Clans Of Thedas - And So It Begins (14)

Clans Of Thedas


The two elves finally entered the main hall holding hands. They'd talked it over and agreed that something wasn't right. Their compromise was to always have someone holding onto Keo's hand in case she wandered off again. “Okay so we all know something isn't right. I mean Kyung's...” Kai peered over at him, luckily he'd stopped the mumbling, he just looked shaken. “Not alright.. So.. We talked. It isn't blood magic but Keo's told me she isn't feeling well here...If we're to continue then Keo's agreed that we should watch her, just in case.”
Pyo looked to the mage who kept her gaze on the ground for Kyung's sake. “Are you alright with that? You're making yourself a suspect.”
“I don't know what happened, Pyo.” She assured the group again. “But.. I am the only mage. It's the logical thing to do.”
“So you did something to him.” Yukwon glared.
“If I did.. I'm not aware of it.” Keo frowned.
B-Bomb looked over to Zico, “Shouldn't we just leave?”
“No...” Kyung gulped, getting to his feet shakily. “We continue.”
Unsure they pressed on, taking it in turns to watch the mage. Beyond the temple doors were stairs that seemed to descend forever. The group began moving down them, careful of the moss and fungi which plastered the walls and seeped onto parts of the stairs.
By now Keo had been passed to Pyo to allow Kai a break. He frowned as he glanced at her, she looked sick and miserable it almost pained him. “Are you..”
“..Alright?..” She asked, laughing weakly. “Yeah. Just a little tired.”
“I can carry you if you can't walk.” He smiled. “I mean, you're so tiny.”
Her grip on his hand tightened a little as she smiled, shaking her head. “Don't worry. I'll manage.” She was being attacked with waves of nausea and dizziness. When they calmed down she'd have difficulty breathing or swallowing. The air felt so wrong here it was actually effecting her health.
The lower they went the worse she seemed to get. Pyo was about to suggest forgetting the whole thing when Kyung took off running down the stairs, frantic over something. Zico, B-Bomb and Kai shot after him in confusion, yelling after him but he paid no heed. Yukwon looked back to check on Pyo but instead of matching his confusion he was in shock as Keo dropped to the ground screaming, hands trying to block out the sound of something unheard to them.
Yukwon just stared frozen to the spot. “What the ing hell is going on here?” He yelled over at Pyo who had picked up the mage.
Pyo flashed his comrade a worried expression. “I have no idea but..Come on!” The two pushed aside the ever growing feeling of uncertainty and ran down the stairs after the rest of them.
Eventually they reached the end of the stairs greeted by two massive open doors. As they emerged through they were met with an intense light glowing from an entire hall made of a green coloured crystal. In the centre was an enormous spiked crystal housing a sleeping High Dragon. A group of cultists surrounded a mass of the smaller crystals which had been smashed open, at their feet lay the corpses of the dead dragons that slumbered inside. 
Kyung lay nearby, knocked unconscious while Zico, B-Bomb and Kai were busy battling the crazed men who's mouths were stained by the dragon blood. Pyo passed Keo to Yukwon and ran to the others aid, saving Kai from a blow from one of the reavers.
Each time a crystal was smashed and a dragon was killed, Keo curled into Yukwon and let out a cry. He was at an utter loss on what to do. How was one supposed to act with this stuff? “Keo.. Keo!” He lowered himself to the ground and cradled her somewhat. “I don't... What do I do?”
Keo winced and clutched onto the fabric of his shirt, tears spilling down her cheeks. “She's crying..” She whispered, voice cracking. “I'm hearing her screaming for her children... I.. “ As another dragon was killed she felt a stabbing pain in her heart and another cry came from her. She tugged Yukwon down to hear her and locked eyes with him, her eyes looking like the dragons. “Stop them!!”
Yukwon flinched, jumping back away from her. “What the...Your eyes!! You're a..”
“Kill them!!!” She snarled angrily before dropping into a curled up position, pain shooting through her heart once again.
Struggling to his feet he stepped around her and fired a bolt straight through a cultist mages heart. This drew the attention of the others. The mad men turned to the ranger looking more like rabid beasts than humans. It was clear these men and women had lost their sanity long ago. He pushed aside all thoughts and steadied his breathing, managing to take down five of the seven approaching cultists. “..” He took a few steps back and readied for full frontal combat when a blast of ice froze the attackers solid. Luckily that had been the last of them. 
