Broken melody

Dear Diary [One shot shop CLOSE!]

Title: Broken Melody

AFF Username: missinvisible

 Story by: SweetPoison

Poster by: SweetPoison

Pairings: Song Youngjin and Lee Jonghyun


(Youngjin's POV)

           “I hate you, Oppa!” I yelled

            I ran as fast as I could just to escape that stare of his. That’s the exact same look he had for the past few days; the reason why I’ve ignored all of the worst things he did to me. Why did I even get fooled by his words? Knowing that right from the start a heartthrob and a commoner like me wouldn’t really work out, but I still took the risk of getting hurt; I said ‘yes.’ Now here I am; crying, hoping that my tears will bring him back. “I just can’t stand even the sight of you” he said; hurtful, I know. But what can I do if he really hates me that much? Oh yeah, there’s one thing I can do…vanish; get out of his sight, that’s the least that I can do. I continued to run; still, with an unknown location to go. My tears aren’t stopping and my body seems like it’s about to fall. Finally; my feet dragged me up to the rooftop, the place where I can find peace; the place where I can let all my feelings out without anyone noticing it…I slumped against the wide, cold floor; I curled up into a ball as I covered my face with my arms. I started to cry like mad; each tear with its equivalent pain. After a few minutes of sulking; the pain quite vanished and my feeling became quite lighter, my eyes started to became heavy and my body became relaxed, after that…darkness.

             *Ding, ding, dong*

            I snapped my eyes open as I quickly stood up from my sleep; I looked up to the sky and it’s already in the vivid color of orange. It’s already 2:48 pm on my watch; Aish, I slept all through put my last two periods but since it’s already dismissal time I think I’ll clear up my head up here for a bit. I sighed as I looked up the sky; I remember that this is the place where I usually eat my lunch before…before Wooyoung accompanied me and we became lovers. My eyes started tearing up again.

cheotnun omyeon gati geoljago ggok eogimeobsi duli ojadeon geu teong bin georien neowa nanun jageun banjiwa da eongkyeobeorin uri chueokman ggok ango seo itne…” I started to sing.

            Halfway through my song I suddenly heard a guitar played; I quickly looked at the other side of the wall that I’m leaning against to. I saw a guy who seems like he’s in the same year as me; he’s leaning against the wall and he’s sitting on the ground, stuck between his lips is a hand pick and his guitar rested properly on his lap. I stared at him for a few seconds and to tell you the truth I was mesmerized by his song because the next thing I knew is that I’m walking towards him already. He stopped playing as he looked up to me. I tried to talk but it seems like my voice vanished; he stared at me with a puzzled look but soon enough he gave me a sweet smile.

            “Annyeong” he greeted

            “A-Annyeong…” I replied with a shaking voice

            He scooted a bit as he gave me a signal to sit beside him. I hesitated at first but that sweet smile of his is what made my legs to take its lead. I sat beside him as I hugged my knees; I glanced at him and was surprised to see him glancing at me too; I quickly looked away. I heard him chuckle and after that he continued to play his guitar.

            “You cried, haven’t you?”  he asked; still, playing his guitar.

            “B-Bwoh?” I asked; shocked.

            “Your eyes are swollen…” he added


            “Is it about a guy?” He asked

            “What is it to you anyway? I don’t even know you for God’s sake” I scoffed.

            “I’m Lee Jonghyun; guitarist of the band called CN Blue and I think what you need now is a friend not a foe” he smiled


            “So wanna start over? Hi, I’m Lee Jonghyun and I wanna be your friend” he smiled as he took out his hand


            I thought twice before answering him but I guess; what’s the harm of making a friend? I shook his hand as I faked a smile.

            “I-I’m Song Youngjin…” I replied

            “Song Youngjin…what a great name…” he smiled

            Weeks passed by and I can say that me and Jonghyun got quite closer; I told him all of the things that even Wooyoung doesn’t know. We started to hang out often; it always took place at the rooftop at dismissal time and there he would play his guitar and I would be the one to sing; those were the happiest moments of my life, it even made me forget about Wooyoung for a while, but whenever Jonghyun will play “Take care of my boyfriend” by Younha I would always burst into tears, that’s why we never played that song after that. Sometimes, Jonghyun even teaches me how to play the guitar.

