Chapter 8: The Argument


Time flies. It felt like only yesterday that the magical moment where Yuri confessed to me. We told our close friends about us and being good friends they congratulate us. Even though so, we didn’t tell them about Yuri’s sickness. She didn’t want more people to be worried about her and she would make excuses that she got bored of sports that she quitted. I would take extra precautions at school making sure she doesn’t strain herself much and Yuri’s parents got the school permission to exempt Yuri from any sport activities. Yuri wasn’t happy about it but she had no choice.


Our parents knew about us too and even though they didn’t disapprove I know that they dislike it, they just didn’t have the heart to separate us. Maybe they thought we were just young, puppy love or just confused about love. However we really proved them wrong because we’re still together after all these years.


We went to senior high together and graduated together. Under the circumstances of separation that was the first time we argued that seriously.


“Don’t be stubborn Sica! Just accept it! It’s the top university in the country!” Yuri raised her voice.


“I’m not stubborn! I just don’t want to!”




“… … … It’s far away! I just don’t want to!”


“*sigh* If you’re thinking about me… You shouldn’t. It’s not that far. We can still meet during the weekends…”


“How many times do you want me to repeat it’s not because of you!”


I lied. Of course it’s because of her. People might think I’m possessive but I don’t care. They don’t know. I’ve seen her try to hide from me her sudden loss of breath or when her face goes pale or when she held onto her chest. She act strong but she isn’t. I became more and more afraid each day. I procrastinate. I pretend that nothing is wrong with her. That the day wouldn’t come. I pray to God that it wouldn’t happen. However deep down inside me, I know our days are numbered.


“I don’t want to be the reason you miss such a good opportunity!”


“You’re not the reason Yuri!”


“Oh so you suddenly decided to not study when I told you I’m not going to continue mine?!”


“Studying is tiring! I want to work and take a rest from studying for maybe a year or two. Why can’t you understand?!”


“Don’t lie to me Jessica! You love studying!” She is right. I do. Especially when its fashion related. My scholarship is to the best university in the country for art and designs.


“Now whose the stubborn one?! Why can’t you just believe me?!” I tried to reason.


“Chances like this don’t come by often Sica!”


“I know! But I’ve made up my mind! I could work and gain more experience and they’ll offer me the scholarship again!”


“What if they don’t?! Now you have a confirmed scholarship and you throw it away for an uncertain scholarship in the future?! You have a bright future ahead Sica. Please!!! I don't want to jeapordize your future!!!"


"How many times do I have to tell you Yuri!!! It's not becaues of you!!! My world doesn't only revolves around you!!!" I said it. I was angry. Frustrated. Upset. It clouds my mind. I said something that isn't true and I didn't mean it. I wasn't thinking.


"..." She was taken aback. I can see it in her eyes that she is hurt but she try not to show.


"Yu-" I soften my tone feeling guilty for hurting her feelings but she cut me off.


"*sigh* I guess it's better that way..."




"I don’t want to argue with you further. Please think about it. I hope you change your mind.”


She left me alone. She never contacted me for a few days. I was stubborn too that I didn’t contact her during those few days. Why can’t she understand? I want to spend every moment with her as much as possible. I can put off my studies and continue where I left off but she can’t put off her… as much as I don’t want to face it, it comes right in front of my face every single time.


I know she is stubborn. She will not contact me no matter how much she wanted to. She thinks that she is a burden to me. I tell her over and over again that she isn’t but she’ll just nods. That night it was late but I couldn’t sleep, I took the keys to her house and went over. Yes we have keys of each other’s house and that’s how close our families are. I was quiet to not wake her family up as I lock the doors and head towards her room. I knocked softly.


“Who’s there?” I heard her voice from the inside.


Slowly I open up the door revealing myself. I saw her sitting on her desk with the table lamp on. Once she saw me she lay down her pen, closes the book and walks towards me.




She didn’t say a word as she hugs me tight making me hard to breathe. I wrap my arms around her too and inhale her scent that I missed so much. She never fails to make me feel warm all over and loved every time she hugs me.


“I miss you too.” I said.


“Sica…” She said as she hugs me tighter.


“I can’t breathe Yuri…” I tapped her back as she lets go of me.


“I’m sorry…”


“It’s okay…” I gave her a reassuring smile.


“Why are you here this late Sica?”


“I… I couldn’t sleep… I’ve been thinking…”


“… and?” she said as she pulled me in and closes the door not wanting our conversation to wake her family members up.


