Clans Of Thedas - Jeremy And Robes

Clans Of Thedas

Denerim Visit: Day 3 of 3


Keo was shook awake by Lyonna who was smiling brightly down at her. “Oh good! You aren't dead. You slept the entire day yesterday! We feared you'd entered the fade and got lost inside.”


“I missed a day?” Keo asked sleepily, she looked as though she was going to get up to be more productive this day but she just adjusted her position, curled the sheets around her again and tried to sleep once more.


Lyonna pursed her lips, “Elgar'nan! You're something else, Lethallan!” She grasped onto the sheets and began to try and pull them off the lazy mage. “Get. Up!” Keo had a firm grip on the sheet so when Lyonna whipped it off, Keo rolled off the bed with the fabric and became entangled. “Oh now this is precious!” The fact the girl was still half asleep made her bounce a little. She guided Keo up and giggled a little, leading her out to the group gathered at a table. She just had to show them.


Yongguk spat out his tea and quickly covered his mouth, hiding the gummy smile which quickly spread.


Lyonna smiled and presented the sleepy elf to the Warden's. It was only Himchan, Yongguk and Jongup at present so she had no trouble getting a reaction. Jongup just smiled as the mage drifted back asleep standing up while Himchan started cooing over her.


“Oh look, Guk, she doesn't even know! Aw!” Himchan smiled and resisted the urge to hug her.


“I thought you guys should see how adorable she is.” Lyonna smiled warmly.


Yongguk had remained silent until this point. “She's in a cocoon.” He muttered which sent Himchan off again.


Jongup rose from his seat and clicked his fingers in front of the girl who slowly reacted. Once he managed to get her to keep her eyes open he smiled, “You're in a cocoon, Flower.”


Keo freaked out instantly and blasted the bed sheet with stonefist once she managed to wriggle free. “Begone!”


Yongguk slumped to one side in a giggle fit while Himchan dived over to hug the girl. “No, no, sweetie.. A bed sheet cocoon..” He chuckled and flashed an apologetic look to the barman. He'd explained the situation upon their arrival though so he just smiled and nodded at Himchan, leaving them to get on with their business.


Lyonna giggled once again and shuffled over to Keo, “Kay, once you wake up we're going shopping! Look at those rags.”


With Himchan attached to her Keo rubbed at her eyes and sighed. “They're comfy..” What she didn't understand was why they were all cooing over her. She got it back with the clan as well when she wasn't being bullied. Something about her being 'cute'. The problem was she saw herself as attractive as a darkspawn. She just blamed her baby face for getting treated like this. Plus she was small even for an elf. She actually suspected one of her parents were dwarven but it was impossible to find out.


Once she eventually woke up Lyonna was true to her word and was dragging her around the markets by the hand. “Oh that's pretty!” She a gem that sparkled like a star in the sky, eyes glittering at the mere thought of possessing such a jewel.


“It's fake..” Keo mumbled, much to the merchants irritation.


“How do you do that?” The brunette asked with a smile, hugging her arm now. She would have thought the gem to be authentic.


“I like rocks. Well.. Rocks that remind me of dragons. He was trying to pass that off as an Emerald but it was clearly a Greenstone.” She shook her head and was now being led around the Gnawed Noble Tavern to that magic shop. The Wonders Of Thedas. She expected to be bored out her mind but the odd bits and pieces attracted her. “Ohh! Is that a severed head?” Instantly the mage did a shuffle type run towards it with grabby hands.


Lyonna rolled her eyes, “Your obsession with this “Jeremy” thing will be your undoing!” She called after before heading to the Tranquil behind the counter. “I need to see robes. Tons of them! Is it possible to try them on?”


While Lyonna sorted things out with the Tranquil, Keo beamed at the head. “Jeremy!” She had to have this, Kai would freak knowing she actually bought a real severed head. Keo always had strange tastes. On the list of her many dreams to accomplish before taking a dirt nap, owning a severed head named Jeremy was one of them. All because of an actual dream she'd had where she had such a thing...After all the pranks in the dream it became a must have item for the elf. Now she was there staring it in the face. “Lyonna can I get this?” She asked, though she knew the answer.


“Only if you try on these robes!” Lyonna reasoned. She wouldn't get her in them otherwise. The mage had always refused to wear robes. She always just ran around in trousers like a boy.


After some sluggish, unattractive movement Keo sighed and walked over to Lyonna's side. “If I must.” In all honesty after wearing lingerie, robes weren't a hassle. She wouldn't tell the woman that however. Gods she'd probably take her underwear shopping if she told.


Lyonna lit up instantly and nodded to the Tranquil who'd set out the robes in order of country they came from. He showed them where they could get changed in private and left to attend to his counter once again.


