[12] ayatakarai - Dreams Do Come True

Dear Diary [One shot shop CLOSE!]

Title: Dreams Do Come True

Pairings: Sungmin x Meg

Genre: Romance

Author: SweetPoison

Poster credits: SweetPoison

Pangyo Campus; the school from which, I will be studying for my last year in high school. It’s neat, somewhat crowded but most especially, the teachers are kind and there are no es running down the hallway. But also, you may ask that since it’s my last year of high school why did I choose to transfer? The reason why I agreed is all because of him; all because of Lee Sungmin. Can you believe that from a hundred schools here in Korea my Mom chose the school from which Sungmin studies? It’s not that I’m a diehard fan or anything, it’s just that an offer like this cannot happen twice; so I just reluctantly agreed. And now, here I am preparing my things for my first day of school and I’m nervous like hell.

            “I sure hope Sungmin will be in the same class as me…” I sighed as I packed my bag “But, from a hundred girls wishing to be with him, I won’t stand a chance…”

            *Knock, knock*

            “Honey, you're gonna be late if you don’t hurry up…” Mom said.

            “O-Okay, I’ll be out in a minute” I replied as I hurriedly packed the remaining notebooks inside my bag.

             Before going out I went in front of the mirror, I fixed my sleeves, I combed my hair, and then I started to smile out of the blue. Just then, I started to feel weird about that…

            “I’m not a diehard fan Damn it!” I said as I grabbed my bag then I stormed out of my room.

            At the dining area, Mom and Dad are already starting their breakfast. I pulled a chair, sat on it and then I threw my bag at the vacant chair beside me. I ate my cereal as quickly I can.

            “What’s the rush? You won’t be late…I’ll drop you off, so don’t worry…” my Dad smiled.

            “I don’t hate you or anything Dad but that’s EXACTLY why I’m eating fast…I don’t want you to drop me off like a nursery…” I thought as I continued to eat.

            “If you need anything just give us a call…” my Mom added

            “Do I look like I’m 5 to you??” I thought again

            I finished my meal after 3 minutes, I stood up, placed my bowl in the sink and then I grabbed my bag.

            “I have to go now…” I said as I headed towards the door.

            “Wait, Meg!” my Mom called.

            “Huh?” I replied as I looked back.

            “Your lunch…” my Mom smiled as she gave me a lunch box.

            “Uhh…Thanks…” I replied as I wore my shoes and then I quickly got out of the house.

            I started walking down the street. I saw the bus from a far so I started to run. As I finally got in, I found a seat at the back. I went there and then I started to rummage the lunch box my mom gave me; sweets, packed juice, a sandwich. *Sigh*. I arrived at my school at exactly 15 minutes after I left the house; everything’s quiet, there’s not a single person lurking around the school grounds…there’s no sign of a student anywhere.

            “Where is everybody?” I thought

            I looked at my clock it’s already…8:30?! Dang, I’m really late. I rushed inside the school and then I quickly ran towards my assigned room. As I ran closer to the rooms’ door, I can hear that the teacher is already giving lectures. I opened the door as quietly as I can but no matter how silently I opened it the teacher called me as soon as I stepped inside.

            “Miss Meg?” the professor started

            Oh no…

            “Songsaeng…mianhamnida!” I said as I bowed

            “Gwenchana, Miss Meg…we’re just starting anyways so just take your seat.” she said as she continued writing on the board.

            I looked around and saw a vacant seat at the back; corner of the room. I quickly sat on the chair, placed my bag beside the table, dusted my lap and then I placed my hands together on the table.

            “I sure am glad to have a teacher like her.” I thought with a smile

            “She’s only like that because she’s late herself…” a voice came from my side “You're lucky that 1st period isn’t Mr. Park’s class or you’ll end up running 10 laps around the field…”

            What’s up with this guy? I turned to him as I raised an eyebrow.

            “What the hell is up with y—” I paused

            I was taken a back as I saw that it was LEE SUNGMIN; my mouth went wide open and I really can’t move.

            “Base on your reaction it seems that you know me” He smiled


            “What are you gonna do now, kiss me? Hug me? Stalk me?” he asked

            “What the hell…” I thought

            I looked at him from head to toe; so this is Sungmin.

            “I’m sorry but I don’t even know you…” I said as I turned to the blackboard.

            “You sure?” He smiled again

            “I’m sure of it, Babo-ya” I replied

            He seems to have been taken a back by my words because he didn’t talk back to me after that. The lectures went on smoothly with Sungmin still petrified beside me. I glanced at him and he’s staring at me with his hand cupped on his chin and he’s giving me a weird smile. At lunch break I took out the lunch box my mom gave me; I opened it and then I started eating at my table. After a couple of minutes some girls approached me.

