[14] AyraLovesKibum: First Love Never Dies

Dear Diary [One shot shop CLOSE!]

Title: First Love Never Dies

AFF Username: AyraLovesKibum

Story by: Sadistic Angel

Poster by: Sadistic Angel

Genre:  Drama, Romantic, School life

Ayra’s POV



                Another rainy day in school, the teacher’s boring and each student was tempted to let their face fall down on their desk and doze off to sleep. I stared blankly at the door, as I waited for the school bell to ring for dismissal even if our algebra class just started. Forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Park Ayra, a freshman, single, a plain Jane and I’m stuck in this algebra class filled with boring topics. The door opened and behind it was Kim Kibum on of the popular guys in school.

                “I-I can explain,” Kibum said to our teacher.

                “No need Kibum, just take a seat” the teacher replied.


                Kibum sat on the empty seat next to me and waved hello and I smiled back. I didn’t expect that he’d even notice me. He’s smart, popular and handsome. The type that makes girls go crazy and drool all over. He should’ve ignored me like other guys his type, but I guess Kibum’s different. You really can’t judge a book by its cover.

                Kibum always seemed cheerful on campus grounds. He likes making jokes and stuff that would make it seem like he had no problems. Then again I knew one thing about him that made the things he did look obviously fake to me, that he hid what he was really feeling from his friends.

                It was a few weeks before classes started. I was sitting behind an old, overgrown tree in the park trying to sketch the image of the sun setting. It was until then I overheard the conversation of a young couple. I recognized their voices; the two were from my school. It was Im Yoona and Kim Kibum.


                “Kibum, I have to leave” Yoona sighed.

                “What?! What do you mean leave?” Kibum asked in shock.

                “Kibum, I’m leaving for America tomorrow morning with my family. My dad told me that we’re going to live there permanently” she explained.

                “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” Kibum asked in a shaky voice.

                “I didn’t want you to worry about it for the rest of my stay” Yoona replied.

                “Well, what’s done is done. We are going to keep in touch and still be together, right? You would wait for me to get there, r-right?” Kibum trembled.

                “Kibum,” Yoona sighed.

                “Yoona, please tell me you’d wait for me. Tell me that we’re going to make it through a long distance relationship” Kibum begged.

                “Kibum, I don’t think I could afford to do that. We should set each other free. I don’t want you to expect that things will remain the same” Yoona said smoothly.

                “No Yoona, I’ll wait for you to come back or I’ll follow you there after I graduate high school.” Kibum said as I decided to spy on the two already.

                “I’m sorry Kibum, I don’t want you to look forward to that. Things WILL change, they always do. It’s better this way, goodbye Kibum.” Yoona said teary-eyed. She kissed Kibum on the cheek and left.

                “Yoona!!” Kibum shouted

                I watched him as he fell to pieces, poor kid. Who knew that a guy as handsome as him would be the one who’d get the broken heart in a relationship?

                “Don’t leave me like this” his voice got softer as he broke down and fell on his knees.   


                 I never really thought that guys like him could love like he did. I mean, does rather, present tense.  It’s obvious that he still loves Yoona. I could see it in his eyes filled with emptiness yet other people are blinded by his smile.


                The bell rang, finally! I rushed out the door thrilled to have lunch with my friends. I felt like everything was going to be fine because I get to go home already! What could go wrong? Then again, I was wrong. I bumped into Mi Sun and caused her to drop all of her things.  I wish I had bumped someone as average as me but I bumped one of the school’s superficial es. The Vixen groups’ leader too, boy, I’m in a lot of trouble.


                “Ugh! Watch where you’re going geek!” she yelled.

                “I-I’m so sorry Mi Sun, I-I didn’t mean to” I shuddered at first.

                “Who told you that you could call me by my first name?!” she hissed.

                “Huh? Well what did you expect me to call you?” I asked, confused. I wasn’t afraid anymore I realized that I shouldn’t tolerate the way they act as if they own the school. There were lots of eyes on us though.

                “How about, Your majesty? Everybody here calls a Vixen girl that way. Don’t you know that?” she ed.

