Clans Of Thedas - Eggcitement.

Clans Of Thedas


Time had been lost to the elves on the ship. They didn't know how long they'd spent at sea. The entire journey they'd kept to themselves, only ever talking to others when needed. Bonding with the raiders was out of the question, they were still being held captive, putting a bow on a cage didn't make it any less of a prison. They remained in the quarters they'd been given by the captain for as long as they could, only ever leaving when it became essential. The crew left them alone as did the captain but something about this day was different. They'd been receiving a lot of visitors, making sure they were alright and feeling fit. Something was wrong.
Kai twirled the dagger she'd won in a game of cards against a drunken raider as she stared up at the cabin ceiling. “I don't like it either but pacing about won't help.” She sighed at her sibling.
Keo paused mid-step, hands clasped behind her back. “It helps me think.” Was all she said before she went back to her pacing, muttering away to herself. Had she not been with Kai she'd probably be called insane for  her actions but luckily Kai knew how she always had to think about everything.
“Don't over think it, Keo. It's probably nothing.” She didn't seem all too convinced with her own words however. Kai had been sneaking out of the cabin at night and eavesdropped a few times. What she'd heard was unsettling. They were headed somewhere dangerous. She didn't fear death or the superstitious stories she'd heard of the place. She feared what it'd bring out in Keo.
A knock at the door caused both of the elves to stop what they were doing, Yukwon opened it slowly, his usual cat-like grin plastered on his face. “Heya. Captain said you'd want these.” He walked in and placed two sets of clothing on the unoccupied bed before turning to the two. “You guys alright?”
Kai flicked the dagger back in her hand so it was completely hidden and sat up to look at the man. It was clear neither of them trusted him. “We're fine.”
Yukwon kept his smile, despite the snappy answer. He turned his attention to Keo and tilted his head at her, “You feeling better? Need me to start another sing along?” He laughed though it was cut short by Kai who had placed herself in between him and the mage with her arms crossed.
“We're fine.” She repeated more spitefully.
Yukwon frowned but backed away respectfully, he still caught a glance from the mage though she just nodded at him. With a sigh he turned and left to go report back to Zico. 
Zico was found at the helm once again, clutching a bottle of Antivan Brandy in one hand. He grinned at his approaching raider, “Ah! There you are kitty kwon. Any result?”
“The hunters still hostile and the mage refuses to speak.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and tipped his head back, one eye squinting shut at the glare from the sun. “They still don't trust us.”
“Of course they don't, my friend. We kidnapped them.” He smirked.
“Uh.. Cap'n. Why are they still here anyway? You still haven't told us.” Yukwon asked, it had been preying on his mind ever since they turned away from Amaranthine.
Zico handed the brandy over to Yukwon and just walked away from the helm. If it wasn't for Jaehyo the ship would have crashed years ago, he caught the spinning wheel and kept them on route while their captain went for a stroll and explained to the marksman. “Why would I turn away an experienced hunter and a mage? Mahariel's brats no less.”
“The Hero of Ferelden?” Yukwon was lost instantly. “I thought they were just Dalish.”
“Nonsense! A friend of a friend heard it from his uncles second wife's brother that Mahariel had kids. Heirs to the throne apparently. Word on the sea is that's why the King let us off the hook. Didn't want his beloved daughters harmed.”
“Right!” Kyung skipped over, one hand in his pocket. He had a cheeky grin on his face, the same one he got when he charmed girls. “Rumour is they were sent to the Dalish for protection. They didn't know how the public would react to two elven princesses. Besides Mahariel was consort but the Theirin blood makes them his heirs regardless and with no one else to take up the throne... It'd be left to them.”
Zico draped an arm over his first mates shoulders and wagged a finger at Yukwon. “Exactly. You should know this! You had a Ferelden.. Uncle?”
“None of my relatives are Ferelden. I have a girlfriend there.” The brunette corrected.
Zico and Kyung pulled impressed faces at each other before looking back to Yukwon. Kyung snatched the brandy from him and took a swig before continuing. “Anyway.. Where was I? Oh yeah, after Mahariel disappeared the King's been wanting his daughters back. He'll pay a ton to have them back I hear.”
