
I Don't Hate You




Eunyoung looked at N. Then, she looked at Seyong. Her eyes bantered back and forth between the two guys. She had to choose now? She didn't think she was ready for it. She knew that her heart belonged to N, who had shown the right amount of affection lately. He had changed so much for her, and she was happy for that. But then, Seyong came about and made her heart wavered. She knew that she and Seyong didn't really spend a lot of time together to begin with, but when she remembered how Seyong had secretly protecting her, telling her that he likes her... it made her thinks that, perhaps, Seyong is the right guy. If it wasn't the case, then why would her feelings shift like this?

She decided to look away. 

"I-I can't choose right now," she said. 

She heard Seyong sigh. "She's right, hyung. Give her time."

She took a glance at N. His eyes didn't left her. But after hearing Seyong's suggestion, he simply nodded. 

"I should go," she said softly and quicken her pace into her van. She didn't even try to take a backward glance. She didn't want to see their faces. She knew N was dissapointed that she didn't make her choice right away. She knew Seyong was glad that she didn't choose. 

She hated the fact that she had to hurt either of them.



Starlights were feeling quite chatty. Even from behind the stage, N could hear that the relationship between him and Eunyoung was the main topic. 

"This is unfair," Ken commented. "The spotlight is all on N hyung."

"Go date someone publicly and you will be the center of attention for sure," Ravi said. 

Ken scoffed. Then, he turned to looked at his leader. "Hyung, I heard that you sitting at the edge of Eunyoung's heart now."

N simply sighed. 

"It's funny," Hongbin said. "You just made the relationship public, and now she was unsure of her own feelings."

"Women," Ravi simply stated. 

N shook his head. "This is not important right now. Let's just go greet the fans."

Vixx were introduced and they emerged into the stage. The fans cheered loudly upon seeing the idols. Vixx bowed and took their seats behind the long table. 

The fanmeeting started and one by one, the fans came up onto the stage. N signed CDs, thanked fans for their congratulatory messages on his love life, and cheered up some fans who were upset by the relationship. He was grateful that none of the fans threw a fit at him.

"Name?" he asked without looking up. He had been signing for so long, his neck hurts from looking up and down so much.

"U-uh, Jisoo. Yoo Ji Soo," the fan said. 

N looked up immediately. 

"Hi, oppa," Jisoo shyly greeted him. 



"Argh!" Seyong cried. He let himself slump into the bean bag. "At this rate, I am going to lose!"

"Lose what?" Gunwoo, the leader, questioned. 

"We are staying in Japan for 2 weeks!" Seyong cried. "This means I wouldn't be able to see Eunyoung for 2 weeks!"

"So?" Gunwoo asked, feeling ridiculed by Seyong's worry. 

"N hyung is going to win!" Seyong pointed out.

"Well, she was his to begin with," Gunwoo said flatly. "Stop acting like a child."

Seyong stood up. "Should I call her?"

Gunwoo simply shrugged. Seyong glared at his leader. His leader was no use. 



"I am sorry," Jisoo apologized with all her heart. N could tell. 

He specifically asked his manager to Jisoo backstage so he could talk to her more privately. Of course, N had informed Jisoo beforehand to stay till the venue was empty and wait for his manager. That way, no one will be suspicious of Jisoo. 

The other members left the two of them alone. Although it was no big deal if they were inside, but they thought it would be better to give them some privacy. And it helped. Jisoo began to pour all her frustrations and regrets. N just listened. 

"I am sorry I couldn't keep the promise," she said. 

"It's okay," N said. "It's over now."

Jisoo looked at the ground. She didn't have the courage to look at N. 

"But I am glad you didn't keep the promise," N said softly.

Jisoo tilted her head. 

N grinned. "It made me realize that I shouldn't take Eunyoung for granted."



Eunyoung arrived at the restaurant right on time. She had her manager drive her there. N was supposed to pick her up, but he had a schedule on. She didn't mind really. She was just excited to have dinner with him.

When she entered the restaurant, she was immediately escorted by the waiter to a room. The rooms in the restaurant are specially reserved for important guests. N must have booked the room for them...which was good. She shuddered at the thought of being watched by pairs of eyes while they were eating.

"You are here!" N exclaimed when Eunyoung made her entrance into the room. She grinned when she saw him.

