Clans Of Thedas - Tigers and Wolves (18)

Clans Of Thedas



While her sibling was being taken care of Kai had beaten up a tree, carved three rocks with her daggers and caught a deer. She still had some pent up anger from the argument earlier but she figured she'd been gone long enough so tied the hind legs of the deer together with some rope and dragged it back to camp. Upon arrival she was met with the pleasant scent of stew and potatoes which made her eyebrow raise. “What the...Hell.” The sight of Youngjae welcoming her in his noble gear made her drop the deer. She was use to seeing the rogue in his Warden armor not standing there all prim and proper. He looked almost like royalty.


Youngjae smiled charmingly towards the elf and executed a small bow, arm extending for her to lead her over to the dining area. “Milady.”


Kai cautiously took his arm, suspicion written all over her face as she was led to an oak tree trunk which had a blanket across it for a cover. Yongguk bowed his head as he placed down the bowl of stew for the young Dalish, gesturing for her to take a seat in front of a confused Keo who sat across from her. Kai took the seat and looked over at Keo, “What's going on?”


“I just... I was over there a second ago... Antivan..What?” Keo blinked, pointing to the woods. “I don't even.. Is that meat?” Her gaze snapped down to the stew and without questioning she gladly began eating.


Kai face palmed at her sibling. “Fatass.. They could have poisoned that!”


Keo peered up at the rogue, the gravy of the stew all over . “Then it's amazing poison!” She grinned, mouth full of the mystery meat. It tasted like a mixture of rabbit and deer but she couldn't quite place what it actually was.


“Attractive.” Kai laughed and took the spoon that had been set out for her. She glanced over to see the Warden's standing in a row waiting eagerly for her response. “...We're still mad at you.” She frowned as she dipped the spoon into the bowl and brought the stew to her lips. At the taste her eyes widened a little. This was the best tasting stew she'd ever had. “..Still mad.. But this is godly!”


Keo beamed at Kai and nodded excitedly in agreement. “I know, right?” She couldn't help bounce a little on her seat as she ate away happily.


Himchan stepped forward so he was standing at the warden's attempt of a table. “We humbly apologise for our rude behaviour before, my ladies. As it was Guk and I who caused the offence..” He glanced over his shoulder and flashed Yongguk a look which made him quickly step to his side and bow low. “We hope this meal, as shoddy of an attempt as it is, can rectify our mistake.”


Yongguk straightened as Himchan bowed and took over. “We were wrong. We really are sorry, we've been at this Wardening thing too long.. We sometimes forget there's more to life than hunting them.” He would have continued if it wasn't for the gravy face that was staring up at him. With a chuckle he snatched a handkerchief from Himchan's pocket and wiped the mages face, his fatherly nature returning once again. “Seriously you're really messy.”


Himchan smiled and looked to Kai who was holding in a laugh and suddenly knelt before her in a flamboyant manner, hand extended. “Will you ever forgive us, dearest?”


“You're such a weirdo.” Kai laughed, hand covering at the warriors antics. “Since the stews so good you're off the hook. For now. But as boyish as we are we're still girls so expect this to be brought up if we ever get into an argument.” She smirked as Himchan's face contorted into the most ugliest expression she'd ever seen him pull. “By the creator's you're worse than Keo!” She giggled, almost throwing herself off her chair.


Keo scrunched up her nose once the fabric left her face, looking like an infant who just got her nose wiped. “Thanks, dad.” She teased before standing, finger pointing at the bowl. “Who made this?” By her expression she looked so deadly serious which caused Yongguk to stiffen a little and point to Himchan. Mages were terrifying to him when angered. Keo nodded and slowly set her spoon down. With a pat to Yongguk's arm she launched herself towards Himchan in a tackle hug, a screeching battle cry emitting from her.


Kai finally crumpled off the rock in laughter as a girly scream came from the Reaver and the noise that came from Keo was just too much for her. In a blur Himchan was laying with Keo leached onto him which didn't help Kai when she decided to look up. Her sibling wasn't even doing anything but the thing that got her was the face she was pulling and Himchan's attempts to get her off in between laughs. What was it with Keo and the weird faces? She couldn't even explain them but she clearly had no shame when she pulled them.


Himchan finally just stood in hopes she'd fall off. His hopes were dashed as she remained firm however due to her lack of upper body strength she just slid down a little yet remained strong in her clamp thanks to her legs which were hooked around his legs, frankly the only thing keeping her up. The odd way she was attached was probably why she had slid, she hadn't hooked right so now just hung from him. This is what set off the camp into a fit of laughter, the little slide followed by Himchan puffing out his chest and putting his hands on his hips like wearing the mage as a satchel was some new fashion statement. “Hey Jae, think this'll catch on in Orlais?” Himchan flipped his hair dramatically and pushed out his lips making him look like a duck.