                “No, and why should I? You’re no royalty to be called that way!” I said in an arguing tone. The students surrounding us were shocked of what I said. They didn’t expect me to have the guts to talk to her that way.

                All of a sudden her boyfriend, Jin, arrived. He walked arrogantly through the hallway. The students automatically gave way for him to get to where his girlfriend was standing.

                “What seems to be the problem here?” Jin asked.

                “Jin, darling, this geek just insulted me!” she exclaimed.

                “Is that so?” he had a crazy-eye look. He grabbed my arm and pulled me outside where it was raining heavily. I couldn’t stop him, he was too strong.

                “Let go of me you jerk!!! You’re hurting me!” I yelled.

                “You need to learn your lesson” he grinned as he pushed me towards the mud puddle. I fell down in the sticky and stinky mud. I had a bad fall and I sprained my left foot.

                “Now, go apologize to Mi Sun!” he screamed at me.

                “Hell no!” I shouted back and he slapped my face.

                “That’s enough!!” I recognized Kibum’s voice.

                “Kibum? What? I’m just teaching this girl to show respect” Jin explained.

                “I think she knows if a person is or isn’t respectable” Kibum replied in a cold voice.

                “Why you…” Jin was insulted and formed a fist.

                “Go ahead, try. You know what I’m capable of doing Jin” Kibum threatened him. Jin left us alone and went back inside. “Are you alright?”

                “I’m fine, perfectly fine” I replied as he helped me stand up.

                “That doesn’t look good" he said holding my face and touching my bleeding lip that Jin hit.

                “I can manage thanks” I said.

                “You’re all wet, here take my jacket” Kibum insisted.

                “B-But, I’m fine, really” I replied but he put his jacket around me anyway.

                “My house is just a few blocks away from the school, come on” he dragged me towards his house.

                We got inside his house, it was warm and cozy. The walls were painted lavender and the furniture looks expensive. Kibum’s house was filled with other luxurious stuff but there was one thing that really got me curious. I saw a picture frame turned down on the coffee table. Since Kibum was in his room changing clothes, I decided to look at the picture. It was an image of Yoona. I knew it, he still loves her.

                “Hey, you want some hot chocolate?” Kibum said holding two mugs of hot chocolate with its sweet aroma.

                “Y-Yeah sure” I answered as he sat down beside me. He removed his jacket around me and replaced it with a towel.

                “Are you comfy?” he asked.

                “Y-Yes, thanks” I shivered as he gave me the mug of hot chocolate.

                “I’m really sorry about what happened” he sighed.

                “Wh-What? Why are you saying sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong to me” I replied confused.

                “Well, they’re my friends and I shouldn’t have let their bullying go that far” he sighed once more.

                “That’s alright; it’s not your fault. It’s theirs” I said trying to console him.

                “Anyways, I’m…” he was supposed to introduce himself.

                “Kibum, I know” I chuckled.

                “B-But, how?” he stuttered.

                “You’re popular, duh” I said sarcastically.

                “Well, I always felt like I’m just a normal student” he smiled. “And you are?”

                “Oh, I’m um...” I tried to say my name but this nervous feeling came over me.

                “You’re name is Um?” he was confused.

                “N-No! I-I’m Ayra” I stammered.

                “Nice to meet you Ayra” he smiled and shook my hand.

                “So, what did you mean when you told Jin that he knew what you were capable of?” I wondered.

                “That’s nothing! I just kicked his once” he bragged.

                “I see there is a jerky side of you” I frowned.

                “Well, only when I’m defending myself or others” he explained.

                I had a long chat with Kibum. I never actually thought that he would be a fun guy to talk to, considering that his friends are jerks. He walked me home when the rain stopped. He was a really nice guy. Oh my, he was so cute awhile ago. Wait, what? What am I saying?!  This isn’t normal. This has got to stop.

                2 years passed and I couldn’t get my mind off of Kibum. We take time to chat for awhile whenever we run into each other in the hallway. My heart beats fast whenever we talk. I struggle to stay calm each time we have a conversation. I shoud forget about him, there are lots of other girls there who like him; it would be best if I just keep this to myself.

