Évènement déclencheur!

My crazy, unpredictable life!

Yeeeeaaahhhhh, sorry about the title. I can't remember what the word is in English that stirs up the situation and the plot starts to evolve. Oh well!

this is where it all starts! The freaking huge boulder called this story is going to gradually pick up speed as it heads down the side of the mountain...

Screw metaphors!! I can't write them to save my life, but at least you get it!


It's been a month since the new students came, the two of them have been hanging out with Kyung, PO, Zico and I. I'm 99.99% sure they are a couple. They look so cute together!!

Sungjae loves to hug his hyung. I swear, anymore of this, and I'm gonna die of cuteness!
"Sungjae! Stop hugging me so I can eat!" Ilhoon protested, trying to push him away.
"But I barely get to see hyung anymore! When we hang out with the rest of BtoB, all you do is sigh and stay quiet!" Sungjae pouted. "And whenever Eunkwang hyung asks you about school, all you ever talk about is Hy-"
Before he could say anything else, Ilhoon stuffed a chicken nugget in his mouth and smiled.
"Hyorin, you ready for the test next period?" Ilhoon asked, trying to change the subject.
"She's always ready... NERD!!" Zico cupped his hands around his mouth and said.
"At least I'm not stupid~!" I sang, putting some potato in my mouth.
"Are you ready, Ilhoon oppa?" I looked at him.
"Yeah." He smiled back.
Lunch was the same as usual, and so was the rest of the day. I grabbed my things and headed to the parking lot, to find Zico and Ilhoon talking. I stopped to watch them, but I couldn't hear anything.
Zico's arms were flailing everywhere, and Ilhoon looked somewhat terrified. Zico got really close and whispered something in his ear. The leader of Block B pulled away, showing a smile on Ilhoon's face.
Wow, was he gorgeous!
'Ah! What am I saying?!'
I watched them a little while longer. They only talked and shook hands, then, parted ways. Taeil drove up in a car, picked Zico up, and drove over to me.
"We have some important business to take care of, so I hope you don't mind..." Taeil gave me a sympathetic look.
"It's fine, oppa! I'll walk home! I haven't done that in a while!" I smiled and gave him the thumbs up. He waved and drove away.
As I was walking through the gates, a familiar figure caught up with me.
"Mind the company?" He smiled.
"Not at all!" I smiled back.
It was a quiet walk, but not awkward, for me at least. Ilhoon constantly looked like he wanted to say something. When I reached my front door, he finally said something.
"I have two tickets to the fair tonight...wanna come?" He asked.
"Of course!! What time should we meet?"
"I can come and pick you up at seven-ish."
"Perfect! It'll be so much fun going with a friend! See ya!" I waved and closed my front door.
I pranced around my house.
"I'm going to the fair~! I'm going to the fair~!" I sang as I pranced. I was both happy about going to the fair, and the fact that Ilhoon asked me. I had grown to like him way more than a friend, but I thought he didn't like me back the same way, so I continued to act like he was only a friend.
Block B finally came to my house. They would tell me what they were doing, but they all seem happy.
"What are you so happy about?" PO asked as he slumped down on my couch.
"I get to go to the fair! I haven't been able to go, since, you know, dad and all..."
"Whoa! Going to the fair? With who?" Kyung raised an eyebrow.
"You remember Ilhoon, right? He asked me to go to the fair with him!"I jumped around.
"Do you like him?" Jaehyo asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Of course! He's a good friend of mine!" 
"I mean, do you have a crush on him?"
"No! Why would you ask that?!" I rubbed my neck and looked a different way. 'Definitely...' 
"Hyorin, do you think Ilhoon was asking you as a friend to the fair?" Taeil looked at me.
"Yeah. What else would it be?" 
"Oh dear..." B-bomb muttered.
"I hope you know he thinks of you more than a friend." Said Kyung. 
"Psh, no way! He doesn't like me..." I laughed nervously. If he did like me, I would be happy. First guy to ever like me.
"Ok, ok...whatever's you say. But you still have to change. Aren't you going soon?" Zico pointed to the clock.
Jaehyo dragged me upstairs and made me try on a bunch of clothes. I heard the doorbell ring, but I couldn't move because I was in the middle of changing.
"Ah! Ilhoon! Glad you came early!" I heard Zico say.
"I came early because you told me to!"
"Good, so you listened...." The rest was too quiet for me to hear.
Jaehyo finally picked an outfit for me to wear.
It was a knee high black skirt, white tank top and a denin jacket that was quarter sleeve.
"You. Look. So beautiful!" He smiled and put some hair behind my ear.
