Clans Of Thedas - Yo Ho Yo Ho

Clans Of Thedas

Zico stretched lazily as he emerged from his quarters, greeted by the salty air and spiced brandy scents he was all too familiar with. The life of a raider was truly magnificent to this man, a man lacking the ability to conform to society, a rogue who'd crossed the line one too many times. True he'd done some things he didn't quite agree with and yes he'd almost died on more than one occasion but his life was full of thrills and gold. When compared to the boring city life..He wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Plus women loved dangerous men, especially when they had their own ship. It seemed like yesterday he was just an average Joe in a pointless town.


Kyung approached his Captain with the charts Jaehyo had updated and passed them to his friend, breaking him out of his nostalgia. “Here. Can I ask why we're helping the Wardens, Zico? Last I remember..You hated them for hurting your baby.”


Taking the charts Zico flicked through them and tilted his head, moving to take up the helm. “Well.. It doesn't hurt to have a Grey Warden on your side, Kyungy. Plus...I missed those little elven girls. Even if they aren't princesses.. The Dalish held their own in that cave if I remember correctly, they'd make fine raiders.”


“They almost got us killed.” Kyung reminded him.


“I believe that was entirely my bad actually.” Zico uncharacteristically admitted.


“You just want girls aboard.” Kyung accused, arms crossing smugly.


“Do not!” The Captain stomped, looking offended by the idea. “Having women on board is incredibly unlucky.”


“Oh really?” Came a feminine voice from behind the two. Lyonna quirked a brow and smirked as they turned to face her slowly like they'd got caught with their hands in a guards pocket. She watched in amusement as their mouths dropped. Typical. As expected they were checking her out and seemed taken aback by her womanly curves, something they lacked aboard this vessel for months. “Should we just leave then?”


Zico jumped forward and took her hand in his, placing a kiss to her knuckle. “No no, my dear. You're very welcome on my ship. Don't listen to that... That... Buffoon!”


Kyung rolled his eyes and hip bumped Zico to one side, smiling charmingly at the fellow Antivan. “My apologises for his.. Idiocy, milady. Contrary to popular belief we aren't all wild animals in need of a . I'd avoid talking to the captain however...” He leant in and covered his mouth at one side so Zico couldn't hear. “Between you and me he's the reason we raiders get a bad reputation. Be wary of him my dear.”


Zico shot his first mate a glare and drop kicked him to one side, surprisingly landing perfectly balanced for a drunkard. “Slander and lies!” He shouted before turning his attention to the lovely lady before him, hands running down the fabric of his jacket to fix the creases the jump had made. “I apologize. He's a . Yeah, I said it so you could hear it!” He sneered in Kyung's direction. “Anyway.. You're welcome to my ship, fine woman. Tis' no trouble.”


Lyonna's smirk grew somewhat and she bowed her head, “Ma serannas. I look forward to the voyage. I hear life at sea is very... Exciting.” She smiled to the boys who soon broke into an argument over just who she was smiling at and she strutted away to find Jaehyo. She enjoyed listening to him talk about the adventures they went on. Last she spoke with him he was telling her how to sail the ship, it was all very interesting to the magic wielder.


Further down the deck Kai stood staring out at the open ocean. It seemed to stretch on for eternity and by the way the sun hit the water it made for a fantastic view. She'd missed this. The wind in her hair, the smell of the salt water, the feel of the waves hitting the ship and even the sound of the drunken brawls which shocked even her. It was all so different to wandering the land. It felt free. She was under no delusion though, she knew fine well they were getting told what to do just as she did. Still, the life was inviting.


“You like the sea, huh?” Youngjae asked as he moved over to lean against the railing she was sitting on.


“Mm. Funny thing is I can't swim very well and deep water freaks me out. I don't know what it is though... It just draws me in.” Kai mumbled, eyes locked on the way the water sparkled when the sun rays hit it at certain angles.


Youngjae smiled to himself and focused his gaze on the clouds. “It's beautiful and mysterious. That's the attraction... You could disappear into the horizon and live the way you want. Go where you want. Sadly the reality wouldn't live up to the expectation. Not in this age anyway..”


Kai glanced to him and pursed her lips, he was beginning to catch her interest again. “You sound like you've dreamt of becoming a raider.”


The Orlesian flashed her a cheeky grin and shook his head. “Nothing so fanciful. I did do a job with a few raiders though.. I thought I could sail away and never have to go back to Orlais.. But I found out the hard way that it's way too difficult to avoid all the storms and ships. I'm pretty sure I got chased by some other raiders who wanted our wealth.”


Kai's attention was now on him fully. “Is there anything you haven't done? I swear every time I talk to you, you get cooler. Stop it.” He certainly didn't look the type to live a life full of the adventures he claimed to have had, yet there was no doubt that he had.