He’s just another handsome guy meant for girls who seem like goddesses, but why doesn’t that seem to stop these feelings I have for him? I’ve fallen deeper and deeper in love with him. It doesn’t make sense, why him? He’s in love with another, but why do these emotions seem inevitable? When I think of a happy place the first thing that comes to my mind is, me and him drinking hot chocolate in his house. Will I ever be able to stop this obsession?

                “Ayra? Ayra!!!” Changmin yelled.

                “Wh-What?!” I replied shocked.

                “You were staring at Kibum again” he said in a soft voice.

                “Oh, um, sorry” I looked down.

                “You haven’t even touched your food yet. Lunch is almost over, I don’t think this crushing of yours is healthy at all” Changmin pouted.

                Changmin and I have been best friends since kinder. He was always there to defend me from bullies and I defended him. It’s like we’re twins, always there for each other. It was weird though, he’s never had a girlfriend before. He hasn’t even been on a first date. It was actually unusual since he was also popular because of his good looks and straight A’s. Some girls envy me since I always spend lunch time with him, some think we’re dating, but of course that wasn’t true. I asked Changmin one time if he was planning on being a priest but he said no. Sometimes I wonder if he’s gay.

                “Hey Changmin,” I said.

                “What?” he asked.

                “Don’t you have a girlfriend yet?”  I asked in return.

                “N-No. If did I wouldn’t be having lunch with you and walking you home, would I?” he chuckled.

                “Aren’t you dating someone right now?” I asked again.

                “Nope, why? Do you want me out of your life now so you could think about your precious Kibum all the time?” he grinned.

                “N-No. It’s just that we’re already juniors and you’ve never had a girlfriend but you’re all popular, smart and everything. It just seems impossible” I said

                “Look, I also have a dream girl alright? I’m just waiting for her” he smiled.

                “Really? Who is this dream girl? Do I know her? I bet she’s here somewhere” I teased.

                “Hey Ayra!” a voice interrupted. It was Kibum.

                “Oh, Kibum it’s you. What is it?” I asked.

                “You’re good at art stuff right? I couldn’t find any friend who’d help me out, I was wondering if you could help me with my art project” he replied.

                “Well,” I thought for a second.

                “Please, please, please?” he begged with his adorable face.

                “Oh, alright” I smiled.

                “Great! I’ll cook dinner for you if you’d like” he smiled back. “I gotta go, I’ll wait for you outside later.”

                “Don’t you think he’s just using you?” Changmin whispered.

                “I don’t think so, he rarely asks me favors. Besides, I’d do anything for him anyway, he is my one true love right?” I joked but Changmin didn’t seem too happy about that.

                “You like Kibum?! HAHAHAHA!!” it was Mi Sun, she overheard what I said.

                “N-No,” I stuttered.

                “Quit denying geek, word’s out” she snickered. People around us started whispering.


                I walked in shame for the rest of the day. I kept on asking myself the same questions over and over again. What if Kibum found out? Would he start avoiding me? Would this be the end of our friendship? What am I gonna do? What could I do to make him feel less awkward?

                I told Changmin that I wanted to walk alone today. The moment I got out of the school gate a tear flowed down my cheek.

                “Hey Ayra!” it was Kibum’s voice. I quickly wiped the tear off my cheek.

                “K-Kibum? Wh-What is it?” I asked.

                “You’re going to help me with my project remember?” he smiled. I don’t think he knows yet so I went with him to his house and started helping him with his project.

                “Kibum, Mi Sun didn’t tell you anything did she?” I asked.

                “What do you mean? That rumor she made up that you like me?” he laughed.

                “Y-Yeah,” I stuttered. “Look, it’s…”

                “Don’t worry I don’t believe her, she makes up those things most of the time. I got used to it” he chuckled.

                “W-Well, what if it was true?” I tried to make my tone seem as if I was joking.

                “Hmm,” he gave a serious look “Well, I’d be lucky to have you like me. You’re smart an pretty and a cool person to hang out with, but you’d be unlucky because you liked me.”

                “Kibum, I’m sorry” I gulped.

