Clans Of Thedas - Venting (6)

Clans Of Thedas


"You sent her back there!?" Kai's voice yelled out angrily followed by a crashing sound. "This is why we don't get along, you're a ing idiot!"
Lyonna had managed to duck out the way of the pot that had been tossed her way by the enraged elf. Kai was like a tiger with her cub when it came to Keo, she'd defend her until death and even if the slightest thing happened to her she'd be ready to kill. "It's not like I sent her to the Deep Roads!" Lyonna shot back in defence. "If you haven't noticed the Warden's are everywhere. She's safe!"
Kai threw her hands up in frustration, "By the Creators for all that time you spend having your nose in books you sure are the dumbest person I've ever met! Keo's obsessive! She'll go straight back to that hut to try to figure things out and that's on your head!" By now Kai was pacing, unable to reach the mage due to the wall that was a few of the other hunters. "In fact if anything happens to her.. I'll have your head on a pike!" She threatened, the look in her eyes proving it was more of a promise.
"Ugh, what is your problem!?" Lyonna scowled, pushing the hunters aside to square up to the rogue. "This is about more than Keo isn't it? You've had it out for me ever since we met!"
In that moment Kai's eyes flashed with opportunity, she went to launch for her when arms were suddenly holding her back. "Damn right I have, I've never liked you. But this is about how you endangered Keo, I have no problem ignoring you but when you do something as dim witted as sending the one elf in this whole clan who wouldn't be able to stop thinking about what happened into the wilds...You just signed a death wish!" She growled, attempting to tug free of the restraint. "If she comes back with so much as a scratch you'll be dead before you hit the ground!" 
Yongguk winced as the elf thrashed around trying to get at the other. Bad time to have taken off his armour, now he was getting kicked and elbowed. He was surprised at the strength of the girl, he knew Dalish were strong by nature but he hadn't expected this. The intensity of her anger was like watching a fire start, all the mage said just seemed to fuel her rage. "Alright.. Enough." He chimed in, his deep voice not even fazing the hothead. Sighing, Yongguk hoisted her up and carried her away from the insulted looking brunette. Kai still hadn't ceased her struggling even though by now he had carried her to the other side of the camp. Groaning, his patience soon caved in when she began throwing insults at him instead. "Y'know what..." Yongguk dropped her, letting her fall to the ground with a glare. "Get a grip, you're acting like a baby who got its rattle taken from it." He commented, arms extending to the side in challenge.
Kai stared up at him from the ground, her anger still boiling. She knew what he was doing but the comment still made her launch for him. At this point she didn't care who it was any more she just had to hit someone and so she did, she punched him in the gut with enough force to make him stumble back two steps. The unimpressed scoff made her strike again yet he never blocked or struck back. This irritated her, now instead of being angry at Lyonna she started getting angry at him for going easy on her. No matter how hard she hit the man he just took it, always coming back for another and making a dig to ensure she'd continue. This pattern went on for awhile before her anger started to fade, slowly diminishing with each punch. It was then she caught onto what he was doing fully. "Fight back." She demanded, fists raised.
The warrior shook his head and tensed up, patting at his stomach. "If I do that you'll wake up angrier than you already are." He was already pretty beat up so to say that was completely foolish to Kai.
The fact he implied that he could knock her out so easily insulted her so with a glare she punched him square on the jaw, this time knocking him onto his back. ", I'm Dalish."
Yongguk held a hand to his jaw as he stared up at her. For a moment he said nothing which visibly made the girl uncomfortable, she seemed to remember he was a tank, then a grin plastered his face as he broke down in a giggle fit.
"...What?..No.. Stop that." Kai backed up, a smile tugging at her lips. "Stop laughing." She demanded, a laugh bubbling up in her stomach. "Okay that's cheating!" Soon she started laughing with him. She didn't even know why she was laughing.
", I'm Dalish." Yongguk mimicked, this setting him off again. "That's the best thing I've ever heard!" By now he was rolling around and clutching at his sides.
Kai doubled over as she burst out laughing, now realizing her words and the way in which she said them. Although frankly it was funnier due to the voice he used to mimic her. His voice was rough sounding so trying to be feminine made it ridiculous. The two had attempted to calm but upon eye contact the giggles erupted once again which gained a lot of funny looks from the passing clan mates. Yongguk was the first to notice the stares they were receiving which made him instantly cover his face with his arms, the colour red slowly tainting his pale skin. Kai glanced over at him and covered her hands with , how the hell was that cute to her? "What are you doing?" She asked in-between laughs although by now it had calmed to just the occasional giggle. The man said nothing he simply gestured to look all around them then continued to bury his head. Looking around Kai caught eye contact with one of the elves who were staring and once again set off in a giggle fit. 
