Clans Of Thedas - Dalish Festival (11)

Clans Of Thedas


The Warden's sat around the fire pit, they had been talking over their latest discoveries about the darkspawn and hoped they could figure out exactly what was happening in the wilds. So far their investigations were turning up naught. Himchan dropped his head in his hands as he attempted to rack his brain for any form of inkling. "We have to be missing something."
Yongguk took a look over his companions faces, noting how tired and frustrated they were. "Maybe we're just exerting ourselves. Listen, the darkspawn don't seem to be advancing any further from where Jongup told us, I think we should rest on it for a day then pick up where we left off. We'll do no good in this state."
"I don't think they're just going to wait while we rest, Guk." Himchan muttered as he lifted his head to glare at the leader. 
"I haven't seen them moving for awhile." Daehyun jumped in, turning his attention to Himchan. "Youngjae and I have scouted the area countless times, Himchan. They aren't doing anything."
Himchan stood and frowned, "Yet."
Zelo grasped onto Himchan's arm and pulled him back down beside him, "He's right. If we continue the way we are now we'll be no help to anyone and we'll never figure this thing out. Besides, the elves seem to be preparing for something. We can go straight back to it when we've cleared our heads. Think too much about it and you'll cloud your own judgement for when it's most needed."
Himchan turned his gaze to the elves who were hard at work on something and sighed, "You actually put us to shame, Zelo. You're younger yet you talk like that."
Jongup grinned and ruffled Zelo's hair as the youngest let out a laugh. "Well he is a genius."
The Warden's dispersed shortly after a chat to see how each of them were doing and they went their separate ways, eager to get off the bulk of their armour. Even for a short while.
Kai sat on some grass as she stuck feathers onto a long strip of material while Keo attempted to sew fabrics together. Tonight was when the clans in Ferelden would have gatherings but seen as they were all together the Keeper's announced the idea of having a festival to celebrate their gods, culture and their hard work put into this season. All able elves were busy making decorations and costumes while the unable like children helped the older ones with simpler tasks such as making treats and applying decorations to the aravels.
The camp buzzed with activity as each of the Warden's explored. Himchan had been pulled over to the elves with instruments by some of the younger ones, Yongguk had been asked to help hang some things the girls couldn't reach while Zelo and Jongup assisted elves their age with the decorations. Daehyun and Youngjae however had stumbled upon Kai and Keo, literally. Youngjae tripped over Kai who was cross-legged. 
Daehyun dropped into a fit of laughter as Youngjae profusely apologised for accidentally kicking her.
Kai laughed and shook her head, "S'alright, I fall over everything."
"Yeah for a rogue she's a right clutz." Keo grinned.
"Hey!" Kai crinkled her nose up and tossed some feathers at the mage.
Youngjae watched the two as they started a bicker and smiled, now sitting beside the more hotheaded sibling. "What are you even doing?"
Kai stuck another feather to the fabric and smirked, "Baking a cake. What's it look like?"
The archer rolled his eyes and gestured to his surroundings. "I mean what's all this? Everyone looks so excited."
Once Daehyun calmed he moved over to sit beside the mage who kept pricking her finger with the needle. "You're really at that."
"Shut it, she- Ow! Son of a.. Right. Kai, who's idea was it to give me this job?" Keo huffed, tossing the fabrics and needle to the ground in some sort of childish tantrum that only made Kai burst out into laughter.
"It was yours. I offered but you said you got it." She snickered then turned her attention to Youngjae. "It's for the festival tonight. The Keeper's just dropped it on us so we're all rushing to prepare but... I think it'll actually be fun. The elders get to let loose and the hunters get to relax for awhile."
Youngjae nodded and dropped his gaze to what she was making. "So...That gonna be a hat?"
"No you idiot!" She rolled her eyes with a smile. Kai pointed up at the foundations that were in the middle of being built, "It's to hang up there."
Daehyun listened to the two as they conversed. Since when had they gotten so close? The assassin rested his chin on his hand which was propped up on his knee as he just watched his surroundings. Now he was with Youngjae he let him ask all the questions, he was always the chattier one anyway. Unless there was a topic which caught Daehyun's interest. So far there was none. He just observed the two elves bicker then go back to work then laugh over something neither he or Youngjae understood.
After awhile of watching, Youngjae had been ordered by the younger of the elves to help which he did instantly by grabbing a strip of fabric and gathering a bunch of feathers.
Kai looked over at Daehyun and frowned, "Don't just sit there, help too."
