Clans Of Thedas - Dalish Shinnanigans

Clans Of Thedas

Denerim Visit: Day 1 of 3


When Keo awoke, sun was shining through the window. It must have been around mid day by the way the sun was positioned. How long she'd slept was unknown but the assassin was nowhere to be found. Groggily she climbed out of bed and shuffled out into the hallway, being met by the occasional waitress complaining of how busy it was. She stopped a red head and asked if any of her companions were around. She was pointed to the table Kai sat at. When the mage got closer she could see her sibling carving things onto the wood with her dagger.


“About time you woke up.” Kai muttered, not even bothering to look up. “Guessing it was a good sleep.”


“A needed sleep.” Keo responded, taking a seat in front of her in the booth. “Doesn't mean a good one. How was yours?”


Kai finished up her message and finally met her siblings gaze. “Y'know, the usual..Darkspawn and dead clan mates. It wasn't all that bad though.”


“Where is everyone?” She frowned, casting a glance around the tavern. The waitress's complaints were correct, it was busy. They were also receiving uncomfortable stares from a few shady looking men in a corner. They probably weren't use to seeing Dalish elves in a city but still.


“Yongguk and Himchan are looking for information. They didn't want to wake us. Before Zelo ran off with Youngjae and Jongup he told me to just enjoy the city.” Kai shrugged. “If I wander outside though I'll probably run into trouble.”


Keo lept to her feet and grinned, hands on her hips. “Kai we're in a city! Lets at least look around.”


Kai pulled a face at the idea, it was bad enough they had to be confined by walls. Curiosity did nip at her though. Standing Kai nodded and twirled her dagger before sheathing it. “Y'know what? it. Lets see what trouble we can stir up.”


“That sounds more like you!” Keo laughed and pulled Kai out the booth, escaping the stares as they exited the tavern.


Denerim was huge and wondrous to two elves who'd only really seen forests their whole lives. The buildings looked to stretch upwards forever, they soon found this to be untrue as the two had climbed up the side of a building to stand on the roof.


“Well... It's hardly a tree.” Kai commented, arms crossing over her chest in disappointment. She had been hoping for a mountain. She'd climbed tree's taller than this though it was certainly wider.


Keo peered down at a noble woman who almost dropped half her shopping at the sight of the elf on the roof. “True.. Oh! What about that one there!” She grinned, pointing excitedly at one of the larger buildings. It was protected by a wall that encircled the structure, they had thought it to be for protection but they missed a bit at the opening. There wasn't even a gate.


Kai narrowed her eyes and she stepped up beside Keo. “Hm.. I believe that's the Chantry. See, look, Templars. It might be unwise for you to venture there, dear brother.”


The two tomboys shared a look and shrugged, hopping from roof to roof to get to the Chantry. It felt good to unwind like this especially when it alarmed the humans below. They made a risky leap from the roof down to the wall at the side, only just managing to grab onto the stone. It left them winded however as they had both landed on their stomachs but they were quick to clamber up. They had successfully made it to the Chantry wall without the guards being alerted of their presence. Keo gave Kai a look and smirked, “Alright, Black Tiger. We've made it.. The stash is inside.. We must penetrate the building from the top. Down the chimney we go!” She whispered out like a master thief.


Kai caught onto her siblings game and laughed a little, though mainly due to the penetration comment. “Aye, aye, Dark Dragon! I heard this isn't even a Chantry so be ready for heavy resistance, Commander.”


Keo stood up shakily before managing to find her balance, followed by Kai. The elves side stepped around to the narrowest gap between the Chantry and wall before carrying on their banter.


“Commander, we've reached the meeting point.” Kai grinned, gesturing for Keo to climb up first.


Keo nodded sagely then grabbed onto Kai who launched her sibling upwards. The mage grappled onto the side of the wall, clinging to it for dear life. For a mage she was quite a climber but that was only due to her Dalish nature. Every Dalish could climb. Except Kai.. Well she was alright to a point. Keo looked down at Kai and smiled cheekily, “On route.”


Kai crossed her arms again and nodded upwards as a sign to continue. “Stop showing off Double D. You look weird by the way.”


Keo rolled her eyes and dug her feet into the occasional footholds time had worn away. She then began climbing, though she almost fell twice. Pulling herself up an unattractive grunt came from the elf as she rolled onto her back at the roofs edge, tired out from the effort. “BT.. I made it.. Phew!” Once her breath was caught she poked her head over the edge, “Uh.. Problem.. How will you get up? Oh! I know, use some rope.”


