Clans Of Thedas - To Antiva... Wait With WHO!?

Clans Of Thedas

At the first sign of daybreak Himchan had awoken to find Yongguk missing from the couch, when he investigated further he found the leader of the Warden's slumped over the usual table in the Gnawed Noble Tavern. A passing waitress had been kind enough to lend him a blanket from one of the stock rooms when she first arrived for the set up shift, by the looks of it though he hadn't even used it. The Reaver frowned at the sight of his best friend, he hadn't budged since he left him in the same spot the night before. 'I'll come to bed later. Just finishing up.' he had said. Perseverance was one thing but Yongguk was something else. One look at him and Himchan could see how exhausted he was, he had dark rings under his eyes from the lack of sleep and he clearly had a high stress level by the way he kept ruffling his hair and rubbing his face. Anger slowly rose within the Reaver as he took the seat opposite him, glaring daggers.


“Not now Himchan, I'm onto something.” Yongguk muttered, finger following along some route on the map in front of him.


Himchan's glare sharpened yet he kept his voice calm so as to not alert the Berserker to his ever climbing rage. “Have a good sleep, Guk?”


The older Warden didn't bother to look up from his work, what he did manage to do however was look at some document then go straight back to the map again. “Hm? Ah, yeah. Sure. Great, you?”


Fuming, Himchan slammed his fists down on the table, near enough breaking the wooden legs in the process. He stood and death glared his friend who's full attention was now on him. “Bang Yongguk I swear to the Maker if you don't stop obsessing over this I'm cleaving your damn head off and putting it on a pike for the darkspawn as a ing warning!”


“What the?” Yongguk blinked, clearly startled and confused by the outburst. “Himchan-”


“Don't you ing Himchan me!!” The Reaver snapped, near enough snarling at him. “We're best friends so why the hell are you lying to me, you rotten bastard!? You don't think I don't know when you're lying to me? You don't think I don't know when you haven't had sleep? Don't take me for a fool! Do you have any idea how worried you're making us all? You don't eat, you don't sleep.. You don't even move unless you get some clue as to where these ing monsters are.”


“Actually I went on a... Um.. Outing yesterday.” Yongguk corrected, a small smile forming at the memory. He was quick to force it back and take on his serious expression once more “Look, it's our mission to catch them, Himchan. As Grey Warden's it's our duty to-”


“I know our blasted duties!!! I took the oath too, remember! But for Andrastate's flaming take a breather! It may be your 'duty' as the leader but it isn't your duty to kill yourself doing it!” Himchan scowled. He sighed and sat himself down again, voice softening somewhat. “I know you're just trying to do what's best but please... For my sake at least.. Rest.”


Yongguk, flattered by his friends concern, reached over and patted at his shoulder. “You need to stop worrying so much, Channie. You might give yourself a heart attack.” A cheeky smile appeared in that instant which made Himchan break and laugh a little.


The Reaver lifted his hand and swatted the side of Yongguk's head with the back of his hand. “You're going to give me a freaking' heart attack.”


Yongguk laughed and rubbed at his head sheepishly. “I promise I'll take it easy. If it helps any I found out where they're heading. So I can rest on the way. Win/win.”


Himchan pursed his lips and slid around the booth to sit beside his leader, gaze falling to the various maps. “Where?”


“Don't look surprised! I'm still the senior Grey Warden here.. Even if I am only 24.” Guk crossed his arms and shot him a playful glare. “Anyway... To the land I hoped I'd never have to tread. Daehyun'll be happy to get home at least.”


Puppy eyes were now staring at the man, a smile spread wide across Himchan's face. “Antiva?”


Yongguk slumped and flashed Himchan a stern look, “We're going to work. Not play, Himchan. Don't get any wise ideas.”


“You're just hurt you can't get any. Fun killer.” Himchan huffed.


“Yah! I can get some I just don't want some.” Yongguk glared.


Himchan scoffed and waved a hand dismissively. “Bull. Every man wants some, eh Daehyun?” He asked the boy who'd only just sat down in front of the two.


“Heh, well-” Daehyun went to continue.


“Oh sure, ask the Antivan!” Yongguk interrupted, rolling his eyes. “How about you ask Youngjae that and see what response you get, hm? Not all men need to get ed every second of every day!”


“But you admit you need it!” Himchan smirked.


Yongguk pulled a face, “Duh, I'm still a ing man, idiot. Of course I need to, I just mean not every man needs it 24/7!”


Daehyun cleared his throat and nodded his head to alert his bickering brothers of the elf beside him who was smirking at the two.


Himchan covered his mouth and started giggling while Yongguk pulled the blanket that sat around his shoulders over his head to hide his embarrassment.


