Clans Of Thedas - In fighting

Clans Of Thedas

The Warden's awoke to the sound of arguing. By the time Yongguk and Himchan had gotten to the scene Kai was outright screaming at Lyonna who was hiding behind an angry looking Daehyun. Kai was being held back by Keo who'd hooked her arms under Kai's to restrain her from launching and by the look on Lyonna's face Kai was about ready to kill her.


“I'm going to.. ing end you, !” Kai yelled though it looked like she was having trouble focusing by the way she was swaying.


Daehyun remained in front of Lyonna, arms out to protect her in case Kai got loose. “Calm down, Kai. I'm over here by the way..” He waved his hand as Kai was glaring off a few steps to the side.


Kai snapped her gaze to the voice and grunted, “Don't you dare tell me to calm down, man-. You're only protecting her because you're constantly in her!”


That caught the two off guard, Lyonna looked insulted and Daehyun flustered. Yongguk fixed his shirt and held his arms out to break up the fight that almost erupted from Kai's comment. “Right.. Everyone calm it. What's going on?” He asked, clearly still groggy from the rude awakening.


Himchan took over for Keo who was frankly struggling in her restraint. So she was thankful for that. Kai glared at Yongguk and tried to jerk herself free from Himchan's vice grip. “I'll tell you what happened, this witch spiked my water with something! She tried to ing kill me!”


“You sure you aren't just drunk?” Daehyun sneered, “You're certainly acting it.”


“Of course you'd stick up for her, she's your buddy.” Kai shot. “And no, I'm not drunk you bastard. I don't drink.”


Yongguk glared at Daehyun instantly and he bit back the comment he was about to retaliate with. The Berserker sighed and turned his attention back to Kai. “That's a big accusation, Kai. Are you sure you aren't just sick?”


Lyonna stepped out of hiding and put her hands on her hips, looking offended. “Ugh! Are you suggesting I'd poison her Guk?”


Yongguk snapped his attention to Lyonna and put up his hands in his own defence. “No but maybe.. I mean no. No! Definitely not. I just....Himchan!” He gave up with his struggle as every word just seemed to offend someone so flashed the reaver a pleading look.


It was Himchan's turn to look offended. “Oh no, don't come running to me. I've got my hands full here. You're the leader. Do your leading thing and sort it!”


Jongup joined the fray and tugged Keo back to his side by her sleeve as the camp erupted in an uproar of arguments. “What in the Maker's name is going on?”


Keo just stared at the group looking perplexed. “Honestly? I have no idea. Kai just flew at Lyonna. Now everyone's arguing..”


The warrior crossed his arms and frowned, watching the group yell over each other. No one was even listening to the other. It seemed more like a game of who could yell louder than the other. “Right...”


“Where's Zelo? He's normally with you.” She asked suddenly, afraid he'd joined the brawlers as now Youngjae had joined in and Daehyun and him were throwing punches at each other after the assassin said some comment about the archer wanting to Kai.


“Hm? Oh don't worry about him. He sleeps like a rock. He's still in his tent.” He chuckled, somewhat amused by the scene before him.


Keo gave Jongup the once over and narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Why are you so happy about these arguments?”


Jongup glanced in the direction of the mage and smirked. “I'm Antivan. I like fights. Don't worry I'm not behind this masterpiece. Cat fights aren't exactly exciting.”


“They are when Kai's involved. She doesn't claw...” She mumbled. Keo let out a squeal and jumped behind Jongup, hiding as Himchan tossed Kai to one side and went for Yongguk. A battle between a Reaver and Berserker was utterly terrifying. Especially seen as they'd both grabbed their weapons and started what looked like a dual to the death.


Jongup looked over his shoulder and smiled, unphased by the carnage that followed the two warriors where they went. “You alright, flower?”


Keo went to answer but at the nickname she suddenly recalled Lyonna asking her for some Deathroot. She vaguely remembered the effects of such a root if digested but taking one look at Kai made it obvious she'd ingested some. “Deathroot flesh pods!!” She yelled which caught the attention of Lyonna who was avoiding the advances of the angered but disorientated rogue.