“Yes, because I just happen to have foreseen today’s events and packed some rope into my pack!” Kai called up in a hushed tone. The last thing they needed was for Templar's to look around the corner.


Keo narrowed her eyes at Kai, “I know you have weird in your pack so shut up and look!”


The rogue glared but did as she was told and raked through her pack, to her embarrassment she did in fact carry rope. “Right... It's practical for a hunter so you shut up!” She pulled out the rope and tossed it up to the mage.


Keo caught it and shot a look down at her sibling, “You totally forgot you had this, didn't you?” She laughed and tied the end around the roof sturdily before tossing the other end down for her to climb up.


Kai wrinkled her nose up and leapt high into the air, managing to grab onto the end. She caught her feet on the side of the wall and wrapped the rope around her arm, practically walking up the side of the Chantry. “No.. Maybe.. Shut up.”


Once Kai was completely up the two untied the rope and shared an accomplished grin as Kai rolled the rope back into her pack.


Their antics hadn't gone unnoticed. In the markets stood an amused Daehyun and Youngjae. Youngjae had gotten tired of visiting Wade's smithy and that magic shop he always forgot the name of. When exiting he'd bumped into Daehyun who seemed focused on something in the distance. Once he followed his gaze it became impossible to look away from the two elves.


Daehyun smirked and nudged Youngjae. “They've been playing thieves.”


Youngjae raised an eyebrow but smiled none the less. “How old are they again?”


“Oh quit acting like an adult.” Daehyun scolded, passing him a small glare. “Who's the one who's still a teenager?”


“I'm not sticking my nose up at it.. If anything it's pretty damn cute.” Youngjae retorted.


When the two looked back the elves had vanished from sight, onto the next city adventure. Kai and Keo had cleared quite the distance from the two Warden's during their bicker. By now they were on route to The Pearl. The rooftops were much faster than the alleys and pathways. Plus they ran into less thugs.


The two hopped and leapt idly, proud of their little prank on the Chantry. They'd left a little gift by hanging some undergarments over the edge. What they hadn't seen was the wind nudging them off only to land on a guarded Templar below who started going ballistic. How they acquired such items was another story. Daehyun, however, had noticed them and fell to the ground in laughter, knowing them to belong to a certain Dalish mage he'd recently had with. Which gives some inkling as to where they came from.


The familiar scent of salt and brandy began to fill the air as they neared the Pearl. It was by the docks so when the elves discovered the sea from the rooftops they had to stop and stare a moment. They felt like children discovering the world for the first time in this city.


“Is that another tavern?” Kai asked as her attention was brought to a happy man exiting the building.


Keo followed Kai's gaze and quickly started descending the rooftop. “Lets check it out.”


Unbeknownst to the Dalish they had wandered smack dab in the centre of a brothel. Much to their shock and horror when a rather under dressed woman tried to sell herself to them. By the time this had happened they had ventured too far into the building to be able to escape, now it became evident they were in a brothel. Two girls posed by a table, chatting idly over what they had to do to get the jewellery they were wearing. While over in the corner a bunch of sailors gaped and gawked over their assets.


“I believe we came to the wrong neighbourhood..” Keo mumbled, grasping onto Kai's sleeve timidly.


“That's an understatement.” Kai muttered. The two started to back up to the door when a woman stopped them.


“Hello my dears! Welcome to the Pearl! Sit, sit, boys! Buy a drink, buy a girl! Or whatever takes your fancy!” Her chipper voice grated on them as she guided them to a table. “Now what can I get you fine young men?”


Once again the two elves shared a look, more mischief could be had here. They shared a look of two demons being allowed to run free in Thedas. Keo spun in her chair to face the woman and rested her ankle on her knee, having the complete posture of a boy. “Well, my beautiful young lady, that depends.. What's on offer?”


Kai smirked and slumped a bit, the two giving off a boyish air that would convince even a Qunari. True they looked feminine in the face but they were elves. No one questioned this. “My brother means to say.. Who is on offer?”


The woman faked a giggle and put her hands on her hips, granted she was pretty but her make up was too heavy for their liking. Yet the compliments for her kept coming. “Well you'll have to pay upfront. Ten silver for a standard, fifty for premium and one sovereign for special treatment. Or if you're feeling really adventurous, take the surprise option which comes to the same total as the premium.”