By the time they'd both composed themselves and started apologising profusely the rest of the group had awoke and joined the gathering. Yongguk and Himchan let the younger ones wake up properly and eat breakfast before explaining to them what was happening and where they were going. At the mention of Antiva, Daehyun and Jongup had lit up like lanterns, though Yongguk had made it clear that it was for business only. The elves had perked up and had a shared look of determination, they knew it was only a matter of time before they caught up to the foul creatures. When it came time to go to the docks to catch the next ship out, the first to be ready were the elves who were awaiting the Warden's by the door.


It didn't take as long as they thought for a ship bound for Antiva to arrive at the docks, in fact it belonged to familiar faces. “Warden's! Dalish..No. Elves.. No, that won't do.. Friends!! There we go.” Called the voice of the ships Captain. When they looked up to see whom the voice belonged to, none other than the odd pirate Zico stood with open arms, grinning like a cat.


“Aren't you wanted dead here?” Questioned Yongguk, arms crossing to give off an intimidating air.


Zico tutted and jumped down to meet the group. For a moment it looked like he was about to fall back into the sea but he somehow caught his balance and stepped forward to avoid falling off the docks edge. “Watch this..” He grinned. Zico proved to be as insane as Yongguk initially thought, he'd waved his arms like a lunatic to gain the attention of the nearby guardsman. Upon being noticed he pointed to a wanted poster, smirked and jumped back onto his ship when the guard sprinted towards him. “Ah, ah, ah! I'm not actually on Ferelden soil.. I'm floating above it. Can't touch this.”


Kai, Keo, Daehyun and Youngjae were instantly down in a giggle fit as the guard stomped off angrily after yelling a few choice words to the pirate. Himchan stifled a laugh while Jongup nodded approvingly. Yongguk however just glared at the man. “You expect us to sail with you after that?”


“I think so, yes.” Zico nodded, “I mean short of waiting for a week you don't have much option do you? I'm the only one going to Antiva this week I'm afraid. After that terrible storm the trade ships are taking it easy. Either wait there or get on.”


Zelo scrunched his nose up and nudged Yongguk, “I don't want to wait a whole week for a ship... We might lose the trail.”


This was where Lyonna stepped forward, she placed a hand on Yongguk's arm and smiled warmly up at him. “Come on, Lethallin, you said it yourself that we were catching up.. If we wait for another ship.. Like Zelo said we'll lose the trail. Besides what harm could they cause us? You're a group of six Grey Warden's.. They're measly pirates. I think we both know who'd win in a fight there.” She gave the Warden's arm a light squeeze and tipped her head towards him.


“Balls.” Yongguk grumbled under his breath in frustration. “Very well but we'll be speaking of your odd timing, pirate.” He called up the raider who welcomed them all aboard with a pleasant smile.


True to his word Yongguk took to Zico's side for the first few hours of the journey, questioning him on his motives and reasons for returning to Ferelden. The raider kept his answers cryptic, only really giving enough information to stem another question from the Warden. By the time he was finished, Yongguk was more frustrated than when he started. In fact he was about ready to tear his hair our. Zico would either answer a question but raise five more or avoid the question altogether.


Over by the cannons, Pyo paced with his arms behind his back. His frighteningly deep voice came out as a growl while he barked orders at the new crew members they'd picked up in Rivain. He'd been in the middle of teaching them how to use the cannons in the heat of battle when all charisma was lost the second he saw the Dalish mage skip by. Instantly he'd went from fierce Mabari War Hound to a puppy. He abandoned his crewmen and darted after the elf only to catch her in a back hug. With a grin he picked her up and spun her around, much to her displeasure. Keo squealed and flailed at first but she caught on quickly to who had leached onto her. She didn't even need to look around to check as the deep voice gave it away. “Keo! How've you been? It's been awhile!” The tall blonde practically cooed, snuggling into her a bit in the hug. He'd yet to release her but that was just him, an affectionate puppy.


Keo laughed and brought her hand up to pat at his head in some odd gesture to return the affection. “Aneth ara, Pyo. I've been... A lots happened actually.” She didn't bother to correct him on how they hadn't been gone that long, she remembered how it was easy to lose the sense of time at sea. Informing him of the events that passed once they were released seemed silly. Although she saw Pyo as less than a threat, she still couldn't let go of the fact she was his hostage at one point. Of course she understood why but this wasn't a romantic tale or poem and her troubles were her own. Not this mans.


Pyo smiled and nuzzled into her shoulder, in reality he wasn't this bad with affection but he saw her as a female Taeil. Which meant extra hugs for her as Taeil rarely let him latch onto him. Girls liked hugs, or at least that's what he'd been told by Kyung. “Well, when I'm done teaching those idiots how to use the cannons, I wish to hear your tale.”