He stood up from his seat and walked over to the opposite side. He pulled out the chair for Eunyoung. 

"Thank you," she said and took her seat. 

Just as N took his seat, the waiter came and filled their wine glass. 

"I met with Jisoo earlier today," he said. "She came to Vixx's fansign."


"She is having a hard time with her family," he continued. "And she needed money. The only way is to contribute what she knows about us to the media."

Eunyoung nodded. 

"So, don't be angry with her," he said. "She is a kid, and she probably didn't think this through enough. Her family is much more important."

Eunyoung nodded again. "You are right."

"Oh right! I have something for you," N perked up when he remembered something. He fished a box out from his pocket and walked to Eunyoung. He opened it and a sparkling silver necklace with a letter 'N' as a pendant was revealed. Eunyoung could only stare at it in awe.

"I bought this for you," he said and unhooked the end of the necklace. Then he placed it around Eunyoung's neck. Eunyoung automatically lift up her hair for him. "It has the letter 'N', so it will remind you of me."

Eunyoung blushed and watched how delicate the pendant landed on her skin. Then, she found N squatted down next to her. He took her hand.

"I know you haven't made your choice, but just in case it's not going to be me," he said. His eyes were full of sadness. "I want you to keep the necklace. Okay?"

"Oppa..." Eunyoung had never seen N like this, and upon seeing it, she didn't know how to console him.

"Eunyoung-ah, you have made me realized just how important you are to me," N said. "Even if you decide to go to Seyong, it's fine. He will treat you well, I am sure."

For some reason, Eunyoung wanted to cry. N had done so much for her, but why did her heart waver to another guy who just merely confessed to her? She wanted to ensure N that she will definitely be with him. However, a small part of her wanted to know how much Seyong could do for her. 

But for now, no one, but Hakyeon, could make Eunyoung feel so special.




"Hey, are you free to talk?" 

"Yeah, I am. What's up?" Eunyoung held her phone closer. She stood up from the couch and walked towards her room. The other members just watched with curiosity. 

"I am going to Japan for two weeks," Seyong said. "I am flying the first thing next morning."

Eunyoung simply nodded, even though she was perfectly aware that Seyong couldn't see it.

"I know your heart is in a mess right now," he continued. "But I want you to know that I can protect you and give you everything you want."

Eunyoung gulped. 

"Hakyeon hyung had hurt you too many times," he said. "I don't hate him, but I think you deserve better."

When Eunyoung didn't reply, he simply sighed. 

"I really do like you, Eunyoung."

Eunyoung touched the pendant. She was getting confused again. 

Then, she heard his laugh over the phone. "I think I don't stand a chance in your heart anymore. But that's fine. Since I am leaving tomorrow morning, you will just have to let me know your final choice by midnight, or the first thing tomorrow morning. If you don't give me an answer, I couldn't fly in peace, knowing that N could sweep you off your feet in two weeks while I couldn't do anything for you in Japan."






The next chapter will be the final chapter...

And to satisfy both parties, lol, I will provide you guys with an alternate ending.


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Chapter 9: i watched before and it was really hurt i'm calling this ellin korean salsabil cause this girl in my school my classmate is like her in making couples break it opposite of me
Chapter 4: i watch romantic and idol just for eunyoung and n mo,ents together
Chapter 1: I really like your summary I didn't understand anything in the first chapter xD do we have to watch a show or it's a sequel of something ?
Chapter 21: I didn't read the alternate ending because I want Eunyoung with N. Even though, Eunyoung looks pretty good with Seyong I can't. NYoung <3
ilove16D #5
Chapter 4: Im soooooooo happy to found this fic waaaaah~ i become Nyoung shipper just today~ im a vixx fan thats why i watched romantic and idol. eunyoung's story really makes me sad. I really like her for N. Too bad N doesnt like her that much. TT but then at the all the kpop he became possessive. Hahaha. I love your story its too realistic. :) jjang!
silverpanda88 #6
Chapter 6: Eunyoung T.T
parkyurin #7
Chapter 21: I really love N-Young couple.. Hope they can be real couple.. ^^ And ur story really interesting, I love it
kememeng #8
Chapter 6: i hope you dont stop making short stories about them i mean i really love them to death! T_T
kaunghsusan #9
Chapter 20: did eunyoung chose n or seyong
but the story is very nice i like it