Jongup raised an eyebrow, a laugh escaping. “I'm sorry, what? What in Thedas was that? I know you're odd Keo but that was bizarre.”


“No.. I mean they cause dizziness and disorientation. Kai's ingested Deathroot flesh pods. That's her sickness.” She beamed which earned her a patronizing pat on the head from Jongup.


“Aw you're such a good little mage.” He smirked. “Clever too!”


Keo scrunched up her nose at him. “I will end you, shield boy.”


Jongup shook his head and caught the collar of Kai's shirt as she jumped by in an attempt to catch Lyonna who'd ran to Keo and clung onto her. Jongup kept his smile and firm grip on Kai while she yelled abuse at the mage. He looked calm but he was beginning to get irritated. “Right.. Enough.” He'd tried to reason but Kai was having none of it. “Kai..” Still she tried to kill Lyonna.


Keo saw the switch in the Antivan. Though he never broke his smile, his eyes flickered with something that scared her a little. She watched as Jongup grabbed his shield and bashed Kai over the head with it, knocking her out. In that instant the entire camp seemed to turn on the boy, minus Lyonna who started to giggle a little behind Keo.


Yongguk and Himchan charged towards Jongup like bulls on a mission and started yelling at him about how it was wrong to hit girls. Daehyun was shaking his head and Youngjae was quick to join his older brothers in the lectures.


Keo then heard death getting up out his tent. She glanced back to see the Dread Wolf himself trudge over to the group and blast them all with ice, freezing them all to the spot.


Baby Zelo had switched to what the Dalish had been warned by the gossip queen Himchan as 'Black Zelo'. The Tevinter mage cast a cold gaze over his older brothers, devoid of all emotion. “Be. Quiet.” He said slowly. Even his voice was as cold as the ice spell he'd just used.


Never in her life had Keo saw Zelo as a threat, even after learning he was a blood mage. Now though, it was clear he was dangerous. More so than Yongguk and Himchan who'd quietened obediently. She clutched on to Lyonna as Zelo slowly turned his head in their direction. Lyonna made the mistake of meeting the boys gaze and a shiver went up her spine as she clutched back onto Keo.


Zelo moved over to the two, towering over them. The only word to describe this boy was death. “I'm going back to bed, okay? If I hear one more raised voice... I'm turning them inside out.” The scariest thing about this was that he smirked a little at the end and as he said he went straight back to his tent.


Yongguk opened his eyes and nodded Keo over. “Sweetie, do me a favour and thaw me out..”


Keo glanced back at the lair the beast had settled in and jumped when he poked his head out, glaring at her. “Leave them to melt naturally.”


Lyonna grabbed onto Keo's hand and tugged her away from the ice Warden's. “I think we should listen to Zelo. When he was healing me there was something.. Not right about him.” She whispered as they sat on the logs by the fire.


Keo frowned and watched Lyonna carefully. She just chatted away idly and played with her hair. She'd known this girl since they were old enough to go to the clan meetings. Lyonna was Antivan like Daehyun and Jongup. She came from overseas for a gathering and never went back. She'd met her there and ever since they had been friends. A confident when it came to magic related things. So she had noticed how calm she was about what had just happened. Normally she was collected and laid back but when confronted Lyonna would always fight back, her ruthless side always made an appearance. Not this time however. Keo was growing suspicious. “Lethallan.. Are you alright?”


“Hm? Yes, just shaken. He was scary.” She smiled, shivering a little.


“That's not what I meant.. I mean Kai attacking you. It was so horrid.” She gasped, hands clasping together with worry.


Lyonna glanced over at the unconscious rogue and raised a hand to , tears beginning to brim in her eyes. “Oh.. Yes. I believe it was just a misunderstanding though. Please.. Don't worry for me. I'll be alright, Lethallan.. Though it's hard. I don't understand why your brother hates me so..” She sniffled.


Keo's eyebrow quirked at the shift in her facial expression. She'd noticed the subtle switch from completely content to innocence. The mage shifted to sit beside her, pulling the older woman into a hug. Something wasn't right here but she couldn't go about pointing fingers like Kai did. She had to prove it. Something had happened between the two and one of them was lying.