“Oh this'll be lovely!” She hugged onto Keo who stared down at the robes with a frown. “Kay, you try this one!” After handing her a fur lined thing she grabbed a robe at random and hopped into the changing area.


Keo knew she'd hate it but she changed into the thing anyway. When she emerged it was much too big for her so she started flapping her arms around while pretending to be a griffon. When Lyonna stepped out she stopped in her antics and just stared at the woman, she looked gorgeous. Full figure, prefect hair, stunning eyes.. She wondered why Lyonna was still single.


“It's cute but it pinches something terrible.” She laughed, “Aww! Okay, maybe not that one for you.. It's drowning you.”


“I'm a griffon.” She beamed, flapping her arms again. Creators she sounded like a kid.


The two must have tried on at least fifty different robes by the time Daehyun sauntered in. He was looking to buy a new staff for Zelo who had started complaining that the wood wasn't right or something. Obviously he wouldn't let him know it was from him, he'd expect it to be from Yongguk which he was fine with. The Antivan looked around idly for a few minutes before shuddering and going to the counter. A jar of eyes had been watching him, he was sure of it.


“C'mon, Keo.. Come out!” Came Lyonna's voice from upstairs.


“No!” Followed Keo's which sounded a little muffled from where Daehyun stood.






“Fine. No Jeremy.”




Though he didn't want to see Lyonna, he wanted to know just what all the fuss was about. Daehyun climbed the stairs and turned the corner. He froze instantly, eyes widened somewhat and mouth agape. He should have stayed downstairs. What he was met with was Keo standing there in the Tevinter Lesser Robe. As an Antivan he literally couldn't stop his eyes from studying her figure. It was something he hated about himself. She was thinner than he thought she was, with all those baggy clothes he'd thought her a bit on the chubby side but in that robe she actually had a figure. Not that he didn't like chubby girls, in fact he'd do just about anyone. But this was alarming. He was having those Antivan urges again which didn't bode well for him or her.


Keo glared at Lyonna, this was just as bad as the lingerie if not worse. “Can I just.. How do mages fight in this?” She struck a battle pose and hopped about though she had to tread carefully in fear her s would spill out of the robe. Not to mention the lack of lower coverage. “Do you see this? Bring back the griffon robe!”


Lyonna giggled into her hand and shook her head. “Yes, yes. I never expected you to like it. To be frank I hate it also. I don't see the point in it being so.. Suggestive.”


“Then why!?” She yelled, face scrunching up while her hands went into something claw-like. Essentially just raging at the air.


“Because it's funny.” She smiled, “Besides you'd do it to me too.”


“You have the s to fit it though!” She huffed.


This was where Daehyun decided to interject. “I'd much rather see you in that robe, than her, my dear.”


Keo nearly lept out her skin and started chopping at the air with one hand while the other attempted to cover herself. “Wha-who-Daehyun!”


Lyonna crossed her arms and cocked her hip to one side, eyes narrowing in disdain at the Antivan.


Daehyun smiled at his friend and extended his arms somewhat, “Come now, my friend, don't be shy. I'm Antivan after all. It's not like I haven't seen what's under it.”


Keo scrunched her nose up and punched him in the stomach. “You haven't! At least.. Not.. Mine..Son of a...Cheater! Armours cheating. Let me hit you!”


That made Daehyun chuckle, for one thing the impact of the punch had no effect due to the armor he had on. “Is that an order?” He believed this was the first time he saw her flustered. It was strangely cute.


“Yes. It is.” She frowned, “When I'm clothed though! Wait here.” Keo was quick to dart off to get changed. Being dressed like that in front of Lyonna was one thing but in front of a guy like Daehyun..Self consciousness set in.


Lyonna hummed and twirled a lock of hair around her finger, eyes set on the Antivan. “You seem quite fond of her. What's this talk of obeying orders? You two ing? You going to use her like you did me?”


Daehyun kept his smile for a second longer, making sure Keo was completely gone before whipping around to face the mage, eyes set in a sharp glare. “Don't you dare.”


“So it's fine for you to use me willy nilly but Keo's a no go?” She asked as she circled the boy. “What makes her so special, hm? Or is it because she just isn't your type?...But then.. You'd need to have a type. Oh I'm sure it'd sting if Keo learnt you wouldn't want to touch her but touch everyone else. I hear she's fond of you. So that'd be a bit of a kick.” Her eyes were almost viper like, unblinking and full of spite.


Daehyun scowled and watched her. So this was really Lyonna. He'd been right after all. He remained silent however, refusing to give her the satisfaction of a response.


