Clans Of Thedas - Set Sail for Where!? (12)

Clans Of Thedas


The sun rose to greet a wrecked Ostagar. The festival had gone on late into the night until the Keeper had to shoo the drunkards to bed. The sober elves busied about to clean up the old ruin while others nursed hangovers or were still drunk and attempting to sober up. The Warden's were among the group nursing hangovers, minus the younger two who had offered to help the clean up crew.
“Never again..” Yongguk groaned, head in his hands.
“Clear your head, huh? You thinking straight yet, Guk? Cause I'm not.” Himchan spat though he ended up rolling in pain at his own anger. It hurt to talk.
“Shhh!” Daehyun whined, “Don't talk so damn loud..”
Youngjae smirked at the three, he'd drank, just not enough for a hangover to take effect. “You should see yourselves.”
“Shh!!” The three shushed in unison which was quickly followed by a series of groans.
Youngjae sniggered to himself and rose to leave when a panicked Lyonna ran into him, “Sor- Wait! You're friends with Kai and Keo right? Have you seen them? I was supposed to meet with Keo to go over some text one of the hunters found but I can't find her anywhere. I went to ask Kai if she saw her but she's missing too.”
“Missing?” Youngjae frowned, his head going into over drive. “Hang on are you sure they're missing and not just in the woods? Kai likes solitude remember.”
“I sent scouts in to look. They returned with no sign of them being in there.” Lyonna assured though she looked dismayed to do so.
The Orlesian would have informed the others but they were in no condition to search so he gave her a stern nod and went to question a few of the clan. After quite the search he finally found one of the sober elves who'd told him he saw them heading over the bridge. Worry was quick to plague him and he shot off in the direction of the bridge, grabbing his bow on the way by which alerted the hungover Warden's to follow him. 
Keo kicked furiously at the air, obviously unimpressed by the situation she was in. “Are you frikken' serious!? You've got to be kidding me!!”
The mages shouting made her sibling stir, Kai's eyes slowly opened to a familiar stinging sensation in her head and the overwhelming stench of beer and sea water.. “Alright... That bastard dies.” She groaned, head groggy from being struck. What was it with enemies and striking her head? Frankly it was getting irritating.
Keo turned her head in the direction of Kai's voice, unable to see her due to the ropes binding them to a mast. “We're on a ing boat.” Keo growled, shooting a glare up at the Captain at the helm.
“You're ting me.” Kai scoffed, head tipping back to rest against the mast. “A boat? Why the hell are we on a boat?”
Despite the restraints Keo began struggling again, thrashing around violently as she threw her anger fit. “Because these stinkin' pirates have no manners what so ever!! Seriously? Pirates!? Of all things why the bloody hell were pirates in the woods. You're pirates for sake! Stick to the ing sea!!!”
A slim man approached the elf, he was good looking for a pirate but his best feature was also the scariest asset. He had sharp brown eyes. The same sharp eyes which he was now using to glare at the female. If looks could kill this glare would have ripped her to shreds. “Shut up.” Was all he said but his tone was dripping with poison. He'd obviously had enough of her constant yelling which she had been doing since she caught sight of the ship. 
Keo stared up at him, physically unable to look away. One thing was certain, this man would not hesitate to kill her if he was given the chance. She bit her lower lip as a sign she'd be quiet and thankfully he believed her because he ran a hand through his short black hair in annoyance and moved on to see to something else that was bugging him. Once gone she released the breath she'd been holding and scowled at the wooden floor of the ship. “I hope the Dread Wolf catches your scent and pisses on you.” She muttered bitterly.
Kai raised an eyebrow, able to hear everything Keo was muttering. “ing..” She laughed. Although it was hardly the time for laughter, Keo didn't realize the situation apparently. “Where are we?”
“At sea.” Keo grumbled. “They knocked you out and left me awake because... Well.. I came willingly when they started dragging you.”
“You came willingly!? You dumb you could have ran to the others and got help!” Kai scolded, kicking the mast with her heel in agitation. 
Rolling her eyes Keo let out a sigh, “Little good it'd do. Seven of them had us surrounded. Besides if they managed to sneak up on you I doubt I'd have any chance of out running them. Sorry, bro, but I meant it when I said you were stuck with me for life. Where you go.. I go.” She gave the ship a once over, scanning the crew. “Literally.”
The rogue pursed her lips and attempted to move in her bindings but it was no use, they were tied too tight. “We don't have to do everything together.” Kai joked, attempting to lighten the situation. She knew Keo better than anyone. She may have been acting tough but she knew the mage was panicking. She wasn't good with crowds, men, water or hostile people so mixing all four together would be something terrible. “How you holding up?”