                “Why? Sorry for what?” he was confused.

                “You see, I can’t keep this any longer it’s killing me inside” I sighed. “The truth is I’m in love with you. Mi Sun overheard me and Changmin talking, I’m so sorry.”

                “Oh,” he said. He was shocked. “That’s alright.”

                “Really?” I asked.

                “Yeah, but you do know I won’t give you anything in return right?” he responded.

                “But, Kibum I love you so much” my voice croaked.

                “Ayra I won’t treat you more than a friend!” he yelled.

                “Yoona’s not coming back for you” I said.

                “I-I don’t know, don’t say that!” he yelled again.

                “Kibum, I’ll help you forget about Yoona. She’s not coming back for you, you’re just going to end up hurting yourself” I said as I held his face. “I’ll help you; I’ll do anything you want.”


                Tears started to run down his face. He leaned closer and kissed me softly, I let him do as he pleased. He held my face and pushed me towards the couch. I started to kiss back; I couldn’t deny that it was pleasurable for me too. When he noticed that, his kiss became rough and he slid his hands down to my chest.

                Nothing happened that night, unfortunately. We just kept on kissing until we both got tired. Kibum and I have been dating for a few months now. He was cheerful as ever, but I still wonder if he’s forgotten about Yoona already.

                “Hey, you got something on your lips” Kibum said.

                “Huh? What is it?” I asked. All of a sudden he kissed my lips and I blushed.

                “My lips were” he smirked.

                “I love you Kibum” I said as I leaned on his shoulder.

                “Me too” he replied.


Kibum’s POV


                Ayra rested peacefully in my arms. I on the other hand am trying to imagine that it was Yoona who’s with me right now and not Ayra. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve learned to love Ayra too. It’s just that I feel like I love Yoona more. I feel so happy when I’m with Ayra, but maybe I’d be happier if I’m with Yoona. I just can’t let go of her. I’m just trying to have fun by having Ayra do crazy things and go on cool dates with me until Yoona comes back. I’m sure Ayra’s going to be mad once she finds out but it’s her fault. I warned her, she didn’t listen.

                My phone rang that night, I wondered who it was. Ayra doesn’t call me at night, she has chores. My friends, well, some friends they are, they don’t even care about me that much so why would they call?

                “Hello?” I answered the phone.

                “Kibum!” a female voice said cheerfully on the other line. My heart started to beat faster, the voice was familiar. I had very high hopes that this really was Yoona.

                “Wh-Who’s this?” I asked

                “It’s me, Yoona! Don’t you remember?” she replied.

                “Yoona?! The Yoona I love?! Is it really you?!” I was in shock.

                “Yes, it’s me silly. It’s a good thing you still remember me” she giggled.

                “Of course, how could I forget you?” I said.

                “Listen, I’ll drop by your place tomorrow at noon, let’s have lunch ok?” she laughed.

                “Great! I’ll cook something special for you!” I smiled.

                “I’m looking forward to that, anyways I gotta go, and bye I love you!” she replied before she hung up the phone.


                I knew I wasn’t crazy. I knew all this time that she would come back for me, because she loves me too. All this waiting wasn’t wasted, but how am I going to tell Ayra this? I guess I have a new problem now.

                Yoona arrived on time as always. I whipped up her favorite dish and she loved it. It was strange though, it feels like there’s something that’s changed between the atmosphere of us being together. Well, maybe I’m just worrying too much. It’s just because I missed her so much.

                “I can’t believe that you still waited for me” she giggled.

                “Well, you know me,” I smirked.

                “I still love you Kibum” she blushed.

                “I love you too” I leaned in and kissed her passionately. She kissed back, but it didn’t feel the same way as before. Like I said, maybe it’s just my imagination.

                We heard a racket and stopped kissing. It was the sound of cans and bottles that fell. It was Ayra in a state of shock and teary-eyed. I stood up and walked towards her.

                “Ayra, I can explain” I said in a soft voice.

                “There’s nothing to explain” she slapped me in the face and ran away.