Youngjae let out a laugh, unable to hold it back. “I'm far from cool.” He looked to her and smiled, “But thank you.” The rogue straightened to rest his hands on the railing and his gaze drifted back to the sky, making shapes of the clouds. “Want to know what I haven't done? Something I've always wanted to but never had the chance?”


The huntress swivelled herself around to face him, feet now resting on the wooden floor instead of dangling off the side of the ship. “Yeah, you sound like you've had a lot of adventures.”


“I want to get a dog.” He mumbled, catching Kai off guard. She had expected him to say something like fall in love or have a family. “Not a mabari, don't get me wrong they're great but.. I mean an average dog. I liked the looks of a mutt I met in Denerim. He was really scruffy..Don't think he had an owner either..”


“A.. Dog?” She raised her eyebrow. “Out of everything you could choose.. A dog?”


“We aren't allowed pets as Grey Warden's. This one guy had a cat and they made him get rid of it. So yeah.. A dog.” He shrugged. “My dream may be small but it's achievable... I hope. One day.”


Kai furrowed her brows and prodded his arm. “But you said you were a noble and ran a guild before you became a Warden. Didn't you have a pet then?”


He gave his head a shake and drummed his fingers against the wood. “Nah, father hated animals and my mother didn't see the point if he hated them. So I grew up petless. Terribly sad I know.”


“Wow.. Even I had a pet or two growing up and we wandered the lands.” The Dalish mumbled, beginning to feel sorry for the man. “Tell you what, if we make it back from this darkspawn thing.. I'll get you a dog. Screw the Warden's. Or.. Y'know.. For irony’s sake I'll get you a hawk.”


Youngjae smiled and nodded, chuckling some. “I'm touched.”


“Good.” Kai smiled back, hopping off the railing. “So tell me Orlesian. What was it like to be a nobleman? I bet you had your pick of the litter. Women must have lined up to court you.”


The rogue scrunched up his nose and pushed himself away from the railing to fully face the elf. “You're seriously asking me if I had suitors? Really?” He brought a hand up and ran it through his hair awkwardly, messing up the dark brown tresses to the point his hair was sticking up this way and that. “That implies I could talk to women. No.. No, they definitely weren't.. If they were lining up it certainly wasn't because they liked me.”


“I find that hard to believe. You're charming, good looking, know how to treat women, respectful, exciting, cool as and funny.. What isn't to like?” Kai frowned, arms crossing over her chest.


The corner of Youngjae's mouth tugged up into a coy smile, “Careful.. Don't inflate my ego too much, I might get the impression you actually like me.”


“Ah, we wouldn't want that.” Kai grinned, “My apologies good sir.”


“Sir? What happened to shem?” Youngjae questioned, brow quirking upwards in curiosity.


The huntress shrugged and leant back against the rigging, gaze drifting off to watch the horizon once more. “Eh, I bumped you up a bit.”


Youngjae smiled warmly and executed a graceful bow. “Milady, I feel utterly honoured.”


“Now you're making fun of me.” Kai muttered, side eyeing him.


“Perish the thought. I would never!” Youngjae straightened and flashed her a cheeky grin. “I honestly am honoured. Most women don't give me a second thought if I'm honest.”


Kai inwardly flinched, it felt like he just kicked her. One thing was for sure, she couldn't stop herself hugging him for that comment. “Aww, okay, no. You're adorable don't think like that!” She couldn't see how he could possibly think that. When it came to humans Kai usually never gave them a second thought, but this boy was something else. She hadn't met anyone like him.


Youngjae's face contorted a bit, “Just what every man longs to hear. “You're adorable.” Yep... Brilliant.”


“You're also beautiful.” Kai added though she mentally kicked herself for just blurting that out. What? Beautiful? Way to be obvious.. ing beautiful.. Just jump in the sea and get it over with.. Kai thought, eyes rolling at her own stupidity.


That sentence made him freeze. Never in his life had anyone called him beautiful. Now a very attractive elf girl whom he'd grown quite fond of was calling him beautiful. He felt his cheeks growing hotter and he knew if she looked up she'd see his face burning a bright scarlet. “I.. Uh.. Thanks.. What?” So much for being charming. He was a stuttering fool.


Kai had been waiting for him to make fun of her or at least laugh in her face but once again she was caught off guard by this man. When she looked up she had to force back another urge to hug him. Was he embarrassed? Yes, she believed he was. He was acting all flustered and constantly rubbed at the back of his neck. “Yeah.. Beautiful.” She chanced. “You can't pretend you didn't know. Surly you own a mirror.”


“Please stop.” He finally broke, hands going up to cover his face. Not only was he blushing like an idiot now he couldn't stop grinning. He'd returned to the ten year old boy who giggled every time that one servant girl smiled at him. Only now instead of a servant girl it was a strong-willed Dalish elf who actually appeared to enjoy his company.


