
I Don't Hate You




Eunyoung gathered the other members in her room. Some sat on the bed, some sat on the floor, but all their ears and eyes were on what their youngest member had to say. Eunyoung knew that she needed some help. She knew her feelings for N was wavered. She knew she had to choose between the two of the guys. 

Eun laughed when Eunyoung was done speaking about her love life. 

"Please Eun, shut up," Jiyou hissed. 

"Okay, I am sorry," Eun apologized, but she still had a grin plastered across her face. "But really. Don't you think the table had turned? Now Eunyoungie is confused between two guys. Last time, it was N who was confused between two girls."

Minjoo nodded. "It was rather an unnecessary information, but you've got a point."

Eunyoung looked at them. The table has turned? 



N arrived at the filming spot half an hour early. He was partly excited and partly nervous. It was the day he and Eunyoung will be making an official appearance together after their companies had released their statements. He didn't stepped out of his dorm for two days now. It wasn't that he was a coward, or maybe he is, but his schedule was clear. He had no idea how did the fans react to the statements. He just hoped for the best. 

"Oh, you are early," Boom said as he saw the silver haired idol. 

N bowed. 

"You will be fine," Boom said and patted N's back. N just smiled in return.

He hadn't spoke to Eunyoung properly since the release of the statements. He did call her, but Eunyoung seemed so distracted. She wasn't as enthusiastic as before. She seemed uninterested in the phone call. N knew something was up, but he didn't want to push her. 

He was also worried about Seyong. Seyong did say he is going take Eunyoung away from him, if he didn't treat her right. N wondered if Eunyoung knew about Seyong's feelings. 

He also wanted to meet Jisoo. Eunyoung was quite mad that Jisoo didn't keep her promise, but N believed that Jisoo did it because she was forced to or something. His instincts tell him that Jisoo is not that kind of person who would betray him. She was the one who made the relationship possible. She was the one the main reasons to why N was forgiven by Eunyoung. She couldn't have done so much just to leak this story out to the media. Or would she?


N smiled when he was greeted by Seyong. He invited him over because Seyong played an important role as a witness that N did not spend the night in Two X's dorm. At first N thought that Seyong wouldn't agree on doing it, seeing how Seyong also fancies Eunyoung, but he agreed right away, saying that the public deserves to know the truth. This made N think that even if Seyong takes away Eunyoung, at least she will be in the hands of a great gentleman. 

Shortly after that, Eunyoung joined them. She was dressed comfortably for the recording. She waved when N met her eyes. Then, when her eyes landed on Seyong, the light in her eyes dimmed and she just simply bowed. N couldn't help but to think that something was wrong between Eunyoung and Seyong.



Seyong's heart dropped when he saw how Eunyoung reacted. She greeted N with so much light that it made Seyong's heart flutter, but when it came to him, the light was turned off almost immediately. He wondered what he did wrong to deserved such treatment. 

It was not only that. He tried to call her what the news were everywhere but he didn't get through. The line was busy. So he texted her instead; asking her to call back, but she didn't.

He wondered if N was the one who banned Eunyoung from contacting him. But when he looked at N, he was equally confused to why Eunyoung reacted that way.

Seyong decided to approach her after the recording.



"Eunyoung-ssi, you must love N a lot to able forgive him after all he did to you," Boom commented.

The camera was rolling and Eunyoung was in the midst of being interviewed. This very episode will be aired live throughout the nation and she had to do it right. 

"Yes," she shyly said and kept her head hung low. She was obviously feeling extremely embarassed from saying that on national television.

"And Seyong-ssi, you are one very good friend to have helped them that night, and even show up today to clear the misunderstandings," Boom switched the spotlight to Seyong. "Or did N paid you to do this?"

Although the atmopshere was pretty serious, but Boom being Boom, will always try to brighten up the studio. 

Seyong laughed. "I wish he did, but no. I was there that night, and I thought it was rather unfair that the media jumped into a conclusion so quickly."

"Yes, the media is pretty scary," Boom agreed. 

"Now, N-ssi, this is something I am very curious about," Boom continued. "The last time all three of you appear on All The Kpop, Seyong was paired up with Eunyoung, and he got to carry her and played the game with her. From the statement, Eunyoung and you are already together way before the filming, so did you felt any jealousy upon seeing that Eunyoung was touched by another man?"

Eunyoung blushed and looked away. Seyong just grinned to himself.