            “Waaa! I can’t get it right, Jonghyun” I squealed; getting irritated.

            “What are you saying Youngjin…it’s a basic nursery rhyme…” Jonghyun replied; scratching his head.

            “Still…” I pouted.

            “Okay, okay. Here…let me help” he said

            He wrapped his arms around me then he took my hand, he placed them properly on the fingerboard and the other one on the strings. We started playing it but I think my heart is in a better rhythm than the guitar I was playing; it kept on pounding like mad. I started to fidget as I felt Jonghyun’s breathe down my neck, his face is really close to mine and his words kept on stinging my ears. It made me restless.

            “Do you get it now?” Jonghyun asked; his arms still wrapped around me.

            “Y-Yeah…thank you!” I said as I quickly stood up.

            But right before I could even take one step; I stumbled over the guitar case which is lying on the floor; I lost my balance and I think I’m gonna fall down for sure.

            “Youngjin, look out!” Jonghyun called.

            He reached for my hands and then he quickly pulled me to him. I accidentally embraced him for that instance.

            “Are you okay?” He asked

            I really can’t utter a word this time; my body is intact with him and his face is just too close for me to stand. I tried to pull myself from him but I think he wants us to stay like that for a couple more seconds because he won’t let go of my waist.

            “Uhhh…thank you Jonghyun…y-you can let go now…” I said; looking away.

            “What ere you saying? Don’t you want to stay like this for a while?” he smirked

            “What are you saying Jonghyun; of course I don’t want…” I replied

            “Really?” he asked

            “R-Really…” I answered

            “But why are you flushed like that?” he asked


            “You like me, huh?” he chuckled

            “B-Bwoh??” I asked

            “I like you too, Song youngjin…” He said

            Suddenly, Jonghyun pushed his lips unto mine. He held me tighter and it became warmer. My mind is in a mess right now so I really can’t think straight; I started kissing back and that’s when I knew that I’ve deeply fallen for him.

            “Youngjin…let’s go on a date…not here in the rooftop but out there where people can see us; out there where I can tell them how much I really love you…” Jonghyun whispered.

            “O-Okay…” I replied

            Words cannot explain how happy I am right now…just me and Jonghyun…together. The next day I happily prepared my self for our date; I combed my hair nicely and I groomed my dress.

            “I’m ready…” I smiled.

            Suddenly, I heard a knock on our main door.

            “That must be him” I smiled

            I quickly ran towards the door but unfortunately my mom answered it before I do.

            “Oh, Youngjin; someone’s looking for you” My mom said

            She opened the door widely and I saw Wooyoung from the other side.

            “W-Wooyoung? What are you doing here?” I asked



(Jonghyun’s POV)

            At last, Youngjin is mine and today will be our first date; I should make it memorable for her…I happily trotted on my way for Youngjin’s house. Let’s see now; flowers, check; movie tickets, check; mental preparation, check. I’m all set. Finally, I can now see Youngjin’s house from a far but even before I can see the whole house I saw Youngjin at the sidewalk.

            “Y-Young—” I paused.

            I saw her with Wooyoung; they seem to be talking. I hid on a bush close enough for me to see them; but I really can’t hear what they are talking about. Suddenly, Wooyoung kneeled in front of Youngjin. What?? He’s confessing again?? But Youngjin wouldn’t say yes…she’s going out with me right now…right? W-Wait a minute…Youngjin smiled and then she got Wooyoung to stand up…This is the end…Youngjin said yes…I threw the roses into garbage can nearby and then I quickly ran away.



(Youngjin’s POV)

            Wooyoung suddenly kneeled in front of me; it’s really embarrassing but he said he wouldn’t get up if I don’t answer him.

            “Please, Youngjin…Please go back to me…Sulli is the only one that told me to say those hurtful words…I didn’t mean to say that…I really can’t live without you…” Wooyoung pleaded

            I smiled as I got him to stand up.