In order for her to see what he meant he'd graciously picked her up, turned around and set her down to see the crew by the cannons taking a break. Yet he remained leached. The odd thing was that the mage didn't mind, she saw this boy as a friend ever since the High Dragon's Lair. Though she'd never admit it to him. Imagine what that'd do to his ego. “Alright, that sounds like a good plan-”


“What's this?” Daehyun hummed, sauntering up beside the two. He'd genuinely been exploring the ship when he saw the pirate attach himself to his friend. He was physically unable to stop himself from approaching to break it up. “You look awfully cosy with the girl you recently kidnapped from her home to save your hide.” He casually reminded the mage though his gaze was on Pyo.


When Keo turned her gaze to the Antivan she couldn't help but flinch back a bit, he had on his assassin face. Cocky head tilt, death glare, frown. That was pretty much the gist of it. “Dae-” She went to reason.


Pyo scoffed and straightened his posture to stand at a towering 6'2'' while Daehyun only stood at around 5'8'', when it came to height the boy was outmatched, yet the assassin kept his glare. He pulled Keo behind him so she wasn't in the middle of the glare off and crossed his arms, eyes locked on the Antivan's. “We do queer things to survive, Crow. You of all people should know that. What happened between us was a happy accident if you must know, a move of convenience. Didn’t expect to gain a friend out of it but I'm glad I did. Problem?”


“Your little move of convenience cost her. Her clan got wiped out because she wasn't there, she could have done something to help if you hadn't popped up. She could have fought the darkspawn and saved her clan but because she wasn't there.. They got slain by darkspawn.” He sneered, though he instantly regretted his words. He looked past the gunnery chief to the mage who'd flinched and grasped at her chest. He was now staring at a hurt elf. He should have known to stay his tongue, the death of their clan was still fresh in their minds yet he still had the gall to rub dirt in it all to get a one up on Pyo.


Pyo, shocked, turned to look at Keo to see if this story was true but he was met with a watery eyed mage. Judging by the expression she had and the way this Daehyun character was instantly trying to recover from it, it proved to be true.


Keo bit down on the side of her cheek in an attempt to stop the stinging in her eyes but it seemed no matter what she tried, they welled up anyway. She knew he'd said it in the heat of the moment yet she still felt like he'd just kicked her in the chest. She already blamed herself enough, now she knew he was thinking the same thing she was. If she was there she could have done something. Shaking her head she brushed at her eyes with her sleeve and just left the pair, unable to be near either of them. There was no dramatic exit or scream of 'I hate you's' because the fact of the matter was she was more upset with herself. She thought she was done with this.. But then how could she be? Keo found herself longing for them to catch up to the darkspawn.


A panicked assassin had went to chase after her to apologise but Lyonna slinked into the way, the smug expression she had rooting him to the spot. “Well, well.. Seems I didn't even need to open my mouth for her to start hating you. Nicely done, love. You just broke her heart all over again.'If only she was there' My, you do have a way with words. Quite poisonous aren't you?”


Daehyun scowled at her and shoved her to one side, instantly running after the mage. When he caught up to her he found her sitting in the fetal position in a room with B-Bomb crouched down beside her. He paused in the doorway and frowned. He listened to her sniffle and try to assure B-Bomb that she was fine which only made guilt stab at him even more. It took awhile but he'd managed to get the terrifying rogue to leave them alone, it was then that he leant against the wall she was curled up at, gaze locked on her. “Keo.. I..”


“Leave.” She mumbled though her voice cracked, so much for pretending to be okay. The grip on her legs tightened as she buried her face against her knees to hide her face more, his mere presence making her want to burst into tears. She was having a hard enough time trying to swallow the lump in as it was without him standing there staring at her. Keo thought herself pathetic. The way she saw it.. Had she been there, she could have possibly prevented it or at least aided in helping more of the clan flee. Had she been strong enough she'd still have her clan. Had she been more brave when facing the raiders she could have fought and helped her sibling back to the festival. She wished she could just pick herself up and dust herself off but no, there she was moping and whining again. But how can you lose family in such a terrible way and be okay? It didn't matter how strong a person was, no one could walk away from that unscathed. Even Kai, who Keo believed to be invincible, was showing signs of pain. But unlike her, Kai suffered in silence.


The Antivan remained rooted, even with the plea. Since he was beside her he let himself slide down the wall to crouch beside her, “Keo..” He frowned, voice softening. “I never meant to.. I mean..” With a heavy sigh he let his head drop in defeat, hand ruffling up the back of his hair. “Darkspawn are ruthless and lack in morales.. If you were there you'd probably be amongst the corpses.”


Keo snapped her head up to glare at him, tears starting to spill down her cheeks. “No! I could have done something! I could have helped more escape.. I could have used my magic to stop them taking the children.. I could have... Done something...”


