Not the Best Way to Meet

You're Taken?

Minseok hazily opened his eyes upon hearing knocking on the door, followed by a call of oppa and the sound of the door opening. “Mihyun...” Minseok said, sleep hazing his voice. “Why are you here?”

“It’s nice to see you too, oppa.” Mihyun said, fake annoyance in her voice, “I was bored and I knew you weren’t doing anything. Why were you asleep, it’s one in the afternoon!”

“Late night,” Minseok said quietly, and it seemed that Mihyun had only just noticed the presence of someone else just now.

The expression that befell her face could only be described as a death stare. “Oppa,” she said bitterly, ”Who is this, and why is he in your bed?”

Minseok shot up, realizing just what this could look like. As they were asleep they must have drifted a bit closer that what would usually be considered as just friends, and their legs had gotten tangled in the process. The sudden movement somewhat woke Jongdae up, and he slowly pushed himself onto his palms until he was sitting on his . He repetitively opened and closed his eyes, trying to get used to the sudden light, before looking at Mihyun and tried to figure out who the hell she was. She had long black hair, with a pretty face, and it suddenly clicked that it was probably Minseok’s girlfriend. Not really knowing what to do, he looked at Minseok and hoped he’d give answers that didn’t result in him losing any extremities.

“Oh this?” Minseok asked, trying to act as non-suspicious as he could even though they hadn’t actually done anything. “This is Jongdae, he came over with everyone else last night, and his roommates left without him.”

Mihyun put her hands on her hips and cocked them to the side, “Yeah, but why is he in your bed? Couldn’t he just catch a taxi home? You have a spare room and you have lounges.”

“Mihyun,” Minseok said, slowly getting up off the bed and pulling his girlfriend into a hug, which she did not reciprocate. Jongdae couldn’t help the pang in his heart, and the absolute jealousy that he felt when his arms wrapped around her so tenderly - which she didn't even respond to. “It was three in the morning, by the time he got a cab it’d probably be four. Plus, you know how much I hate taxis.”

Mihyun still looked unconvinced, so Minseok grabbed her hands, and pecked her on the lips. Jongdae felt another stab to his chest.

“All the other rooms and lounges were taken, I couldn’t make him sleep on the floor. It was just easier for us if he slept in here. I assure you, we did nothing. You can check my sheets or whatever, nothing happened.”

Jongdae stood up, and walked to grab his clothes. “I should probably get going, shouldn’t I?”

Mihyun glared when she noticed that Jongdae was wearing Minseok’s clothes... And not just any clothes, but clothes that he had bought when he was out with her

Minseok nodded, “Yeah, Tao and Kris are probably wondering why you aren’t back yet.”

“Ahh, I’m hungry, I’ll get them to pick me up somewhere with food.” Jongdae said cheekily, walking into the bathroom with the clothes he had worn last night.


Mihyun pulled her hands out of his grip, before staring at him some more. Minseok felt himself getting continually worried for what she was about to say. 

“Minseok, you’re lucky that I believe you because you’re both walking fine, but if this happens again I don’t know if I’ll be able to, okay?”

Minseok sighed, “Yes baby, I promised you I would never cheat on you, and I don’t break promises. I don’t like Jongdae, he doesn’t like me. Don’t worry!”


As he opened the bathroom door, Jongdae heard the end of what Minseok had said. He couldn’t help but think how clueless Minseok was, but he’d never know. It didn’t matter anyway.

Jongdae forced a smile at the couple, before placing Minseok’s clothes on his bed, and bowing to the couple before stepping out the door. “Thank you for keeping me, hyung. Mihyun, please believe the both of us when we say that nothing happened. It was nice to finally meet you,” he said, slightly smiling, “I hope next time we'll get off on a better foot.”

“See you, Jongdae!” Minseok said, as Mihyun stayed silent. They both watched him leave the apartment, before Minseok turned to Mihyun. Her behaviour towards Jongdae had been less than friendly, and Minseok hoped that next time they met, it would be somewhat different. “Baby I’d prefer it if you weren’t so rude to Jongdae. Whether you like him or not, he is my friend, okay?”

“I can't help it if I walk into your room and see you in bed with another guy!”

“We didn’t do anything!”

“I know! It doesn’t mean I have to like him!”

“Well, you don’t have to be so rude to him!”

“Fine, I won’t!” MiHyun huffed, not meaning the words that came out of , and storming out the door. “I’m going home, I need to do something anyway.”

Even though Minseok was pissed, he thought that letting Mihyun go in this state like this would do nothing for anyone. Doing the first thing he could think of, he ran up and back-hugged her, kissing her on the cheek, before turning her around and kissing her softly on the lips. “Be safe, okay? I’ll talk to you soon.” He knew that to hang around Mihyun when she was annoyed was a death sentence, but at least now she wouldn’t be as angry and neither could say he didn't try. She hugged him before walking off, not as angry as before, but still not as one hundred percent happy with Minseok as she usually was. 

Minseok walked back inside and sighed as he sat down on the couch. Luhan, who had woken up not that long before MiHyun had arrived to see everyone off, sat down next to him. “Jesus Luhan, have you looked in the mirror today at all?”