"To be honest, I was really jealous," N said. "But I knew it was all for show so..."

"Well, the reason I was paired up with Eunyoung was because you got paired up with someone else," Seyong pointed out.

"Ah, that's true..." N admitted. 

"Speaking of that," Boom said. "Eunyoung-ssi, how about you? Were you jealous of Ellin?"

"There was," Eunyoung said. "But I was more angry at Hakyeon oppa more."

Boom laughed. "Well, although those were painful memories to recall, but I am glad that the both of you made up. I wish the best of luck for the both of you."



"Why are you avoiding me?" 

Seyong had Eunyoung cornered, and she knew that she can't hide anymore. The recording was done and N went to washroom. She decided to wait for him in her van, but Seyong got to her faster than she thought. He had her cornered at the parking lot entrance from the building. It was rather quiet, as the staff were still packing up and it was late at night.

"I-I am not," she stammered. 

"You are bad at lying," he said. Then, he relaxed and took a step back. He knew she wouldn't escape. "Seriously, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," she replied.

He sighed. "What do I have to do to make you tell me? You didn't call me back, and you obviously didn't seemed happy when you saw me earlier. Why is that?"

She looked away. Seyong gently pushed her head to face him. 

"Did N told you to avoid me?" he questioned. 

She shook her head. 

Seyong sighed again and placed his head on her shoulder. His weakness is the girl in front of him. He wanted to know the truth so badly. He felt his heart ripped apart when he felt Eunyoung flinched at the touch. 

"Eunyoung, I can't live without knowing why are you acting like this," he said. His voice was almost a whisper. "Please do tell me."

"Oppa," she started. "I know you like me."

Seyong lifted his head up. His eyes went wide. He took another step back. "I thought you wouldn't remember..."

"So it was the truth then," Eunyoung said with a sigh. 

Seyong felt more confused than ever. "What I said was the truth, but what does this have to do with you avoiding me?"

"Because whenever I look at you now," she said. "I remember those words that you said, and I feel myself getting all weird but I am supposed to love Hakyeon oppa..."

Seyong smirked. "You are starting to like me."


"You starting to like me," he repeated those words with a grin. He couldn't help but to feel happy. 

"But oppa, I don't think if I should..." Eunyoung couldn't finish her sentence when she felt just how close Seyong had leaned in. Her heart races when she knew what was going to happen. She wanted to push him back but she found herself numb. Slowly she gave in and closed her eyes. 

"Yah, Kim Seyong!" 

Eunyoung's eyes opened and guilt washed over her as she saw the flaming Hakyeon standing right before them. Seyong retreated back immediately. N glared at Seyong so hard that Eunyoung thought they might start a fist fight right in front of her.

"Oppa, wait, it's not what you think," she said quickly. "He didn't touch me, really."

N looked away from the blonde idol and looked at the woman he loved. Seyong too, turned to look at her. 

"Eunyoung-ah," N called softly. "I know your feelings towards me may have wavered, but I don't blame you for that."

N took a deep breath. "But I think you will have to choose between us now."





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Chapter 9: i watched before and it was really hurt i'm calling this ellin korean salsabil cause this girl in my school my classmate is like her in making couples break it opposite of me
Chapter 4: i watch romantic and idol just for eunyoung and n mo,ents together
Chapter 1: I really like your summary I didn't understand anything in the first chapter xD do we have to watch a show or it's a sequel of something ?
Chapter 21: I didn't read the alternate ending because I want Eunyoung with N. Even though, Eunyoung looks pretty good with Seyong I can't. NYoung <3
ilove16D #5
Chapter 4: Im soooooooo happy to found this fic waaaaah~ i become Nyoung shipper just today~ im a vixx fan thats why i watched romantic and idol. eunyoung's story really makes me sad. I really like her for N. Too bad N doesnt like her that much. TT but then at the all the kpop he became possessive. Hahaha. I love your story its too realistic. :) jjang!
silverpanda88 #6
Chapter 6: Eunyoung T.T
parkyurin #7
Chapter 21: I really love N-Young couple.. Hope they can be real couple.. ^^ And ur story really interesting, I love it
kememeng #8
Chapter 6: i hope you dont stop making short stories about them i mean i really love them to death! T_T
kaunghsusan #9
Chapter 20: did eunyoung chose n or seyong
but the story is very nice i like it