Before and after.

My crazy, unpredictable life!


"What are your favourite flowers?"
"--------"(you choose)
"Beautiful! We are almost finished..." Mrs. Jung giggled after I involuntarily yawned.
"I'm sorry...."
"It's fine, dear! You should be tired! I remember my wedding being the same way!" She smiled to herself while writing something down on the page.
I'm just gonna say this once. I hate planning for weddings. It's so boring!! And it's past midnight!
We heard footsteps. We turned our heads to find the very sleepy Ilhoon walk up to us. He sat on the couch beside me, wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his head on mine.
"Ilhonnie~" his mother sang. "Go away!"
"No... I'm the groom. I wanna be with my bride... And it's also my wedding!..." He opened one eye and looked at his mother.
"Very well then... What are your favourite flowers! Favourite finger dish? What are your three sizes? What do you want in a wedding dress. Is there a specific kind of make up you wear? Would you like your hair styled, or out?" His mother raised an eyebrow at her now silent son.
"Good night!" He got up and walked away.
We giggled a little before finishing the questions. It was ten to one in the morning before I was finally free. I slowly trudged to the room I was sleeping in, slumped under the covers and closed my eyes to fall asleep.
Until I felt arm wrap around my chest and stomach.
"You have your own bed! Why aren't you using it?" I asked, not bothering to open my eyes.
"This bed is warmer..." Ilhoon pulled me close until I was right up against his body.
"I'm too tired to argue..."
"Good..." I felt him breathe on my neck. 
It sent a tingle up my spine and made me almost gasp.
"Will you stop that?"
"Stop what?"
"Breathing on my neck!"
"Like this?" He did it again, but this time, it was cold.
"Ah!" I shivered. "Stop!!"
I could hear him stifling a laughter, obviously failing.
"You're so cute when you're like that!"
"You can't see me!!"
"But I can guess what you look like!"
"... Shut up and go to sleep. I'm tired..."
"Very well, Jung Hyorin..."
I smiled when he said that. 
It actually went nicely! The two names compliment each other. I like it!
•  •  • 
"Is it normal to be nervous on your wedding day?" I asked my soon-to-be mother in-law as she was adjusting my dress.
"It means you're human." She smiled at me in the mirror and went back to fixing the dress.
(A/N: I want you to decide what her wedding dress looks like. It would be easier to visualize and like if they are your tastes)
"I made it!!" Mr. Jung said as he walked into the room.
"Appa!" I smiled as he gave me a bear hug.
For quite a while now, they've asked me to call them appa and umma, since I don't have mine anymore.
"I made this for you for your wedding day!" He held up a small, oval shaped locket. 
When I opened it, I wanted to cry. On the left was a picture of my mother and my father side by side and on the right was a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Jung and me and Ilhoon making a goofy face in the picture.
"Thank you..." I hugged him a second time and put the necklace on.
Soon, it was time to meet my groom.
I took a deep breath and linked arms with Mr. Jung. As we walked up to the alter, I was surprised of the amount of people. On the left side, there were people I didn't know, probably part of the Jung,a family. On the other side, were the people I knew quite well! BtoB and Block B.
As I made my way up to the alter, I noticed someone that made my jaw drop.
Sitting, in the front row was Eunji and her family. She was smiling like crazy and giving me the thumbs up as I passed.
When Mr. Jung left me, I turned to look at Ilhoon. 
He was way beyond gorgeous. I started to blush and he smirked.
"The entire time you were walking up, not once did you look at me!..." He whispered in my ear as we turned to the minister.
I gave him an innocent smile and he just scoffed and chuckled. While the minister was talking, Ilhoon wouldn't stay still.
"Where'd you get that necklace?" He whispered. 
"Your father." I whispered back.
He seemed satisfied but he kept shifting. I was tempted to flick him in the forehead and tell him to stay still.
"... Jung Ilhoon, do you take this woman to be your wife?" The minister asked.
"I do."
"And do you, Park Hyorin, take this man to be your husband?"
"I do."
Sungjae handed Ilhoon a ring, and Eunji handed me a ring. I slipped mine on Ilhoon's hand first. He then took my wrist and attached a bracelet. He followed a small chain attached to a white and yellow gold ring with a small panda as the head.
I stared wide eyed and in wonder at it's beauty, and felt really bad when I gave him a simple gold ring.
"I now pronounce you, husband and wife!"
Ilhoon grabbed me by the waist and smashed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, never wanting to leave that position.
My name's Park  Jung Hyorin. I'm eighteen years old, but I act like I'm five. I'm an orphan with seven self-appointed brothers and many friends. I just married my boyfriend, making this the happiest moment of my life. I hope it will stay like this for as long as I live!
I don't know anything about a Korean weddings, so you'll have to settle for this.
I like pandas, so there you go.
I don't know much about weddings either, so deal with it!
I'm mean and cruel and don't take much to happy stories, so I'll be dumping a whole load of sh- PROBLEMS on Hyorin.
The story has just begun!
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Chapter 33: You can change your name to my best friend then it'll sound like he likes you. ;D
daejaebiased #2
Chapter 31: nooooo your story is awesome! Dont take it delete it! :(
klienchoung #3
Chapter 31: If you really wanna
Chapter 31: You hate it? Well, It's your story so I don't mind
Chapter 30: I'd rather make it easier on you and suggest you kill hyorin or ilhoon. /derp smile, shrugs/ JUST KIDDING. o-o
Chapter 27: LOOOL. I love your style of writing and your A/Ns. They're hilarious. xD
klienchoung #7
Chapter 27: Lmfaoooooooooookooo
Chapter 24: omg! Ilhoonie......... i am speechless
Chapter 23: It's alright Author-nim. I need a life too. c;
Chapter 22: LOL. "how could you Ilhoon!! I trusted you!! All I asked for was for you to put the empty bottle in the recycling, and what do you do? You drop it in the trash.

Yeah, that's right! We're through!
