

He switched the phone off quickly after a muttered “See you in a minute.” He knew that he’d have to leave, and he was out of the doorway already, but there was almost a part of him that wanted to go back, to find Hyukjae and ask why. Ask why he’d moved on, found someone else when he’d promised Donghae that he never would. But he knew that wasn’t fair. He could hardly have expected him to spend his life pining away for Donghae, and he didn’t really want that. He wanted…Hyukjae, to be honest. Simply put, seeing him again had revealed to Donghae that he’d done an absolutely job of keeping the feelings buried and he hadn’t actually moved on. If he’d looked a little deeper before, he would have known that already but he hadn’t dared to, not ready to face the horrible backlash fate had in store for him.

Keeping his head down, he left the entrance to the gym, praying that he wouldn’t bump into anyone he knew. He wasn’t ready for small-talk, inane conversation he’d rather go without. Wookie was one of the rare people he’d spend time with when he was in this sort of mood, and he was glad he called him, glad he’d have the distraction. He swallowed, trying to push down the nervous feeling this…realisation that yes, he still did love Hyukjae and that he was ultimately ed (and not in the good way) brought. He still felt awful, the aftereffects of his hangover pulsing in the back of his mind, no longer ignored for the exercise, and he cursed.

This wasn’t fair! He’d done this for his own good, broken away from Hyukjae because he couldn’t stand by and watch the person he loved be so stupid and self-destructive. It had been three years, he should have gotten over him by now, because Hyukjae obviously ing had. But that didn’t stop anything as he trudged back down the path to his home, because no matter how idiotic Hyukjae was, no matter how quickly he’d moved on or whatever, Donghae apparently loved him just as much as he had before.

This ruined everything. How was he supposed to work, when he was all bloody lovesick and mooning about over his ex? God knows, he was terrible at hiding his feelings, and Hyukjae had always been far too good at reading him, a trait Donghae supposed you couldn’t just lose. Infuriated, he kicked the bin on the side of the road as he walked past it. It was a terrible idea, because the throbbing in his foot only exacerbated the headache that was getting ready to flare up and made his mood, if it were possible, even worse.

So that was why, limping, and possibly in the foulest mood he’d ever had, he stomped into his house and threw his jacket on the floor, intending to be a child and sulk the rest of the day away when he remembered he was supposed to be picking up Wookie. Oh yeah. He had to go and do something Wookie termed fun, which, quite frankly, could be anything at this point, and if he hadn’t already made this point to his over-taxed brain, he was not in the mood. Unfortunately, the part of his brain that actually had a heart pushed him to get back up, pick up the fallen jacket and stumble back out the door, car keys picked up, into his car. He sat there for a few minutes, trying to bring his mood up slightly so he’d be at least presentable. He knew he’d failed when he stalled the car by accident and almost snarled in frustration.

Luckily (or unluckily, depending on how you looked at the situation) the ride to Ryeowook’s shared apartment wasn’t long, and Donghae had fewer chances to snarl at the inner workings of his car than he would have had it been a longer journey. However, it meant he wasn’t exactly calm as the parked his car hastily and sighed heavily, getting out of it. The intercom buttons for each apartment were neatly labelled and he pressed the buzzer, knowing Ryeowook would answer quickly if Kyuhyun was staring daggers at him. His finger was still pressed to the button when he heard the click, and Wookie’s breathless voice asked “Hae, is that you?”

“Mmhmm.” He answered. There was a sigh of relief before he was told to come up and the door lock was released. The door was already open when he reached it, Wookie peering out and almost dancing with anticipation. Seeing Donghae, he almost threw himself at him, muttering about how he had feared for his life, what with Kyuhyun’s ed glare. Donghae rolled his eyes at the exaggeration, but inside, he was amused.  “Wook, how d’you expect to go anywhere if you cling?” He sighed, hoping the headache would stay at this bearable level.

Wookie grinned. “You can walk along with me clinging. I’m only showing my appreciation for saving me.” The sentence elicited an almost unwilling laugh from Donghae as he gently pushed Wookie off him.

“Whatever you say… Where are we even going?” Ryeowook looked up at him, blinking.

“Um, anywhere you want to, hyung?” So he didn’t even have a plan. Well, this was annoying. It meant Donghae would actually have to use his brain and think of somewhere fun to go. Or not. He’d been a good boy, he’d worked out, why wasn’t the universe letting him off?

He groaned. “Wook, seriously, couldn’t you be a bit more helpful? I feel like here…”

“I’m sorry!” Wookie said, penitent. “I didn’t know! You can leave me here if you want.” He said, looking down, and so pathetic, Donghae knew he would never be able to do that. Ryeowook had a rather annoying habit of being too adorable to say no to.