Kai bolted over, sliding to catch Keo as she dropped. “Hey! Stay with me! Don't you dare go all abom- ab- am.. Not magey on me!” 
Keo hugged onto her sibling as she trembled, eyes fading back to their hazel colour once the dragons were left alone. “Abomination...” She laughed lightly. “I'm alright, Kai..”
“No you aren't! What the hell was that! Your eyes looked like a dragons! That isn't normal.” She yelled, grip tightening on the mage.
“I felt it when we met the drake. Powerful magic.. It wasn't me..But it allowed me to feel what she was feeling. See through her eyes for awhile.” She sat up slowly with the help of Kai. “That was bloody exhausting.. I can't explain it.. It wasn't your everyday magic though.”
Kai frowned instantly. “Y'mean...”
“Flemeth magic..I doubt this was Flemeth's doing but.. Someone who knew her secrets must have done something to cause this.” She mumbled, hand moving to rub at where her heart was.
Yukwon crouched down in front of the two, concern etched across his features. “You said you..Heard her screaming?”
Kai shot a look to the rogue then Keo. “You what?”
Groaning Keo used Kai to push herself to her feet. “I'm not even sure what happened myself..I heard her crying out in pain.. I felt her heartbreak when those dragons died. They were her children and they were slaughtered by the people she let stick around to protect her while she slumbered. I felt the betrayal and the anger.” She made her way over to the gigantic crystal and placed her palm over it, staring up at the dragon. 
Kai and Yukwon joined Keo by the crystal and shared a look. “But.. I thought she let them kill a few in exchange for protecting her lair?” Kai asked. “That's what you told me.”
“This is different. I don't know how.. It just.. The pain I felt. The pain she felt.” She forced herself to look away, her hand slowly dropping from the crystal. “They were forbidden from touching these dragons. They did. So now they're dead.” She shrugged, glancing at Kai.
“And you wanted to be allies with them.” Kai couldn't help but joke to lighten the mood, the entire situation scaring her.
Keo laughed lightly and looked over to Zico and B-Bomb as they helped Kyung over. “I think.. We should just leave this place alone.” Zico grinned lopsidedly. “Sadly it wasn't meant to be.”
Kyung groaned and lifted his head, coming to. “That's.. The best idea you've ever had, mate.”
It took hours at the pace they went but the group managed to reach the surface, beaten and weak but alive. They all went back to the ship looking like they'd been to hell and back. In Kyung's case he felt he had but after the explanation of the events he just grabbed a brandy and started chugging. A sign he was going to be alright which relieved Zico greatly. 
They had cleared quite the distance between themselves and the island when a loud crashing sound alerted the raiders to battle stations. They were under attack. Pyo was the first on deck, his puppy like appearance vanishing in an instant once he started barking orders at his crewmen who controlled the canons. His posture had went from lazy to military, hands now clasped behind his back.
Zico took the helm once again and yelled orders, finally giving the two elves the Captain vibe they'd been waiting for. 
 Kai and Keo stood in shock as the sails of the enemy ship passed by until the two ships sailed at equal speeds. The elves were pushed to the ground by Jaehyo as both ships started blasting each other to pieces.
Zico pulled a face and waved a fist, “Oi!!! Stop blowing holes in my ship!! Ugh.. You'll pay for that!”
“What the hell is going on!?” Kai yelled to be heard over the blasting canons.
Jaehyo sighed and patted the elves backs, “Welcome to the life as a raider. Oh... Excuse me, they're boarding us.” Unexpectedly the pretty boy was the stealthiest. In a flash he had used his surroundings and climbed up onto the sails and scaled along the rigging until he could leap across to the other ship, easily using one of the ropes used to swing across to get himself onto the enemy ship.
“Holy...” Keo gasped, watching the boy move with ease. 
“Kay.. That's cool.” Kai muttered, mouth agape. 
Zico motioned for the two to assist the ensuing battle on the lower deck as he had a glare off with the other captain.