            “Wooyoung…I really appreciate the thought but I can’t…I’m in love with somebody else now…and he loves me too” I smiled

            “Youngjin…” Wooyoung said

            “I’m sorry Wooyoung…” I replied as I got back into the house.

            As I got in I quickly closed the door.


            Suddenly, my cell phone vibrated and I quickly got it. Oh, it’s from Jonghyun~ I quickly read it.

            “Youngjin, I’m sorry but I have other plans for today so I really can’t come; goodbye” it reads.

            “What? What the hell I going on?” I thought.

            The next day at school when I went to our usual spot at the rooftop for lunch but Jonghyun isn’t there…does this have something to do with yesterday? Oh, Jonghyun what is wrong with you? I went for the schools music room and sure enough Jonghyun’s band mates were there, but Jonghyun weren’t. As I entered all of them stopped playing as they stared at me.

            “A-Annyeong…” I started “Can I ask where Jonghyun is?”

            “That guy didn’t show up for practice the whole day, so we really don’t know…” Yonghwa said

            “Wait a minute…are you Youngjin by any chance?” Min hyuk added

            “Y-Yes…why?” I replied

            “My friend is really heartbroken because of you, you know?” Min hyuk said

            “H-Heartbroken?” I asked

            “Oh so she is the one Jonghyun has been babbling about…is it true that after a day you two broke up??” Jung shin said

            “Broke up?? What are you talking about?” I asked confused

            “He said that he saw you with your ex boyfriend and you two got together yesterday; the exact time of your date…” Jung shin said

            “But I didn’t! I said that I’m going out with someone already…he misunderstood…” I said as I started to cry.

            “W-W-Wait…don’t cry; he’s probably in their classroom by now…” Yonghwa said

            “K-Komawo…” I said as I bowed.

            I quickly ran towards Jonghyun’s room and as expected he’s there. He’s in his chair burying his face down to his arms. I quickly grabbed his wrist as I pulled him up to the rooftop.

            “Y-Youngjin?” he said

            As we reached the rooftop I faced Jonghyun who is trying to avoid my stare.

            “What is it?” he asked coldly.

            “Jonghyun, were you by any chance saw what happened between me and Wooyoung yesterday?” I asked


            “Answer me!” I said

            “What’s the point? You're already going out with him now aren’t you? So what’s the big deal if I saw it or not? I’m going back…” he said as he started to walk out from the rooftop.

            I quickly got a hold of his wrist and then I pulled him towards me. I held his cheeks and then I kissed him on the lips. After a few seconds I pulled out.

            “Jonghyun…I can never go back with that guy…the only man whom I’m in love with is you…so please…please don’t ignore me…” I said as I started to cry.

            “Y-You said no??” he asked

            I nodded as I buried my face into his chest.

            “I-I’m so sorry Youngjin…I thought that…” Jonghyun said

            “You don’t need to explain Jonghyun…it’s alright now…” I said as I looked up to him.

            He held my chin as he pulled it closer to his face.

            “Saranghaeyo, Youngjin…” he said as he pushed his lips into mine.


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geekymermaid318 #1
ooohh. Yangmei's writing my story. *u* <3
awww...i wish i could apply again...but alas its closed..but i guess i could wait til it is re-opened again
I requested again =DDD <3
i sent my request- "my fateful birthday"~ <br />
i'll be looking forward for it! ^^
OMG, I loved the one-shot~~ xDD *keeps squealing* Thank you so much for writing my one-shot!! >3<
Yay!! Thank you!!!~~<br />
I LOVED IT!!!<br />
I can't tell you how thankful I am!! :D<br />
Omo, yay!!!!!! thank you~~ I loved it! No kidding <3 thank you~ the last question very though to answer though. It's hard being in a love triangle xDDDDD thank you once again <3
I've applied as a writer/staffer. If theres anything wrong with the application please let me know. Feel free to pm my wall. Love the shots BTW!
missinvisible #9
SweetPoison, thank you so much!! I'm squealing like mad right now!! Love it so much <3 Thank you again xD<br />
Dear Diary staffs hwaiting~ ^^