek with an angry expression on his face.  

Oh my little cute Lee Byunghun! <3

Thanks for reading! Please come back and request again.

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geekymermaid318 #1
ooohh. Yangmei's writing my story. *u* <3
awww...i wish i could apply again...but alas its closed..but i guess i could wait til it is re-opened again soon...lol
I requested again =DDD <3
i sent my request- "my fateful birthday"~ <br />
i'll be looking forward for it! ^^
OMG, I loved the one-shot~~ xDD *keeps squealing* Thank you so much for writing my one-shot!! >3<
Yay!! Thank you!!!~~<br />
I LOVED IT!!!<br />
I can't tell you how thankful I am!! :D<br />
Omo, yay!!!!!! thank you~~ I loved it! No kidding <3 thank you~ the last question very though to answer though. It's hard being in a love triangle xDDDDD thank you once again <3
I've applied as a writer/staffer. If theres anything wrong with the application please let me know. Feel free to pm my wall. Love the shots BTW!
missinvisible #9
SweetPoison, thank you so much!! I'm squealing like mad right now!! Love it so much <3 Thank you again xD<br />
Dear Diary staffs hwaiting~ ^^