Eventually Kai awoke and gripped at her sore head. She was met with Keo crouched over her, waiting on her to become conscious. “Where is she?” Kai groaned, the intent on death still clear in her intentions.


“Bed.” Keo smiled, chin resting on her fist. By now the Warden's had thawed out a bit but they were still stuck so had no choice but to watch the siblings. Though Himchan was asleep where he stood.


Kai nodded and went to go to Lyonna's tent to kill her but Keo dropped to sit on her, holding her still. “Oi.. Get off. She's dead.” The rogue warned, glaring a little at her sibling.


Keo's smile vanished, her expression growing stern while her tone dropped a few octaves. “Kai.”


The huntress frowned and flinched a little but still attempted to lift Keo off her however the mage had rooted herself.


“Kai.” She repeated, this time glaring at her. “Enough. No more fighting.”


Kai snapped her gaze to Keo and frowned, “She started it though! She-”


“Stop it.” Keo muttered lowly. She could see how Kai was growing irritated with not getting believed so she leant down to whisper so only she could here. “You need proof, little brother. Otherwise you're the boy who yelled bear.”


Kai stared up at her older sibling and relaxed a bit. “Do you believe me? I'm not lying about this, I swear.” She hated being accused of something more than anything and it was worse when no one believed her to be telling the truth.


“If you swear, I believe you.” Keo assured her and got up, pulling Kai with her. “Listen you go get some rest.. You're still ill. I'll keep an eye on things.” It was only now that Keo gave off an older vibe. She watched carefully as Kai stumbled off to her tent and once she was safely inside the mage clasped her hands behind her back, beginning to pace.


It seemed the mage was unaware of the Warden's watching her so Yongguk made his presence known. “Uh.. Keo?.. You're kinda scary.” He muttered, frowning at the expression she had as she thought. In his opinion she looked a bit sociopathic. In their travels together he'd noticed how her emotions could adapt to the situation, which meant she was quite the actress.


Keo broke herself from her thoughts and cast a gaze over to the leader, though unintentional she was glaring at him. “No one messes with my little brother.” A smile followed her statement which caused Yongguk to flinch.


Daehyun just watched in bemusement. He already knew she was evil so the entire thing unphased him.


Jongup wriggled in his ice confinements until he heard a crack, he'd been shielded by his brothers when Zelo cast his spell so he'd been hit with less ice than the others. While the others chatted with Keo he continued to wriggle until the ice cracked up the centre and shattered completely. A thud followed suit as he instantly dropped to the ground, his entire bottom half numb. “Ugh.. Keo.. Can you do me a favour and take me to my tent?” He asked with a pleading face.


Keo broke her mini argument with Daehyun about magic to look at the puppy on the grass. His face actually tugged at her heartstrings. She abandoned Daehyun who's face contorted into something that would be imagined on a troll and shuffled over to help the young Antivan. With a smile she let him wrap his arms around her neck and helped pull him up to his feet. Due to her height when he leaned on her to keep himself standing she tipped a bit to one side but she managed to stay standing and assist him over to his tent.


“Hey! Don't trust him, shorty!” Daehyun yelled over his shoulder as the two approached Jongup's tent. “He's a !”


Jongup flashed Daehyun a smirk over his shoulder only to quickly cover it up with a charming smile to Keo when she tried to look back at the assassin. “You're the !” Keo called back, crinkling her nose up. “And I trust him more than you.”


The warrior, to annoy his brother who had a good view of the two, kept hold of Keo when she eased him down. He knew Daehyun was fond of the elf, not in the way he was usually fond of females either which made this that much more satisfying. He tugged the girl down so she was on his lap and s his arms around her waist, smiling up at her. “Sorry, I'll be bored if you go. Can you keep me company until I can feel my legs?”


The mage had gotten use to sitting on this boy it seemed. She made no fuss at his actions and just nodded, “Course I will!” She smiled at him, “Though wouldn't it be best if I'm sitting next to you instead of on you?”