Kai laughed into her hand and watched him. So this was what it looked liked to others. Embarrassment. Unknowingly she had sparked something into life, though it was unknown just what it was she had brought upon herself. “Sorry, at least you know though.” She had to admit he was adorable though.


After a few moments the archer managed to compose himself. It took minutes of clearing his throat before he could talk to her again though. “You do know I'm supposed to be the one who calls you beautiful right?” He'd stated once he finally found the ability of speech.


Kai scoffed and began to walk down the ship, “Right, okay.” It was getting out of hand and if one thing Kai would not abide by.. It was this. Feelings. She had to escape before it got worse.


Youngjae frowned and jogged after her, catching onto her arm lightly. “No seriously.”


“Youngjae, I'm sorry but I can't see that happening.” The huntress muttered. The thing with Kai was that she was pretty but she failed to recognize it. She'd seen the other huntresses, she'd seen human women before. When it came down to it she simply couldn't believe herself attractive, not when she dressed and acted the way she did. Now this Orlesian was trying to suggest she was beautiful? Kai wouldn't hear it. She wouldn't fall for him. She knew male tactics and she refused to be made a fool of.


A moment of silence followed the archer as he just stared at the elf, he could see she was gradually growing more uncomfortable the longer he let his eyes linger. Eventually he shook his head and released her arm, “You don't believe it.” He mumbled, growing a little angry. “Are you kidding? You're beautiful. Kai, I use to live in Orlais remember? On a day to day basis I met countless women with countless different fashions and hairstyles. I can honestly say you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And it's not just because you're an elf. Don't even go there. You just... How can't you see it?.. Andrastate's this is getting awkward..”


Kai had been stunned too much to even respond. Was he taking this seriously? He couldn't have. As a rule the huntress stayed clear of feelings but she felt as though someone had let butterflies loose in her stomach regardless of her thoughts on such comments. “...How...” She managed out finally.


“What? Well surely you own a mirror.” He mimicked. “Look, all you'll see will be your flaws but I don't. I can't for the life of me tell you any.” His gaze had softened down at the female as she stood there doe eyed. “What I can list is everything I like about you; You're pretty, cool, strong, smart, talented, funny, loyal from what I've witnessed and a really sweet girl. I can go on, I assure you.”


“No!” She interrupted quickly before he continued. She could feel the ever growing embarrassment creeping up on her. “I meant.. How can you say that stuff with a straight face? It's cheesy!”


“I don't care if it's cheesy.” He laughed, smiling warmly at her. “You seemed to manage just fine. I seem to remember you calling me the same.”


Kai scoffed and brushed him aside, “I was telling the truth.”


Youngjae frowned and followed after her when she began to explore the ship. “Makers breath.. I will get you to believe you're beautiful, woman.”


“Good luck with that, pretty boy.” Kai retorted. When she finally stopped walking about the ship Yukwon had once again started up another sea shanty which resulted in the whole of the crew bursting out into song. They even sang the non lyrical parts, though now it started to sound like a drunken musical.


Youngjae glanced to the female beside him as she tapped her foot to the beat, head bobbing away quite happily. Once again he was smiling because of her and she hadn't even done much this time. Without another second wasted he grabbed her hand and spun her around, much to the crews approval. In that instant the raiders ship hosted its own party, the entire top deck had pirates singing, clapping and stomping to the beat while select few danced away, Youngjae and Kai being included in the dancing part. Youngjae pulled Kai against him and grinned charmingly, beginning to waltz with the elf. She seemed utterly taken aback by his sudden outburst but she couldn't stop herself laughing. This was where the Orlesian taught the Dalish how to dance like they were in the ballroom of an Orlesian nobleman’s estate. They danced as though the Empress herself was judging them and Kai hadn't had more fun in quite sometime. She had been needing that, someone to take her mind off things. Youngjae seemed to be quite good at that though and she couldn't figure out why.


While they danced around Kai felt the butterflies double. It felt like her world was spinning around though that could have been because they were spinning in circles. At least she hoped it was. In Kai's opinion Youngjae was dangerous. Every second she spent with him she felt herself fall a little bit, she began to enjoy his company and not mind spending more time with him. This was something the Dalish was unfamiliar with. What she'd wanted was to hate him, to wish him gone from her sight but at this point it didn't bare thinking about. Not when he smiled at her like that. Not when he made her forget her sorrows. Her worst fears were rising and she could do nothing to stop it; She was falling for the Orlesian.


The raiders festivities went on until Maker knows when. Long after the Warden's and elves had retired to their quarters that was for sure. They must have kept going for a good few hours after as the last thing the Warden's heard before drifting off was the slurred singing of the crew above deck.




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