I still do...

My crazy, unpredictable life!


I gave the woman my passport and walked on. I turned around when I heard someone call Ilhoon's name.
My expression became even darker when I recognized the figure running and calling Ilhoon's name.
"Ilhoon!! Where are you going?!" She asked, trying to act cute.
"I'm leaving." He hissed.
"What?! Why?!"
"Because of you, my wife hates me and doesn't talk to me anymore!! She refused to stay with me, a disgusting excuse of a husband, and you know why? Because of my stupidity, and your-"
"Wife?! You had a wife?!" Yuri's jaw dropped.
"Yeah, and her Name's Jung Hyorin!"
"But, Ilhoonie! We-"
Ilhoon's hand came down hard on her face.
"Don't you ever call me that!!" He hissed before giving in his ticket and walking towards me.
Now that that was over, I had no need to stay and walk beside him. I walked at a faster pace and reached my seat before him. Thankfully I got to choose a different seat, AWAY from that backstabbing jerk.
Sadly, I didn't get to keep it.
"Excuse me, miss?" I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up to find a mother and a young child. "I need to sit by my son because of his young age. Would you mind trading seats with me?"
"Of course not!" I smiled and gathered my things. "Where's your seat?" 
"It's by that young gentlemen over there!" She pointed in his direction.
I followed her finger past the other people in first class, to an awfully familiar figure.
"Thanks!" I smiled and moved out of the way. I turned around and crouched down to the child's level. "Have fun and sleep well!" I lightly tapped his nose, earning a smile and a giggle.
I walked over to my new seat, and slumped down.
"I do not want to talk to you, so don't think you can talk to me!" I hissed, not bothering to look at him.
I put on my headphones, and fell asleep.
•  •  •
"My baby girl!!" B-bomb screamed, running to me. He pulled me into a hug and continuously kissed my forehead.
"Yah, yah, YAH!!" I pushed him away and wiped my forehead. "Too much love oppa!"
"Hey there, beautiful!" Ukwon popped up from behind B-bomb.
"Stop calling her that~!" B-bomb whined, making us all laugh.
I hugged each of my brothers, and stopped at Zico.
"Don't I get a hug?" He asked with his arms stretched out.
"Stupid monkeys always get hugs!" I wrapped my arms around him.
"What was that?" He asked, squeezing tighter and tighter.
"Y-yah!... Too.... Tight!"
Kyung managed to pull Zico off (oh thank The Lord) after almost suffocating me. I turned and smiled to Mr. And Mrs. Jung.
"Hyorin, my dear girl! It's so nice to see you again!" Mrs. Jung smiled and hugged me.
"I haven't had anybody to talk about engineering in such a long time!!" Mr. Jung fake cried and pulled me into a hug.
"It's nice to be back home. New York is a beautiful place, but some of it's people I could live without!" I chuckled.
"You'll have to tell us all the good times you had when we get home!" Mrs. Jung slung an arm around my shoulder and we all walked off.
I glanced back to see Mr. Jung waiting for his son. I stopped watching after a while and thought:
'What's the point? I don't care for him anymore! I don't... Care... I don't...'
'I still do'.
Still loves the one she thought she should have hated... I feel bad.
I'm just glad I don't have to deal with that 'cause I don't have a boyfriend!! HAHAHAHAHAHhahahahaaHAHAHAHAHA.... I'm such a loner...
Psh, I don't need a boyfriend to be happy!! Best friends for the win!!... I need a life...
I'm still learning how to write, so please, don't hate too much.
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Chapter 33: You can change your name to my best friend then it'll sound like he likes you. ;D
daejaebiased #2
Chapter 31: nooooo your story is awesome! Dont take it delete it! :(
klienchoung #3
Chapter 31: If you really wanna
Chapter 31: You hate it? Well, It's your story so I don't mind
Chapter 30: I'd rather make it easier on you and suggest you kill hyorin or ilhoon. /derp smile, shrugs/ JUST KIDDING. o-o
Chapter 27: LOOOL. I love your style of writing and your A/Ns. They're hilarious. xD
klienchoung #7
Chapter 27: Lmfaoooooooooookooo
Chapter 24: omg! Ilhoonie......... i am speechless
Chapter 23: It's alright Author-nim. I need a life too. c;
Chapter 22: LOL. "how could you Ilhoon!! I trusted you!! All I asked for was for you to put the empty bottle in the recycling, and what do you do? You drop it in the trash.

Yeah, that's right! We're through!
