Chapter eight.

An EXO Mafia Story

Chanyeol's POV

I stood in the shadows, keeping my scenes on high as I watched and kept a close eye on Luhan as he talked to the man in the car. I chuckled quietly, knowing how much Luhan hates when men pick him up. I watched the car drive away just like all the rest have, Luhan glances back at me and shrugs his shoulders, I nod. Luhan's eyes widen and he starts to point behind me.

As I turn my head, I feel a sharp pressure run from my neck to my head. My legs give out beneath me and I fall to the ground, hitting my head hard first against the wall, then on the ground. Everything goes black.

When I open my eyes, everything's blurry. I see a dark figure hit the back of Luhan's knee with a bat before hitting him in the back of the head. His body crumbs. I groan and try to get on my feet as two big guys pick up Luhan and throw him in the back of a van.

The dark figure turns to me as I get to my feet. My body sways to the side and I support myself on the wall as the figure comes closer. I feel a nails brush my cheek riddler as I try to focus my blurry eyes.

"Good night little arson," the figure says in a lighter voice. I feel a punch in my stomach and fall back to the floor by the time I lift my head, a white powder in blown into my face and I rub my eyes, only to get sleepy and pass out.

I feel a throbbing in my head as I peel my eyes open. As they adjust to the surroundings, I take a chance to look about the room. Luhan's in a chair next to me, still knocked out. There's a camera in the upper right corner pointed at us, most likely sending fortage to EXO like how we watched Kai freak out.

I begin to laugh at the memory and my body shakes. I feel the bands on my wrists and ankles dig into my flesh and grip the chair tightly.

"Chanyeol," Luhan's says. I look over to him and see tears b his eyes. "What are we going to do? I'm scared. What if they hurt us?"

"Relax," I reply taking a deep breath. "Everything going to be," the door opens and two girls walk in, one of them with a rifle, the other in a short dress and heels, "fine," I finish my sentence as I watch the girls.

"He's right," the girl in heels says. "Everything will be fine as long as you cooperate. We don't have to hurt you. My name is Kronik and this is Sly. Your Park Chanyeol and Xi Luhan, right?" Luhan and I nod.

"Dibs on the e," the one with the rifle says. I see Luhan shutter.

"Hey!" I shout, surprising even myself. "What do you mean dibs!? What are you going to do to him?!"

"Shh," the dressed girl says, caressing my cheek. "Calm down, she's not going to hurt him. She just means she wants to be in charge of him instead of you."

I look to the girl with the rifle and recognize her instantly. "She took Kai! You !" I start thrashing in my chair again, my anger causing me to rage. "You almost killed me! Let me out of here! I'll kill her right now!"

"Hey now!" the girl shouts. She throws down her gun and charges at me, a switch blade drawn. The girl in front of me shoves her back, causing her to slam into a wall. She grabs the crazy chick by the hair and slams her onto the ground. Strattling her back, the girl in the dress pushes the others face onto the ground, pinning her arms behind her back.

"You listen to me, Hatsumi," she growls into her ear. "you will not hurt arson boy. You will not look at him, you will not touch him, you will not think about him, understand?"

The one beneath nods her head weakly as the two get up. She glares at me a last time both going over to the door and leaving the room. I begin to relax as I here the door close.

"As I was saying, my not is Kronik. The girl who just left is Sly. We have taken you two now because little Wu Fan still doesn't want to play nicely," The girl, Kronik, says. As she comes to the end of her sentence, the door opens again and the other, Sly I'm guessing, comes back.

Sly walks straight to the back of the room. She takes down the camera and turns is off, holding it in her hands as the door opens again. Kyungsoo and Jongin come in this time, Kyungsoo smirking.

"Listen to me," he says walking next to Kronik. "You two are safe here. Don't pick any fights, you'll get your kicked. The rankings are simple, Kronik, then Sly, then me, and lastly Jongin, the staff, and you two. The less problems you cause, the better your treated," he stops and looks straight at me, obvious disapproval. "Chanyeol, do not pick a fight with Sly. The only one here that can stop her and protect you is Kronik. She may seem like a hard , but she gets the jobs done. You'll get used to her. And Luhan, just do as people tell you. Don't talk back." Luhan nods and I glare at him.

"Alright, Kyungsoo," I spit. "I'll just turn into a little like you then!"

"That's fine," Kyungsoo says returning my glare. "Just remember that Sly was pissed off last night when she took you too, and if it wasn't for me telling her were to hit you too, you'd both be walking corpses today." with that said, he leaves the room with Jongin right behind him. I hear Sly put the camera back up as Kronik untied me and pulls me from the room.

"He's right you know," Kronik says once the door closes. "He is trying to do what is best."

"What's best is not getting yourself kiddnapped," I reply.

"Maybe not, but you play the hand your dealt and get over it. Though it's probably harder when you have the s who will just make it harder," she begins to walk and I follow right behind.

"You mean me?"

"And Jongin at first too. He was pissed to high hell, but he cared more that he and Kyungsoo were safe."

"You think I care that that traitor is safe?"

"No, but I think you care that three of your friends are. You care that the other seven aren't. You care that even though you were kidnapped, you're still alive."

"Alive and trapped."

"Your only trapped if you look at it that way. You pick a fight, or hurt Hatsumi and you will be trapped. Chained to a wall while your being torchered. Test me little arson, and you will be trapped." by the time she finishes her sentence, the door to a room is open and she's begun to walk away. I stare at her retreating figure a little shocked.

"Then, I guess this is it," I say to myself as I look around the room.


**Channy! Angry Channy!**

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Chapter 5: Kyungsoo is really Crazy with his own World try to escape from Kris XD - Yuki
Chapter 4: Kyungsoo is XD - Yuki
Chapter 3: Kyungsoo is traitor XD - Yuki
Chapter 2: Wow ~ D.O become more ert like Kai XD - Yuki
I would love to read this Awesome Story!- Ryo
Puppydog #6
Chapter 21: OH MY GOD IS THAT THE END OF IT???!!!!!! PLEASE MAKE MORE!!!!!! Oh my god I need a second part!!! Please make a sequel!!!! Please!!! It is really interesting!!!!
AuroraBlue #7
Chapter 15: Update soon! Sly is awesome!
Chapter 12: I love your story! The first mafia story I've subscribed <33
AuroraBlue #9
Chapter 11: Update soon!
AuroraBlue #10
Chapter 8: Update soon!