The Letter – To Jessica Jung



Sica. If you’re reading this. I guess I didn’t make it. I wasn’t strong enough. I’m sorry.


The thought of it makes me hate myself so much. Leaving you with only my ice cold body… that couldn’t wipe away your tears… embraces you or love you. The thought of you being alone in this sea of people hurts me a lot. Knowing that I left you… the love of my life to suffer painfully from this loss… I hate myself for being so heartless. Please hate me too.


Thank you. For everything. Your love. Your time. Your smiles. Your touches. Your words. Your presence.

You light up my life. I would rather live a year with you than a lifetime without you.


I know you’re strong enough to endure this. Given the same situation but if our roles switched, I wouldn’t be strong enough to get through this.


Remember what you promised me Sica?

You’re going to live well. I know you can do it. You’ve always kept your promise.

Unlike me…

There are so much promises that I couldn’t keep.

I promised that I’ll be fine but I’m not.

I promised that we will visit Jejudo for the sunrise every 10 years together but I couldn’t.

I promised that I’ll love you forever but my forever is too short.

I know the list goes on…


I’m sorry I broke my promises.

I’m sorry I hurt you.

I’m sorry I left.

I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you anymore…


While I’m no longer by your side, there will be a day where someone out there that can heal your wounded heart… Let that person stay and accompany you… I won’t blame you. I’ll be happy for you. Sincerely.


I’ll just be part of your memories now. Don’t be stagnant. Don’t be stubborn. This isn’t fair I know. Move on Sica. Please try your best to forget about me.


Please remember your family. They need you. Don’t let them feel the way I did to my family.


Take care and live well.


I love you Sica.

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diana_knight07 #1
Chapter 13: It's a sad story but beautiful and i like it very much, thanks you for this author nim :')
sone_marg14 #2
Chapter 30: eventhough it sad that yuri died here but in the heaven there will be together again
Chapter 30: this is so sad author..
especially when I've just read embodiment.. :(
so sad that yuri cant survive and live until they are old together..
but thank you for this Yulsic story..
Dandot #4
Chapter 30: Author...You are amazing..
Gogiver #5
Chapter 30: ahh, so saddd but I love this story!
jasonds #6
Chapter 30: beautifull story although sad...but still love it too much..this is my second time rereading this story...still i am cryin'
jojettykoh #7
Chapter 30: Beautiful story..kudos!!!
crazykwonyurifan #8
Chapter 30: I so loved ur story author-shi but still i dam hate u a lot for ur inappropriate and sad ending, u broke my Yulsuc heart. Yulsic is real for ever and ever and FOREVER, still ur story is Daebak, keep writing Yulsic but plz, a big no for sad ending and painful seprations plz my yulsic heart cant take it. Fanfics is the only world where yul and sica could be happy together unless the so called real world so yeah dnt seprate here in fanfic world..... ommo i think i got carried away ....... wrote so much but still thank u again for such an emotional story..
kellishtar #9
The best ff i ever read. You put so much emotions in this story. Sometimes its hurt to accept fate without people u really love, but true love always make u strong with or without them. Nice job :)
story19 #10
Chapter 30: a simple beautiful ending... that is fair and just, a little twist makes the story not common but interesting... good job, author-nim... 'till then!!!