Chapter 7 :: Pleasing the Trainers

P R O J E C T: Touch The Sky

note: haven't edited this yet.

anyway, sorry for the long wait my loves. But I just finished this. LOL. I hope y'all like it. :DDDD


Minah’s mind was in a blur. She had always liked Big Bang and has always looked up to them. But never has she imagined that Big Bang would be helping her and her team to debut. She just stared at JiYong who was taking out stuff from his bag, including his player. He stopped and looked up at Minah. “I noticed there was a piano downstairs, but I was wondering if any of the girls had an organ?” he asked.


Minah nodded and ran up to her room taking her own organ. She didn’t even notice JiYong followed her. He helped her lift the organ and move it to the living room. JiYong started playing a bit and looked at Minah. “Are you really awfully quiet?” he asked.


“N-No.” Minah replied, slightly stuttering. “Sorry, it’s just…” Minah started. “I’m just trying to digest the fact that Kwon JiYong is going to be one of my mentors.” She told him honestly that made JiYong laugh. “I promise, I’ll try my best.” She told him.


JiYong nodded. “That’s great to hear.” He said. “So, did you happen to prepare a song to sing for me?” he asked. “So I can see what your vocal capabilities are.” He said. Minah nodded at him in reply as her heart throbbed loudly. “Great, go on and sing acapella for me.”


Minah gave him a small smile then nodded and took a deep breath as she started singing to Bom’s You and I. She was a bit surprised when JiYong started playing the piano for the song. She could admit, she was shaking all over. She had to keep her hands together to stop it from shaking too much.


She couldn’t even open her eyes, she was afraid of seeing what JiYong’s reaction would be. But she was singing her heart out in front of him. Minah’s heart was working overdrive and she was hoping JiYong couldn’t hear it. Though she’s met artists before, she hasn’t sang in front of them like what she was doing right now.


When she was done, she heard JiYong chuckle again. “You can open your eyes now.” He said. She opened her eyes and found him smiling at her. “We’re you nervous?” he asked.


She gave a sheepish smile. “Yes.” She told him in reply.


He frowned a bit. “Why? I heard you trained for 4 years in JYP.” JiYong said.


“I did. I trained with some of the Wonder Girls members and some 2PM members.” She said honestly. “But I’ve never actually sang for a Kpop idol before. Let alone the leader of Big Bang.” She said.


JiYong smiled and patted her head. “When we’re in vocal training, just think of me as a friend. Not a Kpop idol, not even a Big Bang member. Just a friend who’s helping you out.” He said, shrugging. “You have a good singing voice but you were very nervous and some pitches here and there needs to be worked on. I also noticed the American accent you have, we need to lessen that too.” He said, giving her a thumbs up. “Let’s work on some vocal exercises.”


After working with JiYong for another hour, he finally called it a day. He asked her to practice more Korean songs and the two exchanged phone numbers as well so that JiYong can inform her on when and what time he’ll be dropping by again.




HyeSu’s mood was more of pissed off than excited. The main reason was because she didn’t really want vocal training with SeungRi. That boy had the incredible talent of getting into her nerves. And that’s saying something.


“Do you really want to do the vocal training?” SungYeol asked which surprised her. SungYeol smiled sheepishly. “I wasn’t really the one who’s supposed to be here. It was supposed to be MyungSoo who was assigned to you but I volunteered myself.” He said.


HyeSu smiled. “Why is that?” she asked him. “And, yes I want to do the vocal training you dork.” She told him.


SungYeol grinned again. There was something that she liked about SungYeol, though he’s considered as the most naughty out of the Infinite boys, she just enjoyed how naughty and fun he is. “Okay, so we were told that you prepared a song? Can you sing it for me?” he asked.


HyeSu nodded and started to sing. SungYeol was told that she was one of the main vocals and that she has trained for 3 years already for FNC Music along with her step brother, Kang MinHyuk. Though she dropped out on her own for her own personal reasons, she didn’t stop with singing and dancing because those were the two things that she loved the most.


After singing to Every Heart, SungYeol clapped his hands. “Wow!” he said. “Just wow. I think you should be the one giving me vocal training.” He said which made HyeSu laugh. “Do you still need vocal training with that kind of vocals?” he asked.