"I do what I want." Daehyun smirked. He suddenly raised his arms and flopped back, hands clasping behind his head. The way he saw it, he wasn't Dalish so why should he? Besides it was a rest day, he took that literally.
Kai flashed Keo a look which made the mage go into a silent laughing fit. Shaking her head she went back to her task as the sounds of the lutes being tuned and practised filled the silence between the group.
Daehyun stared at the clouds awhile before his eyes drifted closed, Youngjae and Kai must have made at least three banners each by this point. Keo had long since given up on her sewing and instead worked on some gizmo that she infused her magic into to create multicoloured lights. It resembled a lantern except it was made of some metal instead of paper.
As the day went on the excitement amongst the clans grew and the atmosphere became uplifting. Even the most strictest of the elders had a grin on his face which said something. It was quite the sight to behold when everything was ready. Ostagar had been transformed from a ruin to a festive beauty in a manner of hours, feathered banners hung overhead along with lanterns and wisps the other mages had conjured. Fires roared around every corner while the smell of freshly baked pastries and other fine foods lingered in the air. When the first of the elves started to group together, music soon erupted into the air, bringing the entire scene together. 
Bright costumes caught the attention of the bouncy Zelo who was soon whisked away to get on his own costume by one of the elves he'd previously befriended. The Warden's were unsure at first but they had decided to have fun for once so showed no restraint in putting on what they would have deemed silly. 
Youngjae was the first to exit the aravel Merrill had allowed the Warden's to occupy, the archer was dressed in brown light armour adorned with an assortment of brown and black feathers which gave him the appearance of a hawk, fitting due to his fighting style. He found it amusing and satisfactory, he wasn't as pompous as most of the Orlesian nobles he'd met before becoming a Warden but he still liked to look good and this costume was stunning for such short notice. He took a glance over the camp at all the smiling faces as he waited for his best friend to join him. A Dalish festival wasn't much when compared to the Orlesian parties he'd attended but it held no equal to him, instead of smiling politely while attempting to be better than each other the elves were genuinely having a good time. For what it lacked in extravagance it made up for tenfold just by atmosphere alone.
Daehyun finally hopped out the door to stand beside his friend and extended his arms out to show off his costume while he turned. The assassin wore black light armour with the pelt of a black wolf attached to the torso. He grinned and pulled up the hood of the costume which gave him ears and a snout, only adding to the wolf look. Youngjae inspected his brothers apparel and gave a nod of approval. “Y'know it's scary how that costume depicts your personality.”
“Look who's talking hawk eye.” Daehyun laughed, gesturing to Youngjae's hawk costume.
“Alright, wolfy.” Youngjae smirked, arms crossing.
Curiosity got the better of the rogues as they found themselves wandering off to explore Ostagar and its sights instead of waiting on the rest of the Warden's to finish getting dressed. 
Kai passed out beverages while she awaited her sibling, her outfit was pretty quick to slip on after all especially when compared to Keo's costume. Kai looked as though she was simply dressed in a knee length black dress with silver lacing crossing down her arms and the front of her corset however upon closer observation slick black feathers shined and shimmered amongst the lights of the fire and lanterns. It was the subtly of it which made it so beautiful. Keo had attached three feathers to the back of her hair giving an  elegant yet tribal look to the costume. Since this was a festival Kai had set aside her armour for a more feminine look, quite a shock to the fellow Dalish.
“What exactly are you supposed to be?” Youngjae questioned as he was handed a drink from the female.
Kai was about to answer when a chuckle from the Antivan caught her attention. “Is that a Crow outfit?”
The elf flashed the assassin a smirk and handed over a drink which he gladly accepted, “Indeed it is good sir, don't feel too flattered though.. It's the bird. Not the guild. See? Feathers.” She gave a small twirl which caused the feathers to ruffle out before falling back into place.
Daehyun glanced between the crow and the hawk and flashed a devilish smirk, “Well aren't you two adorable. Matching outfits. People will talk.. The feathered couple! That's what they'd call you.”
Youngjae was quick to smack his brother, shooting him a death glare in the process. “Really? Feathered couple? Nitwit.”
Kai laughed at the silent bicker which followed the little glare match the two had going on while a figure lurked in the shadows, creeping ever closer to the rogue. Suddenly Kai was tackled to the ground by a dragon which let out a roar. The hunter huffed as Keo slashed at the air and growled dramatically while sitting on her lower back. “You finished?”
