Clans Of Thedas - Finding Courage (8)

Clans Of Thedas


It had been some time since the Warden's appeared yet they hadn't left by the weeks end. The Dalish were use to having the occasional Warden as a guest as they rested and resupplied but this was the longest a group had stayed with them. Had it not been for Yongguk and Himchan going to the Keeper's they would have been asked to leave two days ago. It seemed the matter was of some import because by the sixth days end the Keeper's had announced the Warden's prolonged stay and that it was crucial that everyone co-operated with them if needed. 
Keo pondered over the Keeper's judgement as she waited for her Keeper to pass by, "Keeper! Is.. Something happening out there?" She asked, although she was sure she knew the answer.
Merrill gave the girl an uncertain look. "Da'len, I'm sorry but I cannot say for certain."
Keo knew the Keeper was lying to her, she had been in the council with the others when the Warden's went to them. She had to know what this was all about. "Well what do the Warden's think then? It can't be nothing if they're still here. They're monitoring the darkspawn in the wilds for a reason aren't they?"
With a wave of her hand Merrill shuffled towards where Layna, another Keeper, had sat. "I beg you, Da'len, give up the notion. Go back to studying like a good girl, it doesn't concern you." She dismissed her.
Keo grew frustrated, that just confirmed her thoughts. The darkspawn were up to something. This wasn't just a raid or a few that had somehow gotten out and forgotten how to get back underground. The Grey Warden's mere presence made it impossible to think it was nothing. One way or another she'd find out what was going on. She was too invested in this to ignore it now. Merrill knew her apprentice would take it personally ever since those Warden's brought her back and she knew Kai would want to fight them again, that was just how they were. They were like that even as kids when Merrill found and took them in as children. After leaving Hawke's side, she thought it best to travel back to Ferelden. Mahariel had gave the Dalish a home and she owed Merathari. It wasn't long before Merrill had developed a clan of her own, it was much smaller than the other clans when they arrived at Ostagar but as Keeper she was determined to make Merathari proud. This was why she feared for the two siblings. Keo reminded her of herself when she was younger, so focused and driven on one thing to see anything else and Kai reminded her of Tamlen, always getting into trouble and always itching for a better challenge. Youth was supposed to be about mistakes, she was supposed to let them make their own but the pain she had caused and the pain which followed Tamlen's death.. She felt responsible. She just hoped they let it go before it consumed them.
The mage paced in front of the tree she usually occupied, books littering the ground. Nothing. She had found nothing that related to these things. Letting out a noise of annoyance she picked up one of the books and flipped through the old pages. "Oh good.. It has the types of darkspawn." She muttered bitterly before simply letting it drop onto the useless pile. "Sure, you have a lot of information on darkspawn yet not the one thing I need to know." She scolded, glaring at the bindings of one specific book. It was the oldest, probably dated back to the first blight. A passing Warden had given her it as a gift since she was so fascinated with griffon’s. "Ugggh." She droned as she dropped to her knees. 
"What on earth was that?" An Antivan accent came from behind her. "Well aren't you attractive." Daehyun stifled a laugh when the mage looked around at him, nose scrunched. She looked like a troll. 
" off." 
"Well then. Rude." He had started to leave just as she demanded when he felt his belt get grabbed.
"Wait!" She yelled, tugging him back as she stood. "You're a Warden! You're better than a book!"
This caused his eyebrow to raise, not only was she still holding his belt she was now being nice to him. "I'm sorry.. What?"
"Ha! Who needs a book when I have a Warden. These things are useless, why didn't I think of just asking one of the Warden's? I could ask one I actually like but you'll do. You should know what I need to know." She rushed out excitedly, almost bouncing.
Daehyun looked her up and down with a bemused look, "Stop. You'll make me blush." Batting her hand off him he simply turned and left. 
Keo stomped her foot and ran after him, jumping in his path with arms outstretched to block his path. "Hey! Wait! I'm not done. I need to ask you some questions."
Daehyun pursed his lips. "Ask a Warden you actually like." He reached forth and picked her up, setting her down out of his way before continuing down the path. 
Keo's mouth dropped and she face palmed, realizing how she probably sounded. She still hadn't apologised to him either. "I didn't mean it lik- Ow!" She began to yell after him but as she turned she was met with a flick to the forehead which cut her off.