“Nope.” Jongup grinned, “It's pissing Daehyun off.”


Keo raised an eyebrow at how chuffed he looked and glanced over to see Daehyun glaring daggers at Jongup. It definitely looked like it was pissing him off. She turned her attention back to Jongup and grinned evily. She sensed a troll which meant she was going to join in. Especially if it meant annoying the complete hell out of Daehyun. “Oh really?” To help in Jongup's quest, Keo shifted on the boy so she was facing him, arms resting around his neck so they could plot and scheme.


Jongup remained stunned for a moment but eventually caught on to what she was doing the second she raised both her eyebrows at him. “This is why we're friends.” He chuckled, catching Daehyun scowling at him from the corner of his eye. Good to know it was working. Jongup rested his elbows on the girls legs and placed his hands on her hips for comfort which earned him the assassins instant disapproval.


“Right..” Daehyun growled, glaring at the pair. Had they been together it'd be completely fine but he knew Jongup, he knew his intentions were far from honourable. The boy was secretly cunning and used his puppy like innocence as a ruse to get girls, annoyingly they always fell for it hook line and sinker. His brother was the type to get what he wanted and since he was Antivan, what he wanted was usually a female, now Jongup wasn't a or a bad guy but he was still a boy. He always got the girl he wanted. Daehyun refused to let him get that one however. She was just too innocent when it came to ual stuff. Oddly, he wanted to keep it that way. So there was no chance in hell he'd let that blacksmith brat ruin her. In his sudden anger the ice that in-cased him shattered, apparently he'd been struggling against it without realizing.


Keo perked up at the smashing sound and turned her head to see Daehyun on his hands and knees wincing and then forcing himself to his feet. “What the-?”


“.” Jongup laughed, patting at the girls hips so she'd shift off him which she did. Thankfully he'd regained some feeling in his legs so when he saw Daehyun rising like the living dead he could kick himself into a stand and back away. He knew better than to be in range of a raging assassin.


“That's right you better back away.” Daehyun glared, advancing towards the boy. “What the hell was that?”


Jongup kept his distance. For every step Daehyun took forward, he took two backwards. He smirked cockily and shrugged, “Just sitting with a friend, mate.”


“That was more than sitting, mate.” Daehyun sneered, grabbing his daggers as he passed by his bedroll. He twirled them around skilfully then ceased in his advance, pointing his blade at the boy. He'd only went forward enough to be blocking him from Keo. “You don't touch her.”


Keo blinked in confusion up at the two. Was she missing something? By now Kai had appeared at her side and took a seat beside her, having awoken from the commotion. “What.. Is going on?” She asked, still looking worse for wear.


“I don't even know any more. We were trolling.” Keo muttered, watching the exchange of glares. They couldn't be serious surely.


Jongup glanced around for some form of defence, unfortunately he knew what Daehyun was like. He was an assassin so when angered his genuine consensus was to cause physical harm. With no luck, he had to make do for a stick. It was fortunate that he was a skilled enough warrior to be able to defend himself with such a thing. “D'you like her or something, Daehyunnie?”


“As a matter of fact, I do. She's my friend and your is getting no where near her. She doesn't like that stuff.” The assassin scowled, moving his dagger to point it at Jongup's crotch. “If you try anything I swear I'll cut it off in a heartbeat and feed it to the wolves.”


Kai glanced at Keo who'd rose to stop the fight, she'd went to stop her but the mage had already grasped onto Daehyun's arm to calm him down. Kai expected the boy to react by lashing out or jerking his arm free but he surprisingly lowered his daggers and sheathed them, turning his gaze to the elf.


Daehyun frowned down at Keo, frankly he felt a bit disappointed in her. She'd let him near her. “Don't trust him.” He muttered lowly to her and with that he slipped his arm free and walked away to take up watch duty.


Keo winced a little at the face he gave her. For some reason that sent a pang of guilt through her chest. She looked over to Jongup who was resting the stick on his shoulder and watching his brother with confusion. He'd given her a little shrug to say he hadn't an idea what was happening any more.