            “Annyeong…” one of them greeted

            I looked up and saw each one of them holding a lunch box.

            “Let me guess, want to make friends with me?” I asked

            “Well, yeah” another added

            “Great, I’m Meg—” I paused as Sungmin suddenly showed up

            Sungmin shoved the girls away; he pulled a chair from the side and then he sat right in front of me.         

            “Were you waiting for me? How thoughtful of you” He smiled as he began to dig in from his own packed lunch.

            I looked at the girls; they looked devastated that they all walked away.

            “W-Wait!” I said; but it’s too late because they’ve already left the room.

            I glared at Sungmin who is now digging in MY lunch.


            “Ya!” I said as I slapped his hand away

            He just chuckled.

            “Don’t you have any friends to this sort of thing?” I asked


            “Look at what you’ve done, they’re gone now” I added

            “I don’t have any friends…” he squeaked

            “B-Bwoh?” I asked “Aren't you famous? I mean, there sure are many people begging to be friends with you…”

            “I don’t want to be friends with someone who is only after my fame…” he replied as he looked down.

            “O-Oh really…” I answered

            I kind of feel like the BAD guy now; he’s like that because it’s what he had experienced ever since. After some time, Sungmin is now hanging out with me; even though eventually, I kept on pushing him away.

            “Ya; stop sticking in with me…” I said

            “But, why? Don’t you find me adorable?” He smiled

            “OMO; he is Adorable…” I thought as I looked away

            “N-No you're not…” I replied

            “Really?” He asked as he once again flashed that charming smile of his.

            “Uwaaaa~” I thought.

            After a few more days I gave up on trying to shove Sungmin away because he sticks with me like a fly. So, I just let him do what he wants. Wednesday morning; cooking class, we’re in the home economics room of some sort and there, we are all trying to make some cake. I’m in a shared kitchen table with Sungmin because as so you’ve known; no one dared to talk to me with Sungmin around, so I really don’t have a choice. I was already placing on some icing on the cake while Sungmin is still reading the cook book; I don’t know if I’m TOO talented for cooking or is it just Sungmin is a slow learner, but either way I can finish my cake off in just a few minutes time. After I finished the cake; I looked around and saw that the rest is already adding the finishing touches, I glanced at Sungmin and he’s still cracking the eggs.

            “Aigoo, Sungmin-ah, how long are you supposed to make one simple cake?” I asked

            “This is my first time; I’ve escaped my classes back in 2nd year so I really don’t know how to bake, I only attended this class because of you…” He smiled

            “OMOOO” I thought as I looked away.

            The professor approached us to check the cake we've baked. She looked at mine and then she smiled but when she looked at Sungmin; her smile was instantly replaced with a frown.

            “Sungmin-ah, there are only 2 minutes left for this period and yet you still haven’t came up with a good outcome; I’m sorry but you have to work on your cake on dismissal time” the professor said

            I saw Sungmin’s face that moment; he glanced at me then he smirked, I know that he’s up to something so I tried to distance myself from them for a while.

            “But, Songsaengnim, I don’t really know how to make one, can Meg help me this dismissal?” Sungmin asked

            “OMO” I thought

            “I guess that wouldn’t be a problem” the teacher smiled as she turned around to face me “That would be fine, right, Meg?”

            “Y-Ye…” I replied

            “Great…You two can start with your cake after dismissal” The teacher smiled

            After the teacher left Sungmin looked at me then he smiled.


            After dismissal the two of us headed for the home economics room; I placed on my apron; tied my hair into a pony and then I gathered all the things necessary.

             “Ya, Sungmin, you're the one that needs to take the retest so you should be the one doing this” I said

            “Y-Yeah, wait a second” he replied as he scanned the door.

            “What the hell are you up to now? You should be baking some cakes not inspecting the door” I added

            “Be right there” He answered as he ran towards the supply cabinet; he pulled out an apron and the remaining things that we needed.

            He went to the table; wear his apron and then he opened the cook book.

            “Let’s see, eggs, flour—” He started

            “Ya, Sungmin, I’ll just be sitting right there if you need anything” I said as I pointed at the teacher’s desk and chair

            “Okay” He smiled

            I threw myself into the chair and my heart is pumping like crazy.

            “OMO; Sungmin and I are alone in a room” I thought as I played with my fingers “What to do?”

            “Ya, Meg! I don’t know how to do this thing!” Sungmin called

            I stood up and then I approached him.