Daehyun glared down at her, hand still in the flicking gesture. "Jongup will probably listen to you. You seem close with him." He was still mad at her but he had seen how frustrated she was then how happy she got when she remembered he was a Warden. He refused to speak to her any more yet he still helped a bit. With that he left for good to go flirt with some of the elves who had somehow got crushes on him.
Rubbing at her forehead she watched him walk away, nose scrunched again. One day she would actually do that whole apology thing. Just not yet because he was right. Jongup! She went to go find him when another obstacle arose. He'd never talk to her normally at camp. Making a stop at Lyonna's aravel she swiped the girls herb satchel before running out to find the boy. Daehyun was watching one of the girls giggle at some comment he'd said when movement behind her caught his eye, the mage girl was sneaking in such an odd and dramatic way. His head then tilted when she disappeared for a few seconds then went bolting out the aravel. "What.. The hell..?" He mumbled to himself, eyebrow raising yet again. Shaking his head he went back to making the girls giggle. It was all too easy though.
Jongup was listening to Himchan as he ranted, smiling away and nodding when suddenly he was being dragged out of camp by the arm."Hi! Sorry! Need an again! Herbs! Thanks! I'll bring him back soon! Bye bee!" Keo yelled in a hurry. She didn't slow her pace until she was sure they were away from prying ears. Keo knew the hunters were out gathering supper and scouting the area so she had to take him pretty far this time. 
"Uh.. Same flower as last time?" Jongup laughed when the elf dropped onto her knee's out of breath by a river.
"What?" She panted as she looked up at him, making a personal note that next time she wanted to talk to a tank fully clad in armour. Walk slowly.
Jongup pointed to the river then her satchel, "Herb gathering. Guessing you need me to get that flower."
Keo quickly stood and shook her head, "Ah.. No. I lied. We don't need to gather herbs."
Crossing his arms, Jongup nodded, "Uh huh. So you wanted to get me alone? Oh I see."
"Eh!? No! Well yes but not like that! By the Dread Wolf when you say it like that it sounds creepy." She shuddered, "I just need to ask a few questions."
Raising his eyebrow he pointed back towards camp with his thumb, "You couldn't have asked me back there?"
The elf then started waving her hands around animatedly, flailing of sorts. "You would have acted completely differently! Oh I saw it. I noticed. You change around the other Warden's. I needed you like this, since we're friends you should be able to tell me unlike Daehyun who took offence when I really never meant it like I said. What is his problem anyway? Wait I don't care, I'm not here to ask about that. I need to talk to you when you aren't around others. The Keeper told me to leave it but I can-"
Jongup grabbed her wrists with one hand to stop the flailing while the other clamped over . "Jeez, breath!" He chuckled, releasing when he was sure she wouldn't just pick off from where he stopped her. "Okay, now try again. Slowly." He said with a smile as he let go of her hands.
"I need to know what's up with the darkspawn." She sighed. "There has to be a reason why you guys had to prolong your stay. You said it yourself they got smarter."
Jongup's smile vanished as he shifted uncomfortably. He was under orders not to talk about it. He'd already said too much last time. "I.. Can't talk about it." He managed to get out, crushing the hope in her eyes for an answer. He winced when her expression turned into that of a kicked puppies. "Sorry.." He whispered, turning his gaze to the side to avoid the look.
Keo kept the expression on her face for awhile longer before suddenly smirking. "So there is something up with them. They -have- gotten smarter."
"What?" Jongup snapped his gaze to her, instantly tensing and looking guarded by the look on her face. "No."
"If it was nothing you would just say that. So it's clearly something if you can't talk about it! That means something bigs brewing that you don't want to alarm the public with just yet. Since you haven't killed the darkspawn and moved on they must have organised which means what you said is true, they got smarter. That's why you can't talk about it because what's worse than a monster? A monster with intelligence." She crossed her arms, brows raising as she smiled.
Jongup stared at her in shock, "Son of a.." He then stepped closer and pressed his finger to her nose, "Hey you tricked me." He accused, eyes narrowing.
Keo clasped her hands behind her back and swayed from side to side, eyelashes batting. "Who me? That doesn't sound right. I'd never." She couldn't hide her smug grin though. "In all seriousness though, you may as well tell me the rest. Like who you suspect is behind it. Can't be an archdemon, right?"