“No.” He sighed. “It’s okay. Let’s just go get coffee or something. Even if caffeine’s not something that’ll help me right now.” He was muttering, but Wookie apparently heard, because he nodded and walked down the stairs to Donghae’s car. They got in silently, and Donghae got the sense that Wookie had cottoned on to the fact that there was something troubling him, but he wasn’t going to push it.

It was ten minutes later that he pulled into the nearest Starbucks, the smell of coffee making his nose twinge as his headache ramped up the pain a little. The ride had been weirdly quiet, and he could feel Wookie’s eyes on him as they went up to the counter to order. He wanted to ask why, but he wasn’t sure he’d like the answer, so instead he murmured that he wanted a cappuccino, and stepped back to wait for it. Wookie ordered his, giving his server his sweetest smile, as he had a tendency to do around everyone.

The server absently poured coffee into his cup and handed it to him. He thanked her quietly and cradled the mug in his hands, waiting for Wookie, who came up next to him a few minutes later. He tilted his head wordlessly to a couple of armchairs in a snug corner by the window, and they went to sit in them, Wookie taking a deep breath in determinedly, before setting his drink down carefully and turning to Donghae.

“Hyung. What’s wrong?” He looked at him, a hand reaching out to touch his arm. “You’re all wound up.” He bit his lip. “I don’t like it.” Biting his lip a little harder, he looked down and said in a small voice: “Is it because of me last night?”

Donghae suppressed a chuckle. “No, Wook. It was just a joke.” It was almost funny. If only that was what had set off this horrible mood.

Wookie considered this, a little relieved. “Then what is it, hyung?”

Donghae shook his head, intending to start drinking the coffee in front of him, but Wookie’s hand clamped down on his wrist. “Hyung.” He said firmly, but softly. “Tell me.”

Donghae rolled his eyes. “Why? It’s nothing. I don’t know why you’re so-” He was interrupted by Wookie’s small, scornful scoff.

“You’re a really liar, Hae.”

“I am not.” He said indignantly. Wookie smiled a little.

“So you admit it’s a lie?” The smile became a grin.

“What? No! I mean…ugh.” He hid his face in his hands, trying to avoid Wookie’s smirk. “Shut up. There is nothing, you horrible little person.”

Wookie pouted. “I am not a horrible person. Little, I’ll grant you, but not where it counts!” The grin was back and Donghae snorted again. “So,” Wookie said, his hand moving down to squeeze Donghae’s knee. “What’s up?”

Donghae sighed. “You really want to know?” He peeked through his fingers like a child, suddenly wanting the release of telling Wookie, who sat there so calmly, his hand reassuring.

Wookie nodded. “Uh-huh.”

“My ex is…Eunhyuk. And I still want him.”  Wookie blinked rapidly for a minute, processing.

“But…you never said-I mean…” Wookie stumbled over the words, confused. He’d never have guessed, but then, he’d barely seen them together. “Oh.”

“Yeah. Oh.” Donghae shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. “It’s nothing, like I said.”

“No it isn’t…” Wookie said quietly, concerned.

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I fell in love with Eunhae here. The story was catchy and unique. well down!
Chapter 23: This story is so good. Thanks for the happy ending. It was shading being words.
Chapter 26: 2018 and here I am just finished reading it for the first time, I don’t know why I skipped your story because it was so good and well written. You successfully made me want to smack Donghae so bad. I wish a little beating will make him realize things. Really, my last straw was when he slept with Ryeowook, as much as I like their strange and unique friendship but I don’t appreciate they had but oh well, it already happened so not much we can do about it.
This story made me learn that having a 17 years old relationship doesn’t guarantee you have it all figured out.
Thank you.
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 25: This is a great story...I really like this...tq...♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: a slap is all what donghae needs omg why is he run in a circle like that ugh idk what happens with his mind and I dont want to know, thankgoodness ryeowook was there! (yes I know he's a bij-whoer, but he's a good friend and he's just in love with both of them DD; luck doesnt stand with yesung that's why,.......Iguess (but hey! he got sungmin at the end!)) Oh! and kwanghee (the name was kwanghee wasnt it lol) is such a ball of cutesy ;_; as if he's really donghae's son, I mean, both of them is super cute! I wonder how hyukjae manage to survive from those two HAHAHA and I'm so happy! It's all a happy ending~ thanks for sharing!
Chapter 26: im just incredibly angry at wookie man idk i was rooting for yesung so much :(
Chapter 25: ASDFGHJKL MY FEELS. >< this was so waaaaah don't even have words. ㅠㅡㅠ Keep up such a great work!! I loved it! So much! Damn, my Eunhae feels coming up again xD
Chapter 26: Gah. So good, I loved the whole story even Wookie's ____tish ways
Chapter 26: An amazing story!! I loved it!