Only you

Dear Diary [One shot shop CLOSE!]

Title: Only you

AFF Username: sukiwind

 Story by: soom_breathe

Poster by: SweetPoison

Pairings: Sungjong and Izzy Jung


(Izzy's POV)

“I don’t like stupid people like you. Leave me alone.”


“Y-you…don’t like me?”


“Do I need to say it twice for you to understand? Geez, people like you shouldn’t exist.”


“B-but, Sungjong…”


“Go before I lose my temper on you.”




I stared at my part of the salad as if it was just something I would stir my fork on, my friends Ari, Daisy, and Maggie continued talking about their different crushes, not knowing that I have been noticing them exchanging glances and staring at me as if I was the most pitiful person existing in the world.


I glanced at them and they blinked back at me before returning to their own businesses, I wanted to laugh at Ari who started stuttering as she continued talking about the new student from her class, what’s his name again? Kim Junghyun? Kim Jonghyu? Nevermind, as if I have anything to do with her love life.


“What is the love of my life doing sulking there on her seat?” I heard a deep voice mixed with a bit of a foreign accent speak from behind me before an arm was slung around my shoulder. I looked up to see Ethan, my number one stalker. The person who wouldn’t leave me alone.


I sighed as I removed his arm and stood up, my head hanging low. Only two more hours, Izzy, two more hours and your outta here.


I never knew two hours would be that painful and excruciating.



I walked home alone, free from my friends, free from Ethan. My house is only fifteen minutes away by foot; I didn’t even bother using my bicycle and dragged it behind me as I started walking home. My house wasn’t that big, but it was enough for me and my father. We aren’t rich, either; my father runs a noodle shop a few minutes from home.


“I’m home!” I said with less enthusiasm as I removed my shoes; I placed my book bag on the couch as I removed the vest of my uniform and laid it on the hook near the door. I looked around; the house seemed…more quiet than usual.


Suddenly, everything started shaking. I thought it was just my imagination but my father even dashed downstairs from his room and panicked.


“Good god, let’s go, go outside! It’s an earthquake!” He muttered as he grabbed some things, I noticed him grabbing the picture frame which held my mother’s photo.


After we had run outside, the shaking stopped as our house crashed. Nothing, nothing was left of our house except the concretes. Me and my father exchanged glances before wailing like it was the end of the world.


“Oh my goodness, what happened?”

“An earthquake struck their home.”

“Only theirs…?”


I looked around as I wiped the tears away from my face, true enough, our house was the only one struck by the earthquake. Our neighbors gave us pitiful looks.


My father stared at my mom’s photo and wailed louder.



The night has been colder than ever, now, we’re homeless. I stared at the moon, hoping that it would give my house back. My father stared at the concrete as he cried again.


Right then, as if the moon, or God, answered my prayers, father’s phone rang. He answered it and began whispering before I noticed his eyes widen and he stared hooting.


“What? What is it?” I asked as I tried calming him down.


“We-we found a home!”



“Wow.” I stared at the large mansion that stood in front of me, I don’t know why, but it reminded me of Sungjong. The house was two storeys large and it was mostly in pink, it looked like a princess’ home.


“Mr. Jung, is that you? C’mon, enter, it’s cold out there. Aigoo, your daughter is really pretty, my son would like him.” A woman, she looked like she’s in her forties, welcomed us. I can say she’s really gorgeous from the way my father’s jaw dropped. “Aigoo, you cute little one.” She said before pinching my cheeks.


This would surely be an interesting stay.



“Izzy, go grab our luggage.” My father ordered after we looked around the house. I nodded obediently as I made my way to the car that picked us up earlier. As I approached it, I noticed a figure sitting on the driver’s seat, looking like he was sleeping.


I approached him slowly, that’s when I noticed…








We pointed at each other with our eyes wide, like we just saw ghosts. But he was a pretty ghost and I wasn’t.


“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” I muttered as I lowered my hand, my heart thumping very fast.


“What are you doing here? This is my house.” My eyes widened even more, this…this is his house? How embarrassing. “Don’t tell me you’re going to stay here.”