He looked like he was about to hit her when he pulled her into a hug, head dropping onto her shoulder. "The Architect." He whispered into her ear. "Please.. Don't read into my words, Keo. It's nothing. We just need to resupply then we'll destroy them." He said in the same tone as he was talking before. When he pulled away he put his hands on her shoulders and smiled that sleepy smile, his eyes distant. He hoped she'd catch on to this action as he took her hand in his and pointed to the river, "Ah, the flower you need."
A squeak came from the elf as she was hugged, she couldn't help but tense up and freeze when she felt his breath on her ear. It was only when he pulled away she caught a glimpse of the rogue hidden in the shadow of the tree, high up in the branches. It was just a glimpse but she had figured if he knew that she did, Jongup would be in a bit of trouble. She nodded and looked to where he pointed, instantly squeezing his hand tight at the sight of the water.
An airy laugh came from the boy and he took the satchel from her. "We need to get you over this fear. Waters fun." He smiled, setting down the satchel and removing his armour so he was in his under clothes. A shirt and trousers.
Keo frowned and took a few steps back, arms wrapping around herself. "I-I'm good." She was sure the spy bought his act so why was he continuing?
Jongup looked over at her and held out his hand, gaze softening. "We'll take it one step at a time. I'll be right beside you."
The mage gave him what looked like a pout but it was more worry than anything else. "Can't you just get it? You're.. Closer." She whimpered, lowering into a crouch.
"I won't always be here. Better I help you get over it now so you can get it yourself later."
Keo shut her eyes tightly and shook her head. This river was deeper than the last, it actually went waist level at the centre. His waist level. She knew he'd take her in the deep end, people had tried to get her over her fear before.
Jongup moved over to her and crouched in front of her, at his approach he saw her hide her face on her knee's. "Aren't you tired of being afraid?" He mumbled, quoting what Daehyun asked him when he first saw darkspawn and was too afraid to move.
This caused the spy in the tree to pause.
Keo peeked up at him and slowly extended her hand to him which he took gently and helped her up. "I doubt it'll work but.. I'm tired of it." She mumbled out weakly and they made their way to the waters edge. Jongup went in first. She hesitated before stepping in after him, hand clutching his like it was her life line. 
When he stepped into a deeper part of the river he turned to face her and held up his other hand for her. "Baby steps." He mumbled, returning to the Jongup she was use to conversing with. "You can turn back now, which is fine, or you can join me."
Keo was trembling just being in knee deep so when the offer to hold his other hand arose she was quick to take it. Right now she would have clung to an ogre if it was here. She glanced over her shoulder in the direction of land then back at him who was now in waist deep. The water was freezing and she could feel the current pushing the side of her legs as she stood there. It wasn't strong enough to sweep her away down the river but it was enough to get her panicky. "You won't let go?" She asked, this time her puppy expression being unintentional. 
Jongup interlocked their fingers on both hands so their hands were clasped and shook them from side to side at her. "I got you. I won't let go. Promise." He smiled.
Admittedly that made her feel a little bit more secure, despite how close they got when she actually stepped into the deeper part. A small squeal came from her as the water soaked through the fabric and the cold surrounded her stomach. She was happy she managed to go this far but at the same time all she wanted was to run back to land. Slowly she tore her gaze from the water to look up at him only to see him smiling away at her. 
"Now you can say you took your fear head on." He lifted their hands up in the air so her arms were above her head and he could lift her onto his feet. "This might be weird but humour me.." He laughed as he attempted to dance in the water, all it really looked like was like he was turning around. She felt the sway from side to side however due to standing on his boots.
"Are you seriously making me waltz with you in water." She asked, eyebrow raising.
"Waltz? Psh. We're just turning around." He grinned then adjusted her right arm so her hand was on his shoulder instead and his arm went around her waist. "Now we're waltzing." He teased, gently tapping her forehead with his before focusing more on his footing so he wasn't sent toppling over by the currents. It was frikken' hard to move in the water, he wasn't about to lose his rhythm now. 
"Weird shem is weird." She protested loudly yet there was the sound of amusement in her tone. Despite the fear of falling and being submerged in water being ever present, it was undeniably fun.
"Do continue. I'm sure the darkspawn will wait until you're done flirting with elves, Jongup." Daehyun glared, arms crossed as he stood on one of the rocks that were half submerged in the water. 
Jongup ceased dancing immediately and looked over at the older Antivan. "I'm not flirting. I can have a friendship with a girl that doesn't lead to ." Jongup smiled.
