Clans Of Thedas - Tattoos and Scars

Clans Of Thedas

Daehyun stretched his arms above his head until a satisfying crack was heard. It took stopping at a tavern to make him notice how sore his muscles were. Sleeping on the cold hard ground took its toll after awhile it seemed, no matter how 'used' to it they were. While the mage got dressed into something comfortable to sleep in he waited in the hallway, counting chips in the walls. Perhaps he should have just went with Youngjae, he'd probably be in bed asleep by now. Eventually the door creaked open and the elf popped her head out.


“Sorry.. I got stuck in my cloak.” She smiled, stepping out to let him get changed.


Daehyun raised an eyebrow and the corner of his lips tugged up into a smirk, “You aren't really supposed to admit that, y'know.”


Keo tilted her head curiously, “Oh.”


With a chuckle Daehyun ruffled the girls hair and ventured into the room to change. It would be a relief to get out of his armor, though it was lighter than Yongguk's, it was still a fair weight. Unlike the elf it didn't take him long to get out of his armor, granted he was still shirtless but he'd ended up losing himself in his thoughts before he could look for the blasted thing. Thankfully he'd managed to put on trousers before his daze. That would have been awkward. He went over everything he'd said to Lyonna and frowned to himself. Could it be possible that he was just looking for wolves where there were none? His brows furrowed. No. There was definitely something up. He couldn’t have been the only one noticing these things. As an assassin observation meant survival, getting close to targets was his job. So why was it when he got close to Lyonna he sensed something terrible.


Keo wrinkled her nose, having been waiting outside for over ten minutes. Expecting him to have fallen asleep or something she just walked into the room. “Seriously if you've fallen asleep I'm dumping a bucket of water on yo-” Skin. Her heart leapt into and she quickly spun around, hands over her eyes. “Sorry!”


A squeak pulled the Antivan from his thoughts only to be met with the Dalish's back. He went to tell her it was alright but he remembered her odd little fear of shirtless men. Hurriedly he tugged his shirt on and turned her around to assure her it was safe. “Come now, my friend. My apologies, I was lost in thought.” He smiled then turned and flopped down on the bed, arm draping over his face lazily. “I almost forgot what comfort was.”


Keo stood there awkwardly, staring at the bed. It was a double bed. She hadn't thought this through. Panic slowly began to rise up within her. Why didn't she go with Kai? Why was she with the Antivan? Thoughts raced until she had the sense to remember why she was here at all. “Why did you want to share a room with me?”


“We're friends, right?” He asked casually, peeking an eye out at her.


“Of course we are.” Keo nodded. “But I thought you were mad at me.”All she could think of was that face he gave her when she was trolling with Jongup.


This made Daehyun sit up in confusion, “What? I don't remember being angry with you, Little elf.”


The mage shifted nervously and fiddled with the sleeves of her oversized shirt. “When I was sitting on Jongup. I thought you got angry.”


Shaking his head Daehyun flashed her a smile and patted at the spot next to him. When she sat down he shifted to face her. “Oh, that. Yes, well.. I was angry. But I was angry at Jongup. I gathered..Antivan stuff freaks you out easily..And he's cunning. He hides it well but he's a ert like all of my countrymen. Don't be fooled by his puppy face, yes? He's not as innocent as he lets on.”


Keo pulled her legs to her chest and rested her chin on her knees. “You do know we were just joking, right?” She smiled. “Jongup's sweet but I still know he's a boy. An Antivan boy at that.. You Antivan's are naturally casual about primal urges.. Whereas.. I'm not so much. Jongup knows this.”


That Daehyun could believe. Jongup always tried to piss him off. It went both ways of course, simple brotherly banter. Still, it bothered him. “Nothing wrong with innocence. Just as long as he knows.”


She questioned why it even mattered to him inwardly but as he said, they were friends. He wasn't the same boy she met in the clearing. He seemed to have lost his arrogance. “Ma serannas.” She smiled, head tipping to one side a bit.


Once again confusion crossed Daehyun's expression. “Wh- Oh. For what? I did nothing.”


“For saving me in the clearing. I can't remember if I properly thanked you. I remember yelling a lot. But you're a good guy so.. Ma serannas.” She mumbled.