"Thanks..." I blushed.
"Now for some makeup-"
"No!! I hate makeup!!" I started to back away.
"You won't leave this house until you put some on!" He came closer, hold the brush up.
"That's fine with me! You can tell Ilhoon that I don't feel like going anymore!..." I sat on my bed and crossed my arms.
Jaehyo furrowed his eyebrows.
"Very well...but you have to put on some lipstick!"
When he was finished, he let me look in the mirror.
"I don't think I've ever seen myself so beautiful!" I gave a small twirl and smiled at Jaehyo. "Thanks, oppa!" I kissed him on the cheek, leaving a lipstick mark.
"Yah! Now we have to put some more on!!"
After he did, he held my hand and led me downstairs.
"Whoa!! Why is there a lipstick mark on your cheek?" Kyung pointed to Jaehyo, who let go of my hand and tried rubbing it away.
"Ah! Forgot to get rid of that!!"
"Holy!! Who is that?!" Zico pointed a finger at me.
"Dang!! Now I really wish I wasn't your brother!" Ukwon smirked.
"Stupid oppa..." I chuckled. I looked at Ilhoon, who was looking at me.
He wore white pants, a black muscle shirt with a smaller white one over it, a black hat with shiny silver spikes, and some long silver necklaces. On his wrists, were white wrist bands and a bracelet on his right hand. He was incredibly handsome. 
I felt my face grow hot when I realized I was staring.
"Awe! Look how cute you are!! I didn't know a nerd like you could be so cute!" Zico pinched my cheeks. I slapped him in the arm and stuck out my tongue.
"Shall we go?" Ilhoon stood up and held out his hand.
'I hope you know he thinks of you more than a friend' kept repeating in my mind, but I just smiled and put my hand in his.
We got into the back seat of the car with someone unfamiliar to me driving.
"I hope you don't think what I'm wearing is too much..." He said, giving me a side glance.
"I was about to say the same thing. I'm not a girly kind of person, but Jaehyo oppa a.k.a my umma, made me wear this outfit... Besides, you look quiet handsome tonight!" I smiled.
He cleared his throat and blushed. "Is it hot in here, or what?" He rolled down a window and didn't talk for the rest of the ride.
Ilhoon gave in the two tickets, and we were allowed in. 
We went on every ride. 
On the biggest roller coaster, Ilhoon had to bribe me with cotton candy just to get on. When the ride started, he seemed to be having fun, while I was clutching onto him, screaming in fear. It was when the ride slowed down before doing a huge drop, did I notice his smell. 
It was a soothing kind of smell. I looked up at him. He was smiling like an idiot, waiting for the ride to drop. I clutched onto him tighter, not wanting to let go. I could hear his breaths and feel his heart beat. They were both soothing. I started to feel safe beside him.
'Am I really falling in love?' I asked myself. Then, the ride dropped.
When it was over, I stumbled out of the cart while Ilhoon easily stepped out.
"Wasn't that fun?" Ilhoon took a deep breath and smiled. "Hyorin? Are you ok?" He bent down beside me and held my shoulders.
I was bending over, covering my mouth and holding my stomach.
"Here..." He crouched down in front of me. I hopped on his back, and he started walking away.
There was a small beach close to the fair that he walked along, with me on my back. I closed my eyes and took in the smell of the water.
It smells like fish! Nasty!!
"Are you asleep?" He asked, stopping to look back at me.
I was too tired to answer, but I wasn't asleep, so I shifted and groaned. Ilhoon chuckled before continuing on with his walk.
"You know, since the first time that saw your face, I fell in love..." He muttered.
Oh snap! What the hay is goin' on! I did not expect this!!
Pfft... HAHAHAHAHAHhahahahaaHAHAHAHAHA  yeah right! I wrote this excuse of a story! But she sure is lucky. I wish I was in her situation....
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Chapter 33: You can change your name to my best friend then it'll sound like he likes you. ;D
daejaebiased #2
Chapter 31: nooooo your story is awesome! Dont take it delete it! :(
klienchoung #3
Chapter 31: If you really wanna
Chapter 31: You hate it? Well, It's your story so I don't mind
Chapter 30: I'd rather make it easier on you and suggest you kill hyorin or ilhoon. /derp smile, shrugs/ JUST KIDDING. o-o
Chapter 27: LOOOL. I love your style of writing and your A/Ns. They're hilarious. xD
klienchoung #7
Chapter 27: Lmfaoooooooooookooo
Chapter 24: omg! Ilhoonie......... i am speechless
Chapter 23: It's alright Author-nim. I need a life too. c;
Chapter 22: LOL. "how could you Ilhoon!! I trusted you!! All I asked for was for you to put the empty bottle in the recycling, and what do you do? You drop it in the trash.

Yeah, that's right! We're through!
