Clans Of Thedas - Antivan's Apology (9)

Clans Of Thedas


"Stupid Warden's..." Keo sniffled bitterly which was followed by a sneeze.
Kai laughed as she walked by the mage who was huddled by a fire, "Once again.. Puppy sneeze. You have to be aware you do that." She started although her sibling had turned to her while  wiping her nose on her arm with the most awful looking expression she'd ever seen her pull. "Then you do that... How do you not have a boyfriend?" She teased.
"Shut it." The mage said as she coughed, shivering away. She already had her cloak, Lyonna's and now Kai's wrapped around her yet she was still freezing. "I hate shems." She grumbled, voice nazely from the cold which plagued her. 
"Want me to go snatch you some cheese from Hahren? He always buys the best stuff and I know you love your cheese wheels." Kai offered.
Keo sniffled again and groaned, "I'd love you forever."
"Oh.. I see. You don't love me now? Pfft." The rogue joked though by the sheer puppy eyes she got she was quick to leave in search for this wheel.
"I'll be right beside you he said. Waters fun he said. I won't let go he said. Bloody nug humper..." Keo mumbled, glaring at the fire.
A chuckle sounded through the calm night air and Daehyun soon dropped down beside her, "Nug humper? Last I checked that was a dwarven insult, m'dear. Wrong race."
Keo had no energy to bicker with the assassin so she just let out a noise of disagreement and hugged the cloaks closer, teeth chattering.
Daehyun raised a brow and tilted his head to get a decent look at her, he'd been wanting a comeback not an awkward noise. "Hey are you..?" He shifted closer and pressed his hand to her forehead, a frown instantly making a home on his face. "You're hot." He waited for a response to this comment but all he got was a 'Mm..' which sent worry racing through him. "Nothing? Really? Not even a "Don't objectify me, Antivan?" you must be sick." Still no response. She was burning up though. He moved to kneel in front of her, hands cupping her cheeks. "Hey, wake up, shorty."
Furrowing her brows she stirred and opened her eyes a bit to see a blurry blonde. "You're really pretty.." She mumbled before her eyes drooped closed again. It was just a fever, nothing to cause alarm from the Keeper's. She just needed rest but the compliment sent Daehyun's thoughts flying.
"I'll get help!" He started to stand but paused at the little tug, his gaze lowered to see the elf grasping onto his sleeve and like being shot with an arrow guilt struck him. This was his doing. "Shiiiit." He complained as he dropped down by her side again. He pulled his knee's to his chest and rested his mouth against his fist while letting her hold his sleeve, simply watching her in case she took a bad turn. 
It wasn't long before Kai returned to find her brother had company. Quietly she set the cheese down, she would have interrupted and tossed Daehyun away if it wasn't for the boy moving to adjust the cloaks on Keo. Somehow she figured it was alright. Besides Keo could just ice him if she didn't approve. So she left.
Just as Kai had left Keo started sliding to one side, lost in a deep sleep the fever gave her. Daehyun jumped when he felt her moving but caught her before she hit her head on a rock. He straightened her and gave her the once over, still asleep, this made him sigh. He'd have to play a pillow apparently. Leaning back he tugged her towards him so her head rested on his shoulder, his arm would probably regret it later but he ended up wrapping it around her for comfort. Plus she kept shivering. 
At one point Himchan walked by and gave him a stupid smile. He was quick to wave him off, the whole time having a blank look to his face. He wasn't here for that. True he liked elves and yes she was cute in her own weird way but unlike Himchan who'd do anything that smiled at him, he actually had rules. Experience being one of them which she clearly lacked by her display in the river. This was purely because it was his fault. 
Time passed and he grew evermore frustrated. "One more person gives me that damned look and I'll rip off your head." He stated, glaring at everyone who passed. The girl shifted at that moment which caused him to completely freeze in fear he'd woken her. He'd be turned into a toad on sight, he just knew it. "W-what is that...?" He stared down at her, arm now lifting to just hover above her waist as she nuzzled into his chest. His eyes shifted about as he tried not to breath too much. He didn't need her waking now to see how close he was and freak out. For once Daehyun was at an utter loss on what to do. He'd just been nuzzled by a sick elf who he always seemed to offend somehow. How was this happening? She hated him from what he guessed.
One of the craftsmen of the clans shuffled over to the distressed Warden and gave him a smile, "She isn't a wolf, son. You can hug her without fear of being ripped apart."
Daehyun shook his head and gave him a sheepish look. "I.. She's sick. She just.. Nuzzled me though.."
This made the older man chortle. "All the more reason to hug her. When she's sick she needs someone beside her. Majority of the time it's that hunter brother of hers. Kai must be happy to have a break. Be a sport and give them a break, eh?" He then just shuffled back to finish making the bow he'd been crafting.
Daehyun pulled a face, his emotions and brain having a conflict. Eventually his brain won as he wrapped his arms around her. "I swear if you nuzzle me again though.. I'm outta here."
"Sorry..." She mumbled which made the boys heart leap into his throat again. He glanced down at her but her eyes were still closed. Was she?... No.
"For what?" He asked cautiously.
"He saved me but.. " She continued after a few seconds of silence. "..I was so rude.."
There was no question about it, she was still asleep. He held back a laugh and lowered his head so he could properly hear the mumbling, "Who saved you?" He whispered.
"..Daehyun." The way she had muttered it was so accusing he had to press a fist to his mouth to stop a laugh. Oh maker this elf was a strange one.
"I'm sure he forgives you." He mumbled back.
"No.." She grasped the fabric of his shirt and mumbled something into it but whatever it was he didn't catch it. The last thing he did hear though was something about a griffon and a fish.
Daehyun bit down on his lower lip to force back a laugh he knew would be loud when the Warden's gathered around the fire with Kai. 
Kai noticed the glare Daehyun had when they chatted away and she waved to catch his attention. "She sleeps like a rock. She won't hear them, calm down."
Youngjae raised an eyebrow at Daehyun who seemed to relax again but occasionally turn his head away to chuckle to himself. "That's suspicious." He accused, Kai instantly elbowing him.
"Hey, she's sick. She probably leached to him and he's stuck there. That's what happens with me all the time." Kai jumped in, arms crossing.
Jongup stood and moved over to sit beside Daehyun, giving him a quizzical look.
"My fault. I'm fixing it." Was all he said. Jongup nodded and leant back against the bench, listening away to Himchan who had started a bicker with Yongguk. Yongguk ended up shoving the man as he started making kissy faces at him.
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