The Warden's awoke to the sound of arguing. By the time Yongguk and Himchan had gotten to the scene Kai was outright screaming at Lyonna who was hiding behind an angry looking Daehyun. Kai was being held back by Keo who'd hooked her arms under Kai's to restrain her from launching and by the look on Lyonna's face Kai was about ready to kill her.


“I'm going to.. ing end you, !” Kai yelled though it looked like she was having trouble focusing by the way she was swaying.


Daehyun remained in front of Lyonna, arms out to protect her in case Kai got loose. “Calm down, Kai. I'm over here by the way..” He waved his hand as Kai was glaring off a few steps to the side.


Kai snapped her gaze to the voice and grunted, “Don't you dare tell me to calm down, man-. You're only protecting her because you're constantly in her!”


That caught the two off guard, Lyonna looked insulted and Daehyun flustered. Yongguk fixed his shirt and held his arms out to break up the fight that almost erupted from Kai's comment. “Right.. Everyone calm it. What's going on?” He asked, clearly still groggy from the rude awakening.


Himchan took over for Keo who was frankly struggling in her restraint. So she was thankful for that. Kai glared at Yongguk and tried to jerk herself free from Himchan's vice grip. “I'll tell you what happened, this witch spiked my water with something! She tried to ing kill me!”


“You sure you aren't just drunk?” Daehyun sneered, “You're certainly acting it.”


“Of course you'd stick up for her, she's your buddy.” Kai shot. “And no, I'm not drunk you bastard. I don't drink.”


Yongguk glared at Daehyun instantly and he bit back the comment he was about to retaliate with. The Berserker sighed and turned his attention back to Kai. “That's a big accusation, Kai. Are you sure you aren't just sick?”


Lyonna stepped out of hiding and put her hands on her hips, looking offended. “Ugh! Are you suggesting I'd poison her Guk?”


Yongguk snapped his attention to Lyonna and put up his hands in his own defence. “No but maybe.. I mean no. No! Definitely not. I just....Himchan!” He gave up with his struggle as every word just seemed to offend someone so flashed the reaver a pleading look.


It was Himchan's turn to look offended. “Oh no, don't come running to me. I've got my hands full here. You're the leader. Do your leading thing and sort it!”


Jongup joined the fray and tugged Keo back to his side by her sleeve as the camp erupted in an uproar of arguments. “What in the Maker's name is going on?”


Keo just stared at the group looking perplexed. “Honestly? I have no idea. Kai just flew at Lyonna. Now everyone's arguing..”


The warrior crossed his arms and frowned, watching the group yell over each other. No one was even listening to the other. It seemed more like a game of who could yell louder than the other. “Right...”


“Where's Zelo? He's normally with you.” She asked suddenly, afraid he'd joined the brawlers as now Youngjae had joined in and Daehyun and him were throwing punches at each other after the assassin said some comment about the archer wanting to Kai.


“Hm? Oh don't worry about him. He sleeps like a rock. He's still in his tent.” He chuckled, somewhat amused by the scene before him.


Keo gave Jongup the once over and narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Why are you so happy about these arguments?”


Jongup glanced in the direction of the mage and smirked. “I'm Antivan. I like fights. Don't worry I'm not behind this masterpiece. Cat fights aren't exactly exciting.”


“They are when Kai's involved. She doesn't claw...” She mumbled. Keo let out a squeal and jumped behind Jongup, hiding as Himchan tossed Kai to one side and went for Yongguk. A battle between a Reaver and Berserker was utterly terrifying. Especially seen as they'd both grabbed their weapons and started what looked like a dual to the death.


Jongup looked over his shoulder and smiled, unphased by the carnage that followed the two warriors where they went. “You alright, flower?”


Keo went to answer but at the nickname she suddenly recalled Lyonna asking her for some Deathroot. She vaguely remembered the effects of such a root if digested but taking one look at Kai made it obvious she'd ingested some. “Deathroot flesh pods!!” She yelled which caught the attention of Lyonna who was avoiding the advances of the angered but disorientated rogue.