The sounds of swords and daggers clashing echoed through the salty air. Kai had vaulted over the banister of the top deck to land on one of the sailors attacking Taeil who was surprisingly a master swordsman. She rolled and spun herself so she ended up back to back with the boy. “Need a hand?”
Taeil glanced back and smiled at the Dalish, “Time to test your mettle, elf.” With that exchange the battle began though Taeil cut through each foe like it was nothing.
Keo watched the exchanged look they shared then the inevitable fight which followed. She looked to the banister then the deck. She could make some flashy move but instead she just walked down the stairs calmly and edged her way around the ship. She managed to avoid a lot of trouble as none of the sailors seemed to target her. She made her way to Pyo and tugged on his sleeve, “Need assistance?” 
Pyo smirked at the elf and hoisted her up onto his shoulder, “Fry 'em.” 
She would have engulfed the enemy ship with her inferno spell if it wasn't for the fact she was now flying through the air. When her feet touched the ground she glared up at her captor which was responded by a flick to her forehead. “Why is it I'm always saving you from something, little elf?” A familiar Antivan voice asked.
Daehyun smirked down at the mage. As quick as he'd stolen her away he swung himself back across to Zico's ship and pointed a dagger at Pyo in challenge. The realization struck Keo that they'd try to kill each other and she ended up running up and down the deck, trying to find a way across which didn't involve swinging and possibly drowning as she didn't have the upper body strength to keep a grip on the many ropes.
Kai hadn't yet registered this was a rescue not an attack or that the man Taeil was fighting was Yongguk. She continued her battle until she was unable to move. “Son of a..” She struggled to move a limb but all effort failed. She wasn't tired or caught by someone, magic bound her to the spot. Suddenly she was swept off her feet and like Keo, flew through the air. Once set down she made an attempted attack but Youngjae caught her wrists and smiled charmingly at her. “That any way to treat your bestie?”
“Orlesian!?” Shock rooted her to the spot, for a moment she had believed that they'd be stuck on that ship forever. That they would be raiders from then on. Part of her was a bit disappointed but the other part relieved to see his face again.
Youngjae chuckled and gave her a salute before swinging himself back over to Zico's ship again, leaving the fellow rogue bewildered. That was until Keo ran straight into Kai's back. “Oof.. Kai!! They'll kill each other!!!”
Panic struck her. Admitted Kai still wasn't fond of the raiders, not completely anyway. She couldn't say she hated them any more though, not after what they went through together. “Not if I can help it.” She scanned the ship for anything to help but her eyes locked on Zelo who was casting spells at Jaehyo who kept flipping out the way. Grabbing Keo they ran over and separated them, holding them back from each other. “Stop it!! Zelo.. I need you to stop them all from fighting.”
“But..” He started, still glaring at Jaehyo.
Keo held onto Jaehyo but shot Zelo a look. “Please!” 
He hesitated but did as he was told. Standing up on the top deck he took a deep breath and slit his upper arm, using the power of the blood to bind all moving men on the opposite ship. Kai placed a hand on Zelo's shoulder in thanks before jumping up onto the banister, holding onto one of the netted ropes to support her. “Enough!! No one's to hurt the raiders.” She yelled, glaring at the Warden's.
Keo joined her sibling but remained on the floor, hands resting on the railings. “And no one's to hurt the Warden's!” She yelled, glaring at the raiders.
Jaehyo grabbed the walkway they used whenever the ships docked and placed it between both ships for the two elves who were quick to cross over and join the others, followed by Zelo and himself. Kai gave Zelo a nod and he released them, tired from the over use. “Right. What are you doing here?” She turned her question to Youngjae who gave her a confused look.
“Uh... Saving you?” The Orlesian shrugged then folded his arms. “Unless.. You left willingly.”
“We didn't but..” Kai began but cut herself off, she didn't want to admit she began to like her captors. That would have sounded stupid. Granted it wasn't like they were all nice men, in fact they were what you'd expect raiders to be like but they'd grown on her. 
“But?” Youngjae frowned though he had already worked it out, he just wanted to hear it from the elf himself.
Kai shot Youngjae a look and placed her hands on her hips. “We don't need saving.”