Youngjae was instantly down on his hands and knees wheezing for air. Daehyun who'd been trying to keep a straight face and had managed pretty well so far soon crumpled to the ground in a heap of laughter at his brothers wheezing.


Keo unhooked from the male and just stood beside Himchan who grinned and turned to her, hands lifting for a high ten. Keo beamed happily and hit her hands against his, jumping a little to reach. With that Himchan wrapped an arm around her shoulders the two made their dramatic exit by strutting.


Yongguk giggled into his arm and whined, “Maker help us there's two of them.”


Kai crawled over to Yongguk's feet and tugged on his trouser leg, embarrassment disabling her. “I can't..”


Yongguk lowered to her level, his own face a bright red. “I know that. I'm so sorry, he's weird as hell.”


Kai just patted her chest in a sign she felt his pain before covering her face.


When Lyonna emerged to see what the commotion was about she was met with the oddest sight. Yongguk and Kai were by the oak tree in their own cloud of embarrassment, Youngjae and Daehyun were wheezing on the ground and rolling in pain, Jongup and Zelo were gripping onto each other to keep each other standing while silent laughing and Keo and Himchan were talking calmly by the river. She raised her eyebrow, completely perplexed. Shaking her head she went to the only two calm ones amongst the camp. “Lethallan.. What in the name of Dirthamen is going on with everyone? They look like they're losing their minds.”


Keo grinned up at the brunette, giving her a devilish look. “Oh I dunno.. Do you know what's gotten into them, Himchan?”


Himchan shrugged casually hand resting on his chin as he gazed over to the young mage. “I haven't the faintest clue, my dear. Perhaps it's something they ate?”


“That could indeed be it, sir.” Keo nodded sagely to him then glanced back up to the woman. “Must be something in the stew.”


Lyonna frowned and tapped her foot. They were clearly the causes for this. By the smug expression Keo had and the fact the corners of Himchan's lips kept trying to tug up into a smile confirmed her suspicions. “Stew. Hm? Right.” She pinched Keo's ear in between her index and thumb and pulled her to her feet. “Lethallan, I swear you're the Dread Wolf incarnate! Enough of your trickery! What happened?”


“Ow, ow, ow.. Ear.. Sensitive!” Keo squeaked, having no choice but to stand. She smirked up at the mother like woman, “You really hate being out of the loop, huh? Nothing bad! I swear it wasn't like what happened last year.”


Lyonna huffed and released the smaller elf, arms crossing over her chest. “You know I hate being out of the loop. What did you do this time? Was anyone hurt?”


Himchan slid in between the two with a curious look, “Woah, wait, what happened last year?”


Lyonna shot a glare to Keo who started snickering away to herself at the memory, “Miss Fen' Harel here thought it'd be funny to trick the hunters into thinking a bear was loose in the camp. Her and that sibling of hers even got a bear belt and attached it to one of the Halla then they released it into the main encampment. They were lucky the poor creature never got shot!”


Himchan crossed his arms to match Lyonna's disapproving posture, his motherly side taking over. “Keo that was dangerous. And your Halla are sacred aren't they?”


“It's not like she died! What idiot can't tell a bear from a halla? It has huge horns!” She protested, hands going to her head to mimic the horns. “Besides, they figured it out eventually.”


“Yes. After the huge uproar. Then we had to try to get the poor thing back into her pen when we managed to get the pelt off her. She was so frightened that took us an entire day to coral her, even with all the clan trying to help.” She sighed out in frustration. “Then there was the week after! Remember that, Keo?”


“Kay.. That I regret whole-heartedly. Honest.” Keo grinned innocently, hands clasping behind her back while Lyonna shook her head in disbelief.


Himchan looked between the two and smiled lightly. “You're like her mother.”


Lyonna shot Himchan a look of exhaustion. “I practically am. She's such a handful though! You look at her and think “Aww, precious baby!” but no.. You'll be gravely mistaken. Don't be deceived!You'll be surprised how much trouble she causes and gets away with.” She gave Keo a stern look, “Everywhere she goes mischief follows. She's gifted in manipulation and I have no idea when she's lying or being truthful!”


Keo shifted her gaze to one side, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. “Yeah but you love me for it!” She smirked and went up onto her tip-toes, pressing a kiss to her friends cheek before skipping off to annoy Kai.


Lyonna smiled instantly and looked to Himchan, “Sadly, as much work as it is... She's right. However watch out for Kai.”


