The Trouble With Alcohol...


“Yes, yes.” Leeteuk smiled. “We have our two team leaders.” He winked at Donghae. “I hope you’ll actually listen to them, as opposed to ignoring them, like you do me!” He laughed as everyone started protesting about how they did, in fact, listen to him. Donghae tried to smile through his shock.

, what was he going to do? He knew that Hyukjae was not going to want to work for him, and having two awkward team leaders would mean nothing good… Leeteuk had started talking again, explaining stuff Donghae knew he should be listening to, but he couldn’t because all he could think about was Hyukjae and what he was thinking. Ryeowook and Siwon could fill him in anyway.

He chanced a look over at Hyukjae, who was staring down at the table, hands clenched around a piece of paper. It looked like he was not happy with the situation either. Which made him sad that it had come to this, but really, what could he do? Hyukjae had chosen to take the job, and he couldn’t exactly refuse Leeteuk on the grounds that he didn’t want to make his ex-boyfriend uncomfortable. And he wanted this job. He wasn’t just going to give it up.

“Hyung?” Ryeowook whispered from beside him, dragging him back to the present. “Are you okay?”

Donghae tried a nod. He’d spaced out for about ten minutes, and he could see Leeteuk watching him worriedly out of the corner of his eye. He smiled absently a Ryeowook and murmured that he was fine, of course. Siwon raised a eyebrow at him.

“I would have thought you’d be listening intently.” He muttered, and Donghae rolled his eyes at Siwon. Yes, he would have, if Hyukjae hadn’t been sitting a few metres away with a pissed off expression on his face.

“I’m paying attention now…” Siwon smothered a laugh.

“Yeah, just as Leeteuk starts to wrap up.” Donghae sighed and reached to punch him in the arm.

“Shut up. You guys can tell me what I missed.” Leeteuk was known for giving ridiculously short meetings, seeing as he wasn’t the type to mess around. He could ramble, though. But only when it didn’t concern boring technical details.

So, somehow, Donghae ended up leaving the meeting knowing nothing about what he was actually doing. Which was bad. Very bad. But he’d just beg Ryeowook and Siwon to explain. Ryeowook would cave easily, and Siwon was too nice to withhold information.

His office called, and Siwon slipped away, chattering away about having to check the expected weather in some other country or something (Donghae was never very sure what it was exactly that Siwon did…), so he couldn’t ask him what was going on.  And then Ryeowook disappeared, probably to go plague Yesung or something. Donghae sighed. Damn them having other things to do!

Glaring at the disappearing backs of his friends, he went back into his office to sulk and do “paperwork”. That most likely involved doodling random boxes on a piece of paper until someone came in and handed him something useful to do. He wasn’t going to walk around in the control room, even though Siwon would be there and available for irritation purposes (Donghae got bored easily), he wasn’t going to chance bumping into Hyukjae.

Yes, for today, he, Lee Donghae was going to be a coward and he didn’t care what people thought.

He realised a hour later, when he’d scribbled over every piece of paper he could find and had even resorted to thowing it in the bin from a distance, that he was not cut out for boredom.  Well, this . What was he supposed to do? Actual work? His mind suggested, but he ignored it. He wasn’t in the mood. Screw being sensible.

He was tapping out a rhythm on the desk, and contemplating calling his brother, just so he could bug him, when Ryeowook burst through the door. Donghae blinked at him. “Yes?”

Wookie smiled. “Are you bored too?”

Donghae grinned back. “What d’you think?” Ryeowook laughed.

“Why is it we never actually seem to do any work?” Donghae considered for a moment.

“Because I’m a lazy bastard and you’re a photographer who is easily distracted.” Ryeowook shrugged.

“Good enough answer. So what should we do?” He went to sit on the floor, back resting against the filing cabinet next to Donghae’s desk.

“Er… Mess around on the internet again?” Donghae shook his head, sniggering. “We’re so sad.”

Ryeowook narrowed his eyes. “Shush. Would you rather I told Leeteuk to come and give you some of the planning work? I know he’d like to offload some of it… And you don’t even have a clue what’s going on.” His sweet smile was a tiny bit evil this time and Donghae raised his arms in deference.

“I didn’t say I didn’t want to!” Ryeowook just looked at him, before getting up and turning on his laptop. He typed in a password before Donghae even had a chance to get there himself.

“How the hell do you know my password?” He asked, bemused.

Ryeowook grinned back wickedly, still looking ridiculously cute. “I know a lot of things, hyung.”

And that was how Donghae spent his day. Staying in his office and watching questionable things on Youtube with Ryeowook.

He felt so accomplished.

It was around seven that evening, when Leeteuk poked his head around the door. Donghae shoved the laptop lid down and Ryeowook stopped giggling childishly abruptly. “”Yes, hyung?” Donghae forced a serious, professional smile.

Leeteuk smirked. “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important…” Donghae and Ryeowook shook their heads guiltily. “Well, anyway, we’re all getting together and heading out to the bar. And you two have to come as guests of honour.”

