

Knowing that he’d never get back to sleep, Donghae had decided to get up ridiculously early. He could just have his morning run earlier. It meant there’d be less people to run into, especially when he was in this kind of mood. Stretching, he rolled his head back and slipped off the bed. It had been three years, and to be honest, he still wasn’t used to sleeping alone.

Well, he’d better get used to it. After all, it wasn’t likely to change soon, was it? He shook his head and rolled his eyes at his own depressiveness. Sometimes he was such a boring . His hair, newly dyed a light red, was damp with sweat, and sticking to his forehead.  He brushed it off impatiently, and stood up abruptly.  He was sticky, and he didn’t like it. It was time to shower. Maybe it would wake him up and distract him from all the memories. Yeah. Maybe.

The shower was hot, the steam obscuring the glass of the shower cubicle as his iPod blasted music. It felt good, the sweat being washed off of his body as the water roared loudly over his head, preventing any dangerous thoughts from entering his mind. Even the ones. This shower had seen a lot…

He breathed out slowly, closing his eyes. He would forget the dream, and he would go about his day as normal. He would have his run, then his cup of coffee, and then he would drive to work and see what new photos Ryeowook had managed to get. And then he would go to Siwon and monitor the various, complicated machines that kept watch on all reported activity.

And he would get through this day. Like he had the other countless ones when he’d thought too much about Hyukjae. It was quite simple, really.

By the time he stepped out of the shower, dripping wet, the clock read 5:30 AM, and it was starting to get light. The sun shone through the window, the curtains already pulled back because he couldn’t be bothered to put them down at night. It was warm, promising to be a hot day. He shrugged. It was too hot to wear anything too long. He’d just jog in sweatpants. Nobody was going to be watching, and if they were, well, they could enjoy the show. He’d never had that much modesty, and since Hyukjae was gone, there was no reason to be modest.

Ready, he grabbed a bottle of water and his wallet, as well as his keys and iPod, sure to lock the door securely. He’d walk to the park. It wasn’t far, and he could use it as a warm up. Pushing the earbuds into his ears, he clicked on a playlist, not caring about what played, as long as it was something. He couldn’t stand silence, even though he lived alone. Silence reminded him of too many things.

A song began to play. He didn’t really recall what it was, and he didn’t really care, as he started to run, a steady beat pounding the pavement. He was a long distance runner; not a sprinter and he used this time to calm himself before the inevitable rush around of work. There was never one day that wasn’t frantic, which was good, because it meant he couldn’t mope. If he moped, he got in trouble.

The song changed into something with a faster beat and he smiled as he recognized it. He would have sung along had he not been running. It was absorbing him now, like it did every day, so that he got to the point that he could forget everything but the steady pant of his own breathing, he could ignore the sweat running down his chest.

It was in this fashion, as he was completely blank to the world outside him, that he nearly ran into a man walking his dog. The man grabbed his arm to steady him, as Donghae stood there breathlessly. “Sorry….about…that.” He panted.

The man shrugged. “It’s okay. No harm was done.” The guy in front of him couldn’t have been more than about a year older than him, with short black hair, round, childlike eyes, and a heart-shaped mouth. All in all, he made a very adorable picture. Not Donghae’s type, but he seemed sweet enough. “I’m Sungmin, by the way.” He grinned.


Sungmin let go of his arm and wrapped his hand more securely around the dog’s lead. “Well, be careful next time. Pay attention!” He left, smiling and waving at Donghae.

A little confused by the nice-but-strange guy, Donghae started running again, but his rhythm was off. Finally, he had finished his lap, and turned to go, walking out of the park. He closed the gate thoughtfully before walking slowly towards his road. He was covered in sweat. Again. But this time he felt more refreshed, and it was nothing another shower couldn’t cure. He was about to turn into the drive, when he noticed the man he’d bumped into, Sungmin, standing outside a house about a street away from his. He had his arms around a man who was taller than him, and they were kissing pretty passionately.

Donghae looked away. Because for a second, the other man had looked like Hyukjae. And the idea that he had someone else was just a little too painful. But it couldn’t be him. The last time he’d seen him, Hyukjae had dark red hair, and was less bulky. It couldn’t be him.

Or at least, that was what he told himself.

After about three cups of black coffee, another shower and some breakfast, he deemed himself ready to go to work.  He brushed his hair away from his face impatiently, wondering for about the sixtieth time why he’d agreed to let Leeteuk, his boss, and one of his closest friends, dye it this bright colour. He looked different, and he wasn’t sure he was okay with that.

