Chapter 14. Hotel Gathering

The Lion meets the Lioness


Chapter 14

Melody looked up as N and Ravi came back in the hotel room with the pizzas, snacks and sodas. “Everything okay?” She questioned looking towards the closed door.

They nodded and she smiled as she watched Ravi sit back down next to Yhinny who had Hongbin on her other side. The two had been vying for her attention since they had all regrouped back at Melody’s room a few hours prior but she had noticed Hongbin seemed to be paying Summer a little more attention the last hour or so and she thought it was cute how the two visuals were taking selca’s together. But she knew as well as the other girls they could never share them with anyone but each other.

Before the guys had come over she had sat down and had a serious talk with the other members and explained that they would have to be very careful with the time they spent with the VIXX members. They could not post about it or any pictures that maybe taken on their Twitter or Facebook accounts. As loyal Starlights and fans of K-Pop in general they knew the scandals that the boys would face if anything ever got out.

She had been shocked when N had told her that their hotel rooms were next to each other. Melody never would have guessed that when celebrities stayed at hotels there was such a high chance a fan could be right next door to them. But on the other hand she had been surprised that there weren’t a lot of fans outside waiting to see VIXX. She had noticed a few girls hanging around the outside of the building when they had returned late this afternoon but she had truly been surprised when a couple of them had asked for the member of 4D’s autographs.

After she and N had returned to the others earlier they had broached the subject of the two groups hanging out later that night together. The others had eagerly agreed and VIXX had left shortly later to prevent them being seen leaving together.

Melody stood and went over to the kitchen area and started putting slices of pizza on the plates while N gave them out to the others. Onion rings, french fries, and mozzarella sticks were placed on plates also to be passed around. She took a look at all the fried food and inwardly winced at the extra crunches she would be doing. Turning to open the bottle of soda she frowned when the cap wouldn’t turn. Peeking over her shoulder she made sure no one was looking at her as she stood on her tippy toes struggling to open it. She groaned inwardly, seriously? Of all times for a cap to be stubborn it would have to be in front of the VIXX members. Biting her lip she tried again but jumped slightly as a body brushed up against her from behind and a big hand covered hers to help open the bottle.

She stared at those hands a tender smile on her lips. She knew who was behind her just by looking at them. She turned slowly and shyly raised her eyes to look up at Leo. “Gomawoyo.” She whispered.

He nodded and started to say something then stopped. She looked at him inquiringly.

“May…may I call you Noona?” Leo’s voice already usually low and soft was even softer than usual and she felt the blood rush to her face.

 Melody nodded unable to speak and she saw one of his rare smiles flash across his face before he ducked his head and stepped away from her to stand next to her and hold out a cup for her to pour the soda in.

Her face was flushed and her hands shook slightly as she poured the drinks standing next to him.           Even still as she peeked at him from the corner of her eye she couldn’t help but feel as though she was in a dream. But if for some crazy reason everything that had happened today was a dream she hoped that she would never wake up.

“Unni! Leo Oppa! Are you two going to come sit down or what?” Trina called where she was sitting next to Ken. Melody and Leo looked at each other and just shook their heads over the impatient kids. Each gathered a few glasses and brought them over to the others.

Melody went back and got her drink and N’s and as she went to sit down he got to his feet to take their drinks until she was comfortable. Handing her drink to her he looked over at Leo who sat down on the couch behind where Melody sat. Sitting on the floor next to her he took a bite of pizza and made a production of .

“Daebak.” He said in bliss while the others laughed at his expression….

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Chapter 35: WOW LOL UGHH KAY JUST READ THIS IN ONE SITTINGG. I HAVENT READ A FANFIC IN LIKE 2 MONTHS, GLAD I READ THIS ONE. AND KAY THERE IS A SEQUEL RIGHT. U WILL NOTT END THIS LIKE THIS XD AND LOL the story was well done for your first fanfic. I think more revision would help because there were some typos here and there. but yo LOL "Noonaaa' lol i can't be a noona to anyone xD Im the youngest in my friend group. Yo it was a good read. Thank you alot.
mizukki #2
Chapter 36: Omggg...
Shoo sadddd.
Was like giggling and smiling while reading at first but the ending is soooo saddddd.
Oh my gosh feel like crying!!!
reirakim #3
Chapter 35: pmg i love this story... the end is so sad T-T
Ilovekpopforever #4
Chapter 36: Well I read this in one day, too much to intake on what happened?!
Ilovekpopforever #5
Chapter 35: Omg that was so sad!
crazyfangirl1000 #6
Chapter 35: This was sooooo sad!!!! OMG but SOOOO
Chapter 35: Oh my god I'm crying so hard right now! I had a feeling the ending wasn't gonna be a pleasant one but I definitely didn't see this coming. I liked it though and I definitely think that this was a well written story with a very good message for those crazy sasaengs (not like they'll listen to it but it was a good try) if you make a sequel can you post the link in this story? I wanna be able to find it if you do.
leejinkeybum #8
Chapter 35: Is there a sequel!!
Chapter 35: Dear author, i have been actively reading your fic and this is the first time leaving a comment. First, let me just tell you how beautifully written the whole story was. I loved reading each chapter and I loved how the whole story started and ended. It's an unexpected ending, though but it's brilliant! When I was at the 34th chapter, i thought it was only halfwy thru the story, but then when i saw that it was completed, my heart sunk and i almost cried reading thru the final chapter of your story. It's a really nice fic! I hope you'll write more awesome fics in future cos im subscribing to you, oh yes i am. Hehe. I'd hug you if i could cos this is by far the best leo fic ever! ^^