Chapter 5: The Aftermath



After a few days of that incident, news got around school that they broke up. Of course I asked her about it and she confirmed it. I asked her why but she just shrug it off saying that she found out that her feeling towards him is just like a brother. I’m not sure who initiated it but it seems like Yuri did because her ex-boyfriend didn’t appear at school for the next few days after that. When he is back they were back to being good friends. I still see the longing look from him towards Yuri so I’m pretty sure he still has feeling for her.


Regarding the news, I was elated but at the same time nervous. Things went back to how it was before but it is just not the same for me anymore. Usually I would cling onto Yuri like it’s the most natural thing to do in the universe but after realizing my feelings for her, I’ve been conscious of my own actions.


I’ve been avoiding Yuri. I couldn’t face her and that has gone on for roughly 2-3 months and the feeling didn’t calm down even one bit! Or if I must say it grew even stronger. Especially when I wanted to initiate skinship like we always do but I would end up not doing it and being awkward. If she initiates skinship first I would always end up running away from the situation.




“Are you spacing out again Sica?”


I heard Yuri’s voice from the side and I turned to where the source was. Her face was only inches away from mine and even though our faces have been closer than this before like how when we took selcas together, now it seems like I just can’t look her in the same way I did months ago.


“Omo! Your face is red! Are you sick Sica?”


She swipes away my fringe and placed her forehead on mine. My heart is literally banging at my chest trying to make its way out and do the ‘I’m so happy I’m in heaven’ dance right on my desk. I stood up and hastily made my way out of the class. I walked in a fast pace as Yuri shouted my name from behind trying to keep up with my pace too.


“Sica what’s wrong? You’re really not feeling well? The infirmary is the other way!”


I went up the stairs without knowing where to go. She kept calling out my name but I couldn’t face her. She is driving me nuts! Insane! Why did I have to realize my feelings for her! That’s what I thought until I couldn’t hear Yuri’s voice behind me anymore. I turned around and she was nowhere to be found. I looked down from the ledge of the stairs and I saw her sitting on the stairs resting her head on the bars of the stair. Resting?




I walked back down towards her.




I called again but no response.


“Yul… Don’t joke with me now…”


I said again right in front of her but still no response.




I softly nudged her a little and she fell sideways lifeless.


“Oh my God! Yuri! What’s wrong?! Somebody help! Yuri!!! Yuri!!!”


I screamed for help as I use all my energy to hold on to Yuri not letting her get hurt any further. Thank God at that moment the infirmary nurses were passing by and heard my cries for help. They carried Yuri to the infirmary immediately. I followed. The nurses let Yuri down on the bed and a nurse closes the white curtain. The other nurse held onto me and guided me to wait outside of the infirmary. She asked me stay outside and she went back in to aid the other nurse.


It seems so serious that I started to cry worried of my best friend. The nurse walked out minutes later.


“How’s Yuri? What’s wrong with her?” I asked sobbing.


“She is fine. She just fainted. She’ll regain consciousness soon.”


“Can I accompany her until she wakes up? Please?” I plead and the nurse agreed.


Sitting right beside Yuri I held her hand with both of mine tight not wanting to let go. I looked down putting her hand in between mine on my forehead as I pray to God for her to be okay. All sorts of things ran through my mind. Why did she faint? She is the most health conscious person I had ever known. Lethargic? The sun? It’s the beginning of winter I’m sure she didn’t get heat . Over exercise? Gosh. I couldn’t think of any reason. I just prayed that it’s nothing serious.


“You know my hand is getting numb…” I looked up and saw a smiling Yuri but right after she saw me she frowned. “Why are you crying? …” she asked and wipes away the tears on my cheek using her thumb. “Don’t cry.” She continued.


“I’m not.” I obviously lied and wipe away my own tears.




“It’s so hot here that I’m sweating waiting for you to wake up.” I forced a smile on my face.


“Wow… I didn’t know humans can sweat from their eyes too. I learn a new thing today.” She giggled at my lame excuse.


“Yah Kwon Yuri. You laugh at your friend who cares so much about you?” I jokingly pouted.


“Wouldn’t dare to princess. I’m just happy.”


We both smiled and before I could continue, Yuri’s parents reached and came into the infirmary.


“Oh my Yuri-ah…” Yuri’s mom and dad hug her.


“Appa omma I’m fine.”


“What do you mean you’re fine? You fainted…” Her mom said.


“I’m fine now aren’t I?”


“Did you overexert yourself? You know your heart has problems and I’ve warned you didn’t I? Please Yuri. Omma can’t handle it. Yuri-ah…” her mom said with a sad expression and red eyes as if she was crying earlier.


“Omma I’m sorry.”


“It’s okay. It’s okay. As long as you’re fine now.” Yuri’s mom hugs her tight again.


All these commotion and I picked up the situation. Heart? Yuri’s heart has problem? When? Why didn’t I know about it? What else did I not know? What kind of best friend am I if I didn’t know about her condition?


I decided to ask Yuri’s mom about it outside of the infirmary. She was reluctant to tell me because Yuri told them not to but I insisted. I have never been rude to my elders but I raised my voice a little hoping Yuri’s mom would tell me about it. I was desperate to know. What are they hiding from me? Why is Yuri hiding something from me?


“Omma. With all respect if you don’t tell me I’ll force it out of Yuri.” I said and even though I felt inappropriate to threaten an elderly like this. I got no choice but to do so.