A scoff came from the brunette and he put his hands up, “Oh, right. Our bad. We'll just leave shall we? Wasted effort I guess. Sorry Keeper's, we tried but they like being raiders too much to come home.”
“I didn't say that.” Kai glared instantly in response to the sudden hostility. If he wanted an argument she'd give him one.
“You don't need to. Look at you.” He circled around her and picked at a part of her clothing before standing back in front of her. “You look the part.”
Yukwon stepped forward to stand at Kai's side protectively, hand placing on her shoulder to stop her launching. He'd sailed with her for days, he knew she was quick to fight. “You don't need to snap at her, mate.”
Youngjae scowled at the man, “I'm not your mate. I'm also not snapping.. This is called being worried sick for days knowing she'd been kidnapped by raiders, not knowing whether she'd be dead or sold into slavery but finding out no.. She just joined them instead. That's what this is. Not snapping. Just disappointment.”
Kai flinched at the archers outburst a small twinge of pain tugging at her chest area. Yukwon had felt the flinch which seemed to anger him a little as he pushed her behind him and stepped closer to the Orlesian. “Listen you arrogant little , we don't sell people into slavery or kill for no reason. Before you insult us make sure you know what you're talking about. Castion was the raider that did that. But I also don't take kindly to s firing on our ship. Do you have any idea what we've just been through!? right off before I make you.”
B-Bomb pushed his way through the crowd that had gathered and pulled his brother away from the Grey Warden. The two had been about ready to rip each other apart and most likely would have if it wasn't for him. “Oi.. This is usually the other way around but calm the down. Why are you so worked up?”
“They attacked us!” Yukwon growled, pushing B-Bomb off him. “I have a right to be ticked off. Why aren't you? I'm surprised you aren't the one ripping their heads off just for being here.”
B-Bomb crossed his arms and let out a frustrated sigh. “I don't fight Grey Warden's. Everything else is fair game but them...No.”
“Grey Warden or Qunari it makes no difference. A fights a fight.” Yukwon glared. “You told me that. It doesn't matter who you fight with as long as you have a good enough reason to. Well I have my reason..”
Arguments began to erupt amongst the Warden's, the sailors and the raiders. Accusations flew right and left as the adrenaline started flowing like the very sea below them. Keo grumbled and slipped through the crowd of men who seemed hell bent on out doing each other. This was getting ridiculous. She climbed up next to Zico who appeared to be the only one unwilling to fight though that was because he was still in shock over the damage his ship had taken. “Enough!!” She yelled with the same tone she had at the river. It was demonic and loud enough to give her an audience at least. A few of the closer humans had jumped out their skins so it must have been effective. “Are you done trying to out macho each other? I swear it's like listening to children. We'd been kidnapped so it's no surprise the Warden's attacked the ship. Kidnappings usually mean hostile nature and resistance. However. We weren't in danger. They treated us quite well actually. Though we still don't appreciate the whole kidnapping thing. Either way.. Stop. Fighting. Okay? Try talking instead of acting like rabid dogs. Throwing insults at each other won't make the situation any better.” With that she hopped back down the steps and over to see if Kai was okay.
Kai looked to Keo and raised an eyebrow. “Trying to be a diplomat with raiders? They fight each other.. I don't think it'll last long.”
“I know but it was pissing me off.” She shrugged. “Pretty sure I heard someone call someone else a tit muncher at one point. Not sure what the hell it even means. Any way, you alright?”
Luckily Yongguk had seen sense to Keo's little speech and went up to talk things through with the captain. The sailors were ordered back over to their ship in case more brawls broke out and the Warden's went to the chart room with Zico and his main men he nicknamed Blockbuster. Leaving the elves to their own devices on the main deck.
Kai leant against the railing, one hand gripping onto a rope for more security. She had her eyes closed and just rested, letting the breeze blow over her. The sounds of the waves crashing against the ship and the seagulls above were somehow relaxing to her. 
Keo approached her sibling, hands clasped together behind her back. She gave her the once over then turned her attention to the clouds. “You like this life.”
This caught Kai off guard, her eyes snapped open and she gave Keo a scoff. “As if. We were forced aboard a ship by some stupid.. Raiders then pushed into some quest that had nothing to do with us and.. They kidnapped us!”