HyeSu laughed. “Of course we need to improve.” She said. “Oh man, I’m so screwed with my vocal mentors.” She said with a laugh.


SungYeol pouted. “You didn’t do the falsetto for the chorus.” He suddenly said, criticizing her voice. “There were some pitches that needs to be fixed and your vibrato as well.” He said then smiled. “I normally don’t like criticizing people so you have to bear with me on being your vocal trainer but I’m gonna try really hard.” He said.


HyeSu smiled. “Thanks SungYeol.” She said in reply. “And for the record, I really like you. I mean, you’re my favorite member in infinite.” She said and giggled a little. “And I feel all too girly right now.”


SungYeol’s smile didn’t falter. “If you think complimenting me means I’ll take it easier on you on training then you’re highly mistaken.” He said and the both of them laughed.




EunJae and YongHwa sat on the floor with his guitar out. “How did the illionaire oppas ask you to be our mentors?” EunJae randomly asked YongHwa as he tuned his guitar. “I mean, I understand the Infinite oppas and the Big Bang oppas since some of our members are family with them.” She said.


YongHwa smiled. “YoSeob was the one who called me. Said that they were looking for someone who can sing and rap for a secret training project. It got me really curious so I agreed. I mean, when Dok2 was talking about you girls, I was really intrigued and I’m sure when you guys debut you will be explosive.” He said then turned to his guitar and ran his fingers through it. “So, shall we start with some vocalizations?” he asked.


“Um, there’s something you should know about me.” EunJae said. “I’m more of a rapper, so you have to forgive me.” She said and YongHwa smiled in reply.


 EunJae vocalized with YongHwa using his guitar. She was completely mesmerized with his voice. He was one of the few people that she really looked up to in the entertainment business. He was a good actor, a good singer, he could rap and he can play the guitar. How can anyone be so perfect?


After vocalizing, EunJae excused herself from YongHwa and went to her room to fetch her guitar and sat down with him again on the floor. “I sort of prepared a song?” she said, tuning her guitar as well. “I mean, I can sing it for you if you’d like.” She said, smiling at YongHwa.


YongHwa laughed. “You’re really very enthusiastic huh?” he asked and EunJae nodded in reply. He chuckled again. “No one told me you can play the guitar too.” He said. “Go ahead, what are you singing to, by the way?” he asked.


“It’s Narsha’s I’m In Love.” She said then cleared and started playing the chords of the song. She started singing, glancing at YongHwa once in a while, conscious of her actions and her voice. It wasn’t the best singing voice but she wasn’t picked as a trainee for SM Entertainment for 5 years for nothing.


After her song, YongHwa clapped his hands. “Wow, that was good. But there are still room for improvement so let’s get started.” He said, strumming to his own guitar.


YongHwa told her all about techniques, she sang a pretty easy song so he couldn’t really determine much of her mistakes and her low points. But for, just to make their lesson really comfortable, he sang for her. He sang Wherever You Will Go by the Calling and boy was she seriously smitten by his voice.


After the song, he talked to her about choosing more difficult songs, difficult but not really far from her pitch. He gave her some song suggestions and listen it all down so she can study them. He also gave her his contact details for their next session.


“So, let’s stop the lesson here and we can talk comfortably.” He said. “I heard you were supposed to be part of f(x)?” he asked.


“EunJae smiled bitterly. “Yeah, but I really don’t like talking about that.” She told him. “I’m really sorry.” She said.


“Nah,” YongHwa said with a shrug. “I’m the one who has to be sorry. I brought it up.” He said. “Are you curious about anything?” he asked. “Anything you want to say or ask?”


EunJae smiled. “Well, I’ve always been a big fan. And, can I have your autograph?” she asked which made YongHwa laugh.




Minnie was doing her vocalizations as WooHyun played the piano along with it. “Were you surprised?” WooHyun suddenly asked. MinRin continued vocalizing but gave him a questioned look. “I mean, surprised about me being your vocal trainer?” he asked. MinRin stopped singing and nodded in reply. WooHyun laughed in response. “W ould you believe me if I requested that I be your vocal trainer?”


MinRin was surprised. “Why?” she asked. “L didn’t ask you to do this, right?” She loved her brother dearly, and respected him too but he didn’t like it one bit that he was too protective of her. “I mean, I’ve been training for a couple of years now. He should just stop being so overly protective of me.” She ranted on.


