Chapter five.

An EXO Mafia Story

Kai's POV

I stared at Kyungsoo in shock, "But, why? You're betraying Kris! You're betraying Exo! You're betraying me!" I shout as I stare at he man I trusted most of all.

"I am, but at the same time I'm not. Trust me, Jongin. You have to trust me here. I'm doing what's best," he says. I watch him as he stands up and walks towards the door, closing it behind him as he leaves, leaving me with Sly again. I look over to her as she turns the camera back on and places it on the wall.

"Alrighty then," she says with a smile looking back to me, a nicer, not so crazy smile. "You agree to cooperate?"

I nod my head as I try to shake the tears off my cheeks to little use. I feel warm hands wipe them off my cheeks and look up to Sly again and she smiles. "Don't worry, you're safe here. Mostly."

She pulls away and laughs softly before pulling a switch blade from her side. I cringe back away from her as far as I can and she notices this as she flips it open. "Whoa, calm down, hot-shot," she says as she cuts the cable ties on my wrists and ankles. I grab my wrists and rub them, trying to lessen the pain. She notices this and tosses me two pain pills before going to the door and opening it, turning to glance at me, "Come on, I'll show you to your room."

I nod and follow her, dry swallowing the pills as we walk from the room. I try to memorize the halls and rooms as I follow her through the big building, going up two flights of stairs before stoping in front of a door with a large guard next to it.

"Move," Sly spits to the guard as she pushes him aside. I watch as she types a code into the key pad and the door opens up, revealing a hospital looking room. "Sit down," she says pointing to the table in the middle of the room. As I walk to the table, I look around only to see many medical things an a lot of white. Everything is white, a prefer and bright white. The rooms looks much like a room used for surgery and others emergency things. I sit on the table bed thing in the middle of the room and watch Sly as she moves around graving random things.

Finally, she comes back to me with a first aid kit, cotton balls, and alcohol pads. "Try to be still, this is going to sting," she says while opening up one of the pads. She steps up onto the stool on the ground in trot of me, giving her enough height to be level with me. I stare into her too green eyes as she wipes the cut on my fore head close to my hairline. The cut she caused in the alley way. I wince as the alcohol burn the cuts and she cringes mumbling a soft sorry as she continues to clean it up. She puts the pad next to my hand on the bed and opens up another one, this time cleaning the cut on my cheek from her rings and the slaps. I staring into her eyes still though she seems to not notice. She place that alcohol pad down again and picks up the cotton balls, walks to the sink and wets them before coming back to me and standing on the stool again. I watch her eyes and the cold wet cotton balls dab away the blood on my face, wiping over the cuts and and I hiss from the sting. She then covers the it's with a band aid before picking up the bloodied items and throwing them away. Looking back to me, she smirks, "Come on. Now that your cuts are cleaned I can take you to your room."

/time skip/

I walking into my room behind Sly, watching the way she walks, observing all her movements. "This is your room, the bathrooms over there, they have clothes in the dresser that should fit, and the beds all yours. Dinners at seven in the dining hall, Kyungsoo and Kronik will be there and one of the staff can show you the way if your confused. Knock yourself out. Stay out of trouble and you can do as you please, but get in trouble and you have to deal with me." She rushes through everything she says and begins to walk away when I call out to her.

"Sly! Will you always clean my wounds after you hurt me?" I ask with a smile on my face.

"Yes," she says looking back at me with a smirk. "But don't get any funny ideas, I just don't like leaving a mess behind, though if I'm pissed I'll let you bleed out for a while before I help you."

"I'll remember that," I say with a smile before she closes the door and leaves me alone to think about what I'm going to do.


**So Sly's not horribly, psyco bich. Just horrible . Just a tad bit crazy. Which is probably why i like her best.**

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Chapter 5: Kyungsoo is really Crazy with his own World try to escape from Kris XD - Yuki
Chapter 4: Kyungsoo is XD - Yuki
Chapter 3: Kyungsoo is traitor XD - Yuki
Chapter 2: Wow ~ D.O become more ert like Kai XD - Yuki
I would love to read this Awesome Story!- Ryo
Puppydog #6
Chapter 21: OH MY GOD IS THAT THE END OF IT???!!!!!! PLEASE MAKE MORE!!!!!! Oh my god I need a second part!!! Please make a sequel!!!! Please!!! It is really interesting!!!!
AuroraBlue #7
Chapter 15: Update soon! Sly is awesome!
Chapter 12: I love your story! The first mafia story I've subscribed <33
AuroraBlue #9
Chapter 11: Update soon!
AuroraBlue #10
Chapter 8: Update soon!