Zico grinned at the idea. “We'll be loaded after this job, then we'll gain more for the ransom!”
Yukwon looked from the captain to the first mate and shook his head. “What proof do you have they are Mahariel's daughters?”
The two glanced at each other, obviously stuck for an answer. Zico then made a sudden flailing movement with his free hand. “Oh!! I know. They both have the same white hair and they're both Dalish. Ha!”
“That's not.. Oh never mind. There they are. Good luck telling them, Cap'n.” Yukwon waved the subject off, these two were impossible when united. The rumour was baseless and false. A nug could see that but he wasn't going to be the one to tell them these elves weren't Ferelden princesses. It had been the only reason Zico had ordered the crew to leave them alone. Precious Cargo and all that. He'd done terrible things as a raider but he had a strict rule against doing anything involving women or children.
“Land-ho!!” Bellowed a voice from the crows nest. B-Bomb, the pirate with the glare swiftly jumped from the nest and grabbed onto the rope he'd used to climb up. He swung himself around the mast, descending as he went until his boots made contact with the planks. He jogged forward a few steps to stop himself falling over and motioned to Zico where to look. He lowered his gaze to the doe eyed mage staring up at him. Her response wasn't surprising as he was towering over her, a narrow distance between them. He hadn't planned it but he was feeling the glares from the rogue who was quick to tug her away from him. “Sorry.” He managed with a two salute before jogging over to Yukwon.
Kai shook Keo back to reality and laughed a bit. “You alright?”
“Yeah. I know it was unintentional but all I saw on his face was death. I think he has a resting face like you.” Keo teased, tongue poking out.
“Or he's just mad.” Kai grinned.
“Or he mad.” She agreed, grinning to match the hunters.
The two were now thankfully back in trousers, they were once again boyish looking which meant they were more comfortable to walk around above deck. Only down side was that they now looked like raiders. Their attention soon shifted to what the crew were focused on. A giant cave centred on an island.
Kai pulled a face, “Creepy cave is creepy.”
“Why's it always caves?” Keo idly wondered, head tipping to the side.
“What?” The rogue turned her attention to Keo and raised an eyebrow.
Keo shifted her gaze to Kai and nodded. “Everything started for Mahariel with a cave. Merrill went to a cave when she made that deal then returned to kill the demon in the same creepy cave. Now we'll most likely be going in there... What's with us Dalish and caves?”
Zico stood in between the two with his arms crossed, nodding sagely with his eyes shut. How he'd gotten there without either noticing was unknown but they jumped a mile when he made his presence known. “Gold!”
The two clung to each other in shock, staring at him with mixed expressions.
“Gold beyond your wildest dreams lay within that cave, my dears.” His eyes snapped open and he pulled them apart to wrap his arms around their shoulders and guide them to the edge of the ship to get a good look at the cave. “All you need to do is not die.”
“Uh huh.” Kai unhooked the mans arm and went to walk away.
Zico smirked and leant down to talk to the unsure looking mage, “It's said that a High Dragon guards the stash. As well as many dragonlings and drakes.” He watched the interest spark in the girls eyes and he turned his gaze to Kai who'd frozen at the mention of dragons. His fingers began tapping lightly on Keo's shoulder in thought. So the dragons were the key. A cunning look flashed over his expression before it was replaced with an indifference as he released the mage in one quick movement. “But! Clearly this isn't the type of adventure the Dalish can handle.”
“No! Wait!... I like..Dragons.” Keo stepped after the captain. “I'm in!”
Kai shut her eyes and gritted her teeth, hands balling into fists. How dare he, she knew damn well what he was doing and it wouldn't work on her but when she heard Keo protesting her shoulders slumped in defeat. “I think it's a stupid idea and a death sentence but I won't abandon my brother.”
“Excellent!” Zico threw his hands up in celebration as he spun to face the elves, a massive smile on his face. 
“This doesn't mean we're friends.” Kai shot, “I'd still put your head on a pike in a heart beat, shem. Remember that.”
Zico dropped his hands and flashed her a dashing smile. Kai however was immune to such men so his charm attempts fell flat. He just watched her grab her sibling and walk off to get ready to go ashore. 