Donghae grinned. “Sure. Are we going now?” Leeteuk nodded. Donghae pulled Ryeowook up. “Right. Well, I’ll leave my car here then.” The bar was in walking distance, and he knew he wasn’t going to be in any state to drive at the end of tonight. And Ryeowook most definitely wouldn’t, because that boy had such a low tolerance for alcohol it wasn’t funny.

They all walked together, cheerfully teasing one another, and Donghae was so immersed in telling Siwon that yes, he was too much of a good boy, that he didn’t notice that Hyukjae was here too until they all tumbled in, waving hello to Heechul, the bars owner. He swallowed. He was just going to pretend like he wasn’t here. Or get drunk faster. Either option seemed viable.

Heechul gave his signature grin and slowly walked over to the crowd of rowdy idiots that had just walked into his bar. He knew them well. “Leeteuk, what’s the occasion?”

Leeteuk grinned. “Well, we got an invitation to go storm-chasing in America.” There were a few, loud cheers, one of them coming from Donghae himself. “And we’re here to celebrate.” He smiled again and gave his goofy laugh. “Get us really drunk.” He turned and winked to everyone. “And seeing as this is a celebration, let’s put it on the company tab.” There were some more, even louder cheers, and Kangin looked especially pleased.

Heechul laughed. “Well, we better get you started. Go order, and I’ll find Geng. He’ll want to know you guys are here.” He winked. Han Geng was the co-owner. Donghae didn’t know whether they were together or not, but Heechul certainly liked to kiss him a lot in front of everybody. Actually, he liked to kiss everybody, whether they wanted it or not.

Donghae let Leeteuk order for him. He knew what he liked, and with Hyukjae standing only a few metres away, he knew that he’d rather skulk on a chair than be forced into awkward small talk with the boyfriend he’d broken up with.

About six drinks later, and Donghae was feeling rather proud of himself. He’d been here for about 4 hours, and he had not once looked at Hyukjae. Not once. And he wasn’t drunk either. Nuh-uh. This unsteady feeling was nothing, he was just tired. And even if, say, he was drunk, then he wasn’t half as drunk as Ryeowook, who was currently ensconced in between Yesung and Henry, practically across the latter’s lap.

He was giggling childishly and playing with Yesung’s small fingers, seemingly fascinated them. Yesung just seemed fascinated by Ryeowook himself, and was staring at him intensely. Alcohol made Yesung very…stare-y, thought Donghae. Henry was laughing at something Leeteuk had said, while Heechul seemed to be…making out with Han Geng? Donghae squinted. It looked like him. Unless it was that new singer the bar had hired. It could be either.

Siwon… Where was Siwon? He could be a distraction from…um, whatever he wasn’t supposed to be doing. Which was…not looking at Hyukjae. Right! Yeah, or Eunhyuk, whatever he called himself now. Stupid name, Hyukjae was so much ier if you thought about it. Hyukjae was something to be said when you came…Eunhyuk just sounded annoying, compared. He tried it out in this mouth. Eunhyuk. Hyukjae. Eunhyuk. Hyukjae.

Hyukjae was infinitely better, if you asked him. Not Eunhyuk.

He heard an even louder laugh from Ryeowook.  He meant to say: “I love you so much, Yesung and Henry! You’re the best and I can’t choose.” But it came out; “I luuuuuub yew soooooooo much Yesu- and Henli! You’re the bessssssst and I can-can’t chuse.” Ryeowook was a cuddly drunk, as was evidenced by the snuggling of both Yesung and Henry that was going on, while they stared daggers at each other. Donghae snickered at his friend’s idiocy before Ryeowook focused his bleary eyes on him. “But not as much as I love my Hae!” He yelled, getting off of Henry’s lap and stumbling over to Donghae. “He’s like my-my appa!” He said, a little too loudly before wrapping his arms around Donghae and smiling endearingly up at him.

Eunhyuk’s head turned up sharply. Had the short man in front of Donghae just called him ‘oppa’? Did that mean…Donghae had found someone else?

“Yah, Wookie, you’re drunk.” Donghae told the still-clinging Ryeowook. He giggled.

“So what if I am? So are you~” He replied, extending the ‘you.’

Donghae snickered again. “And I’m not your appa. If I was your appa, would I do this?” He laughed and took Ryeowook’s face in his hands, planting a kiss on his mouth. Ryeowook sniggered before kissing back, trying to push his tongue into Donghae’s mouth and make the kiss deeper. Donghae laughed and pulled back before he could.  “No…” He wagged a finger in front of Ryeowook’s pout before they exploded into drunken laughter and hugged once more, Leeteuk watching them fondly.

Eunhyuk watched, stunned, as Donghae kissed the other man. So they were together? He didn’t like the surge of jealousy that poured through him at the thought, and he knew he was glaring intently at Ryeowook, or whatever he was called, furious that he’d kissed the mouth that had once been his. He swallowed, feeling guilty. They were not together. He had Sungmin. He should not be feeling like this. But why did he want to rip the little guy from Donghae’s arms and throw him outside?