“and… it’s about the university…” I sat beside her on her bed.


“Sica… Please… I don’t want to argue… As much as I dislike being apart from you I don’t want you to jeopardize your future… Please tell me you’ll accept the offer…” she held my hands.


“I haven’t replied the university yet… I know how much you wanted me to accept it… but you know I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything else when I’m constantly thinking of you…”


“Sica… I’ll be fine… We’ll be fine… You can come back during your semester break… or if you really miss us you can commute by train and although it takes 3-4 hours it’s still an option on weekends… better yet I can commute to you… Right?”


“… … … I just have one condition Yuri…”


“A condition?”


“Yes. I’ll accept the offer… Only if you come with me.”




“I know I’m being selfish here. I’ve thought about it Yuri-ah... I know I have no rights to separate you from your family… but that’s the only solution I can think of… I’ll take part-time classes and job… I’ll be able to rent an apartment… I’ll take care of you… and like you said we can take the train back on weekends…”


I know I’m testing my luck with that. It’s like I’m threatening her and I’m asking all the absurd things from her. I’m being selfish again. I kept asking more from her without being able to offer anything in return. For all I know, I’m the one giving burden to her. I just couldn’t stand the idea of not being with her every day.


“Yuri its okay… I’m sorry… I just… *sigh* You know I love you so much… These few days without seeing you… hugging you or hearing your voice… I can’t stand it… I’m sorry for being selfish…” I felt guilty. I held my breath as tears are threatening to roll down my cheek. I look up hoping my eyes could hold it all in. I promised Yuri that I wouldn’t cry sad tears for her. I must hold it all in.


“Sica… I love you too and you know I would do anything for you… Let me think about it and discuss with my parents alright?” She said softly hugging me from the side.


I nodded in response and let go of all the air in my lungs in relief.


“There there…” She rubs my arm to comfort me.


“Can I sleep with you tonight?”


“You don’t need to ask. Of course you can.” She smiled sincerely at me and went to turn off the lights.


She tuck me in bed and slept beside me. With only the lights from the street lamp outside dimly illuminating the room, I looked at her as I cuddle close to her feeling her heartbeat, her scent, her breath and her warmth. She held me in her arms tight.


If only I don’t need to sleep I would have stay awake the whole night.


I couldn’t believe myself when I even thought of staying up all night just to saviour each moment with her.




Jessica Jung.


Who loves to sleep so much would stay up all night for her…


That’s how much I love her.


Falling asleep in her arms…


I felt so blessed.



I was suppose to update this yesterday but I went out late and was too tired to on my laptop. Late better than never right?

Back to the story~

I wanted to make the arguement more intense but I think it's already intense enough. Isn't it?

Well I don't want you all to kill me so soon so they made up at the same chapter >.<

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diana_knight07 #1
Chapter 13: It's a sad story but beautiful and i like it very much, thanks you for this author nim :')
sone_marg14 #2
Chapter 30: eventhough it sad that yuri died here but in the heaven there will be together again
Chapter 30: this is so sad author..
especially when I've just read embodiment.. :(
so sad that yuri cant survive and live until they are old together..
but thank you for this Yulsic story..
Dandot #4
Chapter 30: Author...You are amazing..
Gogiver #5
Chapter 30: ahh, so saddd but I love this story!
jasonds #6
Chapter 30: beautifull story although sad...but still love it too much..this is my second time rereading this story...still i am cryin'
jojettykoh #7
Chapter 30: Beautiful story..kudos!!!
crazykwonyurifan #8
Chapter 30: I so loved ur story author-shi but still i dam hate u a lot for ur inappropriate and sad ending, u broke my Yulsuc heart. Yulsic is real for ever and ever and FOREVER, still ur story is Daebak, keep writing Yulsic but plz, a big no for sad ending and painful seprations plz my yulsic heart cant take it. Fanfics is the only world where yul and sica could be happy together unless the so called real world so yeah dnt seprate here in fanfic world..... ommo i think i got carried away ....... wrote so much but still thank u again for such an emotional story..
kellishtar #9
The best ff i ever read. You put so much emotions in this story. Sometimes its hurt to accept fate without people u really love, but true love always make u strong with or without them. Nice job :)
story19 #10
Chapter 30: a simple beautiful ending... that is fair and just, a little twist makes the story not common but interesting... good job, author-nim... 'till then!!!