My Gemini lovers

Dear Diary [One shot shop CLOSE!]

Title: My Gemini Lovers

AFF Username: EvilLittleAngel

Story by: Sadistic Angel

Poster by: SweetPoison

Genre: : Cute, Funny, Romantic, A Little of drama

Pairings: Chohee and Youngmin


Chohee’s POV

            Here I am, sitting on my soft bed, covering my ears with my pillows trying to find some peace. Why? Well, it’s because it’s starting all over again. All their shouting, my father’s pounding on the wall, my mother’s voice that has gotten croaky because of her crying, the sound of plates and other stuff shattering and crashing, all of this, all over again. My house, yes, house not home, has been like this since last year.  Silence resides during the day since I go to school and my parents go to work, then it to a madhouse once my parents get home.

            “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!” I heard my dad shout at my mom.

            “Really? I can’t believe you, you’re caught red handed yet you still deny that you don’t have another woman!” my mom screamed.

            “Stop changing the subject! We’re talking about you here, not me!” he yelled.

            “Why shouldn’t we talk about you, huh?! Is it because you have too much to hide that’s why you don’t want to talk about yourself?!” she raised her voice.

            “Why would we talk about me?! So you can nag me again?! All you’re gonna do is yap about my flaws! How I’m terrible at this how I can’t do that,” he complained.

            “You know what, this really isn’t working well” she calmed down.

            “You bet it isn’t!” he said, agitated.

            “I think we should finish this, we really should. We’re both miserable, this isn’t what I had in mind before I said ‘I do’ in front of the altar” she sighed.

            I always knew that it would end this way. My mom’s probably calling her lawyer right now. I wonder if they even considered that I would be affected too. Tears ran down my face, I didn’t realize that I fell asleep from all my crying.

            I got up late and of course, I was late for school already. My parents were already gone so I didn’t have to worry about the awkward silent treatment they give each other during breakfast.

            I drove my bike to school and ran as fast as I could to get to class. All of a sudden I bumped into Youngmin, one of my friends.

            “Hey, why the rush?” he chuckled.

            “I’m late for class! Duh!” I sneered.

            “So am I, so chill ok?” he laughed.

            “Whatever, Youngmin” I grunted.

            “Whoa, someone’s a little grumpy. Are you alright?” he asked.

            “Y-Yes, I’m f-fine” I replied.

            “A-Are you sure?” he asked again.

            I couldn’t take it anymore; I burst into tears in front of Youngmin. I tried to run away from him so he wouldn’t see my tears but he pulled me back.

            “Hey, you can tell me what’s wrong,” he whispered.

            “It’s nothing don’t mind me,” I sobbed.

            He pulled me towards the school garden. Youngmin led me to his hiding place in the school garden. He stays there whenever he wants to cut class. I sat beside him and he put his arm around me and tried to comfort me.

            “Hey, you can tell me anything, come on” he said.

            “I-It’s my parents, I-I think they’re getting a divorce” I replied.

            “And…?” he let me continue.

            “I don’t want them to, of course. What’s worse is that they don’t even consider the fact that this would affect me too” I explained further.

            “Look, don’t mind them alright? That’s their problem” he said.

            “So you’re saying it’s ok if one’s parents get separated?” I raised one eyebrow.

            “No, it’s just that there’s not much you can do about it once they make their final decision, so don’t stress about it that much” he explained his point.

            “Yeah, you’re right” I sighed “We should get to class”

            “Nahh, I wanna stay here” he smirked.

            Youngmin and I stayed there for the first two periods. Luckily, no one caught us. Youngmin told me stories about his twin brother Kwangmin who was studying in America.  He told me they looked alike and it’s hard to compare the two if they had the same color of hair that’s why he dyed his. He also bragged that his hair was cooler than his brother’s.