Kai slid out her seat and took the woman's hand gently, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “Alas, all this talk of business. How can one concentrate with such a divine creature standing before us. Keo! I'm too distracted to make a decision.”


Keo shot Kai another look, this one being of slight disgust for her sibling but in that second she'd saw the manager of the Pearl swoon. With a smirk to match Kai's, the mage stood to join her. “I'm afraid I cannot do such a thing, brother. You aren't the only one bewitched by her beauty. Tell me, milady, how can we decide what to do when such a vision of loveliness stands before us? Why, you almost make me want to repent for my sins.”


“Almost.” Kai added but grinned cheekily to play off the comment. “Such a gorgeous woman working here.. Tsk, tsk. Tis a crime!”


Blushing a deep scarlet, the sandy haired woman fanned herself a bit in an attempt to cool herself down. Being complimented to that extend by such handsome elven boys had her all flustered. “In that case.. I.. Hm. I'll see what I can do.” She shuffled off for a good fifteen minutes before ushering the two into the room guarded by two bodyguards. There awaited a selection of , posing to impress the elves. “Well here they are. A free tumble just the once.. However I have a business to run so you'll be paying if you want another.” The woman smacked the two on the before shuffling off to let them decide.


“We're in it now..” Kai whispered but kept a pleasant smile towards the .


Keo glanced to her sibling and flashed a cocky smile. “I got this.” She turned her attention to the and grinned, “It's two for one I'm afraid. Who ever we choose has to be willing to take us both at the same time.”


She'd expected them to back down or politely tell them how they were forced into this life but half of them gave the two the once over and stepped forwards. One black haired woman swayed her hips in a seductive manner while beckoning Kai who simply stood behind the older elf.


Keo glanced back at Kai who looked somewhat horrified and winced when she felt a sharp punch to her lower back. “You call that having it?” The rogue scowled. “I'm not having a because of a troll gone bad!” She whispered angrily.


With a shake of her head Keo went to argue back when a girl ran out one of the rooms crying, followed by a drunken noble yelling that she was a skittish . This angered the mage and by the look on Kai's face, her too. One more look was shared that day and by the time they'd finished conversing with the they were being led into a room proudly.


The blonde busty named Crystal searched through a wardrobe while the two sat and listened to a red headed elven man with a lisp. “He's a regular, though he always plays rough. Don't get us wrong some of us love to go hard style, am I right, Crystal?” He chuckled to the woman who just shot him a y look then he turned serious. “But he's a nasty piece of work. His names Gareth and he always goes for that poor little flower. She only works here to feed her kid. He's a sadist though so doesn't give two s if he hurts her. The brute!”


Kai frowned, her anger ever rising. “Crystal.. Make it as ty as you can.” That surprised Keo. Normally they were all bundled up and the last thing they'd do is reveal skin or act promiscuous. But just this once Kai felt the need. If it meant giving that pig what was coming to him, she'd tolerate it.


“Why hasn't he been barred? If he's truly so nasty you'd think he'd have a sword up his by now.” Keo questioned, her hatred for this Gareth growing the more she heard about him. Even his name was stupid. Gareth. Oh he'd burn.


The man crossed his legs and sighed heavily, leaning into the bed post he was hugging onto. “He pays too much, little doll. Trust me Lilley would have him out on his arse in a click if it wasn't for how much gold he invested in this place.”


Crystal cut in as she revealed two outfits which made the two shudder at the sight of. “But if it means helping Sara, I'm willing to let you two castrate the bastard. He likes petite girls who can't fight back but if you two say you're a special package deal... He won't resist it. In fact the lousy pig will eat it up.” She assured, handing Kai and Keo the lingerie.


It took awhile but Crystal and Stefan, the elf, managed to get the two into the garments. Stefan wolf whistled and cupped Kai's s, grinning. “Look-it what you've been hiding! Why in Andrastate's would you hide such a rack?”


Kai batted his hands off her and covered herself the best she could. “Because I don't like them.” It was breezy and uncomfortable and she had no where to put her daggers in this ridiculous get up. The only reason she hadn't punched Stefan was because he was gay, so obviously it wasn't out of ersion. If it had been anyone else though.. They'd probably be dead for touching her like that.