“Speechless? Well there's a start for everything.” As she circled him she ran her hand down his cheek, gently, almost in a caress. This gesture looked loving and affectionate but when she pulled her hand away she'd scratched him with her index nail, producing blood. “See, here's the thing, love..” She sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck. He'd turned his head away from her but continued to glare, she could actually sense the anger boiling within him which brought a smile to her lips. “I had a pleasant day with Yongguk yesterday, he's such a lovely man. Contrary to your worthless belief, I actually like the man unlike what happened between us. Easy tumble. Y'know how it is. I just thought I should tell you.. I mean, why would anyone like or want someone like you? Especially Keo. You're a murderer for goodness sake! She'd have to watch her pretty little back around you. You might turn around and kill her. All you're good for is . No girl in their right mind would stay with you for more than a night..” Tipping her head she pressed a kiss to his jaw line, making his brows furrow and fists clench. “I can make damn well sure she'd want nothing to do with you, y'know. By the time I'd have finished she'd hate everything about you. So how about we play nice, no? No more trying to prove I'm 'evil'..No more glaring and growing hostile when I'm in the same room. Or else it's bye-bye only female friend you've ever known! Hm? I'm getting awfully tired of being ill treated, I can make living a nightmare for you. Trust me.”


Daehyun turned his head to lock eyes with her. He'd never wanted to kill someone so badly in his life. Every word she uttered got right under his skin and felt like she was clawing at his heart. Especially the murdering part. He'd never kill Keo.. Not like.. Swallowing the lump in his throat he gritted his teeth and reluctantly nodded. “..You have my word.” Keo was the first person he'd spoke with about his girlfriend. She also consoled him through it. He'd be lying if he said he had no attachment to her, at the minute he wasn't quite sure what it was, but to lose her because of this witch.. For once in his life he was paralysed. She had managed to make him feel less than the dirt they walked on and he was powerless to respond.


“Oh thank Mythal!” She smiled and pulled away when she heard Keo fumbling around with the piles of robes she'd taken in the room with her. Clasping her hands behind her back she tipped her head to Keo when she returned. “I'm so sorry, Lethallan! I just remembered I have a date with Yongguk!”


“What?” All the robes hit the floor and she grinned at the mage. “What what? No, you can't just unload that and leave!”


“I'll dish out all the juicy gossip later, buy Jeremy if you wish, you earned him. Seen as Daehyun's here why don't you two hang out? I'm sure he's looking for a little companionship!” She waved her fingers and skipped down the stairs, paying for her robe and exiting the shop.


Keo beamed and looked to Daehyun who gave her an awkward smile in response. “You alright, there?”


“Huh? Yeah. Course. Just picturing you in that robe..” He responded meekly.


Keo frowned and placed her hand on his arm which resulted with him pulling his arm away. Her hand hovered as her brows furrowed, worry etching along her face. He looked just like he did that night he spoke of his girlfriend. “Daehyun..”


Shaking his head he forced himself to return to his normal self, “My apologies. Just thinking.. Rare, I know. Anyway, who is this Jeremy?” He asked with a smirk.


“Oh!” Keo took his hand and pulled him downstairs to the severed head. “Daehyun, Jeremy. Jeremy, Daehyun.”


Daehyun bent down to stare at the head, eyebrow quirked. “You certainly have odd tastes..But why Jeremy? He looks more like a Bill to me.”


Keo shot him a glare, “He's Jeremy!” With that she thought it best to explain to him how this came about. How she'd had a dream with this head called Jeremy and how she ran around reeking chaos with it. And how ever since it had made it on her list of goals.


The assassin listened intently, a small smile on his face. He simply watched her enthuse about this severed head. It was macabre and very unfeminine yet he had fun just listening to her. “Wait here.” He mumbled when she finished. Daehyun wandered off for a few minutes and when he returned he picked up the head by the hair, holding it out for her. “The deed is done, Milady. Tick that off your list. Anything else?”


Keo blinked owlishly up at him and the head. She'd thought it still a distant dream, the head was unusually expensive. But then other mages would use it for alchemical means or something of the sort. Not to run around with like a pet. “Did you..Buy him?”


He waved the head for her to take him and shrugged. “I was going to get Zelo a staff but he's got plenty.” He just blurted out, inwardly cursing himself for admitting to it. “Just take the stupid thing.” A smirk formed as he watched her start to spaz out; She bounced, hopped from foot to foot and made grabby hands at it before hugging onto him tightly. This hindered him. “..Keo, take Jeremy..”


Instantly she released him and grinned widely, taking Jeremy from the boy. “Sorry. Thank you!! Hey, you don't need to hang out with me by the way. I'm sure you have better people to talk to.”


“Better people?.. No.” He gave a shrug and motioned to the head. “Besides, think of the fun we can have with tha- Oh I just got an idea. No.. Actually... Forget I said anything.”