            I listened attentively to Youngmin since he rarely talks about his life. Not only that, it’s also because I’ve been crushing on Youngmin since we were little kids. He’s just so adorable and wonderful.  There’s nothing not to like about him.

            “H-Hey, you wanna grab a bite or something?” he asked me after dismissal.

            “R-Really?” I stuttered.

            “Yeah why?” he asked confused.

            “It’s just that you usually go straight home after school” I explained.

            “Well, yeah but I want to spend more time with you.” he smiled.

            “O-Okay” I smiled back.

            We had coffee at some café near our school. We had so much fun talking to each other people were staring at us because we kept on laughing. Another thing is we didn’t realize that we’ve been in the café for 3 hours already.

            “Whoa, I didn’t realize that we’ve spent such a long time here already. I should go now” I said.

            “Wait, you got something on your lip” he said as he wiped something off my lip. It was an awkward moment for me.

            “Umm, thanks, I gotta go” I stood up.

            “Hey, let’s do this again tomorrow okay?” he suggested.

            “Yeah, sure” I smiled.

            “Wait,” he said

            “What is it?” I asked.

            “C-Can I walk you home?” he stuttered.

            “I don’t think so, my mom would freak out on me if she saw you” I chuckled.

            “Okay, see you tomorrow then” he smirked.

            I was so happy when I exited the café. I wanted to jump up and down and scream my lungs out. I finally got to spend time with Youngmin alone. I cheerfully skipped all the way to my house. I was in a peppy mood; then again I think it’s more like I’m on a sugar rush.

            Everything seemed perfect until I got to our gate and found my dad moving out. He had two bags, one on his back and one that he held on his right hand. I could tell those bags were filled with clothes and all his other stuff.

            “D-Dad” I wheezed.

            “Chohee, you were supposed to be here 3 hours ago. Where have you been? You’re mom’s been worried sick” he told me.

            “Nevermind that. Where are you going?!” I panicked.

            “I’m going to go away for a while sweetie” he said as he kissed my forehead.

            “Dad, you’re not coming back, are you?” I assumed.

            “What? Of course I’ll come back, why do you think that?” he tried to fake a chuckle.

            “Dad, stop treating me like I’m five. I know that you and mom don’t get along anymore. So are you coming back or not?” I said teary-eyed.

            “Hey, hey, don’t cry. You can spend your summer at my new place if you want to ok? Just give me a call anytime, I’ll be there kiddo” he sighed.

            I hugged him tightly. I can’t believe my mom let him go already. I couldn’t help but cry, I guess that they really gave up on each other. This family would never be whole again, not unless they want to fix it.

            The next day I told Youngmin that I wanted to hang out at his hiding place for a while. I told him that he didn’t have to accompany me but he insisted that he wanted to come with me. I told him about my dad moving out. He felt sorry and tried to cheer me up in different ways. He tried dancing and singing for me, those things did make me smile. Then we talked about different things that would take my mind off of my parents’ break up.

            We headed off for the café after school and had the same fun as we did yesterday. We started going to different places together after a few days.

            After a few weeks of going out together Youngmin and I started spending lunch with me alone as well. One dark noon during lunch time, we were laughing so hard at his story. All of a sudden it started raining. We laughed at each other at first but then I suggested that we should get inside.

            “Come on Youngmin! We’re gonna catch a cold if we stay under the rain longer” I giggled and started walking towards the doorway leading inside the building of the campus.

            “Wait” he pulled me back towards him. At that moment, we looked into each other’s eyes deeply. I wanted to look away but I couldn’t “I love you.”

            I felt his lips touch mine under the pouring rain. He wrapped his arms around me so I wouldn’t get too cold. I hugged him back and I started to kiss back. I never thought my first kiss would really happen this way.

            “Kwangmin!!!” a furious familiar voice came from behind. It was another Youngmin, I can’t believe it.

            “Wh-What the…” I was confused.

            “Kwangmin you traitor! We had a deal! What kind of brother are you?!” the second Youngmin shouted and punched my Youngmin.