                “Ayra! Wait! I’m Sorry!” I yelled as I chased her. She didn’t stop running and I kept on chasing her. She eventually rode a cab so I gave up trying to catch up with her. I felt so guilty about what I’ve done.

                 I went back to my house and found Yoona in my bedroom. She was sitting on my bed and looking at me confused. She asked what happened and I explained everything. It didn’t seem to matter to her.

                “Look, just forget about what happened okay?” she said trying to distract me. She pulled me towards the bed with a seductive look.

                I started kissing her again and she kissed back passionately. She lied down on the bed and I was on top. She caressed my body and started taking off her top. All of a sudden I told myself to stop. This didn’t feel right.

                “What’s wrong Kibum?” she asked.

                “I don’t feel like it’s the right time to do this, I’m sorry” I said and got off the bed.


Ayra’s POV


                I’m so stupid!!! How could I be so blind? I knew it he still loved Yoona. Sigh, what did I expect? He warned me from the very start. It’s my fault. I sat on an old bench near the school.

                “Ayra? What are you doing here? Why are you crying?!” It was Changmin.

                “I-It’s Kibum, Yoona’s back, I found Kibum kissing Yoona” I bursted into tears and hugged Changmin.

                “Hey, that’s alright, I’m here” he comforted.

                “Ayra! You’re here! Just let me explain” It was Kibum panting.

                “You, you’re just one hell of a jerk aren’t you?!” Changmin said, enraged. He kicked Kibum’s for me and called a cab.

                Changmin brought me to a movie theater. He said he thought it would cheer me up, especially a horror movie. I thought that maybe Changmin considers this as a date, so why not flirt along? There was one really scary part in the movie and I faked that I was really scared I held his hand. He smiled at me and held my hand too. Changmin walked me home after watching the movie.

                “Thanks so much for making me feel better Changmin” I said and kissed his cheek.

                “That’s n-nothing big” he smiled.


                I figured later on that night that what I did was really wrong. Changmin’s my bestfriend and I don’t want to trick him or worse, hurt him. I shouldn’t do that next time. I guess I was just carried away by my emotions seeking revenge. I guess that there are things in life that you just can't hold on forever no matter how much you fight for it. When you meet someone you've learned to love, you thought that it was destiny that made your paths cross, but what if making your paths cross is just part of a game that the playful and misleading destiny created? Making you realize in the end that the person you've learned to love and thought was destined for you never really meant to stay, but only destined to make you feel love and leave you when you've already fallen. I should let go of Kibum now, I hope he’s happy.


                Weeks passed Kibum and I had no communication. Well, he tried to call me but I didn’t answer. I felt that I’d move on faster if I rejected to answer his calls and text messages. Changmin on the other hand was being unusual towards me. He paid for my lunch almost every day and he called me every night. He was becoming clingier than ever.

                “Ayra, I have something to tell you” Changmin said.

                “What is it Changmin?” I asked curiously.

                “I love you Park Ayra! Will you be my girlfriend?” Changmin kneeled in the middle of the garden. The other students stared at us and waited for my answer.

                “Changmin, can we talk about this in private?” I asked.

                We went to a private place in the garden and talked about the issue. I told Changmin that being a friend is all that I could be to him. He accepted that fact but he was a little disappointed though. Days passed luckily nothing changed between me and Changmin.


Kibum’s POV


                I saw the whole thing, Changmin confessing to Ayra. Ayra didn’t answer; they went to a place where they could talk privately. Ayra’s probably said yes already since I broke her heart and Changmin’s much closer to her now. I wish I could take it back, all of it.

                I finished things with Yoona. I thought I’d be happier with her, but when the time came that we got to spend time together I kept on remembering Ayra. She was all I could think about; well I guess it’s too late now.

                “Why the long face Kibum? You’re not like this, you’re never sad” Jin said as he sat next to me at the lunch table.

                “It’s Ayra,” I sighed.

                “What about her?” he asked.

                “I made a really big mistake that made her leave and hate me. Now she’s with Changmin,” I sobbed.

                “What do you mean? They’re just friends” he chuckled.

                “But what about what happened the other day?” I asked confused.

