Clans Of Thedas - Prologue

Clans Of Thedas


As usual the Keepers First was lounging in a tree which stood in the camp compound, book in hand as she studied away. Thanks to the Hero Of Ferelden, the Dalish had been given Ostagar to claim as their new Arlathan and as suspected it didn't take long before neighbouring humans started to grow more hostile. Keo wasn't fond of Ostagar much, she felt more at home wandering the lands rather than staying in an old ruin which had a history of death and sadness. Still, it was the Keepers choice to move the clan there and she wouldn't question it. Especially seeing how happy the children and elders were. The stench of where the darkspawn once stood with their corruption still stained the land and lingered in the air, Keo always caught herself crinkling her nose up even though it had been years since their last blight.
"Are you a monkey or something?" Came the familiar voice of her sibling. "Get down here and help me with this, would you?" Kai muttered as she attempted to haul in one of her fresh kills. 
As Keo lowered herself from the tree she noticed just what this kill was. Kai had managed to kill a grizzly bear, how she had dragged it this whole way was a mystery but Kai was one of the strongest female elves she knew, much stronger than any human she'd ever encountered. "How did you even kill this guy? He's huge!" Keo grunted as she attempted to help shift the animal. Even with the bear laying limp it was near the same height as her standing up. "You've out done yourself this time, brother." Granted the two weren't related by blood but they both shared the same hair colour, which was an unnatural white for Dalish their age, and both lacked in parents. Since they were kids they had grown up together but instead of parents raising them, it was each other. They shared a special bond that even the Keeper couldn't explain.
"It's not like I dragged it all the way from the river.. He just got too close to the camp. You'll be surprised what a couple of snares and a few arrows can do." Kai retorted, working with the mage to shift it closer to where the rest of the hunters stored their kills. With much effort, the two managed to get the bear across to the pile where Kai ended up taking a much needed breather. "So what has the Keeper got you studying this time?"
Keo steadied her breathing and stood up properly rather than using the dead bear as a leaning post. "Usual stuff. "It's a Keeper's job to remember." She keeps telling me. I know I'm the Keeper's First but.." Stopping herself, Keo shook her head and placed her hands on her hips. "C'mon, too much work is bad for us. Let's go do something!" Taking Kai's arm, Keo started dragging her companion towards the entrance of the old ruins which lead straight to the wilds. 
"Last time you said that we ran into shems." Kai muttered. This may have sounded like a complaint but she enjoyed the thrill of breaking the rules, she wasn't one to just sit by while there was mischief to be caused. It was a rogues job to cause mischief and that the two did. They had a reputation in the clan for going where they weren't supposed to or pulling pranks when they should have been hunting or studying. Elders would usually make comments on how childish they were but they paid no heed. 
Once they were safely out of Ostagar Keo piped up, "I heard Asha'bellanar's hut are in these wilds. Wanna go check it out?" The mere sound of this adventure screamed bad idea but curiosity always got the better of them. Kai smirked and nodded while they trekked along the footsteps of the old hero, drawing ever closer to what would change their fates for life.
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