“Almost.” Keo beamed before continuing her roaring. “Okay, I'm done.” She laughed, helping the crow to her feet. “Couldn't resist. Dragon's eat crows as snacks after all.” Keo clasped her hands behind her back and nodded sagely. Out of the group she had the more brightly coloured costume. Unlike the Warden's she didn't wear armour with her outfit, she followed Kai's example and wore a dress. By the sheen the fabric was a type of silk glittered with cut greenstone gems for scales all around her upper torso. A sash held together the skirt part which hung in a T shape, it was still Keo however so instead of simply having bare legs she wore light black chainmail  which gave her a bit more comfort with this costume and gave off the scale effect a bit more. To complete the look Kai had crafted accessories of bone which was to act as dragon bones around her neck, wrists and waist. 
Youngjae smirked and nudged his brother with his elbow, “You're staring.”
Snapping out of his stare Daehyun retaliated with a smack to the Orlesian's stomach. “Yeah well you can't stop looking at your bird.”
The hawk rolled his eyes and took a drink from the tankard. “I'm not obvious about it though.” He murmured as the two elves broke out into a bicker before laughing it off. 
Daehyun pulled Youngjae to one side quickly and narrowed his eyes at him. “We're in shock that they're feminine.” He reasoned, nodding at his own words. “I mean they're elves so they're naturally pleasing to the eye so...”
“Or maybe they're just pretty? Daehyun, I would have thought an Antivan would be able to admit that.” Youngjae chuckled, patting at his shoulder. “Besides look around, everyone's looking their best tonight. It's no surprise that they'd do the same.”
Grumbling Daehyun gave Youngjae a shove. He wasn't attracted to the elf or anything, the dress had just caught him off guard. He was use to seeing the mage running around in baggy boys clothes and a cloak. So discovering she was actually a girl and a cute one at that was just a shock. He knew Youngjae would see it as something else, he was known as a ert after all. He still preferred experienced women and that wasn't changing any time soon. 
Youngjae however could freely admit he found Kai's choice in clothing attractive. In fact he couldn't stop smiling at her which earned him a smile back so it was no surprise that he had glued himself to her side. He moved away from Daehyun's side just as a rather Dalish looking Himchan picked up his lute after much pestering from the local girls. Pulling Kai to one side the hawk bowed down gracefully and extended his hand towards the crow. “Should we show everyone how it's done?”
Kai stared down at his hand in shock for a moment only to be broke out of it by the nudge Keo had given her, “Uh..What?”
With a smile Youngjae looked up at her and nodded towards the group dancing, “Care to dance?”
A smile crossed Kai's lips as she took his hand. “Try and keep up.” She couldn't deny that in that moment her stomach had done a little flip,though she was putting it down to the outfit and the fact he was Orlesian. Naturally charming and all that. They danced along to the beat of the music gracefully, giving off the appearance of two birds dancing around each other in the air.
Daehyun leant against the side of a pillar watching Youngjae dance away with the elf. “Impressive for an Orlesian.” He muttered before glancing towards the dragon who was clapping along to the beat and cheering her sibling on. He was about to go over when Lyonna stepped in front of him, hand on one hip.
“Going somewhere?” She smiled, dark brown curls pulled up into a high ponytail, held together by the halla horn hair piece. Lyonna was quite the beauty with her flawless olive skin and peircing gaze, especially in her pristine white halla costume. Her dress was modest yet hugged her in the right places to show off her curves. It was an off the shoulder dress which stopped just below the knee and glittered beautifully in the light. Nothing that demanded peoples attention like some of the huntress's outfits. She believed classy to be beautiful.
The assassin couldn't help but give her the once over. And why shouldn't he? She was gorgeous. “Depends, where you taking me?” He smirked, eyebrow twitching upward in a suggestive manner.
Lyonna giggled and shook her head, “A charmer I see.”
“Talented charmer.” He corrected.
The mage tapped at her lower lip and glanced him over. “Good to know.”
A few aravels along Jongup waved off one of the already drunk elf huntress's and excused himself from the advancing females. It was rather uncomfortable to be flirted with. Although he felt flattered and they were all pretty, he had no interest. Zelo was busy running around with one of the elves his age so instead of looking for him he just walked around the camp, occasionally stopping to chat with his fellow Warden's until he reached the dancing of the birds and the cheering dragon. “You look pretty.” He smiled, gesturing to Keo's costume.