“No, I don’t need to to know I look beautiful,” Luhan said casually, “I’m wondering though, why the does it smell like permanent marker?”


. . . . .


“She hates me, she absolutely hates me,” Jongdae said as he got into Minseok’s old, but surprisingly efficient car. It was the first time the two had seen each other after Jongdae met Mihyun for the second time. Jongdae had been nothing but smiles and kindness, but Mihyun had long made up her mind that she disliked him and wanted him out of Minseok’s life.

“Ugh, don’t mind her, it’ll pass. You’d think after two weeks she’d be over the whole incident.”

Jongdae laughed, “Oh, I doubt that. She has no reason to be worried about me or anything, I mean, you two are really happy, aren’t you?”

Minseok absentmindedly nodded, but honestly he was wondering if they really were. Ever since she saw Minseok and Jongdae in the same bed, she had become more bitter and much more possessive, and he was hoping it’d stop soon. That wasn’t the Mihyun that he'd wanted to date.

“I’m so nervous for today,” Jongdae said all of a sudden, “What if they don’t like me, because I’m gay or weird looking? I’ll probably sound like compared to all the other vocalists.”

Minseok had to stop himself from hitting Jongdae or else he’d probably crash the car. “Jongdae, what the are you talking about? I swear to God, you have nothing to worry about. If they don’t like you because you’re gay, then they’re small minded and I’ll be ed if you want to be friends with people like that.  The fact that you think you’re weird looking makes me want to hit you with a brick until you are, because I have seen people checking you out, and if I wasn’t taken then I probably would too. I would kill for your facial structure, and you’re freaking hot, okay? And I’ll be ed about the voice bit, because if I was a girl I would have no ovaries after hearing you sing. What happened to all that self confidence you had when I met you?”

Upon hearing Minseok’s rave, Jongdae felt his face getting incredibly hot. “I guess it’s just- I mean it’s kinda- ugh I don’t know.”

“Yeah, so stop doubting yourself. Idiot.”

They took the rest of the car ride to the university in a more-or-less comfortable silence. Jongdae was trying to will away his red face, and Minseok smirked as he could see exactly what Jongdae was doing. In the end though, Jongdae had nothing to worry about - except maybe the speed that he could feel himself falling.


. . . . .




“What are you doing?”

“Inviting people over the Saturday of next week.”

“And why are you doing that?”

“No reason.”

Minseok sighed, “Luhan, I know my birthday is just an excuse for you to throw a party, but please - no.”

“Too late.” Luhan said, grinning, “I already invited everybody - I can’t back out now.”

“Luhan, you’ll annoy the other people in the apartments.”

Luhan snorted, “Like Minseok. They’ve all had parties, and you know that. They won’t give a , hey they'll probably even come along.”

Minseok sighed, because as much as he hated to admit it, Luhan was right.

“Don’t worry Minseok baby, it’ll be great!”

Oh how he wanted to believe him.



. . . Authors Note . . .

Urgghdfsjkd lets just all talk about how much we don't like MiHyun. 

She just really needs to go away. 

I am seriously sorry about the difference in update size, and this one was short and the next one will be too, but there are a few chapters after that, that are quite a bit longer and will make up for it. It was just the best way for me to get the story to flow, and I'm super sorry >.<

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Leave your thoughts in the comments, feel free to message me on my Tumblr, and I'll see (?) you next update?


Have some Gongchan because he is a cutie patootie and YOU ALL DESERVE SOME LOVE BECAUSE YOU'RE THE BEST!

//screams :3

Stay cool, guys ;)

is this becoming a regular thing?

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This just hit over 500 subs whAAAAAAAT?? Idek if it deserves that many tbh but thank you ❤


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Chapter 16: Read it again and I am still laughing so hard. Gosh! The punch lines are just so smooth and fluffy plus Lilu is just really crazy. XiuChen is just the cutest ship! Thank you. I really did enjoy your stories!
Chapter 16: Looooooollllll! Lots of looooools! I looooovvvveeee it!!!! Thanks author-nim
Chapter 16: Oh my god I just finished reading this and I can't stop smiling ssdfcgvn they are soooo cute and luhan! I need a friend like luhan
Before I start reading this, I wanna thank you for not deleting it. Xiuchen community needs more xiuchen things
Gloriamiconi #5
Chapter 16: that was wild lololol <3
chocolatecheese #7
Chapter 16: I really love how you make the characers in here authornim.. thanks for spreading love!!♥♥
taitotaii #8
Chapter 16: I am completely in love with your story!<3 So I just spent the last couple of hours reading this in one go. Your writing is great, I'm looking forward to read the rest of your older stories as well as any new fanfics you are going to upload!<3
Penguinkyungsoo #9
Chapter 16: This was the best XiuChen I've ever read, no joking! The plot was so interesting and the character's personalities were well assorted and very well-finished : every detail just made the story special.
ikusabas #10
Chapter 16: this is amazing!! thank you for writing xiuchen, fics of them are hard to find compared to other exo pairings :'))