Jongup raised an eyebrow, a laugh escaping. “I'm sorry, what? What in Thedas was that? I know you're odd Keo but that was bizarre.”


“No.. I mean they cause dizziness and disorientation. Kai's ingested Deathroot flesh pods. That's her sickness.” She beamed which earned her a patronizing pat on the head from Jongup.


“Aw you're such a good little mage.” He smirked. “Clever too!”


Keo scrunched up her nose at him. “I will end you, shield boy.”


Jongup shook his head and caught the collar of Kai's shirt as she jumped by in an attempt to catch Lyonna who'd ran to Keo and clung onto her. Jongup kept his smile and firm grip on Kai while she yelled abuse at the mage. He looked calm but he was beginning to get irritated. “Right.. Enough.” He'd tried to reason but Kai was having none of it. “Kai..” Still she tried to kill Lyonna.


Keo saw the switch in the Antivan. Though he never broke his smile, his eyes flickered with something that scared her a little. She watched as Jongup grabbed his shield and bashed Kai over the head with it, knocking her out. In that instant the entire camp seemed to turn on the boy, minus Lyonna who started to giggle a little behind Keo.


Yongguk and Himchan charged towards Jongup like bulls on a mission and started yelling at him about how it was wrong to hit girls. Daehyun was shaking his head and Youngjae was quick to join his older brothers in the lectures.


Keo then heard death getting up out his tent. She glanced back to see the Dread Wolf himself trudge over to the group and blast them all with ice, freezing them all to the spot.


Baby Zelo had switched to what the Dalish had been warned by the gossip queen Himchan as 'Black Zelo'. The Tevinter mage cast a cold gaze over his older brothers, devoid of all emotion. “Be. Quiet.” He said slowly. Even his voice was as cold as the ice spell he'd just used.


Never in her life had Keo saw Zelo as a threat, even after learning he was a blood mage. Now though, it was clear he was dangerous. More so than Yongguk and Himchan who'd quietened obediently. She clutched on to Lyonna as Zelo slowly turned his head in their direction. Lyonna made the mistake of meeting the boys gaze and a shiver went up her spine as she clutched back onto Keo.


Zelo moved over to the two, towering over them. The only word to describe this boy was death. “I'm going back to bed, okay? If I hear one more raised voice... I'm turning them inside out.” The scariest thing about this was that he smirked a little at the end and as he said he went straight back to his tent.


Yongguk opened his eyes and nodded Keo over. “Sweetie, do me a favour and thaw me out..”


Keo glanced back at the lair the beast had settled in and jumped when he poked his head out, glaring at her. “Leave them to melt naturally.”


Lyonna grabbed onto Keo's hand and tugged her away from the ice Warden's. “I think we should listen to Zelo. When he was healing me there was something.. Not right about him.” She whispered as they sat on the logs by the fire.


Keo frowned and watched Lyonna carefully. She just chatted away idly and played with her hair. She'd known this girl since they were old enough to go to the clan meetings. Lyonna was Antivan like Daehyun and Jongup. She came from overseas for a gathering and never went back. She'd met her there and ever since they had been friends. A confident when it came to magic related things. So she had noticed how calm she was about what had just happened. Normally she was collected and laid back but when confronted Lyonna would always fight back, her ruthless side always made an appearance. Not this time however. Keo was growing suspicious. “Lethallan.. Are you alright?”


“Hm? Yes, just shaken. He was scary.” She smiled, shivering a little.


“That's not what I meant.. I mean Kai attacking you. It was so horrid.” She gasped, hands clasping together with worry.


Lyonna glanced over at the unconscious rogue and raised a hand to , tears beginning to brim in her eyes. “Oh.. Yes. I believe it was just a misunderstanding though. Please.. Don't worry for me. I'll be alright, Lethallan.. Though it's hard. I don't understand why your brother hates me so..” She sniffled.


Keo's eyebrow quirked at the shift in her facial expression. She'd noticed the subtle switch from completely content to innocence. The mage shifted to sit beside her, pulling the older woman into a hug. Something wasn't right here but she couldn't go about pointing fingers like Kai did. She had to prove it. Something had happened between the two and one of them was lying.