The anchor dropped and the shore party took to the life boats once everyone was fully prepared. Jaehyo and Taeil remained with the ship as Kai and Keo took their place amongst the humans. Once ashore Zico pulled out a map and held it up to read it, though he kept turning it this way and that.
“He's leading us?” Kai groaned, “We're all going to die.”
Kyung laughed and patted Kai's shoulder, “Loosen up, would ya'? He's a better Captain than you'd think.” 
“Yeah, don't be disappointed if I don't hold my breath.” She retorted, fixing the daggers on her back.
Pyo lifted Keo out the boat and carried her to the sand before putting her down beside Kai. He gave her hair a ruffle and returned to help the others with the boats and supplies. “Elgar'nan...” 
“Elgar-who?” B-Bomb quirked an eyebrow as he stopped beside the three.
“Eh?.. Oh.. Elgar'nan.. He's one of our gods. God of Vengeance actually...Apparently..” Keo mumbled, glancing up him.
He gave a small nod while he adjusted the two swords attached to his back. “Hm. Sounds like a cool god. We just have the Maker...Apparently.”
“Apparently?” This time the mage turned to face him completely. “You don't believe what your Chantry tells you?”
B-Bomb shrugged, his gaze locking on the entrance to the cave. It was bigger up close, they were like ants in comparison. “The Chantry? Pft. Not particularly. There could be something but I don't believe the rubbish they throw at us. Everyone has something they believe in though. Even me.”
“What do you believe in?” Keo questioned, head tipping to one side curiously.
The rogue looked to the elf and smirked, “Blood. I believe if it bleeds it can die. I won't leave my fate to any god to decide. I won't cower and beg for help to some unseen figure. I protect myself. Not some god.”
Keo smiled and looked back to the cave. “Well put.”
Yukwon nodded to Zico and the group soon ventured forth. The cave was unexpectedly simple for something its size. It just kept going downward. The further they went the stronger the smell of dampness got, they were half expecting to find a pool at the end. The party seemed to walk for hours though with no light to tell time, this was unknown to be true. Finally they began to grow restless, Zico had slowed to talk to Kyung and Pyo leaving Kai with Yukwon.
B-Bomb caught onto the mages sleeve and tugged her back to walk beside him, his voice hushed. “So what do you believe in then? You didn't seem to believe in that God of Vengeance any more than I do the Maker.”
“I'm a Dalish.” She muttered bluntly. “I'm First to my Keeper so I'm supposed to believe in our gods but...”
“You don't.” He kept alert for any sign of movement beyond their own yet he managed to listen to the elf.
Keo laughed silently and nodded, “Pretty much. Belief in itself has power. So I don't need to believe in that exactly. They just have to think I do. As for what I believe in... My brother.”
B-Bomb moved his gaze to the elf probably looking stupid with confusion. “Your.. Brother? So.. Her?” He pointed to Kai who was being talked to about archery though she seemed to have no interest.
“Yeah. I need him and I'd do anything to protect him.” She shrugged. “Silent gods mean nothing to me. Kai means everything to me. So I believe in that.”
“Him? You're a really weird elf.” He chuckled, for a brief second looking as though he didn't want to kill something for a change.
Keo gestured to herself, “We're boyish. Besides calling each other sister feels... Wrong. There's a difference between brothers and sisters. We have a brother relationship. Not a sister one, despite being girls.”
“I think I get it. You're still weird though.” He nudged her, smirking.
“Don't I know it.” She beamed up at him then pulled a face.
The group was suddenly forced to a halt as a viscous sounding growl came from the darkness. Fire came shooting towards them, lighting up the tunnel before them to show an angry looking drake. Zico, Pyo and Kyung dropped to the ground to duck out the way as Yukwon and B-Bomb pulled the two elves to the walls to avoid the searing flames. 
Yukwon glanced down at Kai to make sure she was alright, having pinned her to the wall and used himself as a shield just in case. Luckily he'd narrowly missed being turned to ash but she had been closer than he was. She flashed him a thankful look and he nodded before pushing himself away from her to get a lock on the reptile with his crossbow. 