            “Hey stop it!” I called their attention “Would you guys explain to me what the hell is going on?!”

            “H-He’s Youngmin, and I’m Kwangmin” said the guy I kissed.

            “What?! How could you lie to me?! Was this some kind of joke?!” I said, outraged.

            “W-Wait, let me explain. I dyed my hair like he did and pretended to be Youngmin because he wanted me to make you fall in love with him, but believe me Chohee, everything I said was true. That was me speaking for myself awhile ago and not for Youngmin. I truly have fallen in love with you” he reasoned out.

            I didn’t know what to say, or what to believe. I just left the twins in the garden and went to the girls’ bathroom trying to think.

            After dismissal I decided to walk alone and go straight home. I don’t want to think about anything anymore.

            “Chohee, Chohee wait” I turned around, it was one of the twins.

            “Which one are you?” I asked.

            “I’m the real Youngmin, don’t worry I asked Kwangmin to get his old hair back” he panted.

            “What do you want Youngmin?” I sneered.

            “Look, I’m sorry. I just thought that you wouldn’t like me because I don’t think I could act normal when it’s just the two of us” he explained.

            “Youngmin, you were my friend and I trusted you. I can’t believe that you would trick me like that” I said grouchily.

            “Whatever I did Chohee it was because of my love for you” he stared at me with those mesmerizing eyes. “Besides, all those lines, those stories, those jokes, all of those were from me. It was only like I had Kwangmin as my representative.”

            “I-I don’t know what to think anymore” I replied.

            “Please give me another chance, Chohee” he held my two hands.

            “B-But” I tried to hesitate.

            “Come on, just one last chance. Please? You can’t resist me you know that” he chuckled.

            “How would you know that?” I asked.

            “It’s because you couldn’t resist the fake Youngmin. What makes you can resist the real one?” he smirked.

            “Well, alright” I smiled. He was right I couldn’t resist him. Besides, there’s no harm in giving him a second chance.

            Youngmin walked me home. Even if I told him not to he still asserted that he should walk me home. He said it would be the first thing he’d do to make up for the mistake he’s done. The real Youngmin was pretty sweet; he carried my books and my bag for me. He even offered to carry me all the way to my house but of course that would be embarrassing for both of us so I said no.

            I worried about Kwangmin though; he seemed sincere with his words awhile ago. I used my mirror and there he was. I saw his reflection. He was at the corner of the street we passed, hiding behind a big tree. He was looking at me and Youngmin looking downhearted.

            I still wonder if I made the right choice giving Youngmin a second chance. I hope he wouldn’t waste it.  What about Kwangmin? What if he asks for a second chance too? It wouldn’t be fair if I deprive him of that. Then again I would be a two-timer if I date two guys at once. Maybe it’d be better if I don’t date any of the two. Oh no, what am I gonna do?


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geekymermaid318 #1
ooohh. Yangmei's writing my story. *u* <3
awww...i wish i could apply again...but alas its closed..but i guess i could wait til it is re-opened again
I requested again =DDD <3
i sent my request- "my fateful birthday"~ <br />
i'll be looking forward for it! ^^
OMG, I loved the one-shot~~ xDD *keeps squealing* Thank you so much for writing my one-shot!! >3<
Yay!! Thank you!!!~~<br />
I LOVED IT!!!<br />
I can't tell you how thankful I am!! :D<br />
Omo, yay!!!!!! thank you~~ I loved it! No kidding <3 thank you~ the last question very though to answer though. It's hard being in a love triangle xDDDDD thank you once again <3
I've applied as a writer/staffer. If theres anything wrong with the application please let me know. Feel free to pm my wall. Love the shots BTW!
missinvisible #9
SweetPoison, thank you so much!! I'm squealing like mad right now!! Love it so much <3 Thank you again xD<br />
Dear Diary staffs hwaiting~ ^^