“Wait wait…” WooHyun suddenly said. “You’re getting upset.” He said with a cute pout. “No one asked me to do anything. I wanted to be your mentor, that was simply it.” He said, slightly shrugging. But that wasn’t the complete truth. He left out the part that he had always liked her. How she would smile and her eyes would form small crescent moons. The sound of her very cute giggles. Her simplicity and innocence. He liked that most about her.


She sighed and sat down next to WooHyun. “I’m sorry oppa the stress is just getting to me.” She told him honestly. “I mean, living with the unnies is really fun but now the pressure of this new kind of training is really something different.” She said looking at him. “I’m mostly worried about Rap training. I’m not really good at that so…” she said as her voice trailed off.


“How about this, “ WooHyun started, taking out some papers in his bag. “since I already know your vocal capabilities and we don’t really need to question that, let’s try to compose a song. The two of us.” He took out two pencils and handed one to MinRin. “That’s the task that you and I have to accomplish while we’re on the vocal training.”


MinRin nodded, giving WooHyun a smile. He was one of the few people that could distract her. That could make her forget her worries. And that’s what she liked most about him. “WooHyun oppa,” MinRin started which got his attention. “I want to sing for you right now.” She told him. WooHyun nodded with a smile, letting MinRin take over the keys of the piano.


She started playing her own rendition of IU’s song Good Day. WooHyun had to admit, he was very impressed with her voice. She sounded like the angel of music, who came down to earth to sing with him. He had known MinRin for a couple of years now. And he looked at her as more than a friend, but not in a sisterly way like the other Infinite members. But he couldn’t be with her, not right now.


MinRin finished her song and looked at WooHyun. “Now you should sing me a song in return.” She demanded him. WooHyun laughed and nodded taking over the keys.




Shinae sat in front of Jay. She was nervous, the Jay Park was going to be her vocal mentor. “So,” he started, “Dok2 and TheQuiett told me you have experience in recording already?” he asked. Shinae nodded in reply.


“Yeah, I’ve recorded a few tracks for Supreme Team’s album. Just for the female vocals.” She told him. “Also, some underground tracks with my best friends, Zico and Kyung.”


“I see.” Jay replied, nodding. “Do you want to try to record with me a song?” he asked.


“What song?” Shinae asked back. Jay pulled out a music sheet from the folder he brought. He handed it to her and Shinae looked over the lyrics. “This is a rap song, right?” she asked him. “Do I get to rap? Or just sing?”


Jay laughed. “You’re excited huh?” he said which made Shinae flush. “I’m gonna rap and you sing.” He said in reply then started looking over the mixers, pulling out a file from the computer. He modified some settings here and there then stood up, “Come on, let’s try it.” He said, opening the door to the recording area.


Shinae stood up, still holding the music sheet and going in the booth with Jay. “So, I’m assuming this is your part?” she asked, pointing to the lines she thought was for Jay. He nodded at her. “Okay, and this lower part is mine.” She said putting her headset on.


She immediately heard the music flow through the headset. She got a thumbs up from Jay and started singing. Jay taught her how to sing the chorus and her parts and she followed after. It took them almost half an hour to figure out how to make the parts fit, but they finally got it right.


(Shinae's Part)

Roll, roll back the clouds 

Let the sun shine through 

There's light at the end of the tunnel 
I haven't seen it 

(Shinae's Part)

When the clouds are in the sky 

Know that they're just passing by 
There'll be sunshine 
If your days are stormy nights 
Dry the raindrops from your eyes 
There'll be sunshine 


(Jay’s Rap)

Everybody works hard for their goals to achieve 
But like the ocean is sea, man, the motion is free 
So nothing ever adds up the way we want it to 
I guess my math teacher was just a substitute 
Everybody hits a rough patch turbulence in the sky 
Life's a cow I made a burger 
And I'm serving it with some fries 
Gotta make do with the cards that are dealt 
And though it's hard as hell 
I know that God will help 
Cause although I live in Seattle 
It's not always gonna rain 
There'll be some sunny days coming up this way 
Everybody's wanting to see me struggling 
Running away from pain 
But I know the wondrous things are coming to visit again someday 
So no worries I just stand here with a smirk on my face 
Although I know some people out there throwin dirt on my name 
But it's all good 
Still show em some love 
Cause unlike that girl from the movie 
I ain't holdin no grudge 