Daehyun looked caught off guard as he stared at the elf. “You're.. Welcome..” He found himself taking in her appearance while she looked to be falling asleep sitting up. Antivan habit. She was boyish from pretty much head to toe except for her eyes. One thing he focused on the most was her tattoo though part of him believed it to be fake. To check he pressed his index finger to her forehead which made her eyes snap open. “Sorry, I need to ask.. What is that? Does it mean something?” He had tattoo's himself but they were from his time as an assassin.


Keo blinked herself awake and tried to look up at where he was pointing. “Y'mean my Vallaslin? It means I've grown up. If you meant what tattoo it is, it's Ghilan'nain. She's the Mother of Halla. The funny thing is Kai has the same one but she hates the Halla for the noise they make.” She laughed at the fond memories of her sibling constantly yelling at the Halla to shut up. “We get them when we're children. When the Keeper thinks you're ready to be an adult.”


Daehyun traced the pattern on her forehead. “Halla.. Ah yes, I see the horns.” A smirk appeared once again and he followed the tattoo down the bridge of her nose to the tip, now simply prodding her in the nose. “What's this bit then? I don't believe Halla's have tails.”


Keo batted his hand away and scrunched up her nose. “I didn't create the tattoo! I don't know. For design I guess. I know our tattoo's are supposed to be proof of adulthood and also tell the story of our gods. And.. So we'll never forget.”


The assassin laughed and rested his elbows on his legs. “And to think mine are to just show off my muscles.” He'd noticed the saddened expression. He couldn't have that.


The mage perked up, “You have tattoo's? I mean I get the face one but..”


“You wouldn't like them.” He stated simply. “I'd have to take off my shirt.”


She deflated a bit but curiosity began to eat away at her. “ it! I'll cope. Show me.” She practically demanded. “Uh.. Just the top half.” She had to add quickly.


Daehyun let out a laugh and hopped to his feet, bowing dramatically. “As milady commands. I'm honour bound to obey, after all.” He peered up at her and grinned cheekily. This earned him a surprised look from the elf. He pulled his top off and stepped around in a circle to show off the extensive ink that ran down his torso and sides to highlight his muscle structure. “One thing about the Crows.. They know how to tattoo. Everything else is garbage.”


Keo went wide eyed. His tattoo's were beautiful. She couldn't trace them like he did so instead she took to just looking at them. “Woah! They're so cool! I mean.. Not bad.” She tried to cover though she couldn't hold back the grin.


“So tattoo's are your weakness, hm?” He teased, smiling to himself. He'd thought she would have freaked out but apparently not.


Keo hopped off the bed and circled him, hand to her chin as she got a better look. He'd stopped turning and let her go about her business while he just waited for her to conclude how awesome he was. She had stopped behind him though, eyes locked on quite a disturbingly large scar that went from his shoulder blade and curved all the way down his spine, stopping at his lower back. Common sense told her to leave it be, she'd gotten enough emotional stories from the boy yet she couldn't stop herself from placing her hand over it gingerly.


Daehyun flinched, hardly foreseeing her touching him. The warmth of her hand against his skin shocked him. “What are you doing?”


She frowned as she noticed just how scarred he was. All around his upper half he had scars, though most were hidden due to his tattoo's, at close range they became more visible. In this age it wasn't abnormal to be scarred but she hadn't expected this. “You're.. Tattoo's are cool.” She forced a smile as she walked back around in front of him.


Daehyun clocked it instantly and shoved his shirt back on. “Are you alright?”


“Are you?” She shot back, frowning up at him.


“I believe so, yes. Well...I'm hungry but that's nothing new.” He shrugged, trying to get her to smile. She looked like she saw her pet cat die.


She shifted uncomfortably on the spot as he just stared at her. For some reason she rolled up her trouser leg to show him the scar on her knee in the shape of an exclamation mark. She felt guilty for having seen his battle wounds, so she showed him hers. “I got this trying to free a wolf from a trap. I moved the wrong way and the trap skinned half my knee off!”


Daehyun stared down at the scar in bewilderment. A small chuckle coming from him, “You're... So odd. Do you know that? Why are you showing me your scar?”