“Oh peachy. Aside from the drunkards, the men, the deep ocean below us, the sheer amount of people on this ship, the fact none of them have probably had a bath in weeks or seen a girl, did I mention the men? Oh yeah, they're pirates. Awesome, right? Whoop-de-ing-do!” She spat, her fear making her babble like an idiot. “Oh did I mention we're in dresses? Yeah that's a highlight. The time we get captured by pirates is the only time we ever look like girls. you, Fen'Harel. Just you.” Another pirate approached the girl but this time she was in no mood to be glared at so before the red head could comment she shot a glare at him. “Don't even ing bother, -.” This seemed to work as he recoiled and stumbled back the way he came.
Kai held back her laughter this time. “You shouldn't talk to them like that y'know.”
“Surprised you aren't.” Keo commented.
“Huh... Good point... Hey!! Jackass with the stupid hair! Yeah, you! What the actual !?” Kai started yelling at the man who appeared to be Captain. He had short blonde hair though the back had dreadlocks, oddly stylish for a pirate. He had one blue eye which frankly creeped the two Dalish out. Probably why Keo hadn't directed her abuse at him. 
The captain glanced in the elves direction then tugged a taller man over to take the helm, if it wasn't for the fact his shirt was wide open they would have thought him a girl by his looks and hair. The blonde however slid down the banister and made his way to the pissed off Kai who was now death glaring him. He smiled and patted at her head, looking a little drunk by the overly dramatic way he carried himself. “Calm calm, little elf girl. We're pirates, taking hostages is what we do.”
“What the .” Kai scowled. “So there is no reason behind it? We're just hostages.. Just because?..”
“No, no. You allowed us safe passage to leave Ferelden. Strange, really.. Why the King would let us leave when we threaten two Dalish. Any other King would have let you two be killed.” He explained with a shrug. “Either you are very important Dalish or.. I'm missing something.”
Keo listened to the Captain converse with Kai and scoffed which earned her five sets of glares from the crewmen she guessed to be closest to him. 
Kai rolled her eyes, “You're clearly an idiot. Haven't you done your homework, pirate?”
“Please. Call me Zico.” He grinned as he made a fuss out of the bow he then executed. “As for doing my homework.. Why should I bother? Ferelden affairs are of no interest to me.”
“And what is?” Keo piped up, bemused.
The man known as Zico placed his hands on Kai's shoulders to steady himself as he poked his head around the mast to look at the mage. “Profit, women, adventure, booze. Take your pick. Just not politics.” With a wink he straightened back  so he was facing Kai again who was now recoiling from the stench of the human.
“You reek.. “ Kai gagged, scrunching her nose up in some attempt at blocking out the alcoholic scent which drenched him.
For a brief moment the captain looked offended, thus looking sober but it was quick to be replaced by a smug grin. “I was going to let you off at the next port but... I think I'll keep you.”
“What!?” By instinct alone Kai extended her foot and kicked the man in the crotch, her death glare back. “I don't ing think so blondie.”
The red head from before was quick to jump to his captain's aid though he was giggling away to himself at his fellow raiders pain. “She got you good, mate. Spirited, eh?”
“Well they are Dalish.”  A boy chimed in. He had black hair and couldn't be more than fifteen by looks alone yet he gave off a well respected vibe as the other crewmen parted to let him through while he approached. “Zico.. Just tell them who we are.” This boy could have been mistaken for captain, everyone listened to him at least. He was soon joined by one of the tallest amongst the crew which only added to the baby look. He was only a few inches taller than Kai after all.
Zico composed himself though he used his first mate as a leaning post. “Quit giggling, Kyung.” He glared and Kyung was quick to follow the order. “Alright..Ugh..” He went to introduce himself fully but he was once again doubled over so instead made a hand motion for the baby faced boy to continue. “Taeil.. Please..”
Taeil sighed and crossed his arms, nodding for his taller companion to untie the two. “We are the Raiders of the Waking Sea. We work for the Felicisima Armada. Although we don't expect you to know what that means just know it's a powerful organisation. Once helped in a war with the Qunari in fact. Now you're free to run if you desire but you'll need to be strong swimmers.”
“Hydrophobic.” Keo interrupted with a raise of her hand.
Kai grumbled as she joined Keo's side and glared at the floor. “We can't swim either.”
Taeil smiled, all intimidation he had over the elves vanishing in an instant. “Then I wouldn't advise jumping over board.”
“Noted. Is he okay?” Kai raised a brow pointing at the taller one beside him as he seemed to be restraining himself.
Taeil glanced to the blonde and laughed a bit, “Don't mind Pyo. He just... He likes small people. Gives me a break though so.. On you go, mate.”
The one known as Pyo grinned and stepped forwards to simply pick the smallest of the elves up and spin her around before setting her down and moving back in line like nothing happened.
Keo had squealed then clung onto Kai once she had been put down, struggling to keep her balance. “What the hell was that?” She frowned, glaring up at the assaulter. 