"It's not funny. They're all staring." Yongguk whined, unable to stop his gummy smile out of sheer embarrassment.
"Aww, is the big bad tank embarrassed?" She teased when she had settled again.
"Yes." He stated flatly, voice muffled by the fabric of his sleeves.
Kai sniggered and moved over to him. "Aww." Flashing a death glare the onlookers quickly went back to their business then she turned back to the human. "You can look up now, they've left."
Reluctantly Yongguk peered out at his surroundings but only once he believed she was telling the truth he fully straightened and coughed. "You saw nothing."
A smile once again tugged at her lips as Kai struggled to hold back another laugh, ", I'm Dalish. I see all."
Once again Yongguk was gone in a giggle fit which he made dramatic by suddenly throwing himself back against the ground to roll around. "All kill!" After awhile he sat back up and wiped at his eyes then pointed behind Kai. "Ah, you were also worried for nothing."
Kai tilted her head then looked over her shoulder, eyebrow instantly raising. "Since when were they close?"
Sure enough trudging through the entrance to the Wilds was Jongup with an animated Keo on his back. Jongup laughed and nodded, "Neh, it would be better."
"Finally!" Keo exclaimed before letting herself go limp on his back in an attempt to make it difficult for him, "No one else agrees dragons would make great allies. All they point out is the dangers." She huffed, hanging her arms.
Shaking his head Jongup adjusted her on his back and continued with ease. The fat jokes had continued the entire search for herbs and walk back, his sides were now hurting from the laughter. She had suggested they walk together instead of him carrying her around but for some reason he preferred giving her a piggy back. She felt like a feather but after awhile it took its toll, in a way he was achieving the work out he missed that morning with her there. "Pff, everything has its dangers. You can't gain anything without a risk to it." He muttered.
Keo rested her chin on his shoulder and tilted her head, arms now locking around his neck to feel more secure. "Mm, preach, gramps. Y'know all you're missing is a really long white beard." She grinned.
"I'm not that bad. I told you I just notice thi-" He quickly cut himself off and the sleepy smile returned, "Uh.. Neh~" His attention then shifted elsewhere as Yongguk and Kai approached. This made the elf on his back hum in suspicion.
Kai walked around the two as she inspected her sibling and the Warden carrying her. "You hurt? Why's he carrying you?" Yongguk stood silently, watching his friend's attention get caught by a passing bird.
"I'm fine, I was gathering ." Keo grinned, nodding her head in the direction of her satchel. "I bumped into Jongup out there and he helped me."
The rogue crossed her arms as her eyes narrowed suspiciously, "So why's he carrying you?"
"I didn't want her to get hurt." Jongup interrupted suddenly, "This way I knew where she was."
"I'm not that small!" Keo grumbled, flicking the back of his head which earned an airy laugh.
Yongguk smiled and nudged Kai, "Looks like Jongup was her guard. He does stuff like that, don't read too much into it."
Shrugging it off Kai nodded, keeping her gaze on the two. She was suddenly suspicious as to what was going on. Keo had stayed at a far distance from the humans after her outburst by the fire which made it difficult for her to believe she was suddenly buddy buddy with one. Kai knew her sibling, she was skittish and always needed Kai by her side. That's just how it always was. Something was strange. Yongguk had already started dragging her off so she had no time to voice her suspicion.
Keo watched the two leave with a smile, once they were at a far enough distance she was quick to shoot her attention toward the boy, "What was that?"
"Dunno what you're talking about~" Jongup sang, giving her an eye smile.
Now that he was back at camp she had locked onto his sudden shift in behaviour. "Mhm." This wasn't the same boy in the Wilds who told her about constellations, detailed descriptions of blade crafting and who saw the smallest details in things. By the river she saw him thinking, she saw the wheels in his head turn at the slightest provocation. Now it was difficult to know what was in his head when he smiled like that. She watched as the Dalish addressed him while he tried to take her back to Lyonna, the entire time he kept that smile. Nothing made it falter not even an insult from one of the hunters who'd made it clear he didn't like his kind being in the camp. Keo tilted her head and quirked a brow, it seemed this human had piqued her interest. An adventure was brewing. She would uncover the mystery that was Jongup.
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