The man tilted his head curiously, “What? Why? She's a nice a girl.”


Lyonna scoffed and ran a hand through her hair. “She's acting! Kai seems nice enough sure but she's reckless and hot headed, in reality she's just hiding her true nature. She doesn't actually care about anyone here. I doubt she even cares for Keo. She just likes killing, why do you think she's so good at hunting? I'm pretty sure she gets off on it. I don't like to speak badly about my clan and it pains me to do so but she only does nice things or becomes friends with people if it'll give her the advantage. She's psychotic. Our whole clan was slaughtered and she hasn't even shed a tear.. Ever since she was young she wanted to go her own way and abandon the clan. Only recently she included Keo in that scheme.”


Himchan frowned as he listened, “Then why is she friends with us and Keo?” He couldn't quite wrap his head around it. To him Kai was rough around the edges but he'd seen her softer sides. She was just guarded.


“Keo's a mage. A creative one at that. Mischief is just a game to Keo but when it includes Kai and they work together it becomes dangerous. Malicious. As for why she'd be friends with Warden's..” The brunette tapped at her chin, silver eyes narrowing in suspicion as she cast her gaze over to Kai who had Keo in a headlock. “You're a powerful order. Plus you deal with death and twisted creatures on a daily basis.. She needs that thrill. She lusts for the hunt and it terrifies me. If she didn't have it.. What could she become? What would she do? Eventually she'll get bored of chasing darkspawn. I fear that day more than I do those brutes.”


The Free Marcher didn't want to believe Kai was as she was saying but who was he to know her. He'd only just met the elf while this elf had spent her whole life with her. True they didn't seem to get along at all but he doubted Lyonna would just bad mouth her for no reason. But then he'd seen Kai so torn up over arguing with Youngjae. He wasn't sure what to believe. “Why are you telling me this?” He finally asked.


“I'm warning you.” She stated simply. “She's content now but.. Just keep an eye on her. I don't want you to be deceived. I wanted you to know everything about who you were accepting into your group. Just be careful.” Lyonna bowed to the Warden, leaving him to stare in the rogues direction with concern. She clasped her hands together and slowly made her way back to her tent, sharing glances with Kai on the way past. Lyonna would have been content to play nice with the rogue but she always rudely rejected her attempts. She didn't take kindly to that nor did she take kindly to the glares and dirty looks she'd always receive from Kai. The game had begun, she would be the villain and she would win. Of one thing was certain, she was going to get rid of Kai.


Kai released Keo, brows furrowing. The look Lyonna had in the brief glance was unsettling. She flashed Keo a smile and followed after the girl. She was up to something. When she approached the tent she was met with Lyonna brushing her hair, nothing unusual about that. Unlike Kai and Keo, Lyonna cared for her appearance, she'd take time out of her day to assure she looked presentable at all times.


Lyonna didn't even look up from the mirror, she didn't even acknowledge the elves presence which visibly irritated Kai. “Aneth ara.” She muttered reluctantly. “How're you holding up?”


The brunette paused in her grooming to raise both brows at the rogue. “You aren't actually interested in my well being, Kai. Don't force it. It's unbecoming of you.”


Kai gritted her teeth and clenched her hands into fists. “Listen you little..” She almost snapped but bit back her comment. Already she had pissed her off. “What are you up to? I was going to see how you were but seen as you think I'm incapable of being nice.. Fine. What are you scheming?”


Lyonna pressed her hand to her chest, mouth dropping in mock shock. “Scheming? Up to something? Why.. Kai I'm appalled. I would never!” The innocence in her eyes was quick to shift to accusation in that moment. “That's what you do. And you are incapable of being civil. You're like a wild animal most of the time, unruly and barbaric. It's disgusting. At least act like you don't need to drag your knuckles when you walk.”


An eyebrow quirked in irritation, “You.. “ She scoffed and knelt down to Lyonna's level, eyes narrowing in challenge. “You really want to start this, mage? I put up with you for Keo's sake but I will not hesitate to give you what you deserve if this continues. I suggest you don't piss me off any more than you already have.. It won't end well.”


With an eye roll Lyonna went back to fixing her hair, “A side pony tail today I think.” She waited until Kai had her back to her to shoot her a venomous glare. “I'd watch your back, Kai. I'm done putting up with you. I'll show you how cruel I can be.”


Kai paused in her step long enough to catch the females words. She knew it. She knew Lyonna was fake. Now she was seeing the real side to the female and she didn't like it one bit. It appeared an internal war had begun. As well as the war on the darkspawn. However the war between the two female elves would be more frightening for the unprepared Warden's.


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