Chapter 11 :: making Shinae smile

P R O J E C T: Touch The Sky


Chapter 11


The next day, Shinae refused to go out the room in the morning. Of course she was sad about her best friend leaving and she just couldn’t take watching her leave with her own two eyes, so she just chose to pretend to sleep in. And she actually fell asleep for a while. She woke up 2 hours after the others left to send Eunjae to the airport.


The girls’ vocal training was put on hold until a replacement for EunJae was filled in so there were no visitors in the house which created a gloomier atmosphere inside the house. Eunjae was usually the one who filled the house with joy with her weird and loud laughter.


She got out of her room and went to the study room to go online. She pulled up her email account and started composing an email to Eunjae telling her how sorry she was that she couldn’t take Eunjae to the airport. She sighed and opened another page to check how Block B was doing. She was surprised when she saw the search ranks. On number one was “Infinite’s WooHyun’s Girlfriend.” She knew WooHyun didn’t have one and was curious so she clicked it. “Holy .” She muttered under her breath then ran down to the second floor.


She walked to the kitchen and saw Minah sitting there with a coffee cup. “Oh, you finally came outside your rock.” She said with a small smile. “You okay?” she asked.


“Unni, you have to see something.” Shinae replied, grabbing Minah’s arm and pulling her to go up the stairs with her.




MinRin and HyeSu were walking by the shopping district, they were off to buy some groceries since they were running low on supplies already. The two were silent as they walked to the supermarket. MinRin suddenly gave out a sigh. “Shinae unni…” she started which caught HyeSu’s attention, “She’s really sad about EunJae leaving isn’t she?”


HyeSu sighed as she got a pushcart and walked in the supermarket. “Yeah she really is.” She replied. “You wanna do something for her? You know, just something to cheer her up a bit.” She told the youngest. “Hmmm… maybe I should call the Big Bang oppas?” she said, taking out her phone and fiddling with it. “I’m sure with crazy SeungRi she’s gonna cheer up a bit.” She said.


MinRin laughed. “Maybe we should call Zico oppa, he’s her best friend after all, he might know how to cheer her up.” She suggested, getting some groceries from shelves. “But… I don’t have his number.” She said.


HyeSu sighed. “Me neither.” She told her in reply. “Maybe we should get some ice cream then rent some movies then we can do a movie marathon tonight.” She suggested.


“Hmm… that’s a good idea. Then you can ask the Big Bang oppas to come since they’re the next best thing. Or we can ask my brother and his group to come over too.” MinRin replied.




Minah was waving her head, her hand forming to fists. “I think we shouldn’t tell MinRin about this first.” She said, shutting down the laptop then turning to Shinae. “Thank goodness you found out. We have to tell Dok2 oppa and TheQuiett oppa about it.” She said. “They would know how to handle this.”


Shinae nodded in reply, taking out her phone at once. She was dialing Dok2’s number when they heard a door close. “We’re home!” HyeSu’s voice called out. “Minah unni! Shinae unni! Where are you guys?” she asked.


Minah and Shinae went down stairs and was surprised when they saw TOP and DaeSung bringing bags of groceries to the kitchen. TaeYang, SeungRi and JiYong following after the two, waving at the peeking heads of Minah and Shinae. MinRin walked up to the two with a smile. “We thought we should have a movie marathon tonight. HyeSu unni invited the oppas along!” she said in an excited tone.


Minah smiled, “that’s a great idea guys.” She said, taking hold of Shinae’s arm and dragging her down to the living room to sit with the boys. “Hey guys~” she said, greeting the boys.


SeungRi suddenly walked up to Shinae, linking arms with her. “Shinae, show me where the television set and the home entertainment is, then we’ll set it all up while the others fix the groceries that HyeSu and Minnie bought.” He said excitedly.


Shinae wasn’t really in the mood but she smiled anyway and walked with SeungRi to the entertainment area of the house. Minah chuckled to herself, not noticing that JiYong was standing beside her. “I wonder how long it would take for Shinae to get pissed and punch SeungRi in the face?” he asked which surprised Minah.


She smiled at him, “I’m not wishing on it.” She replied. “Come on, let’s help the others fix up the groceries.” She said then they all went to the kitchen. “So, who came up with the idea of the movie marathon plus inviting these five guys here?” she asked, settling down on a chair.


HyeSu turned to Minah and raised her hand. “Me!” she called out. “I already told SeungRi to hold back on the hyperness so Shinae won’t get pissed off easily.” She said which made the other Big Bang members laugh.


After almost half an hour of putting away the groceries, it took them long because with every item that came out of the bags, DaeSung decided to make them laugh, the rest of them joined SeungRi and Shinae who was laughing as SeungRi figured out what to do with the cords. TaeYang scolded him off and started fixing the cables himself.


Finally, when everything was fixed, they started off with The Hangover. Shinae sat in between DaeSung and SeungRi. The other girls were relieved that Shinae was laughing, but they knew it was only temporary. It would take a while for her to adjust that her best friend was no longer there with them.


While watching, Minah sneakily pulled out her phone from her pocket and started typing a message both for Dok2 and TheQuiett.