“Yet you still like the life.” Keo smiled, turning her gaze to Kai instead. “I can tell. You look happy even if you pretend you aren't.”
“It's not.. I like the idea of not having rules. They're classed as criminals but their life.. They go where they want, when they want. They even do what they want. No one stops them or tells them what to do.” Kai sighed. “With the clan.. They control everything. Do this Da'len. Do that Da'len. They've even decided when we get bonded. We don't get the choice, Keo. It'll just happen and we'll have to sit there and take it.”
Keo shifted so she was leaning beside her. “You've always been rebellious.” She mumbled, “But..Someone tells the Raiders what to do, Kai. Acting free and wild doesn't mean someone's not giving them orders. No matter where you go or what you do.. There will always be rules. Difference is they get killed for not obeying or given a traitors punishment. We get scolded or punished with more duties. It seems amazing because we've only seen the surface. The idea romances you into thinking you'd rather have this life and once you decide to get involved.. It'll abandon you to reality. It's just an ideal, Kai. It's like our life. People see us as free, we believe ourselves free but like you said about the rules, they control everything. Everything’s glamorous from the outside looking in.”
Kai gave Keo a light nudge with her elbow, “You should show this side to the Keeper more often. I bet she'd be surprised.”
“No kidding. She thinks I'm an idiot.” She grinned, nudging Kai back. “You should tell the Keeper what you told me. Protest to the binding. She might surprise you. Remember she was rebellious too.”
“Yeah.. Then a demon ate her Keeper.” Kai muttered in bemusement. “No.. I think the only way to escape it is to run. We've experienced the outside world.. We're wanderers. Let's just leave. Go where we want.” She'd been tired of the same routine. The only reason she stuck with the clan was because of the mage beside her and she knew it was the same vis versa. It was no secret to the Keeper's that Kai had grown weary of clan life, the announcement that she was to find a bond mate just pushed the idea of having to leave into action. It seemed her ability to put up with everything had came to an end. She needed out. 
Keo frowned and looked back up at the clouds. The thing that worried her when Kai spoke like this wasn't that she was scared of leaving the clans, what worried her was that she agreed to the idea. She'd leave it all behind in a heartbeat because when it came down to it.. She was bored. These past few weeks had been exciting. She'd fought monsters and went on an amazing adventure. The thought of going back to collecting herbs and studying depressed her. The thought of settling with some arranged bonding felt like death. It was all too dull. What she hadn't told Kai was that her bond mate had been decided. She knew if she was to return it would put an end to all that she was. Her freedom would be stripped and she'd be doomed to a life in a cage. After tasting this life.. She couldn't go back. “Alright. Lets do it.”
Kai had to double take, instantly caught off guard. “Wait.. What? I was waiting for another reason not to think this way.. You.. Agree?” Normally she had to be reasoned with. She had brought this up many times before and Keo always had a way to bring her around to staying longer.
“We die either way.” Keo mumbled under her breath as she watched the Warden's pile out of the captains quarters. She took hold of Kai's arm and pulled her in earshot distance. “We let the Warden's take us back to Ferelden and we leg it. You can stealth. I'll just use my magic.”
“They found us at sea though..” Kai whispered, “We could convince them to port for supplies in a different country on the way.”
“Zelo found us. He won't be able to use for awhile after stopping the whole ship. If we run from them before he gathers up his magic.. We would be out of his reach. Warden's have more important duties than tracking us so if we keep running they'll be forced to give up.” She released Kai and straightened, arms folding. “I do like your idea though. Closest country is Orlais, I think.”
Kai nodded as Keo spoke then straightened, gaze moving to the horizon. “I suppose if we go back to Ferelden we'll at least know the area. We've travelled all over it. No one could find us then.” With their knowledge of the forests and mountains they could out run any human chasing them.
“Plus.. The darkspawn are still there.” Keo knew that would spark Kai's interest. “And...Something else. I'll tell you in private though.” Suddenly thoughts of The Architect swirled in Keo's mind. She'd been curious before but now name made something stir in the mages eyes. It would appear she had found her new obsession. The whole darkspawn situation had lay dormant due to the kidnapping but now that the option to return home was available the idea screamed at her. The very name clawed at her mind,egging her to find out more.
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