He wants WHAT?!

My crazy, unpredictable life!


"Shut up and sit down!!" I heard Ukwon yell from the TV room.
"Zico!! I don't give a (curse word) how burnt your popcorn is! I'm watching TV, so be quiet!"
"No way! Hyung needs to learn how to make proper popcorn!" 
"Hurry up and move, stupid!"
Ilhoon and I walked out of my room and to the stairs to see just what was going on. Let's just say, Taeil, Ukwon and Zico were wrestling each other in my living room.
"I'm gonna let them taste my fist!!" I glared at them and started walking their way, until I felt arms wrap around my waist.
"Let them be. We won't be here for much longer anyway." Ilhoon rested his head on my shoulders.
"Exactly. I want to teach them a lesson before we go!"
"So you would leave me?"
 I turned to look at him. His pouting face was incredibly cute. I held his face in my hands and brought him close.
"I will be by your side, 'till I die." I pecked his lips and dragged him into the kitchen.
Later that night, we pile two weeks worth of luggage into a limo, and said our goodbyes.
"I'll miss you guys!" I hugged each and everyone one of my brothers until I reached Zico.
"Stay safe, stupid." Zico held up his fist and we fist bumped.
"Find a girlfriend, idiot!" I smirked and waved goodbye to them.
I got into the limo and waited for Ilhoon, he was going to sit next to me, when Mrs. Jung called him back. I heard her whisper something, but I couldn't make it out. Then, she literally pushed Ilhoon into the limo and told the driver to drive away.
I pulled out my iPad and listened to some random music. I kept glancing over at Ilhoon, who seemed to be really awkward while deeply pondering an idea.
"Ilhoon-ah! What's wrong?"
"Huh?" He snapped back to attention and shook his head. "N-nothing!!"
"Then why are you hesitating?"
"I just- my mom- I'm filled with excitement!" He smiled, but I knew it was fake.
"Ilhoon, I want you to tell me the truth." I inched closer to him, not breaking eye contact. "You were fine up until we left. What's wrong?"
He looked at me, and sighed. He shifted awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.
"My mom just said something to me, that's all..." I raised an eyebrow.
"And that's what's making you uncomfortable? What did she say?"
"She said sfhgghfdhtkbktgkkgjghsknjcjjybb...." He rubbed his mouth, causing him to mumble the words.
"She said jmbvxhfsgagvjiigmgjbfxghnjbjjbj!...."
"She said she wants grand-children before she dies!!"
I blinked. Ilhoon rubbed his face and looked at me.
"Don't worry. I'm not gonna do anything to you..." He moved to sit beside me and drape his arm around my shoulder.
"I'm not worried about that. I'm just wondering how much longer your mom thinks she's gonna live!"
Ilhoon threw back his head and laughed.
"According to her, we won't have much time!..." He put his face by my neck and started to kiss me.
His kisses traveled all over my face until he reached my lips. It was barely two seconds when the driver opened the door.
"We've arrived- WHOA! Sorry 'bout that! I'll put your things on the plane while you, um, sort things out!" The driver ran out of view.
 Ilhoon looked at me and sighed.
"Shall we go?" He asked, giving me a hand and helping me out the car.
The plane was a fancy, privately owned jet. Dang was it nice!!
The driver put our things in the plane and showed us to our seats. After a few minutes, we were off. Some of the flight attendants came around and gave us our food. And I mean good proper food, not that airplane food stuff. 
As the flight attendant was pouring my drink, she accidentally slipped and spilled it all over me. Ilhoon was lucky we didn't sit together, or he would have been just like me. 
"Ah!! I'm so so sorry! I'll get you something to clean up with. She ran into the back of the plane.
I looked up at Ilhoon, who was stifling a laughter.
"You're so nice." I scoffed sarcastically.
"Hyorin, I'm sorry- pfft." To stop himself from laughing, he covered his mouth, closed his eyes and cleared his throat. His attempts to stop smiling would have made me laugh, if it were a usual day. "I'm sorry. I should be more caring and support- psh HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Ilhoon threw his head back and laughed like crazy.
The flight attendant came back and helped me wipe up the spill. I grabbed my luggage, went into the bathroom, and changed my clothes. When I came out, I settled myself on the couch and fell asleep.
When I woke up, I felt a weight on my chest. I opened my eyes fully to find Ilhoon sleeping on me. One of the flight attendants walked in and looked at me. 
She looked like she was about to laugh.
I pointed to Ilhoon and she nodded. With her help, I pushed him off. I sat at the table while the flight attendant put my breakfast out for me. Ilhoon woke up just in time and joined me.
"Good morning, Jung Hyorin!" He said my name with a smile.
"You love how that sounds, don't ya?"
"Quite well..."
We ate breakfast and talked about our trip I didn't really know where we were going, but it didn't matter to me, as long as Ilhoon was by my side.
"Hyorin~! How come you get more bacon than me?!" Ilhoon whined.
"Because I'm cooler."
"You are so not!"
"Are too!"
"Cheese and sprinkles!"
"...wait, what?"
"Forget it..."
"Ok... By the way, you are a very comfortable pillow!"
"Huh?!" I stared at him.
"Yeah. You don't move around a lot, and you breaths are nice and soft." He smirked. 
"You're weird..."
"Says the girl who said cheese and sprinkles!"
I rolled my eyes and went to change my clothes. When I came back, Ilhoon was reading a book.
Hold on.
Ilhoon was reading a book?
He who complained about reading and everything that had to do with school. As I got closer, I realized what book it was.
'War And Peace?! Ilhoon's reading War And Peace?! Who died?!'
"Ah! Hyorin! Come, take a seat..." He patted his lap and I sat down. "I need to talk to you about a pressing matter..."
I looked at him. He wasn't his usual self. Something was definitely bothering him.
"Hyorin... I want kids."
I hope you continue to read my horrible writing. I do try my best, but I was, and still am, told that my best is the worst. Oh well. C'est la vie!
by the way... HE WANTS WHAT!?
dang girl! What be goin' though his mind?! Tsk tsk tsk
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Chapter 33: You can change your name to my best friend then it'll sound like he likes you. ;D
daejaebiased #2
Chapter 31: nooooo your story is awesome! Dont take it delete it! :(
klienchoung #3
Chapter 31: If you really wanna
Chapter 31: You hate it? Well, It's your story so I don't mind
Chapter 30: I'd rather make it easier on you and suggest you kill hyorin or ilhoon. /derp smile, shrugs/ JUST KIDDING. o-o
Chapter 27: LOOOL. I love your style of writing and your A/Ns. They're hilarious. xD
klienchoung #7
Chapter 27: Lmfaoooooooooookooo
Chapter 24: omg! Ilhoonie......... i am speechless
Chapter 23: It's alright Author-nim. I need a life too. c;
Chapter 22: LOL. "how could you Ilhoon!! I trusted you!! All I asked for was for you to put the empty bottle in the recycling, and what do you do? You drop it in the trash.

Yeah, that's right! We're through!