To: Dok2 Oppa; The Quiett Oppa

Urgent. Check Naver, under “WooHyun’s Girlfriend.”


She sent the message then looked beside her and noticed JiYong giving her a weird look. “Peeper.” She muttered under her breath. JiYong smiled and decided to poke her waist. “Nope. Not ticklish there.” She said, smirking at him and poking his waist to which he jumped a bit. Minah stifled a giggle and went back to watching the movie.


In between the third movie which was Shaolin Soccer, JiYong noticed a weight on his shoulder. Minah was asleep. “I can’t believe she fell asleep while watching Shaolin Soccer with DaeSung and SeungRi’s laughter.” He muttered under his breath. He slowly placed his arm around her as she cuddled closer to him.


After Shaolin Soccer, they all decided to take a little break. Shinae stood up, stretching her arms while DaeSung and TaeYang filled up the drinks and the popcorn. She was surprised to feel a buzz in her pocket. She took out her phone and found4 messages. First message was from Zico.


From: Z

Hey B. Heard you were feeling a bit down? :< sorry we can’t be there to cheer you up right now. Promise imma make it up to you Zico style. Peace out!


She smiled and decided to reply.


To: Z

Thanks buddy. Come see me soon k? I’ll remember you owe me and we needa celebrate your debut man. Btw, your performances are so sick. Peace.


The second text was from U-Kwon.


From: U-Kwon Kitty

MY BEAUTIFUL SUMMER NOONA. Just think of me and it will make you smile.


She actually smiled and deleted the message. “Dork.” She said as she opened the second message. It was from U-Kwon again.


From: U-Kwon Kitty

You smiled right? Aigoo~ keep smiling my pretty noona~ ^0^


She pressed the reply button.


To: U-Kwon Kitty

Thanks kitty. It did make me smile. You dork. Get back to work!


The third message was surprisingly from Jay.


From: Jay Park

I can’t stop missin’ you. Wish I was there with you. I can’t stop missin’ you. No, no, no.


She laughed a bit.


To: Jay Park

And I just can’t pull myself away, under your spell I can’t break. I just can’t stop.


Then her phone vibrated again.


From: Jay Park

Ah~ that’s too cheesy. Anyway, I’ll try to drop by later tonight to try and cheer you up. But for now, just bear the afternoon without the awesome Jay Park by your side.


She smiled. “What a dork.” she muttered under her breath. "I always get stuck with the dorks."


promise to reveal the new Lead Rapper/Sub Dancer in the next next chapter. XD I already pre-wrote the next one, sorry. :))

I smell trouble and love brewing. hmmmm~ :))

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Chapter 7: Hello,

While looking for information regarding RoleplayRepublic I stumbled upon this page. I'm not sure to what extend you yourself know these artists, but do you know what band MinRin belongs to?
Chapter 42: wow...i think its been a long time since the fic was updated n all..i wonder how r all of u gals..miss ya lots..hehehe..wonder if the story will b continued or not..anyway hope to see this fic b updated soon..
ontaetae #3
love the update!!
Huwaaaa...i miss dis fic a lot..hahahaha...i wonder how is everyone...hehehehe...
tiffism #5
LOL I can hold quite the grudge neh? <br />
And cheesy Jiyong! <3 keke so I find it quite y when the guy gets jealous... <br />
I wonder what will be in store!<br />
@___@ Jay and appa how cute~<br />
yea!!an umma is still annoyed with jihyun??lol..jiji appa is jealous...XDD...hehehehe...hyunnie oppa..u r so bad 4 making jiji appa jealous...hahahaha...XDD...does minyuk hv a crush on our new girl??hmmm...*smirks* hahaha...woflie txted me coz he's bored...n i'm going 2 c s.tiger oppa again...hehehe...huge stuffed tiger...kidnap...hehehehe...n yea..curious on what would b da reaction if da boys hear us kids call shinae appa??hahahaha
Wow! Umma still upset about JiHyun?? o.0<br />
Jiji is jealous!!XD<br />
L.Joe L.Joe L.Joe~ *shakes head* Pick up lines?XD<br />
Wow! Junhyung ahjusshi seems to be okay about Appa and Jay Umma.. o.o<br />
Ouch! Hyesu unnie and Dongwoo???<br />
Wonder how will Jay look like if we call him Umma and Shinae unnie appa?? XD
#8 tin..we r all stuck in a love triangle..n soon it will b jihyun's turn...hehehe..wonder what will happen once zico finds out she is crushing on can imagine zico n taewoo being quite da scary pair..hehehehe..can't wait for da next update ad since baby tin crashed my date with wolfie, hoya n her brother..hahaha
Uh-oh... Not good!!>< <br />
Well~ It's easy to get along with us with Zico's help! :D<br />
Ah~ First, me. Second, MiEun and now, appa. -0-<br />
I wonder how umma and Jiji appa never get caught! :\<br />
I bet next is going to be Hyesu unnie!!XDD<br />
Choding is in love!!!
tiffism #10
Omo~ The new girl and Minah is not getting along! xD<br />
I can actually see her really being annoyed at the girl's spoiled attitude.<br />
Althought *cough* he is not my type whatsoever *cough*<br />