“Fortunately and unfortunately, yes.” I muttered as I grabbed the luggage, hoping that he would help me. But he just passed by me as if I was invisible. Damn him. “I hate you, Lee Sungjong,” I whispered.



Four years had passed, Sungjong and I ignored each other at home, he minds his own business and so do I. I think my feelings for him had already subsided; I don’t get that skip a beat thingy anymore.


Ethan and I…I think we got a lil closer as the years passed, he started being more decent. He stopped following me around but he still let me know that he’s just around when I need him.


Tonight, he called me out at the playground.


I heard he took up Business Management and would be graduating soon and a job has been prepared for him already. He’s going to make it big.


“Izzy Jung…” He started as we sat on the swings; I noticed a big grin on his face as he stood up and kneeled in front of me. His natural blue eyes stared back at me. “…would you marry me?”



The rain didn’t stop that night as I walked home in a daze, I passed by the waiting shed but a hand stopped me. I looked back to see Sungjong, with his blank expression as he held out an umbrella.


“Were you waiting for me?” I asked, I was slowly getting drenched from the rain so I walked up to him and he ignored me as we walked together.


“Are you coming home from meeting Ethan sshi?” That was the first thing he asked me as a few minutes had passed. “Did you say yes?”

“H-huh?” I stuttered as I stared at him curiously. He pursed his lips as he let another few seconds pass by again.


“I heard he asked you to marry him. Did you say yes?”


“Why?” I asked as I looked down on the ground, noticing that our foot steps were in synch. “Am I not allowed to do that?”


“That’s why I asked you.” He glared at me for a moment.


“Yes or no, it’s not your business anyways.” I glared back at him; I held his stare for a moment before pouting.


“Right.” He sighed. We continued walking, the raindrop making sounds as it dripped on the umbrella we shared.


“I…” I started; I stopped walking and stared at him. “I’m going to move out; I had talked it out with appa already. I realize I’m only getting on your way, so it’s the best for the two of us.”


He rolled his eyes and walked further, drenching me in the rain again. I stared at his back as he continued walking, before I caught up with him again.


“It’s a relief that Ethan would be graduating already and would have a decent job. Appa likes him too.” I said as we entered the gates of the house.


He spun around a bit furiously, “Do you like him? Do you like…Ethan?”


I blinked at him as I avoided his gaze. “Of course, I do. He was there for the past few years, even if I told him I liked you only, he didn’t leave me.”


“Then you’re going to like anyone who tells you they like you?!”


“Why? Am I not allowed to do that?” I muttered, why was he getting angry all of a sudden? “I’m tired of waiting for someone who I know wouldn’t like me back. I like Ethan.”


“You…you like me. You can’t like anyone but me.”


“What’s with you tonight?” I blurted out. “Yes, I like you. Only you. So what do you expect me to do?! You don’t even like me!” I noticed my eyes stared to build up tears. “What do you want—“


My eyes widened as he pressed his lips against mine as he let the umbrella fall on the floor, both of us are both drenched in the rain already.


“Don’t say you like anybody else, ok?”


“That’s the second.”


“Second what?” He looked at me, confusion etched on his face.


“Second kiss.”


“And we’d share more of them forever…”



Thanks for reading! Please come back and request again!

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geekymermaid318 #1
ooohh. Yangmei's writing my story. *u* <3
awww...i wish i could apply again...but alas its closed..but i guess i could wait til it is re-opened again
I requested again =DDD <3
i sent my request- "my fateful birthday"~ <br />
i'll be looking forward for it! ^^
OMG, I loved the one-shot~~ xDD *keeps squealing* Thank you so much for writing my one-shot!! >3<
Yay!! Thank you!!!~~<br />
I LOVED IT!!!<br />
I can't tell you how thankful I am!! :D<br />
Omo, yay!!!!!! thank you~~ I loved it! No kidding <3 thank you~ the last question very though to answer though. It's hard being in a love triangle xDDDDD thank you once again <3
I've applied as a writer/staffer. If theres anything wrong with the application please let me know. Feel free to pm my wall. Love the shots BTW!
missinvisible #9
SweetPoison, thank you so much!! I'm squealing like mad right now!! Love it so much <3 Thank you again xD<br />
Dear Diary staffs hwaiting~ ^^