Eventually Kai awoke and gripped at her sore head. She was met with Keo crouched over her, waiting on her to become conscious. “Where is she?” Kai groaned, the intent on death still clear in her intentions.


“Bed.” Keo smiled, chin resting on her fist. By now the Warden's had thawed out a bit but they were still stuck so had no choice but to watch the siblings. Though Himchan was asleep where he stood.


Kai nodded and went to go to Lyonna's tent to kill her but Keo dropped to sit on her, holding her still. “Oi.. Get off. She's dead.” The rogue warned, glaring a little at her sibling.


Keo's smile vanished, her expression growing stern while her tone dropped a few octaves. “Kai.”


The huntress frowned and flinched a little but still attempted to lift Keo off her however the mage had rooted herself.


“Kai.” She repeated, this time glaring at her. “Enough. No more fighting.”


Kai snapped her gaze to Keo and frowned, “She started it though! She-”


“Stop it.” Keo muttered lowly. She could see how Kai was growing irritated with not getting believed so she leant down to whisper so only she could here. “You need proof, little brother. Otherwise you're the boy who yelled bear.”


Kai stared up at her older sibling and relaxed a bit. “Do you believe me? I'm not lying about this, I swear.” She hated being accused of something more than anything and it was worse when no one believed her to be telling the truth.


“If you swear, I believe you.” Keo assured her and got up, pulling Kai with her. “Listen you go get some rest.. You're still ill. I'll keep an eye on things.” It was only now that Keo gave off an older vibe. She watched carefully as Kai stumbled off to her tent and once she was safely inside the mage clasped her hands behind her back, beginning to pace.


It seemed the mage was unaware of the Warden's watching her so Yongguk made his presence known. “Uh.. Keo?.. You're kinda scary.” He muttered, frowning at the expression she had as she thought. In his opinion she looked a bit sociopathic. In their travels together he'd noticed how her emotions could adapt to the situation, which meant she was quite the actress.


Keo broke herself from her thoughts and cast a gaze over to the leader, though unintentional she was glaring at him. “No one messes with my little brother.” A smile followed her statement which caused Yongguk to flinch.


Daehyun just watched in bemusement. He already knew she was evil so the entire thing unphased him.


Jongup wriggled in his ice confinements until he heard a crack, he'd been shielded by his brothers when Zelo cast his spell so he'd been hit with less ice than the others. While the others chatted with Keo he continued to wriggle until the ice cracked up the centre and shattered completely. A thud followed suit as he instantly dropped to the ground, his entire bottom half numb. “Ugh.. Keo.. Can you do me a favour and take me to my tent?” He asked with a pleading face.


Keo broke her mini argument with Daehyun about magic to look at the puppy on the grass. His face actually tugged at her heartstrings. She abandoned Daehyun who's face contorted into something that would be imagined on a troll and shuffled over to help the young Antivan. With a smile she let him wrap his arms around her neck and helped pull him up to his feet. Due to her height when he leaned on her to keep himself standing she tipped a bit to one side but she managed to stay standing and assist him over to his tent.


“Hey! Don't trust him, shorty!” Daehyun yelled over his shoulder as the two approached Jongup's tent. “He's a !”


Jongup flashed Daehyun a smirk over his shoulder only to quickly cover it up with a charming smile to Keo when she tried to look back at the assassin. “You're the !” Keo called back, crinkling her nose up. “And I trust him more than you.”


The warrior, to annoy his brother who had a good view of the two, kept hold of Keo when she eased him down. He knew Daehyun was fond of the elf, not in the way he was usually fond of females either which made this that much more satisfying. He tugged the girl down so she was on his lap and s his arms around her waist, smiling up at her. “Sorry, I'll be bored if you go. Can you keep me company until I can feel my legs?”


The mage had gotten use to sitting on this boy it seemed. She made no fuss at his actions and just nodded, “Course I will!” She smiled at him, “Though wouldn't it be best if I'm sitting next to you instead of on you?”