“I'm sorry but I saw your scars!” She hurried out. “There. I said it. The big one on your back.. I saw it... You don't need to explain how you got it though so don't worry. I just thought I'd show you my scar as recompense.”


The boy blinked owlishly, mouth parting. “Are you for real?” He doubled over in a laughing fit at her. “Oh my dear, this scar was the result of climbing a wall wrong.” He explained when he composed himself. “I was running from.. Well some girls husband actually. I scaled a wall and tripped, nearly tore off my back in the process..Tsk, tsk.. Such lousy craftsmanship. Sore but hardly a traumatizing experience.”


“...What?” Keo fixed her trouser leg and walked around him, tugging his shirt up to get another look at the scar. “But.. It's huge!”


Daehyun smirked back at her. “It was a very high wall.”


“Here I was expecting some emotional story and... Well..” An idea popped into her head in that moment. In revenge she traced down the scar which made him jump away from her and wriggle.


“Don't do that!” He grumbled as he twisted his arm around to rub at his back.


Keo laughed and crossed her arms. “Why? Is it sensitive?”


Daehyun glared somewhat. She was still evil it seemed. “Yes! That tingled.”


A smirk crossed Keo's lips. “I get you all tingly do I?”


Shock once again crossed the Antivan's expression, was she flirting with him? Surely not. She was innocent to such things. Here was the tester. With a cocky smirk he extended both arms and tilted his head to one side in challenge. “You get me more than that, my dear elf, I assure you.”


Keo stared at him blankly for a moment but at his line she couldn't help going into a giggle fit. For someone with a lack of ual experience she was unusually erted. “You sure that isn't just hot air?”


Daehyun pulled a pained face and clutched at his heart, throwing himself back against the bed in some odd spinning motion. Like he got shot by an arrow and the impact sent him hurtling. “You wound me! Your cruelty knows no bounds. Have you no shame?”


“Not really no.” She grinned and jumped onto the bed, of course she remained standing and began to jump up and down to disturb the boy refusing to budge from the position he landed in.


With a groan the assassin latched onto the girls ankle and hooked an arm around her waist to bring her down. At least he stopped the bouncing. The only problem was the awkward closeness of the two now. He remained atop her however, knowing full well if he moved she'd do something else to annoy him. “You going to stop that?”


Of course the elf was terrified. She had an Antivan on her but that Antivan was Daehyun. She highly doubted he'd meant it. To ease her mind though she propped herself up on her elbows which meant their noses were now touching. “I'll stop.”


Daehyun kept his gaze locked on hers, the close proximity only hindering him for a moment. At best he hadn't expected it. Every inch of him was saying kiss her merely because he was Antivan and they were on a bed. That's how it went. But he restrained himself and rolled onto his side so his back was facing her. “Go to bed.” Being good was actually difficult. He'd never make fun of Yongguk again. He'd never had a friendship with a female though and he wasn't about to ruin it because he had urges.


Keo smiled when he retreated. “Mm!” That proved she could trust him Being a little bit more at ease she slipped under the covers and snuggled into one of the many pillows. He'd passed her test so she was now fine with sharing a room with him. Daehyun had refused to go under the sheets with her, which earned him more points in her book. Though guilt soon hit her after awhile. It had gotten colder yet he remained firm. Eventually she sat up and tried to see if he was awake, his eyes were shut but it was difficult to tell. She extended her hand to him slowly to try and wake him but before her hand met his shoulder he'd snatched her wrist with one hand to stop her which resulted in a scream from the elf.


Daehyun opened one eye to look back at her though all he could make out was her silhouette in the darkness. The scream had made him cringe and half asleep he pulled her into a kiss as means to shut her up. Though he ended up dropping back against the mattress and drifting off not that long after planting one on her.


Keo sat rooted for a good five minutes, possibly broken by this action. Shaking her head, she snapped herself out of her daze and went to yell at him but saw he was out cold again. dropped. “Bastard was asleep..” When she thought about it more it made sense. Antivan, assassin, half asleep.. What else was to be expected other than him slitting out of instinct. When she thought about it like that her hand went to her neck and she was suddenly okay with the latter.


Eventually Keo fell asleep after laying awake for a bit, thinking over everything.







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