Zico and Kyung kept the drake busy as they danced around him, keeping him confused while they ducked in and out of the shadows. Pyo had managed to manoeuvre himself over to the drake and began hacking at the tough scales with his battleaxe. Each time the drake tried to turn his attention to Pyo he got distracted by either of the stealthed rogues or one of the bolts shot by Yukwon. 
The sound of squeaky growls caught Kai's attention as a hoard of dragonlings flanked them. Twirling her daggers out she went back to back with Yukwon, defending the man from the impending ambush. She flipped and spun to avoid the fire as she slashed away, managing to keep their interest on her.
B-Bomb released Keo from the hug he'd given her to shield her and motioned for her to stay behind him. She complied as he assisted Kai with the mass of dragonlings swarming her and Yukwon. Keo winced at the dying sounds of the baby dragons but began casting spells to aid her companions. She used cone of ice to freeze a bunch of the dragonlings before turning to shoot lightening at the drake, stopping it from slashing at Pyo by stunning it.
With the rogues help the dragonlings were quickly dispatched. Soon after the drake fell after a carefully aimed bolt to the back of its throat. When the fight was over they all looked at each other,  feeling accomplished.
Zico slid over to Kai and patted her back, grinning widely. “That was impressive! See what happens when we work together, hm?”
“Don't push it.” Kai frowned, smacking his hand away. “I still don't like you.”
Yukwon laughed a bit and bowed his head to the elf as Zico pouted and stomped off to Kyung. “Thanks for that, by the way.”
“Just returning the favour.” She stated, wiping the blood off her blade by using her shirt.
“Still. Thank you.” He smiled, pressing a fist to his heart as a sign of respect.
Pyo squatted down by the drake, battleaxe resting over one shoulder. “So this is a drake.” His head tilted as he inspected the beast. He was soon joined by Keo who knelt down by the things head and pressed her hand to its snout. Pyo peered over at her curiously as she dropped her head and asked it for forgiveness. This caused the young warrior to raise an eyebrow. “Why are you doing that? It attacked us.”
“He was protecting his home and kids.” She corrected sternly. “I knew coming in here wouldn't be smooth sailing but...” Her gaze lowered to stare down at the drake, up close he was such a beautiful creature. His scales shined even with all the blood soaking it. She ran two fingers down his snout, head slowly tilting to one side. “..I never thought..”
“Keo.” Kai stood behind her sibling concern clear on her face. She knew Keo wasn't the hunting type, she hated killing in general but her love of dragons was something else. This would be the first dragon she saw up close but still..She never expected her to look so obsessed by the thing. “It'll only get worse the further we go. If you can't..”
Keo glanced back at Kai and scoffed. “Stop looking at me like I've made a deal with a demon.” She stood and stepped away from the drake. “I can kill them if they attack first.”
Silence fell between the siblings as the group continued down the path cautiously. Eventually the tunnel led to a clearing. They had expected the end of a cave not a temple. It was old and falling apart but the remains of some ancient temple lay before them. Pure unshapen crystal ran up the walls in blocks, giving off an iced over appearance. 
“Andrastate's ...” Kyung gaped, staring in awe at the structure. 
B-Bomb nudged Zico, “This changes things, Cap.”
“It changes nothing.” He muttered, moving over to inspect the crystal. “This stuff alone is worth a fortune.”
Pyo narrowed his eyes at it then to the temple main door. “If it's so valuable..Why is it unguarded?”
“The runts right, it's too quiet in here. I expected more of a resistance.”  Yukwon frowned, glancing to Kai uneasily.
Kai sighed and motioned to the crystal. “Why don't you just take that then? If its so valuable then why go further?”
Zico stood and tapped at the side of his head, locking eyes with the elf. “Because I'm thinking bigger. I'm not settling for this when I know what lies further in.”
Kai shifted nervously. She knew raiders were bad news but this was the first time the captain had given her reason to feel this uneasy. Something about the look in his eyes screamed dangerous. She had half a mind to drag Keo back and get back to the ship. She shook her head and looked around for Keo. Her heart jumped into when she found no sign of her, “Keo.. Not again..I'm not going through this again.” She grumbled to herself before shooting off down the steps towards one of the many side rooms.