(Shinae's Part)
When the clouds are in the sky 
Know that they're just passing by 
There'll be sunshine 
If your days are stormy nights 
Dry the raindrops from your eyes 
There'll be sunshine 

(Shinae's Part)

I've been a little lost 
But I'm not colorblind 
I'll follow that yellow brick road 
And put my fears behind 
And on that yellow road 
I'll find a wishing well 
Cast a line and in time I know I'll prevail


They finished after 2 hours inside the studio. The two of them singing several times to perfect the song. Jay even taught her how to use the mixers and the expensive equipment. After recording their parts, the two of them sat down at the couch.


“Your vocals are really good. Why do you prefer rapping?” he asked her, curious.


Shinae shrugged. “I guess I got used to it. Being surrounded by rappers almost all my life.” She told him honestly. “E-Sens is my brother and we’re pretty close so he influenced me. Zico and Kyung, we almost grew up together.” She told him. “So, did you write these lyrics?” she asked him in return.


He nodded. “It’s a new track I’ve always wanted to work on but I haven’t found the right female vocals for it.” He told her. “I think I just found the best girl for this song. It’s called, Sunshine.” He said looking directly at her. “You’re amazing you know. And I don’t know why Cube let you go, but I think being with the illionaire family fits you more.”


Shinae smiled. “You have a way with your words Mr. Park.” She told him. “I might get the wrong impression now.”


Jay gave a sly smile in return. “It might just be the right one.” He told her in reply.

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Chapter 7: Hello,

While looking for information regarding RoleplayRepublic I stumbled upon this page. I'm not sure to what extend you yourself know these artists, but do you know what band MinRin belongs to?
Chapter 42: wow...i think its been a long time since the fic was updated n all..i wonder how r all of u gals..miss ya lots..hehehe..wonder if the story will b continued or not..anyway hope to see this fic b updated soon..
ontaetae #3
love the update!!
Huwaaaa...i miss dis fic a lot..hahahaha...i wonder how is everyone...hehehehe...
tiffism #5
LOL I can hold quite the grudge neh? <br />
And cheesy Jiyong! <3 keke so I find it quite y when the guy gets jealous... <br />
I wonder what will be in store!<br />
@___@ Jay and appa how cute~<br />
yea!!an umma is still annoyed with jihyun??lol..jiji appa is jealous...XDD...hehehehe...hyunnie oppa..u r so bad 4 making jiji appa jealous...hahahaha...XDD...does minyuk hv a crush on our new girl??hmmm...*smirks* hahaha...woflie txted me coz he's bored...n i'm going 2 c s.tiger oppa again...hehehe...huge stuffed tiger...kidnap...hehehehe...n yea..curious on what would b da reaction if da boys hear us kids call shinae appa??hahahaha
Wow! Umma still upset about JiHyun?? o.0<br />
Jiji is jealous!!XD<br />
L.Joe L.Joe L.Joe~ *shakes head* Pick up lines?XD<br />
Wow! Junhyung ahjusshi seems to be okay about Appa and Jay Umma.. o.o<br />
Ouch! Hyesu unnie and Dongwoo???<br />
Wonder how will Jay look like if we call him Umma and Shinae unnie appa?? XD
#8 tin..we r all stuck in a love triangle..n soon it will b jihyun's turn...hehehe..wonder what will happen once zico finds out she is crushing on can imagine zico n taewoo being quite da scary pair..hehehehe..can't wait for da next update ad since baby tin crashed my date with wolfie, hoya n her brother..hahaha
Uh-oh... Not good!!>< <br />
Well~ It's easy to get along with us with Zico's help! :D<br />
Ah~ First, me. Second, MiEun and now, appa. -0-<br />
I wonder how umma and Jiji appa never get caught! :\<br />
I bet next is going to be Hyesu unnie!!XDD<br />
Choding is in love!!!
tiffism #10
Omo~ The new girl and Minah is not getting along! xD<br />
I can actually see her really being annoyed at the girl's spoiled attitude.<br />
Althought *cough* he is not my type whatsoever *cough*<br />