A talk and promise

Gangster Love
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Phantom - The Things I Can Do


“Hmm,” Haejung glanced at her wrist watch. “I should get going. Yeah, I should.” Haejung stood up from her bed, grabbed her bag, and headed out. She locked the front book and headed to the bus stop. While Haejung was waiting for the bus, a car stopped in front of her.

“Yo!” A voice called. Haejung looked up and brightened, “Hoya oppa!”

Hoya smiled and motioned for her to get in the car, “Get in, I’ll drop you off.” Haejung nodded, opened the passenger door, and got in. Hoya then drove off.

“Haejung, why do you always take the bus? You can just call us to give you a ride.” Hoya started. Haejung looked at her hands and bite her lip, “Because I don’t want to bother any of you. You guys already do so much for me; I don’t want to be a burden.” She answered.

Hoya glanced at Haejung before refocusing on the road. “You’re not a burden, Haejung. We’re your friends and we’re willing to do these things for you. You should know that by now.” “I know, but still.”

Hoya flicked her forehead. “Ow! Hoya oppa!” Haejung frowned, rubbing her forehead. “That’s what you get for thinking you’re a burden and also not depending on Teenfinite.” Hoya explained. “You’re so mean, Hoya oppa. It hurts, you know.” “Yeah, that’s the whole point, Haejung-ah. It hurts that you don’t depend on us. We’ve been your friends ever since junior high and you’re still acting this way.”

Haejung stopped rubbing her forehead and put her hands on her lap. “It’s not that I don’t depend on your guys, I do…sometimes.” “Yeah, sometimes.” “It’s because I want to be independent, Hoya oppa. I don’t want to depend on you or the others when I’m in a difficult situation. I want to learn how to do things on my own.”

Hoya softened at her explanation. He never knew that was her meaning behind those rejections for help. He could bet that the other members didn’t know how Haejung felt about them helping her.

Also, a pang of guilt crept along the understanding. He and the Teenfinite members had always begged Haejung for her to let them help her, and being Haejung, she let them help because they were her best friends, practically her family after her parents passed away.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized. Haejung turned to him and blinked at him in pure confusion. “What are you apologizing for? You didn’t do anything wrong.” Haejung said. “I did and the others.” Hoya started.

Haejung connecter her eyebrows, “What do you mean?” “All those times when we forced you to accept our help, I’m sorry; we should have been more understanding and considerate of your rejection.” Hoya recalled.

Haejung quickly shook her head and waved her hands. “Hoya oppa don’t think like that. I’m glad that you guys help me because without you guys, I wouldn’t have a place to sleep.”

Hoya chuckled and Haejung looked at him weirdly.

“What’s so funny, Hoya oppa?” Haejung scratched her head. “You’re cute, Haejung, really cute.” Hoya answered. Haejung flushed pink at the latter’s answer.

Hoya glanced at her and saw that hint of pink. *You just aren’t cute, Haejung. You’re wonderful, beautiful, big-hearted and just perfect. Reasons to why I love you.*


“Thanks oppa for taking me to school.” Haejung smiled and unclipped her seatbelt. “No problem and remember that we’re going to the mall after you and the others are out of school.” Hoya smiled. “I won’t forget. Bye oppa.” Haejung opened the door and stepped out, closing the door behind her.

She turned around and waved at Hoya, who also waved back before driving off. Once Hoya’s car was out of sight, Haejung spun around and walked in the school gate.

Today, she was a little earlier than usual, probably due to the fact that she couldn’t sleep an ounce the night before. She worked until ten thirty p.m., came home and did her homework until almost two a.m. because she had to read some pages from her history textbook to answer questions given by the teacher.

Haejung yawned as she opened her locker and started to put away her things. Her phone vibrated making her jump a little from her drowsy state. Haejung pulled out her phone and saw that she received a new message.

She tapped it open and read the message.

‘Good morning noona! ^^ I’m sad that I didn’t get t

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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 67: This is the cutest gangs slash friendship story line ever..... I even gone fangirl in my school trip yesterday and my teacher had to scowled me because of my loud fangirl giggle in the middle of the trip when she said we were supposed to be quiet.. Haha.. Thanks authornim ~ for the great story.
Chapter 67: Sequel? :D
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 67: This is the best and cutest gang story I've ever read!!!

Great job authornim :D :D It's really good!!!

I really enjoyed reading it ^^
Chapter 67: Please do a sequel author-nim!
Chapter 67: urghhh cant help but ths story was just too sweeeeeeeeeeet~~~~~
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 67: Kyaaa this is so cute!! I knew she will end up with Hoya xD But I feel bad for the other 48 guys that love her :(
Chapter 67: aigoo ~ i was so into your story that i didn't realize its already finish :( well , great job authornim !! the best happy ending :) it took me forever to know that Hoya is the main character :D i love your story so much <3
Chapter 55: for the first time , Hyuna is a good character in a story :D how i love your story so much authornim :3
Chapter 45: i knew it !! Super Junior is SM T ! just by looking at those i know it already ! but seriously ? Super Junior , SHINee , JYJ , EXO ? wow ! authornim , you drive me mad :D but aww , my baby Donghae is a bad guy :DDD
Chapter 67: I enjoyed this story! ;D sad that this is over. /sobbing. ho-aegi is sho sweeteu! ;u;

Off to read your other stories. heheh. /waves.