Keo looked from Jongup to Daehyun and shrank back a bit, feeling the tense atmosphere. This wasn't going to be good.
Daehyun let out a hearty little laugh before dropping into the water and moving over to the warrior, he pulled Keo away from him and shoved her to one side. "Go back to doing whatever it is you do, the Grey Warden's have business to do." He growled though his eyes were locked on Jongup's.
Jongup instantly glared at the blonde. Normally he'd smile and nod then do what he was told but he just shoved a hydrophobiac who he now felt like he had a duty to protect into deep water. He knew she couldn't drown in it, it wasn't deep enough for that but she'd freak out for sure which she did when she went under. Jongup went to shove Daehyun out the way to help but the assassin held him in place by the collar of his shirt.
"Don't. Even. We're talking here." He shot at him. "Your girlfriend will be fine."
"Move." Jongup almost snarled though he managed to keep his tone calm sounding, a hint of anger slipped through.
"There he is." Daehyun smirked, keeping his glare. "I figured you were acting, no one's that stupid and happy all the time."
Keo spluttered and coughed as she hugged the rock she used to grip onto when she fell, she had inhaled a bit of water when she went under and panic took over. She tried to wipe her face clean of water but as she was entirely soaked it seemed difficult. Tears stung at her eyes unwillingly as she looked over at the two. She locked eyes with Jongup for a second but that was all it took, in that second he'd been insulted and at the same time saw her about to cry. He tackled Daehyun into the water and swung for him. She watched as they fought, unable to help as she had been pushed towards the deepest patch. The rock kept her above water and when she went onto her tiptoes she could touch the bottom so it wasn't as though she'd drown if she let go, it was still too much water for her to handle.
Daehyun winced as Jongup punched his jaw then his mouth. He let the younger boy hit him as he himself didn't know why he had suddenly acted like that. He didn't even know why he followed them and spied. This had nothing to do with making sure he didn't tell the girl what the darkspawn were up to, he'd directed her to him after all. He just acted on impulse, then again that's how he got into this mess with the Warden's to begin with. Jongup continued to punch him although he had directed his punches towards the mans gut. He cringed and coughed, the wind being taken from him by just one punch from the boy. He probably couldn't take another so he kicked Jongup off him and got to his feet, spitting blood out into the water. "You're stronger than you act, mate."
Jongup got up from the water and scowled, "And you're just as petty as ever."
This made Daehyun flinch. "Sorry, what?"
"You heard me. All you care about is yourself. You think you're so much better than everyone else. It's pathetic." He spat.
Daehyun narrowed his eyes into a glare, "That so?"
From where Keo was she could see them having another glare off, this one was different this time. It reminded her of that one time Kai and her had an argument and almost tore apart the entire camp. This was her fault again, if she had dropped the subject when told to this wouldn't be happening. They were brothers so it was good to fight but this kind of fight would only end one way. Horribly. She had to fix it. Despite the crushing fear that if she let go of the rock she clung so tightly to she'd drown, she edged herself along the stone and made a jump to grab onto the root of a tree which stuck out at the bank. Swinging herself she jumped and gripped onto the stones she had tripped over. A mini fall to the pool but to her it was practically a waterfall. Water gushed into her face as she pulled herself up. Coughing she stood and watched as they seemed to be trying to rip each other apart. 
Daehyun fell back against the water, blood dripping from his mouth and staining the water. The Antivan coughed and shielded himself as Jongup grabbed him up by the collar and struck another punch to his cheek before allowing him to drop back into the water again. Pissing off a warrior wasn't his brightest idea. Daehyun was a great fighter but when faced with an angry tank, his only hope of winning was to stay stealthed and go in fast while avoiding any hits but he was getting pummelled. He had no chance of slipping away, Jongup never eased up to let him. He waited for the next bone crushing blow but instead of a fist hitting him a small, soaking wet elf landed in his lap. Daehyun looked up to see Jongup wide eyed with his fist raised looking completely horrified. 
Keo wiped the blood that trickled down her chin from her busted lip and stood, arms extending to block the assassin from Jongup's reach.
Jongup just stared at her, guilt etching his face. "..I'm.."
"Don't." She scolded, glaring up at him.
Daehyun slowly stood though he had to hold his ribs from the pain that seared through them. "Why would yo-"
"Shut it!" She yelled with a voice which shouldn't have been able to come out of her. Kai called it her leader tone. It was loud and demonic sounding, that's all they could describe it as. She only ever used it when she had to but it was one of those shouts that could be heard from quite a distance. Once she was sure no one else would try to speak she moved so she was facing the both of them. "Apologise."