“Nope.” Jongup grinned, “It's pissing Daehyun off.”


Keo raised an eyebrow at how chuffed he looked and glanced over to see Daehyun glaring daggers at Jongup. It definitely looked like it was pissing him off. She turned her attention back to Jongup and grinned evily. She sensed a troll which meant she was going to join in. Especially if it meant annoying the complete hell out of Daehyun. “Oh really?” To help in Jongup's quest, Keo shifted on the boy so she was facing him, arms resting around his neck so they could plot and scheme.


Jongup remained stunned for a moment but eventually caught on to what she was doing the second she raised both her eyebrows at him. “This is why we're friends.” He chuckled, catching Daehyun scowling at him from the corner of his eye. Good to know it was working. Jongup rested his elbows on the girls legs and placed his hands on her hips for comfort which earned him the assassins instant disapproval.


“Right..” Daehyun growled, glaring at the pair. Had they been together it'd be completely fine but he knew Jongup, he knew his intentions were far from honourable. The boy was secretly cunning and used his puppy like innocence as a ruse to get girls, annoyingly they always fell for it hook line and sinker. His brother was the type to get what he wanted and since he was Antivan, what he wanted was usually a female, now Jongup wasn't a or a bad guy but he was still a boy. He always got the girl he wanted. Daehyun refused to let him get that one however. She was just too innocent when it came to ual stuff. Oddly, he wanted to keep it that way. So there was no chance in hell he'd let that blacksmith brat ruin her. In his sudden anger the ice that in-cased him shattered, apparently he'd been struggling against it without realizing.


Keo perked up at the smashing sound and turned her head to see Daehyun on his hands and knees wincing and then forcing himself to his feet. “What the-?”


“.” Jongup laughed, patting at the girls hips so she'd shift off him which she did. Thankfully he'd regained some feeling in his legs so when he saw Daehyun rising like the living dead he could kick himself into a stand and back away. He knew better than to be in range of a raging assassin.


“That's right you better back away.” Daehyun glared, advancing towards the boy. “What the hell was that?”


Jongup kept his distance. For every step Daehyun took forward, he took two backwards. He smirked cockily and shrugged, “Just sitting with a friend, mate.”


“That was more than sitting, mate.” Daehyun sneered, grabbing his daggers as he passed by his bedroll. He twirled them around skilfully then ceased in his advance, pointing his blade at the boy. He'd only went forward enough to be blocking him from Keo. “You don't touch her.”


Keo blinked in confusion up at the two. Was she missing something? By now Kai had appeared at her side and took a seat beside her, having awoken from the commotion. “What.. Is going on?” She asked, still looking worse for wear.


“I don't even know any more. We were trolling.” Keo muttered, watching the exchange of glares. They couldn't be serious surely.


Jongup glanced around for some form of defence, unfortunately he knew what Daehyun was like. He was an assassin so when angered his genuine consensus was to cause physical harm. With no luck, he had to make do for a stick. It was fortunate that he was a skilled enough warrior to be able to defend himself with such a thing. “D'you like her or something, Daehyunnie?”


“As a matter of fact, I do. She's my friend and your is getting no where near her. She doesn't like that stuff.” The assassin scowled, moving his dagger to point it at Jongup's crotch. “If you try anything I swear I'll cut it off in a heartbeat and feed it to the wolves.”


Kai glanced at Keo who'd rose to stop the fight, she'd went to stop her but the mage had already grasped onto Daehyun's arm to calm him down. Kai expected the boy to react by lashing out or jerking his arm free but he surprisingly lowered his daggers and sheathed them, turning his gaze to the elf.


Daehyun frowned down at Keo, frankly he felt a bit disappointed in her. She'd let him near her. “Don't trust him.” He muttered lowly to her and with that he slipped his arm free and walked away to take up watch duty.


Keo winced a little at the face he gave her. For some reason that sent a pang of guilt through her chest. She looked over to Jongup who was resting the stick on his shoulder and watching his brother with confusion. He'd given her a little shrug to say he hadn't an idea what was happening any more.





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