in your arms

Over Protective

When I came to the door I suddenly thought of where to go. I didn’t drive to Kris’s place as I needed some fresh air before going there. That was a good thing though. There was no way I could drive in this condition.

I thought of going to my own apartment, but it was too far away. I couldn’t possibly walk all the way there with all this pain and my big bag. I let out a big sigh as I realized I had to go to Minho’s.

I already knew how he would react, but I had to. He was the one living closest to Kris and my car was there as well. I just hoped he would understand why I went here. I had broken up with him now. I was finally free. I didn’t ever have to see Kris again.

I went outside and started making my way to Minho’s, wishing for the best.






I had the worst headache, my stomach was hurting so badly, and I could barely move my face without hurting myself. My arm was shaking like crazy when I dragged my bag across the street. I felt like just giving in and throw myself on the ground and just lay there until it started getting better. I couldn’t though.

People would notice and try to help me. It seemed like the people walking past me only looked and then looked away instantly thinking ‘I don’t want to get involved’. I didn’t want them to either.

They would want an explanation. Lucky there wasn’t a lot of people on the way from Kris to Minho’s place. I felt like I had been walking for ages. I was breathing heavily as dragging the bag and keeping up with the pain were more exhausting than I thought it would be.

I didn’t know what time it was. I just kept walking. I didn’t want Kris to see me if he was to drive or walk past this street. What would he do to me if he saw me? I still couldn’t believe he would react the way he did. He was absolutely crazy. If we were a normal couple and on good terms, he would probably be really mad and shout or storm out for finding lovebites on my neck. But he wouldn’t have hit me.

I just never thought he would do it. But we weren’t a normal couple, and he definitely wasn’t a normal boyfriend. How could I ever have thought of him as something else than a monster? I realized that that was how I saw him now. I never wanted to see his face again. I didn’t know why, but I had a feeling I might have to though.

What would Minho and the others do when they saw me like this? Would they just help cleaning me up and then do nothing about Kris? As the thought went through my mind, I already knew that wasn’t the case.

Those guys were so protective of their friends. What if they were going to beat him up? Even though he had caused me all this pain, I didn’t want them to hurt him. Maybe they would get hurt as well if they tried. I saw Kris’s eyes in my mind. They had been absolutely crazy.

I let out a sigh as I had a feeling all this wasn’t over yet. I could only hope they weren’t going to see Kris and that I never would have to lay my eyes on him again.

As I looked up after having my eyes on the ground for the last couple of blocks, I saw Minho’s place.

Finally, I thought as my feet dragged me towards the house. I gathered the last strength in my body as I walked towards the house, just wanting to get in there and through myself on the couch and curl up in a ball to make the pain go away. As I reached their driveway, I saw a bunch of cars. They were all there.

“The movie night?” I whispered in a sigh.

I forgot everyone was coming to their place for the movie night. I didn’t even know time had gone by that fast. It couldn’t be that late though, maybe they came earlier. It couldn’t have been past 6 pm yet.

As I reached the door, I went inside without knocking as I used to, taking a deep breath. I didn’t want there to be any drama right now. I didn’t want them to get worried or scare them with my bloody face. I hadn’t even seen my face yet myself so I wouldn’t know how bad it was. I just wanted to get cleaned up and lie down.

I wanted to relax and have Minho’s strong arms around me, reassuring me things would be just fine. I just wanted Minho. And I guess I could have him now. I mean, he must have liked me after our little night yesterday.

A small smile came across my face before I quickly shook it off, trying not to move my face. It still hurt. As I opened the door, I heard loud voices from the living room. I heard laughter and shouts, and I could hear someone was cooking something on a frying pan.

As the smell hit my nostrils, I could smell Key’s tacos. He made the best ones. I turned around closed the door as I heard someone walk into the hall.

“[YN], hey!” I heard as I felt to arms around my waist, tightening around my stomach, causing me to groan in pain.

“Wow, I’m sorry, are you alright? What’s wrong?” Jonghyun said, still standing behind me.

My eyes were still shut in pain as he gently turned me around, facing me.

“Oh my... GOD!” he exclaimed as he saw my face, “WHAT HAPPENED? WHA-“

I cut him off by raising my hand, signaling him to stop. I couldn’t take any yelling at the moment as my headache was still going strong. I opened my eyes slowly to find Jonghyun with an extremely confused expression.

His eyes were fully widened as he slowly raised his hand to my face, around the area Kris had kicked me. jonghyun’ yelling had made everyone quiet.

I saw the door being opened wider before Minho came out into the hall as well. jonghyun noticed his presence as well and stepped aside a bit, giving Minho full view of me.

As Minho caught my eyes, his eyes turned dead serious. He didn’t move the first couple of second. He just stared at me as his eyes turned completely furious. I saw his fist tighten up before he ran to me, staring directly into my eyes.

“Did you...” he started, trying not to get all worked up, “..did you GO TO HIM?”

His voice was filled with anger as he cupped my good cheek in his hand. Gazing into my eyes, his eyes slowly started filling with pain. I had to look away while nodding. I suddenly felt stupid. I had no other way of doing this though.

If I had waited, I would just have gotten hurt later.

“HOW DARE HE!!” Minho yelled, causing me to jump back a little. I felt a sharp pain strike my stomach as I did. I quickly bend over a bit, trying to make it stop. Minho was breathing heavily in anger as he kept yelling, “WHAT THE- HOW COULD HE DO THIS? I DON’T-“

I slowly turned to look at his face. His lips were tightly pressed against each other, keeping him from saying any more. His nostrils were big as he was breathing heavily. As I gazed into his eyes, I found them furrowed together and filled with sorrow. 

“He should...” Minho said trough his teeth, trying to find the right words, “I swear- Just... no.”

He closed his eyes before pulling me into a tight hug. Even though my stomach was very fragile and Minho’s hug was causing a light pain, I didn’t step away.

In Minho’s arms was the only place I wanted to be right now. I felt safe there. I closed my eyes as I rested my head on his upper chest.

“I thought I told you not to go see him and to stay safe,” Minho said in a low, trembling voice.

I wanted to explain everything to him. I wanted to say how I just wanted to get him out of my life. But I didn’t. I couldn’t find the right words or the strength to get them out of my mouth. I was so tired and exhausted from everything that had happened today. I just wanted to escape from everything right here in Minho’s arms. So that was what I did. 


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ParkVictory #1
Chapter 15: This is AWESOME !!!!!! :D
ShineeElmo #2
Chapter 15: Awesome ending~~<3
Chapter 15: omg~ the ending was............. F**KING PERFECT *o*
love it~
but.. I still can't believe... it's already end ; - ;
Chapter 15: Nice ending! *O* im glad it's a happy one. Actually Kris is my UB,Ultimate Biased in exo and wow you're really successful scaring out the freak out of me just imagining that his really my over-proctective boyfriend OuO But nope. Still love him :P
ShineeElmo #5
Chapter 14: Oahh moree ;D
Cynyee #6
Chapter 2: Hello! I like how you describe the ambicious feelings between minho and YN.. hwaiting!! ^^
ShineeElmo #7
Chapter 13: Read everything in one-go ;D So awesome! ;3