                “Haven’t you heard? Ayra rejected Changmin, all she wants is to be friends” he grinned.


Ayra’s POV

                Another rainy day, what’s worse is our last subject’s Geometry. I stared at the door and waited for the bell to ring. This is pointless; I’ll just doodle on the back of my notebook.

                The bell rang after a few doodles that I created. I rushed to the door, unfortunately Mi Sun was there and I bumped her again.

                “Well, well if it isn’t the tough geek” she raised one eyebrow.

                “I’m sorry ok? Just leave me alone” I sighed and turned my back on her but Jin was on the other side.

                “Nobody turns their back on my lady” he held my arm and dragged me towards the rooftop. He held out an umbrella and gave it to me and pushed me to the center.


                I saw Kibum walking towards me. He didn’t have an umbrella or a jacket at least.

                “Ayra, I want to talk to you” he said.

                “What? There’s nothing to discuss, besides is this really necessary? Really, in the pouring rain?”                I said sarcastically.

                “Don’t give me that tone, I need you to be serious” he replied.

                “Were you ever serious with me?” I asked in sarcasm.

                “Look, I know I was wrong, I’m sorry. Please forgive me?” he kneeled.

                “No!” I said firmly. “Get under the umbrella”

                “I won’t do that if you don’t forgive me” he replied and moved backwards. I couldn’t chase him because it’d be pointless. He’ll just keep on moving to another place.

                “Kibum you’ll get sick! You should take care of yourself for Yoona” I sneered.

                “I broke up with Yoona for good, for you. Please forgive me? Or else I’ll stay her until the rain ends, I deserve it.” he stated.

                “Kibum, fine I forgive you okay? Just get under the umbrella” I said worrying.

                “One more thing, do you still love me?” he asked seriously.

                “Well,” I hesitated to say yes.

                “I’ll wait” he said.

                “Kibum, I still love you” I replied.

                “Then, will you be my girlfriend?” he smirked and stood up.

                “No!” I yelled.

                “Then I’m better off dead” he stepped near the edge of the rooftop.

                “NO! Kibum don’t! I love you and I’ll be your girlfriend!” I panicked.

                “Really?” he replied unsure.

                “Yes,” I smiled.


                He walked towards me and hugged me. I put down the umbrella. I didn’t care anymore, I was with Kibum again and this time around he really loved me. He kissed me romantically under the pouring rain. We didn’t realize that the other students were watching and cheered for us both.


Changmin’s POV


                Well at least Ayra’s happy. As long as she’s happy I’m happy, I’ll find my real match someday like her. I went to the park after that event. Luckily, it stopped raining.

                “Oh, sorry!!” I apologized to a fine lady I bumped.

                “Th-That’s alright,” the lady replied.

                “Wow,” I stared for a moment at her, she was really pretty.

                “Um, excuse me? Are you okay?” she was blushing.

                “M-Me? Oh yeah, I’m fine. Y-You’re just real pretty Miss” I flirted.

                “I’m Yoona,” she held out her hand.

                “Changmin” I shook her hand.

                “Well, Changmin, you’re charming” she smiled.

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geekymermaid318 #1
ooohh. Yangmei's writing my story. *u* <3
awww...i wish i could apply again...but alas its closed..but i guess i could wait til it is re-opened again soon...lol
I requested again =DDD <3
i sent my request- "my fateful birthday"~ <br />
i'll be looking forward for it! ^^
OMG, I loved the one-shot~~ xDD *keeps squealing* Thank you so much for writing my one-shot!! >3<
Yay!! Thank you!!!~~<br />
I LOVED IT!!!<br />
I can't tell you how thankful I am!! :D<br />
Omo, yay!!!!!! thank you~~ I loved it! No kidding <3 thank you~ the last question very though to answer though. It's hard being in a love triangle xDDDDD thank you once again <3
I've applied as a writer/staffer. If theres anything wrong with the application please let me know. Feel free to pm my wall. Love the shots BTW!
missinvisible #9
SweetPoison, thank you so much!! I'm squealing like mad right now!! Love it so much <3 Thank you again xD<br />
Dear Diary staffs hwaiting~ ^^