His car, a shiny black BMW, started smoothly when he got into it, and he drove quickly, knowing that today was busy, and that the sooner he got started, the sooner it was over. He was tired already. Pulling up to the sleek, glassy building, he showed his ID at the gate, and was let in. He glided (he really did love his car) into his assigned parking spot and cut the ignition, sitting for a minute, gathering strength before he could go inside and work.

When he got to his office, it was the familiar mess of paper, charts, and various assorted knick-knacks. He placed his laptop down, and laughed when he saw a note addressed to “Fishy-hyung” taped to his board. It was Ryeowook’s handwriting.

He opened it. “Hyung” He read. “Boss says you need to meet him in his office as soon as you get in. Love Wookie”

Ryeowook was the photographer; his job was the slightly dangerous one of capturing the tornadoes on film. He was very courageous and persistent, even though he didn’t look it. He was smaller even than Hae, and Hae knew he wasn’t tall, with an adorable air about him. He was very sweet and a good cook. Donghae trusted him almost as much as he did Leeteuk. Who he had to go see now.

Leeteuk’s office was bigger than Donghae’s, and his door was open, inviting him in. Leeteuk sat in his swivel chair, bent over a piece of paper, only the top of his light brown-ginger head visible. Donghae coughed. “Hyung. You wanted me?”

Leeteuk looked up. His eyes brightened when he saw who it was. “Oh, Hae you’re here! Well, I’ve got some news. Sit down.” He told him, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. He sat down, and blinked at Leeteuk curiously.

“Right, well.” Leeteuk began. He looked a little nervous as he began twisting his hands together. “You know we got that grant to start work on the new analysing device?”

Donghae nodded. He remembered Siwon being far too over excited about it.

Leeteuk swallowed. “So we need to bring in another expert, besides you, to…oversee things.” Donghae nodded once more. Was this why he was nervous? Because Donghae didn’t mind sharing the responsibility, not at all. It meant less pressure for him.

“Hyung, if that’s the problem, I’m-”

“Wait.” Leeteuk told him. “The person you have to work with is…Lee Eunhyuk.” He stopped, and peered in Donghae’s face, as if expecting him to have a bad reaction. Donghae was confused.

“What? Why are you so worried? I don’t know a Lee Eunhyuk.” He said.

Leeteuk blinked. “Oh. Well, he’s waiting. I-I’ll just let him in.” He buzzed his secretary to let this mysterious person in. Donghae was nonplussed; he had no idea what was going on.

Until the door opened and revealed the one person he hadn’t been expecting.

Lee Hyukjae.

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I fell in love with Eunhae here. The story was catchy and unique. well down!
Chapter 23: This story is so good. Thanks for the happy ending. It was shading being words.
Chapter 26: 2018 and here I am just finished reading it for the first time, I don’t know why I skipped your story because it was so good and well written. You successfully made me want to smack Donghae so bad. I wish a little beating will make him realize things. Really, my last straw was when he slept with Ryeowook, as much as I like their strange and unique friendship but I don’t appreciate they had but oh well, it already happened so not much we can do about it.
This story made me learn that having a 17 years old relationship doesn’t guarantee you have it all figured out.
Thank you.
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 25: This is a great story...I really like this...tq...♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: a slap is all what donghae needs omg why is he run in a circle like that ugh idk what happens with his mind and I dont want to know, thankgoodness ryeowook was there! (yes I know he's a bij-whoer, but he's a good friend and he's just in love with both of them DD; luck doesnt stand with yesung that's why,.......Iguess (but hey! he got sungmin at the end!)) Oh! and kwanghee (the name was kwanghee wasnt it lol) is such a ball of cutesy ;_; as if he's really donghae's son, I mean, both of them is super cute! I wonder how hyukjae manage to survive from those two HAHAHA and I'm so happy! It's all a happy ending~ thanks for sharing!
Chapter 26: im just incredibly angry at wookie man idk i was rooting for yesung so much :(
Chapter 25: ASDFGHJKL MY FEELS. >< this was so waaaaah don't even have words. ㅠㅡㅠ Keep up such a great work!! I loved it! So much! Damn, my Eunhae feels coming up again xD
Chapter 26: Gah. So good, I loved the whole story even Wookie's ____tish ways
Chapter 26: An amazing story!! I loved it!