            “What is it?” I asked as I leaned on the table.

            “This, I don’t know how to separate the egg yolk and its white” Sungmin pleaded

            I took a small bowl and then I started to separate it.

            “Wow, you sure are talented in cooking” Sungmin praised

            “It’s because I trained myself for doing this; this is the only way to prove to my parents that I’m not a child anymore, they kept on treating me like one” I sighed

            “Really?” Sungmin asked

            “Uh-huh” I replied

            Wait a minute; am I being open with him now?

            “You know what Meg?” Sungmin asked

            “Huh?” I answered

            “I like you” He said

            “B-Bwoh?” I said as I suddenly released the eggs I was holding “Omo”

            I got a rag and then I started to wipe the floor.

            “You're the first one that didn’t treat me as an outcast” Sungmin added

            “What are you talking about Sungmin?” I asked

            “You treated me normally and you became my friend…” He replied

            “R-Really?” I asked as I tried to shake off the conversation

            I approached the sink to wash the rag but then I felt Sungmin grabbed my waist; he pulled it to his.

            “S-Sungmin!” I said

            “I love you Meg…” He said as he held my chin and then he pulled it to his face “And since you’ve said that you're not a child anymore let’s do some ADULT things…”

            Sungmin’s tongue entered my lips; he moved it inside my mouth with intense speed.

            “S-sungmin…” I said

            My knees weakened and the next thing I knew is that I’m already slumping on the floor. Sungmin pushed his mouth into mine harder as he began to my blouse. I reached his hand as I tried to tell him to stop, but my strength is easily taken away by his hot kisses. He undid my bra and then he started to my .

            “Ahh…Sungmin…the door…someone might see us” I moaned

            “I’ve locked it earlier” He smirked as he kissed my neck

            “P-ert…you're already planning to do this to me earlier…” I cried

            “Well, yeah” he chuckled

            He continued to down my neck as he reached for my skirt; he ped it and then he reached inside my underwear.

            “Ahh! Sungmin! Stop!” I said as I tried to take his hand away from THERE.

            “Sorry baby, but I can’t…” he smirked as he continued what he was doing.

            From there on I continued to shout out some intense moans, until, I saw him ping his pants. He took out and then he began to it up and down. I was practically by the sight. I took his ‘member’ away from his hands and I took it inside my mouth.

            “Ahh…” Sungmin moaned as he reached for my head.

            I it as I bobbed my head up and down, just then I started to taste something.

            “You're so close Sungmin…” I chuckled; trying to up a bit.

            He blushed as I continued to chuckle, it was until then that I was pushed down to the floor. He pinned down my wrists with one hand and his other one taking my undies off

            “S-Sungmin! We’re going all the way?” I asked

            “I’m sorry baby, but I’m on my limit already” He said as he pulled my legs wide open.

            “Kyaa!” I screamed

            He leaned forward as he released my hands he began my as he in two fingers inside me.

            “N-No! Sungmin!” I said

            “Get ready baby” he said

            “H-Huh?” I thought

            He lifted my legs up and then he positioned himself on top of me; I felt the tip of pushing against my opening, I was too scared to move. Just then I felt the rim of sliding in and out of me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as I started to moan like mad.

            “N-no! Ahhh! S-Sungmin! Stop!” I started

            I felt that he ed in the whole thing; my stomach felt as if it was being pushed into my mouth. Sungmin stared at me with his intense gaze as he continued what he was doing.

            “I love you Meg…” He said

            “I love you too Sungmin…”  I said as I reached his lips; kissing it.

Thanks for reading! Please come back and request again!

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geekymermaid318 #1
ooohh. Yangmei's writing my story. *u* <3
awww...i wish i could apply again...but alas its closed..but i guess i could wait til it is re-opened again soon...lol
I requested again =DDD <3
i sent my request- "my fateful birthday"~ <br />
i'll be looking forward for it! ^^
OMG, I loved the one-shot~~ xDD *keeps squealing* Thank you so much for writing my one-shot!! >3<
Yay!! Thank you!!!~~<br />
I LOVED IT!!!<br />
I can't tell you how thankful I am!! :D<br />
Omo, yay!!!!!! thank you~~ I loved it! No kidding <3 thank you~ the last question very though to answer though. It's hard being in a love triangle xDDDDD thank you once again <3
I've applied as a writer/staffer. If theres anything wrong with the application please let me know. Feel free to pm my wall. Love the shots BTW!
missinvisible #9
SweetPoison, thank you so much!! I'm squealing like mad right now!! Love it so much <3 Thank you again xD<br />
Dear Diary staffs hwaiting~ ^^