Keo practically pouted as Crystal circled her, this outfit was disturbing. The corset pushed her s up but barely covered them which confused her, what was the point on having the support but no coverage, that just made them an open target. She jumped when she felt the woman down her sides.


“My word, you have such a tiny waist. I'm positively jealous! Then again if my waist was your size by back would break. s would weigh me down!” Crystal smiled. “Alright, now just make up and you're perfect!”


“Woah, no one said anything about clown faces.” Keo backed up only to be stopped by her sibling and Stefan.


Kai frowned and swallowed her pride, pulling Crystal to her. “Just.. Don't make it horrid.”


Unlike Lilley, Crystal's make up was perfect, so when she was done with the elves they looked not as bad as they thought they would.


“Kai we're ing y!” Keo grinned, full of modesty. In truth she hated the sight in the mirror but it earned her a laugh from Kai who had been lost in her anger.


Finally it was show time. Stefan had managed to distract Lilley by throwing a fit over how his shoes didn't match his hair while Crystal strutted over to the brooding and unsatisfied Gareth. She whispered in his ear and led him through the doors where he was met by the shy mage and confident rogue.


“Dalish?” He hiccuped, “I've always wanted a Dalish.”


Kai went to attack him right there but Keo had a firm grip on her sibling. How dare he speak to them like they were pets or objects.


Keo patted Kai's arm and stepped in front of Gareth, hands clasping behind her back to push her s out. As expected he was locked onto the bait. “I hope you don't mind but we're a package deal, Ser. My.. Sister and I will be tending to your every need, we'll make you meet Fen'Harel himself.”


Luckily he was uncultured in the Dalish ways, so she got away with blatantly revealing their plot to kill the bastard. Kai took the initiative and boldly latched herself onto him in the manner a would, fake giggles and all. Thinking he had hit the jackpot Gareth led the two into the bedroom.


The second the door was closed over he grabbed onto Keo's wrist and tossed her onto the mattress, it took every fibre of Kai's being not to kill him then, he disgusted her entire being.


“Lets hope you aren't as useless as the other .” He huffed, trying to unbuckle his trousers though he was so drunk he just kept fumbling around.


Keo looked at Kai and nodded, standing up to face him. “The other had a name and the only useless one here is you, head.”


Sneaking up behind him Kai slipped a knife out from her garter belt and plunged it deep into his shoulder, twisting the hilt so it'd cause as much pain as possible. She'd placed a hand over his mouth to silence his screaming as he dropped to his knees in pain.


Keo tilted her head as he attempted to yell things but with Kai constantly twisting the blade and covering his mouth it became difficult for him to form a sentence. “At least.. You're going to be useless by the time we're done, shem.” Kai practically hissed.


For the first time this man was experiencing fear of women and he was too helpless to beg. The pain froze him to the spot and his vision began to get blurry. “I think it's kicking in, Kai. Feel that? That's the feeling of your limbs becoming useless. Don't worry though.. You'll still feel everything.” Keo smiled innocently which probably added to the mans trauma.


An hour passed and the elves emerged from the room looking completely unscathed which alarmed Stefan and Crystal. They ran over to the Dalish and inspected them but when they found nothing they gave them quizzical looks. “He won't be troubling anyone for awhile.” Kai assured happily.


“What if he goes to his dad? What if he tries to shut down the Pearl?” Crystal fretted, only now taking things into account.


Keo patted the woman’s shoulder, having a know it all smile on her face. “Don't worry, Crys. For one.. We don't work here. If he does go to his dad about the two who attacked him, the only thing he can say is that we were Dalish. Last I checked.. No Dalish work here. Another thing is he was too drunk to remember you, of course he sobered up in the room but we were the only faces he saw. We made sure our faces were the last he saw.”


“You didn't... Kill him did you?” Stefan gasped, hand over his mouth dramatically.


“Just his manhood died.” Kai assured, smirking. “He also has a little message carved into his stomach as a warning to others so.. No worries.”


Stefan glanced between the two and chuckled nervously. “Well you two are spit fires aren't you?”


Keo couldn't help but smirk evily at that, fire sparking into life in her hand behind her back which sent Kai into a giggle fit. “Oh you have no idea.”


As to what went on in that room. That tale is best unspoken of though it was pretty much implied. Eventually the elves left the Pearl, happily back in their usual clothes, and they returned to the Gnawed Noble Tavern to celebrate a good day. Much to the Warden's confusion.






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