Slowly the raiders noticed the missing elf and were swift to begin their search. It was unwise to call for her due to the reptiles in the tunnel, there could be more, so they kept their voices low as they searched the area.
Kyung found Keo in one of the side rooms standing in front of an odd looking door. He put his hand on the mages shoulder and tugged her round. “Hey, don't just wander of- Gah! What the hell!?” He recoiled and fell back, staring up at the girl.  
His yell gathered the attention of the group and they started piling in to find a confused Keo standing over a horrified looking Kyung. Zico crouched down beside Kyung who quickly clung onto him. “Oi, you alright, mate?”
“H-her eyes were... She. Her eyes... “ He struggled. He wasn't terrified or hurt but something had shocked him into a babbling idiot.
Keo furrowed her brows and looked from him to the group then the door, her confusion only doubling. Kai frowned and moved over to her, “Keo?.. What's he talking about?”
“I.. Have no idea..” She lowered her gaze briefly then returned it to her sibling. “I'm not.. I think I zoned again.” 
Yukwon and Zico helped Kyung to his feet and guided him away from the others, back into the main room to calm him down. Pyo glanced at B-Bomb who was beginning to look worried. Once B-Bomb got worried that's when he knew something was very wrong as his brother rarely flinched from anything.
“I'll deal with this. You guys go see to Kyung.” Kai muttered. Once the two had left she grabbed onto Keo's shoulders and stared right into her eyes. “Tell me the truth. You didn't use blood magic did you?”
“What!?” Keo pushed Kai's hands off her, looking offended she'd even mention that. “You've ate some deep mushrooms haven't you? Of course I haven't!” 
Kai pressed her hand to her head and closed her eyes, brows furrowing in thought. “Then why the hell was he shaking, Keo?” Frustration was clear in her voice.
Keo took a step away from Kai and frowned, hurt by the accusation. “How should I know! I can't believe you'd even think I'd..How could you even..You know me Kai! I just zoned and he freaked out about... Well.. I don't know! But it wasn't me! I wouldn't..”
Kai winced a little at the look of betrayal on Keo's face, she instantly stepped forwards and placed her hands at either side of her siblings ears, forehead resting against forehead. “I know!.. I know. I'm sorry it's just...Not right. I know you'd never resort to blood magic. I'm just confused and for a moment I thought I lost you again. I'm sorry..” She assured her.
In the main room Zico bit at his nails as he watched Kyung mumble away to himself. They'd managed to get so little out of him and now he was having a break down. Pyo looked to Yukwon who kept his eyes locked on Kyung. “Witch. Empty. Dragon. Eyes...What's all that supposed to mean?”
“He could be calling that mage a witch.” Yukwon shrugged. “He did seem terrified of her.”
B-Bomb remained crouched in front of Kyung, attempting to calm him again but to no avail. “She isn't a witch, Kwon. I think something else spooked him. We've encountered a dragon out there, we're in an empty hall and he was scared of Keo's eyes. Maybe that's it.”
“Then where's the witch?” He countered. “I'm not accusing the elf of anything, I'm just saying. She's been... Odd.”
Zico listened to the two but before an argument could kick off he silenced them. “Both of you shut it. Kyung's always been skittish and superstitious. Don't jump to conclusions.”
“He's your best friend, Zico!” Yukwon shot at him. “Why aren't you interrogating the witch to see why he's like this? I thought you'd do anything to protect him!”
“So much for not accusing her..” B-Bomb muttered to Pyo who just flashed him a worried look in response.
“Enough!” Zico practically snarled. “Don't mistake this for indifference. I'd give my life to defend Kyung but pointing fingers won't make sense of any of it. You've always been uneasy around magic...Don't let that cloud your judgement, Kwon. Just because we can't explain what happened doesn't justify calling her a witch and accusing her of something she could be innocent of. You know what it's like to be accused of something. Don't be so quick to hand out judgement. You should know better.”
Yukwon lowered his head and stepped back, arms crossing as he glared at the ground. “I didn't mean...Sorry.”
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