Keo broke her gaze from the dancing to look up at Jongup, her eyes widening, frankly he looked handsome in his bear costume. He wore dark coloured armour which was decorated with the sandy brown pelt of a grizzly bear and golden elven carvings embedded in the steel. “Thank- Woah! You're a bear!”
Jongup chuckled at the sudden excitement. “And you're a...Dragon?”  
“Correct. You look so cool though!” She smiled, patting at the fur on his shoulders though she had to go up onto her tiptoes to reach.
After bowing his head in thanks he seemed to relax a bit, now that every female in range wasn't trying to flirt with him. “The festivals really cool, you guys work fast. I'm surprised at the quality of the costumes actually. I mean.. This armours really..”
“Well crafted?” She grinned. “The blacksmith in you all tingly?”
“It could do with some touch ups actually.” He teased, “And if we were attacked right now that outfit wouldn't protect you at all.”
Keo laughed and waved her hands around. “I'm a mage though. Robes are apparently enough for us. So ha!”
The bear chuckled and motioned to the dancers. “Good point. Want to dance? I can put you on my feet like I did in the river.”
“Pfft!” She started though she was quick to agree to a dance. In truth she had been dying to dance for awhile. The music was infectious. Jongup took her hand and twirled her around before wrapping an arm around her waist. What the blacksmith hadn't told anyone was that he enjoyed dancing and was quite the dancer himself. At first he started with a simple waltz with the occasional spin when an idea sparked in his mind. “Do.. You trust me?”
“I followed you into a deep river. No. I don't.” She muttered sarcastically.
He laughed a bit and shook his head, “No.. I mean.. Right, this dance is kinda boring so.. Do you mind being tossed about? It'll be fun.”
“Um... Define tossed about.” She shrank afraid of the answer.
“Well you're small, I'm strong. I know a few tricks. It's fighting stuff but if put to music...” He started, grinning now.
“It'll look like dancing.” She finished, eyes suddenly sparking with curiosity. “Alright.. I trust you. Do it!”
Kai was in the middle of teaching Youngjae one of the clan dances when the sight of Jongup dancing caught her eye. It looked so graceful and practised and due to Keo being so small it took little effort for him to do tricks with her. It was just a spur of the moment dance and it looked more like they were fighting but when matched with the music it was oddly beautiful. The beauty of it was soon ruined when he tossed Keo in the air and she giggled like a mad woman when he caught her again. 
Finally Youngjae pulled Kai to one side and sat on one of the benches, smiling away. “Okay, so your peoples dance is too much.”
Kai laughed and took a seat beside him, “You did well for a beginner. Normally people pass out before the second half.”
Youngjae attempted to catch his breath as Kai seemed unphased. “Thanks, by the way. I was stressed out a bit.. That helped.”
“That's me. I'm a helper.” Kai grinned before leaving to fetch them both drinks. He looked like he was about to die of thirst.
Youngjae bowed his head in thanks and turned his gaze to the dancers, he was surprised half of them were still standing. Something seemed to catch his attention a little further on from the dancers though, Daehyun was sneaking. “That can't be good.” He muttered, eyes narrowing in suspicion. He was soon followed by a Dalish girl in white who hadn't quite adjusted herself properly. “Oh.. Daehyun.” He face palmed, a hint of disgust in his tone. “Well done, mate. Break the entire Dalish tradition in one go why don't you..”
“Who's breaking our traditions?” Kai questioned, holding a tankard out to him.
Youngjae jumped and covered his mouth, slowly taking the cup from her. “Uh.. No one. Nothing.”
“Uh huh.” She droned out, clearly unconvinced. “That was a ty cover up.”
“Daehyun may have slept with one of the girls in your clan.” He sighed, “Not surprising since it's Daehyun and he's Antivan but.. I'm pretty sure you guys have..Tradition and all that.”
“Yeah, we have to be bonded before we can even think about that stuff. Know who it was?” Kai enquired, clearly uncaring for the bonding process and thought of someone breaking it.
Youngjae hesitated for a moment, he'd saw her clearly and he knew who she was but so did Kai. “That.. Mage Keo talks to all the time.” He finally admitted reluctantly.
This caught Kai's immediate interest. “Oh? Lyonna? Really? Now ain't that somethin'.”
The Orlesian felt the need to back away from the girl, the look she had and the very air around her screamed evil. “If you're plotting don't include me.”
“I don't plot.” Kai shot at him, “Though when people I don't like are involved in something scandalous.. I must do the right thing and report it.”
“Oh no.” He frowned. This definitely wouldn't be pleasant. 
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