“You're tiny.” Pyo grinned, his voice clearly shocking the Dalish. They thought Yongguk's voice was deep, this boy put him to shame. “You both are but.. I'd rather not be booted like Zico.”
Kai smirked, “Wise boy.”
“Anyway.” Taeil stepped in gesturing to the ship. “Get use to being here. You're along for the ride whether you want to or not.” With that he sauntered away to attend to his duties, Pyo soon following suit after offering the two a friendly smile and wave.
The two looked at each other nervously and by Keo's constant fidgeting being surrounded by human males was obviously making her anxious. Kai took Keo's hand as a sign of reassurance and gazed over the ships crew. Most were burly or rough looking men, each shaped by the harsh weather and hard labour of the sea. Then there was the group that captured them, they had clearly been at this all their lives yet they looked untouched by the life on the ocean. Sure they had tattoo's and scars but unlike the rest of the crew, they lacked that gritty appearance. 
The raiders left the elves be as ordered and got on with their work though the occasional fight broke out amongst them. They were always sorted quickly but guaranteed not long after another would spark up. Kai stared out at the horizon, looking for some sign of land but for miles there was nothing. Keo sat hugging her knee's away from the edge and simply watched the crew carry on. She had locked eyes with the strongest looking pirate who'd been called Yukwon on many occasions. He must have noticed how skittish she was as he had flashed her a cat-like grin and started the crew off on a sea shanty. The mage tilted her head at the accents of the crew, it was quite varied but the one that stood out was Antivan. She had read a book once on the Raiders, it didn't say much other than how life aboard the ship was supposed to be romantic. So far...It was all lies. Drunken brawls were a constant here.
“For drunks they aren't that bad at singing.” A familiar deep voice came from beside the elf which caused her to jump. Pyo lowered himself to sit cross-legged beside Keo and held out his hand to her. “I'm Pyo.”
Keo stared at him cautiously. Slowly she took his hand and nodded her head lightly. Even if she was terrified of everything he was still being polite so she'd return his manners. “Keo.”
Pyo smiled and shook her hand then turned his gaze to the chorus line which had formed. “Never met a Dalish before.” He glanced back at her, noticing how she'd flinch at the slightest noise around her. “Sorry. For all of this, I mean. This whole thing must be pretty terrifying.”
She didn't trust the pirate, in fact right now it was a surprise she wasn't trembling at the sight of him but his smile helped settle some of her unease. She edged herself away a little so she would be hidden from the crew by the mast but could still talk to Pyo. “Why are we even here?”
He watched her move and nodded his head able to respect her fear. Why wouldn't she have distrust? They kidnapped them. “I.. We.. Listen, it isn't as bad as it looks. We don't just go around kidnapping random girls. This was out of desperation. We were being chased, if we'd been caught we would have been hung so... Opportunity came when we stumbled across you two. I am sorry though. This wasn't meant to happen.” 
Kai had seated herself beside Keo when the boy was fumbling around with his words. She wrapped her arms around Keo in both comfort for her and the mage. At Pyo's explanation she couldn't help but frown. It made sense and all but it didn't mean she liked being kidnapped. “So our loss your gain then? That makes everything okay.”
This made Pyo fall silent guilt clear on his face. He couldn't apologize any more it would have been redundant otherwise. He could sense the hostility from the feathered one.
“I advise you leave shem before I skin you like a deer.” Kai glowered. The look she was giving him was the same one she had while hunting. Even without a weapon she could kill this human. They weren't defenceless little girls. If she had anything to do with it the entire crew would know this.
Pyo raised his hands in defence and got up, leaving as asked.
Once the boy left Keo was quick to turn and hug onto Kai tightly. She probably could cause some major damage with her magic if they were to ever fight their way out and she knew Kai would be able to fend off quite a few but her fear paralysed her. This was the thing she hated about herself. She was always scared. She'd faced darkspawn so why were humans making her act so pathetic? Darkspawn were monsters, by sight alone she knew to run but with humans... The monsters could hide.
Kai was known as the braver of the two. She was hot headed, protective and fiercely loyal. If she had a problem with someone she'd tell them and always spoke her mind for better or worse but she wasn't without fault. She refused to act it but her fear matched Keo's. She hated it but the fear remained regardless of how much she tried to reason it away. All her hunting training. All her combat talent. None of it mattered. She was still scared. “We'll get out of this.” She muttered, though it sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than Keo.
Pyo had went back to Taeil to relay what he'd gathered. It wasn't much but Taeil seemed satisfied knowing the elves still didn't trust them. Taeil went to the upper deck to inform Zico who just started giggling to himself. He had originally planned to drop them off at the next port in Amaranthine but it seemed the captain had a change of heart. It might be useful to have them along. The destination was set. With one turn of the wheel they were on route to the dreaded High Dragon's lair to the east. Word had gotten out that it had nested there with treasure to fulfil even the most stingiest of men's desires and it would have been out of character for Zico to ignore this.
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