"Apologise!!" She shot death glares at the both of them, another one of those things Kai had witnessed and named. She didn't glare often but when she did it shut people up. One of the reasons Kai called her a demon.
The two flinched and glanced at each other while mumbling their apologies, more out of fear of being snapped at than actually feeling sorry.
"Alright. You're brothers, fightings healthy I've heard so that's alright but.. What the ing hell was that!? Are you trying to kill each other?  Do you want to sever your bond and never speak again? You're Grey Warden's for creators sake! Our safety rides with you yet here you are trying to kill each other. I'm sure the darkspawn won't mind, saves them ripping you to shreds!" She began to rant though instead of continuing she just sighed and bowed. "I'm sorry." When she straightened she crinkled her nose and spat out the blood gathering in . "Blech. That's disgusting."
The two had hung their heads as she lectured although at the sigh they looked up in time to see the reaction to the bloods taste which caused Daehyun to put his hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh. Jongup just  moved towards her and cupped her chin in his hands to get a good look at the damage. "Sorry! I'm so sorry that was meant for him. You just appeared and.. Are you ok?"
"Hey." Daehyun shot, frowning. He was completely beaten up and all she had was a busted lip.
Jongup frowned and pushed her hair out her eyes to see if she was still crying. Her eyes were puffy but she seemed to have stopped. She looked like a drowned rat though so he pulled off his shirt and handed it to her. "It won't help but put it to your lip." He then glared over at Daehyun. "You happy? You caused this."
"Actually it was your hand that hit my face." Keo pointed out which caused Jongup to look at her like she just kicked him and stomped on his heart. "Ah.. I mean.. Yeah Daehyun!"
Daehyun had started laughing at Jongup when once again the blame shifted to him. "I repeat... Hey! You were the one who dived in the way!"
She pressed the shirt to her lip and pulled a face, she would have retorted if not for the face full of abs she was getting. "Gyah!!" She screamed, jumping right back out the way. "Whaaaat the hell is that!?" She whined, covering her eyes.
This made the assassin drop in laughter, "Oh maker! Don't make me laugh! Ow.."
Jongup stood in confusion then began looking for what had startled the elf. "What? Is it a snake? A bear? Darkspawn?"
Daehyun's laughter grew louder then, "No, you big.. Oh for.. Just look at her!"
Following Daehyun's instruction, he turned his gaze to the elf who had turned red and was now attempting to hide behind the rock Daehyun once stood on. "Seriously.. What?" He asked as he walked over.
"No!! Stay! Go away!" She kicked at the air limply in an odd gesture to make him back up. 
Scratching at the side of his head Jongup looked back to Daehyun who had started in his fit of laughter all over again. "Uh.."
"Why aren't you leaving?" She couldn't hug the rock any more than she was so she tossed his shirt at his head and darted over to hide behind the assassin. He was clothed at least. "Hjckdscswu."
"What the bloody hell did that mean?" Daehyun sniggered as he tipped his head back to look at her. 
"Ngh.." Was all she managed before she hid her face in her hands.
Daehyun smiled and straightened his head to look at the baffled Jongup. "Really? Put your shirt on. Ever met a girl scared of men?" He asked his friend who shook his head in response. "You have now." He smirked, motioning to the elf using him as a shield as she grasped onto the back of his shirt to ensure he stayed there.
Jongup instantly flushed in colour and pulled his shirt on, a sheepish grin creeping across his lips. "Sorry."
Daehyun shook his head, smiling in amusement at his fellow Antivan. "Can't believe you were born in the same country as me and can't tell who's experienced with stuff and who isn't."
Jongup moved over to him and rolled his eyes, hand extending to help him up. "Not all of us did everyone who looked at them. We might come from the land of and assassins but that isn't -all- it is."
Daehyun accepted the hand and pulled himself up with a grumble of pain, "You pack one hell of a punch.." Jongup let him lean on him and he began to lead him back to Ostagar to get healed up. "You coming, little elf?" Daehyun smiled at Keo as he looked over his shoulder.
Keo was staring at the two walking away with a dopey grin on her face, "Mm!" She nodded cheerfully. She stood and ran after them only stopping to pick up what had been left behind before moving to catch up.
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