“No, no. You speak your mind, Ser!” She insisted. It was just a hunch but she had a feeling what he was about to say was something glorious.


Sure enough, when she heard the plot she was instantly in. He seemed surprised she didn't think it weird or embarrassing then she subtly reminded him that she was carrying a severed head and felt affection for it. The doubt ended there. They parted ways and went about getting the equipment only to meet up like clock work in the city centre.


Daehyun was adorned in the most ridiculous outfit. It all looked vaguely nobleish but the colours mismatched so horribly it even pained Keo, who had little to no fashion sense. To top it off he wore a silly large hat with a giant goose feather sticking out atop it.


To match him Keo had on a bright pink and brown noble-woman's dress, she'd cut it so it stopped just below the knee's in order to show off the giant clumpy boots on her feet. Instead of a silly hat she'd acquired a blue feather boa and had it proudly wrapped around her neck. She flounced dramatically over to her finely dressed companion and curtsied in a way that gathered way too much attention. “Good evening, Lord Vladrickdooplestein!”


Daehyun grinned and bowed stiffly, moving like he could get stuck in a position at any given moment. “Well hellooo, Lady Hoozerfodlemacbutt!”


Keo giggled normally for a second before letting out the most obnoxiously posh laugh. “How fair thee, Lord Vladrickdooplestein?” The way she spoke was also obnoxiously posh.


“I fair stupendously, Lady Hoozerfodlemacbutt! How goes yourself?” Daehyun didn't disappoint. With a chortle he spoke with an unusually nasally voice. It still managed to sound posh however.


“Oh I remarried, Lord Vladrickdooplestein! Hohoho!” She cocked her hip out and pushed out her chest, one hand in the air to let everyone know how sassy she was.


Daehyun gasped and leant back to feign shock, his eyes growing so wide he was clearly over acting. “Whaaaat? You divorced Lord Hoozerfodlemacbutt!?”


“No, no my silly fellow! I divorced Sir Jeimatwatson!!” Keo hurred and hawed with the best of them, letting the world know how happy she was with her new lover. By now they'd developed quite the audience of onlookers. Most of the common folk thought it was some bizarre play so took to watching.


“Of course. Of course! Now who's the lucky chap? Is it Prince Doodlefacemeopera or Sir Edwardoflorenzo the Fourth?” Daehyun asked, smile unable to be forced back.


“Neither!” She hummed and whipped out her severed head. “Tis Jeremy.” A few squeals were heard in the crowd followed by laughter. Apparently they were being amusing.


Daehyun huffed and puffed, appalled by this sudden reveal. “Jeremy is a buttface! Yes, I said it! I demand you dump him Lady Hoozerfodlemacbutt!”


“But I'm in- Oh, hold on!” She broke character long enough to shuffle through the crowd to grab some charcoal before returning to Daehyun. Going up onto her tip-toes she smiled and applied a giant, curly moustache. “There..” Hopping back she handed the charcoal to a man who was most amused by the two and took up her character again. “But I'm in love!! You would deny me my happiness, Ser!?”


Daehyun smiled warmly and nodded when she finished with the moustache, giving his nose a little twitch. Once she returned to character he began moving again by going down onto one knee, hands extending to the air for some unknown reason. “But my Lady Hoozerfodlemacbutt, I'm in love with you. I could give you happiness!” He remained in character but lost his accent. Strangely it gave him more charm to speak in his native Antivan accent so he rolled with it.


Keo blinked in awe for a short time, though it looked like good acting. In reality she was just dazed hearing that come from him in his accent. She heard a few women swooning in the back. Snapping herself back she gently and gingerly placed Jeremy down before standing and pressing a hand to her forehead, mimicking the swooning ladies “Why, Lord Vladrickdooplestein! If I had known.. “ She grinned.


They had the crowd cheering them on, the hopeless romantics even whooping and hollering. Daehyun gave Keo a look to say the show must go on and he took her hand, pulling her into him. “Then let us be off, my sweet! We can elope into the sunset and join our names.”


Keo let out a dreamy sounding sigh, foot popping up like in human fairy tales. “First.. I moustache you a question....”


He smirked, winked to the crowd and wiggled his nose, “Shave it for later.”


The cheesy smiles they had on had the audience laughing and applauding. Daehyun spun Keo out and they both took a bow. Keo kept her hand in Daehyun's as she crouched down to pick up Jeremy. When she stood they took one last bow and then they made their dramatic exit.


Once they returned to the tavern, the quizzical looks from the Warden's and Kai sent the two into another giggle fit. Yongguk gave them the once over and shook his head, hiding behind Himchan. “I don't want to know.”


The two just huffed and puffed like it offended them then flounced to their room. That was the last the Warden's saw of the two, they were too scared to find out what had happened so just left them to their own devices.





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