Daehyun lifted his head to look at her, “But you weren't and you couldn't have.” He saw the pained expression again which forced him to continue, “You're soft natured, Keo. Even if you have a scary temper. You still don't have the heart of a killer, I could see you trying to reason with the things rather than kill them. The harsh fact is.. You couldn't have changed anything. That isn't a dig at your strength, don't look at me like that, it's just the reality of how the world works. You stop and think that you could have changed the situation but logically.. You would have been out numbered, out spelled and be a subject to fear during the whole thing..Your Keeper's were there correct? They had all that power gathered together yet things still turned out the way they did...Even with all their knowledge and experience. What I think matters is that you weren't there. What I mean is.. I'm glad you weren't there.. You'd be dead.. Or worse.”


Slowly the mage returned to her fetal position, head once again hiding in her arms. She knew his words to be true yet that feeling still lingered. What if she had been there? “Maybe I would have been killed.. But I would have been with them. I feel like I abandoned them.. The irony of it is that I was going to do that anyway, my way just had less death, but.. I still wish I had died with them..”


The assassin crawled to sit in front of her and crossed his legs, hands resting on her knee's in some form of comfort. “That's selfish.” He mumbled. When the mage looked up to glare at him he pulled her into a hug before she had a chance to respond. “You would have left behind people who.. Don't think you're all that annoying. And what about Kai, you two obviously need each other, would you leave her?”


“She'd probably be right there beside me..” She mumbled into his chest. By now the tears had ceased and her face had gone that red puffy way so she was thankful for a face full of assassin chest. “I know it's stupid.. I just miss them..”


Daehyun pushed her out at arms length and used his thumb to wipe at her eyes. “I know that feeling all to well, my friend. But we have to move on. It's difficult and painful.. But.. Sometimes bad things just happen to good people. The world isn't over though..I promise you that. What you do with that pain is you use it to your advantage.. Unfortunately it'll still hurt for quite some time, I'm afraid I can't do anything to help with that.. But what I can do is kill every one of those bastards we come across for you.”


“We're going to kill them all right?” She asked, a frown making a home on her face.


“We're going to hunt every last one of them and send them to... What's his name? Fen'varal?” He nodded confidently.


“Fen'Harel.” Keo smiled a little. Normally such speak brought doubt but when an Antivan assassin said it, it was oddly believable. She could believe him when he said he'd wipe them out.


Daehyun sat silent for awhile while she seemed to zone off into her own little world. He was unsure whether it was a good or bad place she was in so he snapped her out of it by pulling her to her feet. “Right, this won't do.” He sighed, giving her the once over. “I assume with you being Dalish you know how to hold this?” He asked as he unsheathed his dagger and handed it to her.


“I may be a mage but I still know how to use it, yes.” She shrugged, taking it by the hilt. “Why?”


Daehyun smirked and unsheathed the other, this time keeping it for himself. “Can't have you dying on me out there, if I can't get to you in time however, I know you'll be fine if I teach you how to fight.”


What the Antivan didn't know was that her Dalish clan also taught their mages how to wield weapons just in case their magic got dispelled. Then again she was better at archery than dual wielding, that was Kai's speciality. “Alright.. I guess I could afford to learn more.”


With that the lesson had begun, the assassin taught her how to block and step then how to strike when there was an opening. He'd told her the tricks of the Crow's which involved coating the blade in poison. He doubted it would work on corrupted creatures like the darkspawn but there was no harm in teaching her it.


She had to stop him there, “I know all this, it's what we did at The Pearl-” The smirk from the Antivan made her clamp her hands over .


“You visited The Pearl? Without me? Why, I'm hurt, my dear!” He grasped at his chest and flashed her a cheeky grin. “You've been holding back on me, I didn't know you had ventured into the world of pleasure.”


Keo's face grew red and she waved her hands around wildly. “No no, No no no! That's not what I meant! There.. We.. I.. Right, we ended up there by mistake and realized what it was a little too late so we thought, it! More tricking people! So.. We pretended to be boys and well things got out of hand then we saw the bastard Gareth and we just had to stop him.” Of course she went on to explain what happened in the room but it is still best unknown.


As for the Warden's and the Raiders, Yongguk was still interrogating Zico. Himchan had started a casual chat with Kyung and Taeil and found out that they were only passing by Ferelden because the storm drove them in that direction. Youngjae was up in the Crow's nest with B-Bomb who was educating him on privacy and how he didn't appreciate sharing his nest with an Orlesian while Jongup, Kai and Zelo were getting taught sea shanty's by Yukwon and Pyo. And as for Jaehyo...Well, he was steering the ship with Lyonna at his side.


Perhaps travelling with raiders wasn't as bad as Yongguk initially thought, he'd noticed how other ships stayed clear of them which meant for faster travel. Drunken brawls still irrupted left right and centre. Which he would have rather avoided but there was no question that this ship was the fastest he'd ever travelled on, perhaps that's what made the raiders such a fear to be reckoned with on the open sea.










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