“Jessica… Yuri she…” I can clearly see tears forming from Yuri’s mom eyes but I didn’t budge. I couldn’t. I need to know.


“Please stop Sica…” I heard Yuri’s voice from behind of me. I turned around and saw Yuri with teary eyes but she forced a smile on her face as she continued. “Omma… Appa… You guys must be busy… Go ahead… I’ll talk to Jessica.”


Yuri’s parents didn’t say a word. Their gaze fixed on their daughter then on me.


“Omma appa… I’m sorry for being rude. I was out of place. Please forgive me.” I bowed 90 degree to them hoping that they would forgive me.


“It’s okay Jessica. We know you were just concerned about Yuri.” Yuri’s dad replied to me and her mom nodded in agreement. He continued saying that we should talk and they have to leave.


After her parents left she brought me to the school roof and we stood at the rails facing the garden of the school. It was a cloudy day, class is still in session and no students were in sight except for us. I looked at Yuri and she was closing her eyes taking a deep breath inhaling all the air that she could before she opens her eyes and face me. I anticipate for what she would tell me.


“Sica…” How I love the way she calls my name. I would always feel calm when she did so.


“Yuri… I’m your best friend right?“ I held onto her hand.


“Yes you are…”


“So why are you hiding something from me?”




“It hurts me you know Yuri. I thought there is no secret between us.”


“Sica… I’m sorry…”




“I…” she took a deep breath and continued “I’m sick… to be exact my heart is…” she placed her hands onto her chest where her heart is.


“Have you seen a doctor?”


“Yes. You remember I skipped school quite often for the past few months?”


I nodded in response and she continued.


“My family take turns to accompany me to many hospitals to check on this. They all came back with the same results and answers.”




“Yes… Sica… there is no cure… its hereditary… well there is the option of heart transplant but the chances are very slim…”


“Imp… Impossible… but… you’ll still live long right? Like a normal person… Yes?... Yuri?” I held one of her arms hoping for an answer but she just look away. My heart shattered to pieces but I had to have an answer. I need an answer to that question. I kept prying. “You’ll still live long like a normal person right? … … Right? … … … Right?!”


I shook her harder this time but she just wouldn’t look at me. Tears roll down my cheek again but I wasn’t sobbing this time. I was shocked and overwhelmed by the sudden news. I couldn’t comprehend the entire situation that befalls on me. My legs went weak as I sat on the floor. My hands and body trembled out of fear without my control over it. Fear of losing my best friend. Fear of losing the love of my life. Yuri hugs me to comfort me and as much as I want to hug her back I just couldn’t gain control of my own body to do so.


“It’s alright Sica… It’s alright…”


“Tell me Yuri… Tell me there is still a way… Tell me you’ll live long… Please…” I begged. I kept repeating my words while tears are still running down my cheeks.


“Yes Sica… Yes… Just stop crying… Please… Sica-ah…” I can hear her voice cracking.


I know she lied. She would do anything to make me stop crying. That includes giving me hope. Trying all her might to convince me that everything is going to be alright.


“Please… You cannot leave me… I love you… I need you Yuri…” I said sobbing.


“What are you saying Sica-yah… I’m here aren’t I? I’m not going anywhere… It’s going to be alright… I love you too… Now don’t cry alright? It breaks my heart seeing you cry because of me…” She said as she tries hard to hide her sobs.


I couldn’t… I couldn’t stop crying. I cried harder and harder in her arms. I didn’t care if anyone heard me crying. I just kept crying.


My best friend…


The love of my life...




She’s dying…




There is nothing I could do about it…



Dont hate me! Well you can hate me but I wouldn't really care... because... I've warned ya!

... ... ...

T_T dont hate me just yet alright? You don't know the ending yet~~~

Now curious aren't you?

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diana_knight07 #1
Chapter 13: It's a sad story but beautiful and i like it very much, thanks you for this author nim :')
sone_marg14 #2
Chapter 30: eventhough it sad that yuri died here but in the heaven there will be together again
Chapter 30: this is so sad author..
especially when I've just read embodiment.. :(
so sad that yuri cant survive and live until they are old together..
but thank you for this Yulsic story..
Dandot #4
Chapter 30: Author...You are amazing..
Gogiver #5
Chapter 30: ahh, so saddd but I love this story!
jasonds #6
Chapter 30: beautifull story although sad...but still love it too much..this is my second time rereading this story...still i am cryin'
jojettykoh #7
Chapter 30: Beautiful story..kudos!!!
crazykwonyurifan #8
Chapter 30: I so loved ur story author-shi but still i dam hate u a lot for ur inappropriate and sad ending, u broke my Yulsuc heart. Yulsic is real for ever and ever and FOREVER, still ur story is Daebak, keep writing Yulsic but plz, a big no for sad ending and painful seprations plz my yulsic heart cant take it. Fanfics is the only world where yul and sica could be happy together unless the so called real world so yeah dnt seprate here in fanfic world..... ommo i think i got carried away ....... wrote so much but still thank u again for such an emotional story..
kellishtar #9
The best ff i ever read. You put so much emotions in this story. Sometimes its hurt to accept fate without people u really love, but true love always make u strong with or without them. Nice job :)
story19 #10
Chapter 30: a simple beautiful ending... that is fair and just, a little twist makes the story not common but interesting... good job, author-nim... 'till then!!!