Donghae looked up from his chuckles to see Hyukjae glaring malevolently. Oh god, had he seen? But why-why was he glaring? Donghae stumbled up, almost dropping Ryeowook to the floor. “I’m…I’m going to the toilet.” He said breathlessly, needing to get away from those accusing eyes. The others looked up, concerned, but he broke away, pulling open the door of the bathroom and slipping inside.

But there was already someone in there.

Donghae’s eyes widened in horror as he was assaulted by the image of Siwon and some girl, ing the daylights out of each other. The so-called perfect one had his hands on her waist, her skirt pushed up as she was shoved up against the sink, Siwon ing into her as he moaned. She was panting, her hair messy and her eyes bright, but she looked like she was having the time of her life.

Donghae tried to get out as quickly and as silently as he could. That was so not what he needed now… That was not an image he wanted. Couldn’t Siwon have had the decency to take the girl home, for crying out loud?!

He stumbled back to the group. He needed to get out, and he needed to do it now, before he said something stupid, before he asked Hyukjae just why he had looked so angry.

Han Geng saw his face and knew he needed to get out. “I’ll call a cab, okay?” He told the man quietly, as Donghae nodded thankfully. Ryeowook looked up at him.

“I’ll come with you, hyung.” He said decisively. That was probably the last thing he needed, what with Hyukjae still glaring at him, but whatever. Ryeowook wanted to come, so he could. He nodded at him.

He dragged Ryeowook outside so they could wait for the cab there, away from Hyukjae once more, ignoring his protests. The cab came after about fifteen minutes, and he muttered Ryeowook’s address before getting in.

The drive to Ryeowook’s shared apartment wasn’t long, and he spent it drumming his fingers against his leg impatiently, Ryeowook staring out of the window absently. Finally, they were there, the lights of the apartment block lighting up the otherwise dark street. Ryeowook paid his fare and turned to Donghae. “You’re not going to leave me, are you?” He asked plaintively. “I mean, god knows what they’re doing up there!”

Donghae stared at him. “What could Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi possibly be doing?”

Ryeowook huffed. “Don’t be like that, hyung. You know what I mean.” He clutched his arm. “I don’t wanna walk in on them, please come up with me!” He tried the puppy dog eyes. “Please?”

Donghae sighed in disgust. “Fine!” Asking the driver to wait, he got out of the car, shaking his head at Ryeowook. “When have you ever walked in on them?” He asked. Ryeowook stayed tight-lipped, walking up the dark stairs.

Ryeowook knocked on his door hesitantly, having forgotten his keys, and they waited until they heard the rustling of someone coming to answer the door. It opened to reveal a ruffled looking Kyuhyun. “Oh.” He said. “We, uh, thought you were coming back later…” Ryeowook turned to look at Donghae, as if to say ‘See’, and pushed his way inside.

Donghae muttered his goodbyes and shuffled out, suddenly exhausted. He just wanted to get home and forget about this, forget about Hyukjae’s expression, forget about the fact he had to work with him, and most importantly, forget about what he’d just seen in that damned restroom!

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I fell in love with Eunhae here. The story was catchy and unique. well down!
Chapter 23: This story is so good. Thanks for the happy ending. It was shading being words.
Chapter 26: 2018 and here I am just finished reading it for the first time, I don’t know why I skipped your story because it was so good and well written. You successfully made me want to smack Donghae so bad. I wish a little beating will make him realize things. Really, my last straw was when he slept with Ryeowook, as much as I like their strange and unique friendship but I don’t appreciate they had but oh well, it already happened so not much we can do about it.
This story made me learn that having a 17 years old relationship doesn’t guarantee you have it all figured out.
Thank you.
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 25: This is a great story...I really like this...tq...♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: a slap is all what donghae needs omg why is he run in a circle like that ugh idk what happens with his mind and I dont want to know, thankgoodness ryeowook was there! (yes I know he's a bij-whoer, but he's a good friend and he's just in love with both of them DD; luck doesnt stand with yesung that's why,.......Iguess (but hey! he got sungmin at the end!)) Oh! and kwanghee (the name was kwanghee wasnt it lol) is such a ball of cutesy ;_; as if he's really donghae's son, I mean, both of them is super cute! I wonder how hyukjae manage to survive from those two HAHAHA and I'm so happy! It's all a happy ending~ thanks for sharing!
Chapter 26: im just incredibly angry at wookie man idk i was rooting for yesung so much :(
Chapter 25: ASDFGHJKL MY FEELS. >< this was so waaaaah don't even have words. ㅠㅡㅠ Keep up such a great work!! I loved it! So much! Damn, my Eunhae feels coming up again xD
Chapter 26: Gah. So good, I loved the whole story even Wookie's ____tish ways
Chapter 26: An amazing story!! I loved it!